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Revision Assignment


One (01) Mark Questions

Q1. Which feature Facebook uses to suggest you people to tag, when you upload a
Q2. What does csv stand for?
Q3. ............ Is the stage of cleaning the acquire data in the AI project cycle.
Q4. ............ Is the process of using the skills of programming, mathematics and
Statistics together to find meaningful information from the given data.

Direct Question:
Q5. What are the important points to remember when data is collected?
Q6. In what ways data science is helpful to the airline industry?
Q7. Name and explain all the five stages of the AI project.
Q8. Explain all the different formats of data used for storing.
Q9. What are the different ways in which an AI system can capture data?
Q10. Science place a very important role in shaking and AI model. Justify the
Q11. What are some of the errors that might occur during data collection?

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