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Clin Chem Lab Med 2007;45(4):437–449  2007 by Walter de Gruyter • Berlin • New York. DOI 10.1515/CCLM.2007.106 2006/400


Electrophoretic separations of cerebrospinal fluid proteins in

clinical investigations

Simona D’Aguanno1,2, Piero Del Boccio3,4, mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) is providing a

Sergio Bernardini1,2, Enzo Ballone3,4, Carmine new ancillary technology to assess sample quality
Di Ilio3,4, Giorgio Federici1,2,5 and Andrea and pre-analytical requirements. In the following we
Urbani3,4,* take into account all these issues in the CSF proteo-
mics investigation, especially highlighting the possi-
Dipartimento di Medicina di Laboratorio, Policlinico
ble application in the development of clinical
di Tor Vergata, Università di Roma Tor Vergata,
molecular biomarkers.
Rome, Italy Clin Chem Lab Med 2007;45:437–49.
IRCCS-Fondazione S. Lucia, Rome, Italy
Centro Studi sull’Invecchiamento (Ce.S.I.), Keywords: cerebrospinal fluid; 2-D electrophoresis;
Fondazione Università ‘‘G. D’Annunzio’’, Chieti, Italy dementia; proteomics; matrix assisted laser desorp-
Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, Università tion ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry
‘‘G. D’Annunzio’’ di Chieti e Pescara, Chieti, Italy (MALDI-TOF-MS); neurodegeneration.
IRCCS Bambino Gesù, Laboratorio di Proteomica,
Rome, Italy
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is one of the central nervous
The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is a key sample in the system (CNS) tissues and a precious sample in the
research for novel molecular biomarkers of neurode- biomarkers discovery of neurodegenerative disor-
generative disorders. CSF represents a repertoire of ders. CSF is a clear fluid that functions to cushion and
neuro-secreted, biosynthesised and metabolised protect the brain from changes in blood pressure and
molecular products of the central nervous system trauma. In addition to this morphological function,
(CNS). Diffusion of macromolecules from the periph- CSF transports neuro-secreted, biosynthesised and
eral circulatory system to the CSF is highly regulated metabolised cellular products within the CNS (1). This
by the blood-brain barrier, which prevents uncon- fluid is mainly produced by the choroids plexus within
trolled distribution of proteins in the CNS. The devel- the ventricles of the brain. It circulates throughout the
opment of reproducible high resolution separations of ventricular system passing outside of the brain and
proteins in 2-D electrophoresis methods by the spinal cord by the subarachnoid space. CSF is not in
advent of immobilised pH gradient has opened the direct contact with the peripheral circulatory system
route to multivariate holistic protein pattern investi- due to a highly regulated blood-brain barrier that pre-
gation of CSF into neurodegenerative disorders. vents passive diffusion of macromolecules (1). CSF
Moreover, the introduction of pre-fractionation tech- protein repertoire is derived both from neuronal cell
niques such as free flow electrophoresis is currently secretory activity and by active transport via pinocy-
increasing the dynamic depth of proteome analysis. tosis across the blood-brain barrier. Disruption of this
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and other forms of demen- barrier in pathologic conditions allows macromole-
tia, demyelinating diseases, Parkinson’s disease (PD), cules to enter uncontrolled into the CNS. The direct
and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) have been eval- contact of the brain interstitial fluid with the CSF
uated for biomarker discovery by CSF investigation in allows biochemical changes taking place in the cel-
multiple studies. However, the statistical design of lular compartment to be reflected in this medium.
these clinical cross-sectional investigations remains a Moreover, protein concentrations between the lum-
limited factor given the strong statistical power bar and ventricular compartments have been reported
required for complex multivariate analysis. These ini- to be homogeneous as shown by analysis of the
tial evidences are of particular interest in dissecting transthyretin (TTR) (2). This would suggest the
specific molecular mechanisms. The development of approximation that the CSF has an isotropic molecu-
fast and economic profiling of CSF by linear matrix lar composition throughout the different regions of
assisted laser desorption ionisation time-of-flight the CNS.
CSF is clinically accessible by the standard lumbar
*Corresponding author: Prof. Andrea Urbani, Laboratorio di puncture technique, which enables ante-mortem anal-
Biochimica Analitica e Proteomica, Centro Studi ysis of neurodegenerative processes. This procedure
sull’Invecchiamento (Ce.S.I.), Università ‘‘G. D’Annunzio’’ di
allows investigating patients during the disease tra-
Chieti e Pescara, Via Colle dell’Ara, 66013 Chieti, Italy
Phone: q39-0871-541580, Fax: q39-0871-541598, jectory with a much less invasive and more readily
E-mail: obtainable sample than the brain biopsy. Spinal tap

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is a safe procedure when performed by specialised ing pressures above 250 mm H2O are diagnostic of
personnel (3), and complications are mainly due to intracranial hypertension, that is present in many
the onset of a post-lumbar puncture headache. How- pathologic states, including meningitis, intracranial
ever, this discomfort is less common in the geriatric haemorrhage, and tumours (5).
population, especially in the presence of cognitive Normal CSF may contain up to 5 WBCs per mm3 in
impairment (4). These features have made CSF a adults and 20 WBCs per mm3 in newborns. Eighty-
potentially powerful source of molecular biomarkers seven percent of patients with bacterial meningitis
for the diagnosis and response to treatment, as well will have a WBC count higher than 1000 per mm3,
as for providing information on pathological process- while 99% will have more than 100 per mm3. Having
es underlying a number of CNS disorders, including less than 100 WBCs per mm3 is more common in
Alzheimer’s disease (AD), frontotemporal dementia patients with viral meningitis (5, 6). Elevated WBC
(FTD), dementia with Lewy bodies, multiple sclerosis, counts may also occur in intracerebral haemorrhage
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), Parkinson’s disease conditions, in the presence of malignancy, and in a
(PD), traumatic brain injury (TBI) and cancer. variety of inflammatory conditions. The WBC count
Traditional routine CSF evaluation employs basic seen in normal adult CSF is comprised of approxi-
evidences such as opening liquid pressure and the mately 70% lymphocytes and 30% monocytes. Occa-
supernatant colour. Cell counts and culturing follow- sionally, a solitary eosinophil or polymorpho-
ing differential microscopic examinations are often nucleocyte (PMN) will be seen in normal CSF (6). The
employed in inflammatory diseases. Molecular mark- majority of patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome (a
er investigations include a few protein analyses, chronic inflammatory demyeliating neuropathy of the
immunoblotting methods and polymerase chain reac- peripheral nervous system) will have 10 or fewer
tion (Table 1). However, all these laboratory tests are monocytes per mm3 and a minority of patients will
often missing low abundant proteins or post transla- have 11–50 monocytes per mm3 (5). Up to 50 mono-
tional modifications which might be associated with
cytes per mm3 are seen in about 25% of patients with
the neurodegenerative process. More sensitive anal-
multiple sclerosis (6). The cellular content of CSF
ysis such as the 2-D electrophoresis technique, cast
must be taken into account regarding the pre-analyt-
into a proteomic framework, might represent a useful
ical phase in sample preparation. Centrifugation step
strategy to shed new light on neurodegenerative
of this sample should be employed prior to aliquoting
processes. These investigations might eventually lead
and freezing in order to avoid cell rupture and con-
to the development of a novel laboratory test for clin-
sequent proteome variation.
ical examinations.
Cell cultures is the gold analysis for diagnosing bac-
terial meningitis (2). Viral meningitis is mainly caused
by an enterovirus; culture for herpes simplex virus
Basic cerebrospinal fluid test in primary care
has a sensitivity of 80%–90% (5). Polymerase chain
Basic laboratory tests are based on the comparison reaction (PCR) has been a great advance in the differ-
of few fundamental parameters: colour, liquid pres- ential diagnosis of meningitis. PCR has high sensitiv-
sure, protein concentration and cell composition. ity and specificity for many infections of the CNS, it
In non-pathologic condition CSF is a crystal clear is fast, and can be done with small volumes of CSF.
liquid. However, as few as 200 white blood cells PCR has been especially useful in the diagnosis of
(WBCs) per mm3 or 400 red blood cells (RBCs) per viral meningitis (7). PCR of the CSF has a sensitivity
mm3 will cause CSF to appear turbid. Xanthochromia of 95%–100% for herpes simplex virus type 1, Epstein-
is a yellow, orange, brown or pink discolouration of Barr virus, and enterovirus (5).
the CSF, most often caused by the lysis of RBCs As regards protein in basic CSF laboratory tests, the
resulting in haemoglobin breakdown to oxyhaemo- total protein concentration reference values range in
globin, methaemoglobin, and bilirubin (5, 6). a normal human being from 0.2 mg/mL to 0.8
Normal fluid opening pressure ranges from 10 to mg/mL (5). The most abundant proteins in human
100 mm H2O in young children, from 60 to 200 mm CSF are albumin and immunoglobulins (Igs) that con-
H2O after 8 years of age, and up to 250 mm H2O in stitute more than 50% and 15% of the total protein
obese patients. Intracranial hypotension is defined as mass, respectively (8). Among the other abundant
an opening pressure of less than 60 mm H2O. Open- polypeptide components of human CSF are: apolipo-

Table 1 Routine analysis of CSF in primary care searching different pathologies.

Routine CSF analysis Disease

Colour Hyperbilirubinaemia, meningeal melanomatosis

Pressure Meningitis, intracranial haemorrage, tumours
White blood cell count Bacterial and viral meningitis
PCR Viral meningitis
Protein level Infections, intracranial haemorrhages, multiple sclerosis,
Guillain Barré syndrome, malignancies, endocrine
ELISA and/or monoclonal antibody assays Alzheimer’s disease (hyperphosphorylation of Tau protein)
Electrophoresis Multiple sclerosis (oligoclonal IgG bands)

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proteins, a1-antitrypsin, TTR, retinol-binding protein CSF maps have been published (8, 14–17). The
(RBP), prostaglandin D2 synthase, cystatin C, plasmin- improvement in protein detection has turned this
ogen, gelsolin, b2-microglobulin, haemopexin, fibrin- method not only into a more sensitive and quantita-
ogen, ubiquitin, complement components/factors, tively dynamic tool but also into a tool compatible
kallikrein-6, a1b-glycoprotein, a2-HS glycoprotein, b- with subsequent MS and bio-informatic analysis.
amyloid (A b) fragment (1). The results published in recent years are summa-
High levels of Igs, specifically IgG class, are found rised in Table 2. A representative 2-DE map of a single
in 95% of multiple sclerosis patients (9), however, individual CSF sample affected by multiple sclerosis
these oligoclonal bands may be produced in many obtained in our laboratories is shown in Figure 1.
other conditions such as CNS infection and paraneo- After acetone precipitation and reswelling in sample
plastic syndromes. The presence of two or more oli- buffer (8), 30 mg of CSF were loaded on pH 3-10NL
goclonal bands is considered a positive test for IPG strips. The second dimension was performed on
multiple sclerosis (a neurologic disorder resulting in a 9%–16% acrylamide gradient. After silver staining
the demyelination of neurons in the CNS), which is in about 300 spots could be visualised.
fact an autoimmune disorder. More specific immu- The first attempts to obtain an annotated CSF map
nochemical methods have been employed in both were performed by immunostaining after 2-DE blots,
CNS tumours and in dementias. Identification of auto- partial amino acid sequencing by Edman degradation
antibodies, anti-Yo and anti-Hu, in the CSF are diag- and comparison with other 2-DE maps (13). Sickmann
nostic for certain breast, lung and ovarian tumours et al. (14) tried to define the standard protein com-
(10). Dorn et al. (11) reported the case of a paraneo- position of CSF using a CSF pool consisting of sam-
plastic cerebral degeneration (PCD) in a female ples from 25 different patients without any symptoms
patient with breast cancer and the indication of anti- of neurological diseases or blood-brain barrier mal-
Yo antibodies in the CSF and serum. functions. Analytical and micropreparative 2-DE gels
The levels of a number of cytokines are markedly were employed to obtain an overview on a broad
increased in the CSF of PD patients compared with range of first-dimension pH values of 3–10. Combin-
healthy individuals. PD is characterised by the degen- ing two overlapping 2-DE gels (pI 4–7 and pI 6–11)
eration of dopaminergic neurons probably caused by they obtained more extended CSF maps with a total
apoptosis, which is known to be controlled by cyto- of 480 defined spots. They applied different approach-
kines. Among the cytokines shown to be elevated in es for protein identification, such as peptide mass fin-
the CSF of PD patients are tumour necrosis factor-a gerprints using matrix assisted laser desorption
(TNF-a), IL-1b, -2, -4, -6, transforming growth factor ionisation-mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS), the frag-
(TGF)-a, -b1, and b2, suggesting that nonsteroidal mentation of peptide ions using MALDI-post source
anti-inflammatory drugs may be useful in limiting the decay (PSD) or a strategy based on a mHPLC separa-
loss of dopaminergic neurons (7). tion of the digest mixture followed by an MS/MS
Measurement of b-amyloid peptide 1–42, total and analysis.
hyperphosphorylated Tau protein in CSF is becoming Following this, Yuan et al. (15) tested several sam-
a valuable diagnostic tool for AD in recent years (1). ple preparation methods in order to obtain a higher
The employment of these molecular markers based quality 2-DE pattern. Their efforts were addressed to
on immunochemistry technology, such as ELISA or remove salts by protein precipitation with either ace-
xMAP, is currently providing the latest frontier in the tone or trichloroacetic acid/acetone, or sample treat-
differential discrimination of dementias and early ment with a Bio-Spin column. More spots were
diagnosis. The multiparametric bead-based assays for visualised on the 2-DE gel of human CSF, and a rel-
the quantisation of these protein levels represents the atively high protein recovery was obtained when a
first successful application of a multifactorial analysis Bio-Spin column was used to process a human CSF
in the diagnosis of neurodegenerative disorders (12). sample. Sixty-one protein spots, obtained from 2-DE
These studies have highlighted the strong potential gels with a pH range of either 3–10 or 4–7, were iden-
impact of multivariate evaluation on diagnosis incre-
tified by MALDI-MS and PSD-MS. These 61 protein
menting the interest in the development of novel
spots represent 22 proteins. In particular, six of those
tools for the proteome analysis of CSF in order to
proteins were not annotated in any previously pub-
identify potential protein biomarkers in different neu-
lished 2-DE maps (Table 3).
rological disorders. The introduction of protein micro-
Finehout et al. (16) reported the creation of a
and nano-scale analytical set up has led to the
detailed map, based on state-of-the-art 2-DE and MS
employment of 2-D gel electrophoresis (2-DE) and
technology, of the ante-mortem CSF proteome from
mass spectrometry (MS) methods for the CSF
a single individual. In particular they used a large for-
mat 2-DE gel (18 cm=16 cm=1.5 mm), a fluorescent
stain (SYPRO Ruby) with fluorescence laser scanning,
and matrix assisted laser desorption ionisation time-
Mapping human cerebrospinal fluid by of-flight (MALDI-TOF)-MS for protein identification.
electrophoresis High amounts of samples were loaded on pH 3–10
IPG strips to explore the range of the lower concen-
The first 2-DE map of the CSF was published in 1980 tration protein. The work compared CSF from a
(13). Since that time, protein spot detection and iden- hydrocephalus patient wa condition characterised by
tification technologies have improved and updated an increase in the volume of CSF associated with dila-

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Table 2 A short report of the latest 2-DE maps.

Reference Sample IEF SDS-PAGE Staining Total spots Identified

preparation (number) spots

Sickmann et al. Pooled CSF 100 mg of sample 12% S, 480 65

(2000) (14) from 25 different for analytical gel (I) C (24 different
individuals (18 cm IPG strip protein)
3–10 NL);
Concentration 500 mg for
using 5 kDa cut- micropreparative
off filters gel (18 cm IPG
strip 4–7, 6–11)1
Yuan et al. CSF aliquots 75–85 mg of CSF; 12–14% S NR 61
(2002) (15) from 3 different 18 cm IPG strip (G) (22 different
individuals, 3-10 L; 4–73 protein)
desalted by
with acetone,
TCA/acetone or
using Bio spin
Finehout et al. CSF aliquot 100 mg of CSF; 12–15% SR 1030* 600
(2004) (16) from single 18 cm IPG strip (G) (82 different
individual precipitated 3–10 NL4 protein)
with 70% ethanol
Ogata et al. Concentration 100 mg of 12% S, 707 55
(2005) (17) of pooled CSF depleted CSF; (I) SR (12 new protein)
using 10 kDa cut-off 18 cm IPG strips
filter before HPLC 3–10 NL4
multiple affinity
removal column
Yuan et al. Prefractionation Each CSF 11% S NR 62
(2005) (8) of pooled CSF fraction loaded (I)
protein by SPE on 18 cm IPG
strips 3–10 NL4
Hu et al. Concentration 50 mg of 10% D 2100 -
(2005) (18) of 1.5–2 mL of depleted CSF; (I)
CSF from single 24 cm IPG strips
individual 10 kDa 3–10 NL3
cut-off filter before
multiple affinity
removal column
Multiphor II (Pharmacia, Uppsala, Sweden); 2Biorad, Hercules, USA; 3Ettan IPGphor IEF system (Amersham Pharmacia Bio-
tech); 4PROTEN IEF (Biorad); SDS-PAGE, sodium dodecylsulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; S, silver staining; SR,
SYPRO Ruby; C, Coomassie G-250; D, DIGE; I, isocratic acrylamide gel; G, gradient acrylamide; *different spots contain albu-
min; NR, not reported.

tion of the cerebral ventricles (6)x with two sample analysis of the proteome in CSF is due to the large
controls. According to these authors the spot pattern dynamic range of protein concentrations in this sam-
shows a comparable protein content so that the CSF ple of fluids. These might span over twelve orders of
map created using this hydrocephalus sample may be magnitude between the highest and lowest expressed
applicable to maps of other CSF samples. This hydro- proteins (19). For successful biomarker and therapeu-
cephalus map contains 600 resolved spots. Of the 82 tic target discoveries, it is advantageous to be able to
proteins identified by MS, 25 have not appeared in identify differentially expressed proteins globally and
previously published 2-DE CSF maps, and 11 have not to assess the level of post-translational modifications
been previously reported to exist in CSF (Table 3). A for both high and low-abundance proteins. Removal
webpage containing protein identification and scoring of abundant proteins can improve the number of pro-
information is available at teins to be identified by reducing the dynamic range
csfmap. of protein levels in the biological fluid to better match
It is interesting to note that, because of the high that of the downstream analytical platform (20). For
percent of albumin in CSF, they found different mixed this purpose several state-of-the-art and commercial
spots of albumin and other proteins. methods are available. Currently the most widely
The presence of very abundant proteins such as used albumin removal technique is the Cibracon Blue
albumin and IgG limits the total number of CSF pro- chromatography; however, this method is non-specif-
teins that can be analysed with a 2-DE based ic, and it is known to bind numerous other proteins
approach. In fact, one of the issues that limits the (21). Fractionation with an organic solvent can also

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Figure 1 2-DE slab gel of CSF protein from a subject affected with multiple sclerosis. 30 mg of sample were loaded on pH
3–10 IPG strips. The second dimension was performed on a 9%–16% acrylamide gradient. After silver staining, about 300
spots could be visualised. Spots containing a1-glycoprotein, a1-antitrypsin apolipoprotein (apo) A-IV, Gc-globulin, albumin,
C3a, serotransferrin, IgG heavy chains, IgG light chains, haptoglobin b chain, apoJ, apoA-1, serum retinol binding protein
(SRBP), TTR are labelled with a continuous line.

reduce the dynamic range of CSF by separating pro- rised. Ogata et al. (17) evaluated avian IgY antibody
teins by their molecular weights (22). Yuan et al. (8) microbead spin filters and prepacked HPLC multiple
took advantage of the different hydrophobic proper- affinity columns for removal of six abundant proteins
ties of CSF proteins and a reversed-phase solid-phase (albumin, transferrin, IgG, IgA, IgM, and fibrinogen
extraction (SPE) cartridge was used to prefractionate with microbeads, and albumin, transferrin, IgG, IgA,
three individual CSF samples into three separate frac- antitrypsin and haptoglobin with HPLC column) from
tions prior to 2-DE resolution of the proteome. A por- pooled CSF samples of 25 healthy individuals. Follow-
tion of the high-abundance CSF proteins were ing the protein removal, 2-DE gels were compared
removed from two (eluted with 35% and 50% aceto- also for phospho- and glycoprotein content using spe-
nitrile) of the three fractions. Some traces of CSF pro- cific fluorescent stains. The column format removed
teins were preferentially enriched in the two fractions, the major proteins more effectively and approximate-
and many proteins were detected in 2-DE gels of the ly 50% more spots were visualised when compared
fractions. Among the novel proteins identified, 62 pro- to the 2-DE gel of CSF without protein depletion. Fifty
tein spots that represent 42 proteins were characte- proteins were identified from 66 spots, and among

Table 3 New proteins identified in CSF samples in recent years.

References New identified protein

Yuan et al. (2002) (15) PRO2619, pigment epithelium-derived factor, albumin homolog, kallikrein-6 precursor,
DJ717I23.1, and AMBP protein precursor
Finehout et al. (2004) (16) ApoCIII, b-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 1, cathepsin L, collagen a1(I) chain, comple-
ment factor H contactin 1 isoform 2, cyclin D1, nidogen 2, phenolsulphating sulphotransferase
1, proprotein convertase subtilisin
Ogata et al. (2005) (17) Plasma protease CI inhibitor precursor*, 72 kDa type IV collagenase precursor, vitamin K-
dependent protein S precursor, complement component C9 precursor*, serum paraoxon-
ase/arylesterase 1, cathepsin L precursor
*Different isoforms.

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442 D’Aguanno et al.: Separations of CSF proteins

them 12 proteins (24%) have not been annotated in Before performing the first dimension on 24-cm pH
previously published 2-DE gels (Table 3). Phospho- 3–10 NL IPG strips, each sample is labelled with one
and glycoprotein identified by this approach are sum- of the three spectrally distinguishable fluorescent
marised in Table 4, where these results are compared dyes (i.e., Cy2, Cy3, and Cy5) used in 2-D DIGE. Load-
with the information available in the Swiss-prot data- ing 50 mg of each labelled sample is possible to visua-
base. Hu et al. (18) analysed six individual CSF sam- lise about 2100 resolved spots.
ples by multi-affinity depletion, two-dimensional The depletion of the most abundant proteins from
difference gel electrophoresis (2-D DIGE) and tandem biological fluid samples (such as plasma, saliva,
mass spectrometry. The 2-D DIGE technique dramat- urine) might be followed by further fractionation steps
ically enhances the resolving power of 2-DE and mini- to possibly further enrich the percentage of low-con-
mises the significant variation in the presence of centrated protein component. Recently, several stud-
protein spots that generally occurs between different ies (24, 25) described a new approach to proteomic
gels (even from identical samples) by enabling mul- analysis which uses preparative isoelectric focusing
tiple samples to be analysed on the same gel (23). (IEF) by free flow electrophoresis (FFE) for a first-

Table 4 Phospho- and glycoprotein identified by Ogata et al. (17) compared with the information available in the Swiss-prot

Accession number Protein ID Modification Residues involved

Q14515 SPARC-like protein 1 *GN *N169, *N176, *N196,
precursor p *N280, *N412, *N476
P04004 Vitronectin precursor *GN *N86, *N169, *N242
P08253 Collagenase precursor *GN *N573, *N642
P01042 Kininogen precursor GN N169, N205, N294;
GO T401, T533, T542, T546,
p T557, T571, S577, T593, T628
P01019 Angiotensinogen precursor GN N47, N170, N304, N328
P02765 a2-HS-glycoprotein p S138, S330
precursor P N156, N176,
GN T256, T270, S346
P00751 Complement factor B precursor p N122, N142, N285, N378;
GN N291
P43652 Afamin precursor g *N33, *N109, N402, *N488
P02790 Haemopexin precursor g T24, N64,N187, N240, N246, N453
P04217 a1B-glycoprotein g N44, N179, N363, N371
precursor GN
P02748 Complement component g W48, W51, *N277, N415
C9 precursor GC
P08697 a2-antiplasmin g *N196, *N295, *N309, *N316
precursor *GN
P01011 a1-antichymotrypsin g N96, N106, N127
precursor GN
P01008 Antithrombin-III precursor g N128, N167, N187, N224
P02763 a1-acid glycoprotein 1 g N33, N56, N72, N93, N103
precursor GN
P41222 Prostaglandin-H2 g N51, N78
D-isomerase precursor GN
p, phosphorylated protein according to Ogata et al. (17); g, glycosylated protein according to Ogata et al. (17); P, phospho-
rylated protein reported by ExPASy; *GN, potential N-linked (GlcNAc...) according to ExPASy; GN, N-linked (Glc-
NAc...)glycosylation reported by ExPASy; GO, O-linked (GalNAc...) glycosylation reported by ExPASy; GGlc, N-linked (Glc)
glycation reported by ExPASy; GC, C-linked (Man) reported by ExPASy.

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dimension fractionation of complex peptide mixtures. run the capillary temperature was held constant at
FFE has been found to have advantages in both 358C. The MS analysis was performed in positive elec-
improved sample recovery, probably due to the trospray mode with an ESITOF sprayer-kit from Agi-
absence of gel media or membranous material, and lent Technologies (Agilent Technologies Inc., Santa
higher sample loading proteins. Because of these Clara, CA, USA), using a Micro-TOF-MS (Bruker-Dal-
advantages, FFE has been widely used for pre-frac- tonics, Bremen, Germany). By this approach they
tionation of samples. Sample peptides could be dis- resolved, as defined by their accurate molecular mass
solved in FFE separation buffer and fractionated by and migration time, about 450 different proteins and
IEF into a 96-well microlitre plate according to the pI. polypeptides with molecular masses from 0.8 to
Each fraction could be separated by 0.02–0.10 pH 15 kDa. Unfortunately, proteins such as albumin and
units depending on the pH gradient created. Imme- tranferrin, interfere with this CE-MS setup by precip-
diately after FFE separation, the pH of each FFE frac- itating under the low pH and organic solvent condi-
tion could be measured using a microelectrode. By tions employed. Thus, Wittke et al. (29) decided to
using non-denaturating IEF solutions, proteins could remove all larger proteins using ultrafiltration. While
be fractionated in their native state allowing precom- this approach may remove proteins that might hold
plexed proteins and peptides to remain in their non- disease-specific information, it also enables the repro-
covalent bound form during fractionation. The ducible analysis of the smaller-molecular weight pep-
addition of RP-HPLC in the second dimension could tides, which might contain a significant amount of
present a significant advantage because of its information.
increased loading capacity, as well as the additional
advantages such as the high recovery of low Mr pro-
teins and high-resolution protein separation. Recent- Combining 2-DE maps with mass spectrometry
ly, Moritz et al. (25) used FFE/RP-HPLC-MS in a profiles
preliminary analysis for the isolation and identifica-
tion of several low-abundance proteins present in Direct MS approach, in particular linear matrix assist-
blood, such as human L-selectin (17 ng/mL) and ed laser desorption-ionisation time-of-flight mass
fibrinogen (24 ng/mL). Instead of RP-HPLC, each frac- spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS), is an ancillary tech-
tion collected after FFE could be loaded on an immo- nology to the more extensive 2-DE investigations,
biline drystrip of an appropriate zoom pH range offering the possibility both to perform high-level
gradient followed by a classical 2-DE slab gel, other- quality control experiments on protein samples (30)
wise each fraction could be loaded on a 1-D gel and and to accurately investigate the low-molecular
then analysed by LC-MS or analysed directly by LC- weight protein region (31, 32). In neuroscience the
MS. standard tests for clinical analysis of proteins are
Alternatively to 2-DE or FFE, high resolution in pep- immunoassay techniques (33). The advantage of
tide separation could be performed in a single step these is the high sensitivity but it loses some impor-
using capillary electrophoresis (CE) (26). In the case tant characteristics that can be found in proteomic
of CE, the analytes do not merely follow the liquid investigations such as the ability to determine post-
flow (as in HPLC technique), but their migration is, to translational modification and altered epitope in pro-
a large extent, determined by the electric field teins involved in a pathogenic event. Therefore
strength. This creates a very simple separation prin- MALDI-TOF-MS is considered a promising technique
ciple based on charge, which facilitates a homoge- for clinical applications, moreover, time and cost of
nous separation and contributes to the power of CE. analysis for each sample are particularly low, and the
Due to a demand for alternative separation technol- sample preparation procedures eventually might han-
ogies and the attractive advantages of CE in compar- dle dozens of samples in a single acquisition run.
ison with HPLC (27), a number of efforts have been Recently, MALDI-TOF-MS and surface-enhanced laser
made to achieve stable CE-MS coupling (28). A severe desorption/ionisation (SELDI)-TOF-MS were employ-
limitation of CE is the inability to analyse higher- ed by several groups to investigate and detect poten-
molecular weight proteins, since these tend to precip- tial novel disease biomarkers in different biological
itate under the conditions generally used for matrices (34). Although this direct MS approach car-
separation (28). However, there is presently extended ries out a limited window of the total proteome, a
evidence that the smaller-molecular weight peptides number of studies have emerged investigating
in body fluids are highly complex holding a plethora possible alteration of the CSF proteins in neurological
of information that can be exploited for biomarker dis- diseases as useful indicators of pathological
covery. Wittke et al. (29) used CE in a CSF investiga- abnormalities.
tion. They used a CE-system equipped with a 90 cm, Westman et al. (35) described the use of direct
50 mm ID bare fused-silica capillary (Beckman Coulter, MALDI-TOF-MS in a study of CSF proteins. They ana-
Fullerton, CA, USA). The running buffer consisted of lysed proteins in CSF without pre-purification steps,
20% v/v acetonitrile and 0.25 M formic acid in HPLC- obtaining good resolution and high sensitivity
grade water. The samples were injected by applying (100 fmol protein) in the m/z range investigated
a positive pressure of 1–6 psi, which resulted in a (10,000–20,000 Th). Such a mass resolution enables,
sample plug of approximately 50–300 nL, and the sep- in fact, the discrimination between the hydroxy-
aration was performed for 60 min. During the entire lated and non-hydroxylated forms of cystatin C at

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m/zs13,344 and 13,361 Th, respectively. The ability cific spectra profiles depending on the ionisation
of MALDI-TOF to carry out good analytical perform- properties of the analytes of interest. The more com-
ances in a mass range 1000–20,000 Da makes this mon organic molecules employed as a matrix for
technique a complementary tool in the investigation sample ionisation include: sinapinic acid, DHB, CHCA,
of CSF proteome covering a little window in the total etc. (43, 44). Some of the most abundant proteins in
proteome but with high analytical quality. In fact, it is human CSF are proteins with low molecular weight
difficult to obtain high quality 2-DE gel below 5000 Da such as TTR (1000 fmol/mL), cystatin C (400 fmol/mL),
(36). and b2-microglobulin (90 fmol/mL), at 13,761, 13,343
Although it is possible to analyse a crude sample and 11,729 Da, respectively (6). In fact, in the 5–20 kDa
by MALDI-TOF-MS, many extraction strategies are mass range they are the principal signals present in
used to pre-purify proteins and peptides before anal- the MALDI-TOF spectra. Figure 2 shows a classical
ysis, improving analytical performances. A number of MALDI-TOF-MS profile of CSF of a healthy control
reports describe the use of the SELDI platform which subject in the 5–20 kDa range, using sinapinic acid as
is based on functionalised probes that possess spe- matrix, TFA as ionic coupling and ZipTip C4 as a solid
cific chromatographic or affinity-capture properties phase extraction. Under these experimental condi-
(37). These modified probes allow selective enrich- tions, there are about 20 signals in the spectrum. The
ment of specific types of samples from biological flu- signals in the low m/z region of the spectrum corre-
ids with reduced time needed for sample preparation spond to the double charged most abundant proteins
steps. However, the MS data acquired by these tech- (Mq2Hq) and other unknown polypeptides. The sig-
nique are particularly poor, especially in resolution nal at m/zcalcs11,728 Th for (MqH)q was assigned to
power (30). In addition, several off-line enrichment- b2-microglobulin, a non-covalently bound part of the
purification methods are employed to couple with class I major histocompatibility complex (MCH) (35,
MALDI-TOF-MS platform, such as microSPE extrac- 45). Mass accuracy after external calibration usually
tion, that consist of a simple microcolumn purification rises by "1 Da for the peaks of free b2-microglobulin
and sample preparation technique (38). The frit-less with a typical peak resolution higher than 1000
miniaturised columns can be custom-made with var- FWHM. The two observed peaks at m/zcalcs13,344
ious functionality and selectivity, including reversed- and 13,360 Th for (MqH)q shown in panel I of Figure
phase (C4, C8, C18), IMAC, graphite, ion exchange, 2 have been previously assigned to the two species
and other resins (39–41). A modification of the micro- of cystatin C in CSF, the non-hydroxylated forms and
column method is the use of the magnetic bead discs the hydroxylated Pro3 species, respectively (46, 47).
constituted of a network of inert polytetrafluoroeth- This modification leads to a q16 Da increment in the
ylene (Teflon) where a number of chromatographic protein molecular mass which might match the
materials are embedded (42). The choice of different expected Dmsq15 Da related to the only known alle-
MALDI matrices offers the possibility to produce spe- lic variant of cystatin C (Leu68Gln). However, this poly-

Figure 2 Linear MALDI-TOF-MS positive ion mode profile of CSF protein from a healthy control subject in the 5–20 kDa
range. Sinapinic acid was employed as desorption matrix, TFA as ionic coupling and ZipTip C4 as a solid phase extraction
support. The zoomed signals of cystatin C are shown in panel I at m/zcalcs13,344 Th and 13,360 Th for (MqH)q. Panel II
shows the TTR region of the spectrum with the free TTR single-charged ion at m/zcalcs13,761 Th and other disulphide oxidative
post-translational forms.

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morphism is correlated with a rare hereditary form of of the first 8 amino acids) that can be carried out by
amyloid angiopathy (HCCAA), which leads to cerebral an artefact result. It may alter the level of the intact
haemorrhage in the carrier patients (48). Multiple sig- protein and could be confused with a biomarker of the
nals in panel II of Figure 2, were assigned with the specific disease. Some other alteration processes can
free TTR single-charged ion at m/zcalcs13,761 Th (46) occur such as oxidation«etc., therefore the funda-
and other disulphide conjugate forms of TTR in which mental step for the proteomics study is the optimal
cysteine residue at position 10 is forming a mixed S- pre-analytical storage condition of any sample. Future
S bridge with free thiols present in biological fluids, perspectives focus on standardising sample prepara-
as reported by Nakanishi et al. (49). In this previous tion and preservation, and reliable methods validation
work the oxidative post-translational form of TTR procedure in order to evaluate the significance of pro-
at m/zcalcs13,879 Th was assigned with TTRq120 tein-profiling proteomics in the clinical practice. Direct
(cysteine-cysteine disulphide) and the m/zcalcs13,936 linear MALDI-TOF-MS approach could become a use-
Th with TTRq177 (cysteinyl-glycinyl-cysteine disul- ful tool for this biological validation procedure. It may
phide). be a rapid investigation for checking the possible
CSF MS pattern-profiling will undoubtedly attain a sample alterations by quality control signals, before a
prominent and lasting position in the future in the more extensive 2-DE analysis.
diagnosis of neurological diseases. However, today
the pattern-profiling proteomics methodology may
not be quite reproducible, because several lines of Biomarker discovery in CSF
evidence indicate that there are a number of clinical
The introduction of such a large platform of molecular
and analytical chemistry factors that are major
investigations, based on the electrophoretic separa-
sources of variability and bias (50) (CSF sample col-
tion of CSF proteins, has already produced a number
lection, preparation, storage and handling, sample
of valuable evidences in the biomarker discovery
extraction, etc.). In a previous work published by Car-
field. Some of the most interesting works are reported
rette et al. (30), it was highlighted that a possible N-
in Table 5.
terminal amino acid degradation of cystatin C in CSF
occurred when the sample was stored for 3 months
at y208C, whereas this cleavage did not occur when
stored at y808C. This truncation occurred in all the In the area of neurodegenerative disorders proteomic
CSF samples analysed irrespective of the underlying technologies in order to explore novel molecular bio-
neurological status, indicating a storage-related phe- markers have been particularly applied in the
nomenon rather than a physiological or pathological research of differential diagnosis of dementias. These
processing of the protein. It determines a modifica- efforts have been particularly focused on the defini-
tion in the CSF protein profiling showing the appear- tion of possible early diagnosis markers of AD. This
ance of a new form of the protein at 12,536 Th (loss is the main cause of senile dementia and its degen-

Table 5 Molecular markers identified in CSF.

Neurologic disorder Potential protein markers References

Alzheimer’s disease and b-amyloid, hyperphosphorylated Tau protein, (1, 3, 12, 22, 30, 46)
very mild dementia a1b-glycoprotein, prostaglandin D2 synthase,
cystatin C and b2-microglobulin,
thioredoxin, chitinase 3-like 1

Frontotemporal Granin-like neuroendocrine precursor, (51)

dementia pigment epithelium-derived factor, retinol-
binding protein, apolipoprotein E,
haptoglobin, albumin

Multiple sclerosis Oligoclonal bands, psoriasin, NB-1, annexin (9, 52, 53)
1, EWI-2, NCP-2, semenogelins 1 and 2,
complement factor H-related protein 1/FHR-1,
procollagen C-proteinase enhancer protein,
aldolase A, N-acetyllactosaminide b-1,3-N-
acetylglucosaminyltransferase, tetranectin,
cystatin A, superoxide dismutase 3 and
glutathione peroxidase.
CRTAC-1B, tetranectin, SPARC-like protein,
autotaxin t

Breast cancer Autoantibodies anti-Yo and anti-Hu (10, 11, 54)

Creutzfeld-Jakob disease 14–3–3, cystatin C (55, 56)

Parkinson’s disease TNF-a, IL-1b, -2, -4, -6, transforming growth (7)
factor -a, -b1, and b2

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erative process is supposed to initiate 20–30 years forms, a VGF polypeptide and an unnamed polypep-
before the clinical onset of the disease (3). However, tide (46). All of the markers found in this investigation
prior to pursuing any cross-sectional clinical investi- have been also highlighted in the work of Wittke et al.
gation, CSF samples should be compared between using a CE-MS approach (29). However, the N-termi-
individuals to identify patterns of proteins associated nal cleavage of cystatin C, as we have previously dis-
with inter-individual variability. It is also important to cussed, is due to a pre-analytical phase artefact (30).
examine the variation within individuals over a short
period of time so that one can better interpret poten- Cancer
tial changes in CSF between individuals, as well as
changes within a given individual over a longer time Linear MALDI-TOF-MS was also employed by Dekker
span. In order to study these aspects, Hu et al. (18) et al. to investigate tryptic peptide profiles in total CSF
analysed 12 CSF samples, composed of pairs of sam- to diagnose leptomeningeal metastases in breast can-
ples from six individuals, obtained 2 weeks apart, by cer patients (54). They studied CSF samples from 106
2-D DIGE. For a differential proteome analysis it is patients and 45 controls. In this study, total proteins
necessary to increase reproducibility between 2-DE were first digested with trypsin and the resulting pep-
gels so that the 2-D DIGE technique seems to be the tides were measured by MALDI-TOF-MS. Then the
better choice to minimise variability of spot resolving. resulting mass profiles were processed and com-
The inclusion of an internal standard of pooled pared by newly developed bioinformatic tools. A total
samples on all gels allows for improved inter-gel of 164 discriminating peaks were detected and it dis-
alignment of gel features and relative quantification tinguishes breast cancer patients with and without
of spot volumes (23). Proteins identified by this study leptomeningeal metastasis with an accuracy of 77%,
that vary in abundance in two or more individuals sensitivity of 79%, and specificity of 76% (54). Cystatin
over a 2-week time period are prostaglandin D2 syn- C was also considered a potential biomarker for the
thase, TTR, apoE, chromogranin A, chromogranin B, diagnosis of CJD (55), where in four patients an ove-
semaphorin L and scrapie responsive protein 1. The rexpression of the protein was found in respect to the
same authors compared four clinical dementia rating control group (ns4).
(CDR) scores of 0 (cognitively normal) individuals and
two CDR 0.5 (very mild dementia, believed to be clin- Prion
ically due to AD). Eleven of the 13 spots selected were
The prion protein, which typically, in mono-dimen-
found to represent eight different proteins. Interest-
sional SDS-PAGE, was resolved into three major
ingly, four of these proteins have been shown to have
bands (the diglycosylated form Mr ca. 34 kDa, the
altered levels in AD CSF, including a1b-glycoprotein,
mono-glycosylated, Mr ca. 30 kDa and the unglyco-
prostaglandin D2 synthase, cystatin C and b2-micro-
sylated species, Mr ca. 27 kDa), accompanied by some
globulin (46). Consistent with previous studies, a1b-
minor truncated forms (Mr in the range 18–22 kDa).
glycoprotein is decreased in the CDR 0.5 group, while
In 2-DE maps the prion protein gives origin to strings
cystatin C and b2-microglobulin are increased (57).
of some 60 spots, covering the pI 4–8 range, in the
Prostaglandin D2 synthase was found to increase in
same Mr interval, indicating a most intriguing and var-
the CDR 0.5 group, while another study reported a
iegated glycosylation pattern. Upon 2-DE mapping of
decrease of prostaglandin D2 synthase (58). They
CSF and immunoblot analysis, Righetti et al. (56)
observed an increase in thioredoxin level in the CDR
could identify a major spot (pI 4.8, Mr 30 kDa) fol-
0.5 group, while Lovell et al. (59) reported a decrease lowed by some two to three minor spots (pIs 5.0–6.0,
in this protein in AD brain by Western blot. Intrigu- same Mr value) of the same 14–3–3 anti-apoptotic
ingly, several isoforms of chitinase 3-like, 18 also protein. By this test, CJD could be differentiated from
known as GP-39 cartilage protein (60), were found to all the other degenerative dementias, which are
be increased in the CDR 0.5 group. This protein is pri- 14–3–3 negative (in CJD, the rapid and massive brain
marily produced by human chondrocytes and syno- cell damage releases large quantities of 14–3–3 in the
vial fibroblasts and has been shown to be a target CSF). Another protein that appears very promising as
antigen in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (61). As a marker for CJD is cystatin C, which has been report-
for AD, FTD is difficult to diagnose based on beha- ed strongly up-regulated in this pathology (56). How-
vioural tests and is often mistaken for AD or other ever, the high susceptibility of this protein to
psychologic disorders in elderly patients. Analysis of proteolysis may affect the clinical value of this marker
CSF from FTD patients and controls using 2-DE fol- (30).
lowed by MS characterisation revealed that the levels
of granin-like neuroendocrine precursor (Pro-SAAS), Multiple sclerosis
pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF), RBP, apoE,
haptoglobin and albumin are significantly altered in Dumont et al. (52) tried to construct a protein map of
FTD patients (51). 2-DE separated CSF proteins from five patients affect-
Carrette et al. (46) employed SELDI-TOF-MS with ed by multiple sclerosis. This results in a disease pro-
strong anionic exchange protein chips, and detected teins database where there is no differential analysis
four over-expressed and one under-expressed poly- of the protein profiling among patients and normal
peptide in AD CSF. These polypeptides were further individuals. By means of LC-MS/MS, 65 different pro-
identified as cystatin C, two b2-microglobulin iso- teins were identified from 300 spots. Fifteen proteins

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have not been reported in CSF 2-DE studies by other significantly different spots and 293 not significantly
investigators: psoriasin, NB-1, annexin 1, EWI-2, NCP- different, and following the methods proposed by
2, semenogelins (SEM)1 and 2, complement factor H- Pouns and Cheng (62), one can estimate that it would
related protein 1/FHR-1, procollagen C-proteinase be necessary to enroll 26 individuals, 13 for each
enhancer protein (PCPE), aldolase A, N-acetyllactos- group. These numbers reflect a maximum level for
aminide b-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase, tet- FDR of 0.05 and a statistical power near 80%. Unfor-
ranectin (TETN), cystatin A, superoxide dismutase3 tunately, this calculation lacks some parameters. In
and glutathione peroxidase. Hammack et al. (53) per- fact, we can just hypothesise that the ratio of the sum
formed 2-DE and peptide mass fingerprinting to iden- of squared differences between each group mean and
tify proteins from CSF pooled from three multiple an overall mean to within-group variance is about 1.6
sclerosis patients and CSF pooled from three patients for the 13 significant tests. This information would
with non-multiple sclerosis inflammatory central require access to all the parameters which characte-
nervous system disorders. Resolution of CSF proteins rise each protein spot, data which are generally not
on three pH gradients (3–10, 4–7 and 6–11) enabled given in proteomic articles at the present time. Nev-
identification of a total of 430 spots in the multiple ertheless, on the basis of the methods of Benjamini
sclerosis CSF proteome that represented 61 distinct and Hochberg (63), one can determine an a-value as
proteins. The gels containing MS CSF revealed 103 the p-value cut-off; at this a-value of alpha we antici-
protein spots that were not seen on control gels. All pate that no more than 2.9% of the significant protein
but four of these 103 spots were proteins known to spots will be false discoveries and the 80% of the true
be present in normal human CSF. The four exceptions alternatives will be declared significant. The fixed val-
were: CRTAC-1B (cartilage acidic protein), tetranectin ue of the power, in fact, indicates the desired propor-
(a plasminogen-binding protein), SPARC-like protein tion of true alternatives to be detected as significant.
(a calcium binding cell signaling glycoprotein), and Considering these conditions as the starting point, but
autotaxin t (a phosphodiesterase). It remains un- assuming that the ratio of the sum of squared differ-
known whether these four proteins are related to the ences between each group mean and an overall mean
cause and pathogenesis of the disease considered. to within-group variance is 1 (a theoretical situation),
we obtain a total sample number of 19 individuals for
each group. If a study has a reduced number of the
Sample size and statistical power samples (6 individuals instead of 26), the resulting
power is dramatically lowered. In fact, based on the
In order to perform a clinical screening as a good method that considers the FDR value and assuming a
base for translational research, it is fundamental to within-group variance of about 1.6, the resulting pow-
collect enough samples to assign a value of statistical er of the study of Hu et al. would be approximately
significance to each of the numerous identified spots 10%. This calculation is purely speculative since we
in 2-DE image analysis. Effective statistical methods do not have direct access to the raw data, however,
should be applied to proteomic investigations in it might suggest the terrific impact of the sample size
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