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FILE 21 – 41 (KELAS C)

1. Chapter 3 Hazardous waste Policy and Regulatory Requirements

2. Chapter 5 Hazardous waste site clean up technologies
3. Sources distribution and fate of microscopic plastics in marine environments
4. Sorption of hydrophobic organic compounds to plastics in the marine
environment equilibrium
5. The role of plastic debris as another source of hazardous chemicals in lower
trophic lever organisms
6. Conclusions of hazardous chemicals associated with plastics invironment
7. Healthcare hazard control
8. Hazardous materials
9. Nursing and clinical area safety topics
10. Appendix BB Glossary of term
11. Appendix CC Ahrq patient safety tools and resources
12. Food safety biological agents (Chapter 13 Food Safety Chemical Agents)
13. Human health and the environments as the twentieth century ends
14. Foo safety biological agent (Chapter 12 food Biological Agents)
15. Integrated pest management
16. Definition of hazardous waste
17. The united states military
18. The wood trearment industry
19. The export of hazardaous waste
20. Strategies for the future waste reduction technologies and green chemistry

Keterangan : untuk file 12 dan 14 ( nomor absen 12 & 14), ada persamaan
judul,tapi untuk isi nya memiliki 2 judul yaitu ( Chapter 12 keamanan pangan agen
Biologi dan Chapter 13 keamanan pangan agen kimia.

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