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Assalamualikum wr.wb
Indi : hi, let me introduce myself, my name is Indi Triani, I act as HRD next to me.
Ratih : hi, let me introduce myself, my name is Ratih Howaliani, I play the role of an
Ratih : excuse me good morning ma'am.
Indi : good morning too, please sit down.
Indi : okay, I accept your requirements, and I will ask you a few questions.
Indi : please introduce your self ?
Ratih : Permission to introduce myself. My name is Ratih Howaliani. I'm seventeen years
old. I live on Jalan Masjid DKM 4 Dusun Cilengkong. I am a new graduate from
SMKN One Banjar.
Indi : why do you want to work here ?
Ratih : Because I need this job to earn money and of course also gain experience.
Indi : why this company should accept you?
Ratih : Because I have a lot of experience operating computers and also collecting special
Indi : what are you activities now?
Ratih : Selling online
Indi : what are you planes for the next five years?
Ratih : I want to be seen as someone who has deep expertise in skill development. and I
knew that I could have the opportunity to do that at this company.
Indi : what is yours strength?
Ratih : I find it useful to dig up information and find solutions to current problems.
Indi : what are your short comings ?
Ratih : My weakness is that I often get tired and lose focus when given a lot of work. To
overcome this, I make a work schedule list.
that's all thanks see you…….

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