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1. Write a python program to find marks of all the students greater than 57 and also display
Whose marks are in between 70 and 80.
2. Study line chart barchart histogram chart prgms.
3. Write a pandas program to add,subtract,multiple and divide two pandas series.
4. Write a python program to create a dataframe from csv file and perfume head() and tail()
operations on dataframe.
5. Write a python program to create a series object using arrange() method and perform attributes
of series on it.
6. Write a python program to create dataframe from csv file and perform iterrows() and
iteritems() on dataframe.
7. Write a python program to crate the following dataframe and selecting rows/column using loc
and iloc function.
8. Write a python program to create the dataframe with following values and perform attributes
of dataframe on it.(NOTE:refer table from journel)


1. create a database company. an existing database.
3.create a table garment.(gcode,type,price,qty,readydate)
4.view the structure of table.
5.insert 4 records and display the records.(retrieve the records).
6.display the garment names whose available qty is more than 20. type from garment where type like ‘pencil’.
8.display the garment codes based on descending order of their names.
9. display the garment codes based on ascending order of their names.
10.increase all garments price by 10%.
11.add a new column brand to the existing table.
12.drop a column called brand.
13.drop the table.

1. create a database company. an existing database.
3.create a table garment.(empno,enmae,job,hiredate,sal,deptno)
4.view the structure of table.
5.insert 4 records and display the records.(retrieve the records).
6.display all the employees minimum, maximum and average salaries.
7.write a sql command to display average salary of employees in each job type.
8.display the count of number department without duplication.
9. display name of the employee in lower case and upper case.
10.write sql command to display total salary for each dept along with deptno.

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