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Heaven – written by Mieko Kawakami

"Heaven" tackles the sensitive issue of bullying with such skill and depth that it
left me utterly captivated from beginning to end.

Kawakami's storytelling is nothing short of brilliant. She takes us on a journey

through the eyes of a young boy who becomes the target of relentless bullying.
The way she portrays the emotional turmoil and psychological impact of
bullying is both heart-wrenching and eye-opening. I found myself completely
engrossed in the protagonist's struggles, rooting for him to overcome the
challenges he faced.

What sets "Heaven" apart from other novels on bullying is its exploration of the
aftermath. Kawakami delves into the long-lasting effects that bullying can have
on a person's life, even after they have left school. She delves into themes of
self-acceptance, forgiveness, and finding one's own version of heaven amidst
the pain.

Kawakami's writing style is powerful, evocative, and filled with raw emotion.
"Heaven" is a testament to her ability to create characters that resonate with
readers on a profound level. I believe this thought-provoking and emotionally
charged novel is a true masterpiece that will stay with you long after you've
turned the final page.

‫يتعذب صبي يبلغ من العمر‬

‫أربعة عشر عاًم ا بسبب كسل‬
‫عينه‪ .‬وبدًال من المقاومة‪،‬‬
‫اختار أن يعاني في صمت‪.‬‬
‫الشخص الوحيد الذي يفهم ما‬
‫يمر به هو زميلته كوجيما‪،‬‬
‫التي تعاني من معاملة مماثلة‬
‫على أيدي المتنمرين عليها‪.‬‬
‫أحب هذا ألنه مكتوب بشكل‬
‫جيد للغاية وأوصي بهذا‬

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