"His Soft Spot.": By. Savannah Southern

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“His Soft Spot.

By. Savannah Southern

I walked through the front door of my old wooden house, that my dad and I lived in
together. “D-dad?.. Are you home?” I stuttered. My dad doesn't scare me, but at the
same time, he does.

“Ahh, you're finally back.” My dad sighed as he walked up to me. He wasn’t the best
dad, a person could ask for, he was a drug addict. He stole my money and claims he
uses it on food and other important stuff. But I just know he really just buys more drugs.

“Do you have the money…?” He asked me. “Yeah.” I mumbled, “But I want to keep it.”
I looked down at the ground, soon looking at my feet. Scared.
“Why?” My dad snapped “I need the money to buy the food and clothing.”

I scoffed and rolled my own eyes, as I started to speak. “Oh, please Dad. We both know
you just use it to buy more drugs” I began to cross my arms, trying to push down the
anxiety that was up high. “ I earned this money, here’s an idea... Why don’t you get off
your butt and get a job? So that way, you could do whatever crap with your own
“How dare you talk to me that way!” He yelled and seconds later I felt his own palm slap
against my cheek, making it turn red and warm.
I was scared. I hated this place... I soon sighed and took the envelope from my small
bag, giving it to him.

“I’m going to take a shower,” I mumbled as I started walking towards to my bedroom,

grabbing some clothes from the dresser.

“Don’t take too long, I need your butt back down here in 10 minutes.” My dad ordered,
he was slurring his words a bit because, obviously he’s drunk right now. I mean when is
he ever not drunk?

I looked up at him in confusion, frowning my eyebrows. “Why?” I asked. “Because I said

so.” I just took that as he ended the conversation, so I nodded my head ‘Okay.’ then
walked up to the wooden old staircase, leading to the second floor.

Finally, I took a shower, washing my face in there to save water… It hadn't even been
10 minutes when my Dad came pounding on the door with his fist while yelling. “Get
your butt out here now!” I was scared, of course, then checked the clock when I got out.
It only had been 3 minutes? What? I thought. I quickly wrapped the towel around my
chest and walked out of the bathroom.

I felt the coldness hit my skin, I wasn’t even dried properly… My hair was dripping wet,
getting the floor wet too. I held on tight to the towel that was wrapped around my body, I
didn’t care that I was just in a towel, and, I didn’t want to waste any time because if I did,
I knew that there was going to be a punishment. I walked down the stairs, the stairs
were making a creaking sound. Since it’s old.

As I walked into the living room, I saw 3 men dressed in black suits?... surrounding my
dad. What were these men doing in my house? I thought. “W-what’s going on?” I asked
while stuttering. I wrapped my arms around my body to make sure the towel wouldn’t
fall off of me.

I was uncomfortable and scared.. and confused. I dont know what’s happening, I just
want my mom. But unfortunately, she isn’t here on this earth anymore. Mama died of
hair cancer, which caused Dad to go crazy and lose his mind. I mean I don’t blame him
cause I would too If my husband or wife ever died… But I wouldn’t make my kid suffer.

“You are going to go with these men.” My dad spoke, “Why?” I was angry I was
confused- “Because..” He sighed deeply, shaking his head slowly as he looked at
me.”Cal, you have to understand why I’m doing this... I’m doing this for your own good.”
What is he talking about? I thought to myself... “ What did you do?” I snapped at my

Then the 3 men in black suits started to grab my arm and I tried pulling my arm away,
but they were just too strong..”I sold you to..the Mafia” My dad sighed.. I was angry like I
had never been before. Who the hell sells their own daughter to a maniac?! “ I needed
the money.. I’m sorry.” “Oh, no you're not.” I tried to get out of the bodyguard’s grip but
suddenly a guy showed up.

He had a brown and light blue eyes. He was much bigger than the other bodyguards...
The 3 men in black suits bowed down to him, Then out of nowhere… that same guy
was killed... My father because he was about to change his mind, caused me to scream
loudly, crying. “No!” I screamed. “W-why did you do that!?” Then.. I saw black. My vision
went black.

The next day came. I woke up in a maid outfit. It was long. A long pretty skirt. How long
was I asleep for?...No.. where am I? I groaned, getting out of the small hard bed. For 3
months, I was bullied, I was kicked. I was… but The guy with brown hair and light blue
eyes, his name was Dante Mendez. He was a Mexican guy, he's the Mafia, like what is
it called? A Godfather? I dont know but he's the leader of this group. For the first 3
months, he was mean to me... But it looks like he had a change of heart because he's
suddenly nice to me now… I dont know why but whenever im near him my heart goes
thump thump… am I in love with him? No that can’t be right because…he's not good.
Oh, what should I do?.. Why am I like this?

To be continued…

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