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REFRAIN Lightly ( = ca. 176)

Capo 3: (G) (C) (D) (G)

Sing to the moun tains, sing to the sea. Raise your

(Em) (Am7) (D) (D7) (G) (Bm)

Gm Cm7 F F7 B Dm

voic es, lift your hearts. This is the day the Lord has

(E) (A) (D) (G) (C) (G)


Let all

earth re

to Verses
(G) (Em) (A) (D) (G)
B Gm C F B Fine

joice. Let all the earth re joice.


(C) (G) (D)

1. I will give thanks to you, my Lord. You have

(D7) (G) (B) (B7) (Em)

F7 B D D7 Gm

1. an swered my plea. You have saved my soul from

Text: Based on Psalm 118:24; Isaiah 6:3; Bob Dufford, SJ, b. 1943.
Music: Bob Dufford, SJ.
Text and music © 1975, 1979, Robert J. Dufford, SJ, and OCP. All rights reserved.

Edition #91747

(Em7) (Am) (Am7) (D) (D7)

Gm7 Cm Cm7 F F7 D. C.

1. death. You are my strength and my song.

(Am) (C) (G) (Am) (G) (D) (B)
Cm E B Cm B F D

2. Ho ly, ho ly, ho ly Lord. Heav

(B7) (Em) (Em7) (Am) (Am7) (D) (D7)
D7 Gm Gm7 Cm Cm7 F F7 D. C.

2. en

and earth are full
of your

glo ry.

Harmony E B F

3. This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us be

(D7) (G) (B) (B7)


F7 B D D7

3. glad and re joice. Death has lost and

(Em) (Em7) (Am) (Am7) (D) (D7)

Gm Gm7 Cm Cm7 F F7 D. C. al fine

3. all is life. Sing of the glo ry of God.

Edition #91747
Awit sa Paghahandog
Moderato +Timoteo Jose Ofrasio,SJ

3 ι ι
% 3 œ œ œ œ œ− œ œ− œ œ œ−
C C/E F Dm G

œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ
Ku - nin Mo O Diyos at tang - ga - pin Mo ang a - lak at ti na - pay na han -

œ œ œ œ œ œ− œ œ− ι
4 C C7 F G C Am F Fm

%œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ
œ œ œ œ
dog ng pag - i - big, sa gi - sag na - ming ba - yan Mo. Ang han - dog na i - to ay

ι œ œ œι œ Œ
8 C Am Dm G G7 C

% œ œ œ œ œ− œ œ œ œ œ ˙−
ba - ba - gu - hin Mo, ma - gi - ging ka - ta - wan at du - go Mo.

œ− œ œ œ œ ι
% ι œ œ œ œ

œ− œ œ− œ− œ
F G 7/F Em Am Dm G

œ œ œ
1.Mu - la sa I - yo ang han - dog na i - to, mu - li ay han - dog ko sa

œ Œ −−

% ˙− −
C C7 F Fm C Am Dm G7

œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œœ œœ œ œœ œ ˙
'Yo. Pat - nu - ba - yan Mo't pag - ha - ri - ang la - hat, a - yon sa ka - lo - o - ban Mo.

% œι œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ − œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ −
20 C Dm G C Em C7

œ œ
2.Mag - u - tos ka Pa - ngi - no - on ko dag - ling ta - ta - li - ma a - ko. I - pag -

œ œ − ι ι F∀ 7

% œ œ ∀œ œ œ œ ∀œ œ œ œ− œ Œ −−

F E Am Dm G7

τ œ œ œ œœ œ œ ˙
ka - lo - ob Mo la - mang na mag - ba - go a - ko, sa wa - kas ma tu - lad sa 'Yo!

©Sa ala-ala ni R.P. +Timoteo Jose Ofrasio, S.J.

isang Guro, Ama at Kaibigan
Musika ni Ferdzmb
Panginoon, Narito Ako
œ bœ œ. œ˙ .
Vc Œ
œ Œ œœœ œ w ˙ 


G m/B b F m/A b
j Œ œ œ œ. j
VŒ œ œ œ œ. Œ œ œ bœ
6 G/B F/A

œ ˙ œ w
Pa - ngi - no - ong Di - yos, na - ri - to a - ko Na - na - na -

D/F #

V œ. j Œ #œ œ œ œ Œ œ œ œ
11 C/G G sus C G/B

œ ˙ w w
lig sa 'Yo, sa Pag - i - big Mo 'Yong pa - king - gan,

G m/B b F m/A b

VŒ œ œ œ œ œ. j Œ œ œ bœ œ . œj ˙ Œ œ œ œ œ
16 F/A C/G D m7

œ ˙
ang da - la - ngin kong i - to I - a - a - lay i - tong ta - nging bu - hay

G m/B b
j j
V w .. Œ œ. Œ œ œ œ.
21 G C G/B F/A

œ œ œ œ ˙ œ w
ko. Pa - ngi - no - ong Di - yos, na - ri - to a - ko

F m/A b

& Œ œ œ bœ œ. j Œ #œ œ œ œ Œ œ œ œ
26 C/G D/G G sus C

œ ˙ w
Na - na - na - lig sa 'Yo, sa Pag - i - big Mo 'Yong pa - king -

G m/B b F m/A b
Œ œ œ œ œ j j
To Coda

œ. Œ œ œ bœ œ.
31 G/B F/A C/G

& w œ˙ œ ˙
gan, ang da - la - ngin kong i - to I - a - a - lay i - tong
2 Panginoon, Narito Ako

j j w j
& Œ œ œ œ. Œ Œ œ # œœ .. œœ
36 D m7 G C A m7 G/B C D/C

œ w œ œ. œ w œ
ta - nging bu - hay ko. Ba - tid ko na at na - tan -
Na - is ko ay, ang ma - kam-

G m/B b
Œ œ œœ .. j Œ j
41 G/B F/A D m7

& ww œ œœ œœ ˙˙ .. œœ œœ œœ .. œœ
to Sa ka - su - la - tan ang 'Yong ti - nu -
tam Ka - lig - ta - san at pag - i - big Mong

Eb B b/D Ab

& œœ ˙˙ .. bbb Œ œ œ . j
œ ww Œ œœ œœ .. œœ œœ ˙˙ ..
45 G C m7

tu - ro Pa - ki - king - gan at i - ta - ta - go
tu - nay Ma - ma - ha - lin at i - i - nga - tan

E b/G Eb 
b n ww . n
Vbb Œ œ œ œ ˙. œ n ww &. n n
50 Fm D m7 G D.S. al Coda

Sa su - lok ng pu - so.
Ma - ki - ki - nig sa 'Yo

& œ. j Œ œ œ œ œ. œ˙ ˙ œ œ œ œ. œ ˙
54 C/G G/F E m7 Am D m7

œ ˙ J 3
lay sa 'Yo, I - a - a - lay sa 'Yo Na - na - na - lig sa 'Yo,

F m/A b
&Œ œœœ œ w ˙ w
59 F/G G C G/B F/A C

J ˙ œ œ
œ œ
Na-ri - to a - ko. dooh dooh
Patnubay para sa Masiglang Pakikibahagi sa Pagdiriwang ng Banal na Misa

14 Enero 2024 Ika-2 Linggo sa Karaniwang Panahon Taon B

Tinawag Upang Makasalo sa Buhay

at Misyon ni Kristo
S inabi ni Hesus sa dalawang alagad ni Juan Bautista, “Halikayo’t
tingnan ninyo.” Upang maging isang alagad ng Panginoong Hesus,
hindi sapat na alamin lamang ang magagandang bagay tungkol sa
Diyos at ang kanyang mga plano sa sangkatauhan, masaksihan ang mga
kamangha-manghang himala nang malapitan, o maglakbay kasama niya. Higit
sa lahat, ito’y nangangahulugang pagkakaroon ng isang personal at matalik
na relasyon sa kanya. Ang gayong kaugnayan ay nagbibigay kahulugan at
direksyon sa buhay ng isang tao, nagiging kaisa ni Kristo sa pagpapahayag
ng Mabuting Balita para sa lahat at upang ang kaharian ng Diyos ay maka-
pangyari sa puso ng mga tao.
Ang personal na relasyong ito ay nakapagdudulot ng kagalingan sa mga
disipulo at mas napalalalim ang kanilang ugnayan kay Hesus. Sa gayong
paraan masasabi nila, gaya ni San Pablo, “Kung ako ma’y buhay, hindi na
ako ang nabubuhay kundi si Kristo ang nabubuhay sa akin. At habang ako’y nasa daigdig, namumuhay
ako sa pananalig sa Anak ng Diyos na umibig sa akin at nag-alay ng kanyang buhay para sa akin”
(Gal 2:20). Ito nawa ang ating maging panalangin para sa Eukaristiyang ito.

Pagsisisi ka ng ilang mga natatanging

P –Sa pagtitipon natin ngayon tao para mamuno sa amin,
bilang bayan ng Diyos upang subalit madalas di namin sila
ipagdiwang ang Eukaristiya sinusuportahan at iginagalang.
Pambungad Kristo, kaawaan mo kami!
(Ipahahayag lamang kung walang at pagnilayan ang misteryo ng B – Kristo, kaawaan mo kami!
awiting nakahanda.) panawagan ng Panginoon, sa-
Sinasamba ka ng tanan, glit tayong manahimik habang P –Panginoong Hesus, inaasahan
Poong DÊyos ng sanlibutan, iniisip kung paano nating tinu- mo kaming magbigay inspira-
ikaw ay inaawitan. Sinasamba gunan ang Kanyang paanyaya. syon sa aming kapwa sa pama-
ang Âyong ngalan, Poong kataas- (Manahimik saglit.) magitan ng aming magandang
taasan. halimbawa, subalit minsan
P – Panginoong Hesus, araw sila ay nakamamalas sa aming
araw mo kaming tinatawag di-Kristiyanong pag-uugali.
Pagbati upang paglingkuran ka sa
P – Sa ngalan ng Ama at ng Anak Panginoon, kaawaan mo kami!
aming kapwa, subalit ma- B – Panginoon, kaawaan mo kami!
at ng Espiritu Santo! dalas kaming tumatanggi sa
B – Amen! iyong panawagan. Panginoon, P – Kaawaan tayo ng makapang-
P –Ang biyaya at kapayapaan ng kaawaan mo kami! yarihang Diyos, patawarin tayo
ating Diyos Ama, ng Panginoong B –Panginoon, kaawaan mo sa ating mga kasalanan, at patnu-
Hesukristo at ng Banal na Espiritu kami! bayan tayo sa buhay na walang
Santo ay sumainyong lahat. hanggan.
B – At sumaiyo rin! P – Panginoong Hesus, tumatawag B – Amen!

This issue of Patnubay sa Misa for free from A “love offering” for the continuation of our apostolate will be ap-
preciated. Please, send your donation to “Word and Life Publications.” Our Savings Account is BPI – # 3711-0028-46. Send us a copy
of the deposit slip with your name and (email) address for proper acknowledgment. See contact details on the last page. Thank You!
Papuri ka na uli.” Nagbalik nga siya sa * Kaya ang tugon ko, „AkoÊy
kanyang higaan. naririto; nasa Kautusan ang mga
B – Papuri sa Diyos sa kaitaasan Tinawag siya uli ng Pangi- turo mo. Ang nais kong sundiÊy iyong
at sa lupa’y kapayapaan sa mga noon. Bumangon siya, lumapit kalooban; aking itatago sa puso ang
taong kinalulugdan niya. Pinupu- kay Eli at itinanong, “Tinatawag aral.‰ B.
ri ka namin, dinarangal ka namin, po ba ninyo ako? ” Sinabi ni Eli, * Ang pagliligtas moÊy aking
sinasamba ka namin, ipinagbu- “Hindi kita tinatawag, anak. inihayag saanman magtipon ang
bunyi ka namin, pinasasalamatan Mahiga ka na uli.” Hindi pa Êyong mga anak; di ako titigil ng
ka namin dahil sa dakila mong kilala ni Samuel ang Panginoon pagpapahayag. B.
angking kapurihan. Panginoong sapagkat hindi pa siya kinakau-
Diyos, Hari ng langit, Diyos sap nito. Ikalawang Pagbasa 1 Cor 6:13-
Amang makapangyarihan sa lahat. Sa ikatlong beses na tawagin 15.17-20
Panginoong Hesukristo, Bug- siya, lumapit uli siya kay Eli at Habang wala si Pablo, ilan sa
tong na Anak, Panginoong Diyos, sinabi, “Narinig ko pong tinawag mga nagbalik-loob sa Corinto
Kordero ng Diyos, Anak ng Ama. ninyo ako.” Naisip ni Eli na ang ang bumalik sa kanilang dating
Ikaw na nag-aalis ng mga kasa- Panginoon ang tumatawag kay gawing pakikiapid. Pinaaalala-
lanan ng sanlibutan, maawa ka sa Samuel. Kaya sinabi niya, “Sige, hanan ni San Pablo ang mga
amin. Ikaw na nag-aalis ng mga mahiga ka uli. Kapag narinig taga-Corinto – at maging tayo
kasalanan ng sanlibutan, tangga- mo pang tinawag ka, ganito – na anumang pakikiapid ay
pin mo ang aming kahilingan. ang sabihin mo: ‘Magsalita po paglapastangan sa katawan ng
Ikaw na naluluklok sa kanan ng kayo, Panginoon. Nakikinig po isang binyagan.
Ama, maawa ka sa amin. Sa- ang inyong lingkod.’ ” At muling
pagkat ikaw lamang ang banal, nahiga si Samuel. L – Pagpapahayag mula sa Unang
ikaw lamang ang Panginoon, Ang Panginoon ay lumapit Sulat ni Apostol San Pablo sa
ikaw lamang, O Hesukristo, ang kay Samuel at tinawag ito. mga taga-Corinto
Kataas-taasan, kasama ng Espiritu Sumagot si Samuel, “Magsalita Mga kapatid: Ang katawan
Santo sa kadakilaan ng Diyos po kayo, nakikinig po ang inyong ay hindi para sa pakikiapid
Ama. Amen! linkod.” kundi para sa Panginoon, at
Habang lumalaki si Samuel, ang Panginoon naman ay sa
Panalanging Pambungad patuloy siyang pinapatnubayan katawan. Muling binuhay ng
ng Panginoon, at nagkakatotoo Diyos ang Panginoong Hesus,
P –Ama naming makapangyari- ang lahat ng sinasabi niya. at tayo ma’y muling bubuhayin
han, ang langit at lupa ay iyong sa pamamagitan ng kanyang
pinamamahalaan. Dinggin mo ang Ang Salita ng Diyos!
B – Salamat sa Diyos! kapangyarihan.
pagluhog ng iyong sambayanan at Hindi ba ninyo alam na
pagkalooban mo kami ng kapaya- kayo’y mga bahagi ng katawan
paan araw-araw sa pamamagitan Salmong Tugunan Awit 39
ni Kristo? Ang nakikipag-isa
ni Hesukristo kasama ng Espiritu B –Handa akong naririto upang sa Panginoon ay kaisa niya sa
Santo magpasawalang hanggan. sundin ang loob mo! Espiritu.
B–Amen! Huwag kayong makikiapid.
Sa alinmang ibang kasalanan
na ginagawa ng tao, iba ang na-
pipinsala, ngunit sa pakikiapid,
sariling katawan ang kanyang
pinipinsala. Hindi ba ninyo alam
Unang Pagbasa 1 Sam 3:3-10.19 na ang inyong katawan ay templo
Nang si Samuel ay labindala- ng Espiritu Santo na nasa inyo at
wang taong gulang, narinig tinanggap ninyo mula sa Diyos?
niya ang tawag ng Panginoon. Ang inyong katawan ay hindi
Makikita sa kanyang tugon ang talagang inyo kundi sa Diyos;
kanyang nais na makinig at su- binili niya kayo sa malaking
munod sa Panginoon. halaga. Kaya’t gamitin ninyo
* Ako ay naghintay saÂking ang inyong katawan upang
L – Pagpapahayag mula sa Unang Panginoon, at dininig niya ang ak-
Aklat ni Samuel maparangalan ang Diyos.
ing pagtaghoy; tinuruan niya ako
Noong mga araw na iyon: Si pagkatapos ng bagong awiting Ang Salita ng Diyos!
Samuel ay natutulog sa templo, pampuri sa Diyos. B. B – Salamat sa Diyos!
sa may Kaban ng Tipan. Nang * Ang mga panghandog, pati mga
magmamadaling araw na, siya’y hain, at ang mga hayop na handang
Aleluya Jn 1:41.17
tinawag ng Panginoon, “Samuel, sunugin, hindi mo na ibig sa dam- B – Aleluya! Aleluya!
Samuel!” “Po,” sagot niya. Pa- bana dalhin, upang yaong salaÂy Natagpuan ang Mesiyas
takbo siyang lumapit kay Eli at iyong patawarin; sa halip, ang iyong ng sa kanya’y naghahanap.
sinabi, “Bakit po?” Sinabi ni Eli, kaloob sa akin ay ang pandinig ko Siya’y pag-ibig na matapat.
“Hindi kita tinatawag. Mahiga upang ikawÊy dinggin. B. Aleluya! Aleluya!

14 Enero 2024
Mabuting Balita Jn 1:35-42 Panginoon nating lahat. Nagka- katawan ay hindi ginawa para sa
Nang mabalitaan ng dalawang tawang-tao siya lalang ng Espiritu immoralidad kundi upang mag-
alagad ni Juan Bautistang si Santo, ipinanganak ni Santa Ma- bigay kaluwalhatian sa Diyos.
Hesus ang Mesiyas, sumunod sila riang Birhen. Pinagpakasakit ni Manalangin tayo! B.
sa kanya at nakilala pa siyang Poncio Pilato, ipinako sa krus, * Para sa ating lahat: Nawa’y
mabuti. Ang isa sa kanila – si An- namatay, inilibing. Nanaog sa palagi tayong tumugon sa pan-
dres, ay dinala pa ang kanyang kinaroroonan ng mga yumao. awagan ng Diyos upang mamuhay
kapatid na si Pedro kay Hesus. Nang may ikatlong araw nabuhay bilang mabubuting Kristiyano at
P –Sumainyo ang Panginoon! na mag-uli. Umakyat sa langit. responsable at tapat na mamama-
B –At sumaiyo rin! Naluluklok sa kanan ng Diyos yan. Manalangin tayo! B.
P – Ang Mabuting Balita ng Pa- Amang makapangyarihan sa lahat.
Doon magmumulang paririto at * Tulungan nawa tayo ng Pan-
nginoon ayon kay San Juan ginoon upang mapahalagahan
B – Papuri sa iyo, Panginoon! huhukom sa nangabubuhay at
nangamatay na tao. natin ang iba-ibang mga kaloob na
Noong panahong iyon, na- Sumasampalataya naman karisma ng Espiritu Santo, upang
katayo si Juan at ang dalawa ako sa Diyos Espiritu Santo, sa matuklasan natin ang iba-ibang
sa kanyang mga alagd. Nakita banal na Simbahang Katolika, trandisyon at ritwal sa Simbahang
niya si Hesus na nagdaraan, sa kasamahan ng mga banal, sa Katolika, manalangin tayo sa
at kanyang sinabi, “Ito ang kapatawaran ng mga kasalanan, Panginoon. B.
Kordero ng Diyos!” Narinig sa pagkabuhay na muli ng na- P – Panginoong Diyos, patuloy
ng dalawang alagad ang sinabi ngamatay na tao at sa buhay na mo kaming tinatawag upang
niya, at sumunod sila kay Hesus. walang hanggan. Amen! maging “asin ng lupa” at “li-
Lumingon si Hesus at nang wanag ng mundo.” Ipagkaloob
makitang sumusunod sila ay Panalangin ng Bayan Mo nawa sa amin ang biyayang
kanyang tinanong, “Ano ang tuwina’y maging “asin at liwa-
hinahanap ninyo?” Sumagot sila, P –Yamang naliwanagan tayo ng
Salita ng Diyos at napatibay sa nag” sa pamamagitan ni Kristong
“Saan po kayo nakatira, Rabi?” aming Panginoon.
Ang kahulugan ng salitang ito’y ating pasiyang gawin ang nakal-
ulugod sa Panginoon, idalangin B – Amen!
Guro. “Halikayo at tingnan
ninyo,” ani Hesus. Sumama natin sa Kanya ang ating mga
sila at nakita nila ang kanyang kahilingan.
tinitirhan; at tumuloy sila roon B –Panginoon, dinggin Mo kami!
nang araw na yaon. Noo’y mag- * Para sa buong Simbahan:
iikaapat na ng hapon. Patuloy nawa siyang maging ilaw P – Manalangin kayo . . .
Ang isa sa dalawang nakar- ng katotohanan at tagapagtanggol B – Tanggapin nawa ng Pangi-
inig kay Juan at sumunod kay ng kalinisang-puri. Manalangin noon itong paghahain sa iyong
Hesus ay si Andres na kapatid tayo! B. mga kamay sa kapurihan
ni Simon Pedro. Una niyang niya at karangalan, sa ating
hinanap ang kapatid niyang * Para sa Santo Papa at lahat kapakina-bangan at sa buong
ito, at kanyang sinabi sa kanya, ng mga pinunong espirituwal: Sambayanan niyang banal.
“Natagpuan namin ang Mesi- Nawa’y patuloy tayong mali-
yas!” Ang kahulugan ng salitang wanagan sa kanilang pangaral at Panalangin ukol sa mga Alay
ito’y Kristo. At siya’y isinama mabigyang inspirasyon sa pama- P – Ama naming Lumikha, ipag-
ni Andres kay Hesus. Tiningnan magitan ng kanilang kabutihan. kaloob mong marapat na ganapin
ni Hesus si Simon at sinabi sa Manalangin tayo! B. ang banal na paghahain sapagkat
kanya, “Ikaw si Simon na anak * Para sa lahat ng mga tinawag tuwing ipinagdiriwang ang alaala
ni Juan. Ang ipangangalan sa ng Panginoon upang maglingkod ng Anak mong nag-alay, ang
iyo’y Cefas.” Ang katumbas ng sa ating pamayanan: Nawa’y pagliligtas niya sa tanan ay nang-
pangalang ito’y Pedro. gampanan nila ang kanilang yayari upang aming pakinabangan
Ang Mabuting Balita ng Pa- tungkulin ng bukas-loob at tapat sa sa pamamagitan niya kasama ng
nginoon! pagsunod sa halimbawa ni Hesus. Espiritu Santo magpasawalang
B – Pinupuri ka namin, Pangi- Manalangin tayo! B. hanggan.
noong Hesukristo! B – Amen!
* Para sa lahat ng mga sangkot
sa paggawa at pagpapakalat ng Prepasyo II
Homiliya mga pornograpikong materiyal:
Nawa’y mapagtanto nila ang bigat P – Sumainyo ang Panginoon!
Sumasampalataya ng pinsalang moral na idinudulot B – At sumaiyo rin!
nila sa maraming tao. Manalangin P – Itaas sa Diyos ang inyong puso
B – Sumasampalataya ako sa at diwa!
Diyos Amang makapangyarihan tayo! B.
B – Itinaas na namin sa Panginoon!
sa lahat, na may gawa ng langit * Para sa lahat ng mga naging P – Pasalamatan natin ang Pangi-
at lupa. biktima ng mga malalaswang noong ating Diyos!
Sumasampalataya ako kay pahayagan, palabas, at pelikula: B – Marapat na siya ay pasala-
Hesukristo, iisang Anak ng Diyos, Nawa’y maalaala nilang ang matan!

Ika-2 Linggo sa Karaniwang Panahon (B)

P – Ama naming makapang- Paanyaya sa Pakikinabang B– At sumaiyo rin!
yarihan, tunay ngang marapat na P – Ito si Hesus, ang Kordero ng
ikaw ay aming pasalamatan sa P – Magsiyuko kayo at ipanala-
Diyos na nag-aalis ng mga kasala- ngin ang pagpapala ng Diyos.
pamamagitan ni Hesukristo na nan ng sanlibutan. Mapalad ang
aming Panginoon. (Manahimik saglit.)
mga inaanyayahan sa kanyang
Lubhang nabagbag ang kan- piging. P– Pagkalooban nawa kayo ng Pan-
yang loob sa pagkakamali ng tao B – Panginoon, hindi ako kara- ginoon ng kagandahang-loob at
sa sansinukob, kaya’t minabuti ni- pat-dapat na magpatuloy sa iyo lakas na inyong kinakailangan
yang siya’y ipanganak ng Birheng ngunit sa isang salita mo lamang upang makatugon sa kanyang
bukod mong pinagpala sa babaing ay gagaling na ako. panawagang mamuhay bilang
lahat. Sa labi ng imbing kama- tunay na Kristiyano.
tayan, kami ay inagaw ng namatay Antipona ng Pakikinabang B – Amen!
mong Anak. Sa pagkabuhay niya, (Ipahahayag lamang kung walang P –Mapaglingkuran nawa ninyo
kami’y kanyang binuhay upang awiting nakahanda.)
ang inyong mga kapatid sa
kaugnayan namin sa iyo’y huwag Ikaw ay may handang dulang sa pamayanan, lalo na ang mga
magwakas. harap ko, Poong mahal. AkoÊy iyong mahihina, nang may pag-ibig at
Kaya kaisa ng mga anghel na binibigyan ng kopang maiinumang tiyaga tulad ng sa mga apostol.
nagsisiawit ng papuri sa iyo nang may inuming umaapaw. B – Amen!
walang humpay sa kalangitan,
kami’y nagbubunyi sa iyong Panalangin Pagkapakinabang P – Matanggap nawa ninyo ang
kadakilaan: P –Ama naming mapagmahal, gantimpalang ipinangako ng
B – Santo, santo, santo Pangino- padaluyin mo sa amin ang batis Panginoon para sa lahat ng
ong Diyos ng mga hukbo. Napu- ng Espiritu ng iyong pag-ibig mga naglilingkod sa Kanya
puno ang langit at lupa ng kada- upang kaming pinapagsalo mo sa sa kanilang kapwa.
kilaan mo. Osana sa kaitaasan! pagkaing iyong bigay para kami’y B – Amen!
Pinagpala ang naparirito sa pagbuklurin ay magkaisa sa pa-
ngalan ng Panginoon. Osana sa nanalig sa iyo sa pamamagitan ni P – Pagpalain nawa kayo ng maka-
kaitaasan! Hesukristo kasama ng Espiritu pangyarihang Diyos: Ama,
Santo magpasawalang hanggan. Anak, at Espiritu Santo.
Pagbubunyi B – Amen! B – Amen!
B –Sa krus mo at pagkabuhay P – Humayo kayo sa kapayapaan
kami’y natubos mong tunay, at maging kasangkapan nawa
Poong Hesus naming mahal, ilig- kayo ng pag-ibig ng Diyos para
tas mo kaming tanan ngayon at sa lahat.
magpakailanman. P – Sumainyo ang Panginoon. B – Salamat sa Diyos!

Whether you’re 5 or 105, you’ve got a prayer companion.

B – Ama namin . . .
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B – Sapagkat iyo ang kaharian at
ang kapangyarihan at ang kapu-
rihan magpakailanman! Amen!

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aalis ng mga kasalanan ng
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Kordero ng Diyos na nag- handy, affordable booklet.
aalis ng mga kasalanan ng
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amin ang kapayapaan. website of Word and Life Publications (
and online thru wordandlifereligiousstore_2021 /
Lazada: Word and Life Religious Store

Don Bosco Compound, A. Arnaiz Ave. cor. Chino Roces Ave., Makati City
Postal Address: P.O. Box 1820, MCPO, 1258 Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines
WORD AND LIFE Tel. Nos. 8894-5401; 8894-5241; 8475-8945 • Website:
PUBLICATIONS • E-mail: • FB: Word & Life Publications
• Editorial Team: Fr. B. Nolasco, Fr. J. Camaya, Fr. C. Dimaranan, V. David, R. Molomog, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Circulation: R. Saldua
Kalakbay at Katoto

M alimit ko makita ngayon sa facebook

ang salitang “ayun oh!” lala na kapag
may picture. Ayun oh! Parang itinuturo ang
at TikTok. Makinig tayo sa taong ang pakay
ay ang kapakanan ng kapwa at kapakanan
ng lahat.
ano man. Parang nagsasabing “pansinin
ninyo siya.” Pati si Juan Bautista ay parang Ayun oh! Si Juan ay hindi nagselfie at nagtu-
nag facebook ngayon … Ayun oh! Ayun ang turo sa sarili, bagkus itinuro tayo sa tunay na
kordero ng Diyos! Sapagkat hindi siya nag- pagmumulan ng lahat ng mabuti at ng kalig-
selfie, itinuro niya ang dapat bigyang pansin tasan. Hayan ang Kordero ng Diyos! Hayan
o pagtuunan ng atensyon. Ayun oh! siyang nag-aalis ng kasalanan ng sanlibutan!

Hindi ako tingnan nyo … Huwag ako pansinin Ikalawa, matuto tayong kumilos. Matuto
ninyo! Siya, Ayon oh! Narito ang kordero tayong gumawa ng nararapat. Itinuro ni Juan
ng Diyos! si Jesus sa atin, pero dapat naman tayong
gumawa nang dapat, tulad ng mga apostol na
Ano ba ang naging bunga ng referral na ginawa nagtanong: Saan po kayo nakatira?
ni Juan? Nagpunta sila kay Jesus. Pinagkali-
bumbungan nila si Jesus at nagtanong: Saan Ito po ang buod ng ating buhay bilang kris-
po kayo nakatira? Gusto nilang makilala pa tiyano. Dapat makinig. Dapat maghanap, at
sila nang higit. Gusto nilang makaalam pa ng kapag natagpuan tayo ng Diyos, ay dapat
mas malalim tungkol sa kanya. natin siyang kilalanin nang higit. Halina at
tingnan ninyo!
Ano ba puede nating mapulot na aral dito. Una,
magtiwala tayo sa taong hindi naghahanap ng Halina at tumingin sa Kanya. Siya lamang
sarili kundi nagtuturo sa kapwa. Huwag tayo ayon kay Juan ang kordero ng Diyos. Ayun oh!
maniwala sa mga ang hilig lang ay puro selfie
Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

14 January 2024 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

Called to Share in Christ's Life and Miion

esus said to the two disciples of John the Baptist, “Come and see.”
To be a disciple of the Lord Jesus is not just a matter of learning
from him wonderful things about God and His plans for mankind,
witnessing spectacular miracles at close range, and traveling with
Jesus the dusty roads of Palestine. More than anything else, it entails
entering into a personal, intimate relationship with him. Such rela-
tionship gives meaning and direction to a person’s life, makes him/her
share in Christ’s eagerness to proclaim the Gospel to all, and to make
the Kingdom of God strike roots in the hearts of people.
This personal relationship brings out the best in the disciples,
and produces in them an ever-greater “intimacy” with Jesus, in such
a way that they can say with St. Paul, “I live, no longer I, but Christ
lives in me. Insofar as I now live in the flesh, I live in the faith in the
Son of God, who has loved me and has given himself up for me” (Gal
2:20). Let this be our prayer intention in this Eucharist.

Penitential Act through our good example.

P –As we gather together as Lord, have mercy!
God’s family to celebrate the All – Lord, have mercy!
Entrance Antiphon Eucharist and reflect on the mys- P –May almighty God have
(To be recited only when no tery of God’s call, let us pause for mercy on us, forgive us our sins,
Entrance Hymn is sung.) a while and reflect on how we and bring us to everlasting life.
have responded to His invitation. All – Amen!
All the earth shall bow (Pause)
down before you, O God, and
shall sing to you, shall sing to P –Lord Jesus, you call us Gloria
your name, O Most High! every day to serve you in All – Glory to God in the high-
our neighbour. Lord, have est, and on earth peace to people
Greeting mercy! of good will. We praise you,
All – Lord, have mercy! we bless you, we adore you, we
P – In the name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy P –Lord Jesus, you call some glorify you, we give you thanks
Spirit! special people to the ser- for your great glory, Lord God,
All –Amen! vice of leadership in our heavenly King, O God, almighty
P –Grace and peace from God communities. Christ, have Father.
our Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, mercy! Lord Jesus Christ, Only
and the Holy Spirit be with you All –Christ, have mercy! Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb
all. P –Lord Jesus, you expect all of of God, Son of the Father, you
All – And with your spirit! us to inspire our neighbour take away the sins of the world,

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have mercy on us; you take away When Samuel went to sleep in the Corinthians
the sins of the world, receive our his place, the Lord came and
revealed his presence, calling Brothers and sisters: The
prayer; you are seated at the
out as before, “Samuel, Samu- body is not for immorality, but
right hand of the Father, have
el!” Samuel answered, “Speak, for the Lord, and the Lord is
mercy on us. For you alone are for the body; God raised the
the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, for your servant is listen-
ing.” Lord and will also raise us by
Lord, you alone are the Most his power.
High, Jesus Christ, with the Samuel grew up, and the
Lord was with him, not permit- Do you not know that your
Holy Spirit, in the glory of God bodies are members of Christ?
the Father. Amen! ting any word of his to be with-
out effect. But whoever is joined to the
Lord becomes one Spirit with
Collect (Opening Prayer) The Word of the Lord! him. Avoid immorality. Every
All – Thanks be to God! other sin a person commits is
P –Almighty ever-living God,
who govern all things, both in Responsorial Psalm Ps 40 outside the body, but the im-
heaven and on earth, mercifully moral person sins against his
R –Here am I, Lord; I come to own body. Do you not know
hear the pleading of your people do your will!
and bestow your peace on our that your body is a temple of
times. the Holy Spirit within you,
Through our Lord Jesus * I have waited, waited for whom you have from God, and
Christ, your Son, who lives and that you are not your own? For
reigns with you in the unity of you have been purchased at a
the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and price. Therefore glorify God
ever. in your body.
All – Amen! The Word of the Lord!
All – Thanks be to God!

Gospel Acclamation Jn 1:41.17b

All – Alleluia! Alleluia!
1st Reading 1 Sm 3:3-10.19 the Lord, and he stooped to- We have found the Mes-
When Samuel was about twelve, ward me and heard my cry. siah: Jesus Christ, who
he heard the Lord call him. His And he put a new song into my brings us truth and grace.
answer expresses his willingness mouth, a hymn to our God. R. Alleluia! Alleluia!
to listen and obey the Lord.
R –A proclamation from the * Sacrifice or offering you Gospel Jn 1:35-42
First Book of Samuel wished not, but ears open to When the two disciples of John
obedience you gave me. Ho- the Baptist heard that Jesus was
Samuel was sleeping in the locausts or sin-offerings you
temple of the Lord where the ark the Messiah, they followed him
sought not; then said I, “Be- and got to know him more. One
of God was. The Lord called to hold I come.” R.
Samuel, who answered, “Here I of them, Andrew, even took his
am.” Samuel ran to Eli and said, * “In the written scroll it is brother Peter to Jesus.
“Here I am. You called me.” “I prescribed for me, to do your P –The Lord be with you!
did not call you,” Eli said. “Go will, O my God, is my delight, All –And with your spirit!
back to sleep.” So he went back and your law is within my P –A proclamation from the
to sleep. Again the Lord called heart!” R. holy Gospel according to
Samuel, who rose and went to * I announced your justice in John
Eli. “Here I am,” he said. “You
the vast assembly; I did not re- All – Glory to you, O Lord!
called me.” But Eli answered, “I
strain my lips, as you, O Lord, John was standing with
did not call you, my son. Go back
know. R. two of his disciples, and as he
to sleep.”
At that time Samuel was watched Jesus walk by, he said,
not familiar with the Lord, 2nd Reading 1 Cor 6:13-15. “Behold, the Lamb of God.”
because the Lord had not re- 17-20 The two disciples heard what
vealed anything to him as yet. During Paul’s absence, a num- he said and followed Jesus. Je-
The Lord called Samuel again, ber of converts in Corinth revert- sus turned and saw them fol-
for the third time. Getting up ed to their old ways of practising lowing him and said to them,
and going to Eli, he said, “Here sexual immorality. Paul reminds “What are you looking for?”
I am. You called me.” Then Eli the Corinthians – and us – that They said to him, “Rabbi” --
understood that the Lord was any act of sexual immorality is which translated means Teach-
calling the youth. So he said to a desecration to the body of a er -- “where are you staying?”
Samuel, “Go to sleep, and if you baptized person. He said to them, “Come, and
are called, reply, ‘Speak, Lord, R – A proclamation from the you will see.” So they went and
for your servant is listening.’ ” First Letter of Saint Paul to saw where Jesus was staying,

14 January 2024
and they stayed with him that resurrection of the dead and the and “light of the world.” Grant
day. It was about four in the life of the world to come. Amen! us the grace to be always “salt
afternoon. and light” through Christ Our
Andrew, the brother of Prayer of the Faithful Lord.
Simon Peter, was one of the All – Amen!
two who heard John and fol- P –Enlightened by the teaching
lowed Jesus. He first found of God’s Word, and strengthened
his own brother Simon and in our resolution to always please
told him, “We have found the the Lord, let us address our peti-
Messiah” – which is translated tions to Him.
Christ. Then he brought him All –Lord, graciously hear us! Preparation of the Gifts
to Jesus. Jesus looked at him C –For the whole Church: May P –Pray, brethren . . .
and said, “You are Simon the she always be a beacon of truth All – May the Lord accept the
son of John; you will be called and a staunch defender of the vir- sacrifice at your hands, for the
Cephas” – which is translated tue of chastity. Let us pray! R. praise and glory of his name,
Peter. for our good and the good of all
C –For the Holy Father and all his holy Church.
The Gospel of the Lord! our spiritual leaders: May they
All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus constantly enlighten us with
Christ! their teaching and inspire us
Prayer over the Offerings
with their virtuous life. Let us P –Grants us, O Lord, we pray,
Homily pray! R. that we may participate worthily
C –For those whom the Lord in these mysteries, for whenever
Profession of Faith the memorial of this sacrifice
(Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed) calls to the service of leadership
in our communities: May they is celebrated, the work of our
All –I believe in one God, the Fa- respond to their vocation with redemption is accomplished.
ther almighty, maker of heaven generous availability and by Through Christ our Lord.
and earth, of all things visible faithfully following the example All – Amen!
and invisible. of Jesus. Let us pray! R.
I believe in one Lord Jesus Preface II
Christ, the Only Begotten Son C –For all those who are in-
volved in producing and dissem- P –The Lord be with you!
of God, born of the Father be- All –And with your spirit!
fore all ages. God from God, inating pornographic material:
May they realize the gravity of P –Lift up your hearts!
Light from Light, true God from All – We lift them up to the Lord!
the moral damage they cause to
true God, begotten, not made, P –Let us give thanks to the
so many people and desist from
consubstantial with the Father; their criminal activity. Let us Lord our God!
through him all things were pray! R. All –It is right and just!
made. For us men and for our P –It is truly right and just, our
salvation he came down from C –For all those who are vic-
timized by the f lood of erotic duty and our salvation, always
heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy and everywhere to give you
Spirit was incarnate of the Vir- publications, shows, and movies:
May they always remember that thanks, Lord, holy Father, al-
gin Mary, and became man.* mighty and eternal God, through
For our sake he was crucified the human body is not made for
immorality but to give glory to Christ our Lord.
under Pontius Pilate, he suf- For out of compassion for
fered death and was buried, and God. Let us pray! R.
the waywardness that is ours, he
rose again on the third day in C –For the victims of human
trafficking and exploitation, humbled himself and was born of
accordance with the Scriptures. the Virgin; by the passion of the
He ascended into heaven and is especially the young ones: May
they always feel the protection Cross, he freed us from unend-
seated at the right hand of the ing death, and by rising from the
Father. He will come again in and support of the government
authorities and private institu- dead, he gave us life eternal.
glory to judge the living and the And so, with Angels and
dead and his kingdom will have tions. Let us pray! R.
Archangels, with Thrones and
no end. C –For all of us: May we always Dominions, and with all the
I believe in the Holy Spirit, respond to God’s call to live as hosts and Powers of heaven, we
the Lord, the giver of life, who devout Christians and respon- sing the hymn of your glory, as
proceeds from the Father and the sible and honest citizens. Let us without end we acclaim:
Son, who with the Father and the pray! R. All –Holy, holy, holy Lord, God
Son is adored and glorified, who of hosts. Heaven and earth are
has spoken through the prophets. C –Let us pray in silence for our
personal intentions. (Pause) full of your glory. Hosanna in
I believe in one, holy, catholic the highest!
Let us pray! R.
and apostolic Church. I confess Blessed is he who comes in
one Baptism for the forgiveness P –Lord God, you constantly the name of the Lord. Hosanna
of sins and I look forward to the call us to be “salt of the earth” in the highest!

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

Memorial Acclamation light of our life, the Lamb of God P –The Lord be with you.
who takes away the sins of the All – And with your spirit!
P –The mystery of faith!
world. Blessed are those who are P –Bow your heads and pray for
All –Save us, Savior of the called to his Supper.
world, for by your Cross God’s blessing. (Pause)
All –Lord, I am not worthy – May the Lord give you the
and Resurrection you
that you should enter under generosity and strength that
have set us free.
my roof, but only say the word you need to answer his call
and my soul shall be healed. to a committed Christian
Communion Antiphon All – Amen!
(To be recited only when no Com-
P –May you serve your broth-
All – Our Father . . . munion Hymn is sung.)
ers and sisters in the com-
P –Deliver us, Lord . . . You have prepared a table munity, and especially the
All –For the kingdom, the before me, and how precious weak ones, with the dedica-
power, and the glory are is the chalice that quenches my tion of the apostles.
yours, now and for ever! thirst. All – Amen!
Sign of Peace Prayer after Communion P –May you receive from the
Lord the reward that He
Breaking of the Bread P –Pour on us, O Lord, the promised to all those who
Spirit of your love, and in your serve Him in their neighbor.
All – Lamb of God, you take kindness make those you have All –Amen!
away the sins of the world: have nourished by this one heavenly
mercy on us. (2x) Bread one in mind and heart. P – May almighty God bless
Lamb of God, you take Through Christ our Lord. you: the Father, and the
away the sins of the world: All – Amen! Son, and the Holy Spirit.
grant us peace. All – Amen!
P –Go in peace, glorifying the
Communion Lord by your life.
P –This is the Lord Jesus, the All – Thanks be to God!

Invitation, Reflection, Transformation

Kalakbay at Katoto

T he liturgy today opens with a rousing call. The

young Samuel, probably being groomed to
do something that is bigger than his young years,
ing after their master … and they followed.

I see three movements in today’s liturgy. First, there

is roused from restful sleep not once, not twice, is a call. I would call it an INVITATION. Samuel
but thrice. Paul issues a rousing challenge to the was invited, first, to sleep in the temple area where
Corinthians to behave responsibly as members of the ark of the covenant was kept. His “yes” to the
the body of Christ. Two bystanders watching atten- invitation to keep watch along with the older Eli
tively are also roused by an excited announcement was followed by another invitation, this time, from
from John: “Behold, the Lamb of God.” someone greater than Eli. That eventful night,
another invitation came his way. More than being
The call addressed to the young Samuel fell not roused from sleep, he was being raised to do some-
on deaf ears. Although being roused from one’s thing great, something beautiful for God.
bed is no welcome thing for young people, the fact
that he was sleeping in the temple precincts meant INVITATION, however, is followed not by delv-
that there was, to start with, a certain openness, a ing straight into action, but by careful and prudent
certain readiness, a predisposition, an open ear, as reflection. Invitation did not give way to mere
it were, to something important, something great, activism. It paved the way for REFLECTION.
something bigger than his young stature. The “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.” In-
bold announcement from John was reciprocated vitation did not translate into immediate action. It
with an equally bold response from the two who bloomed, instead, into humble petition ... “Speak
stood alongside him, who watched together with Lord!” The same may be said of the two disciples
him whose life mission was to prepare the way for of John who stood by and watched. When they
someone else. The two disciples who stood by and followed the invitation of John to “behold,” Jesus
watched not only had an open ear. They also had a made them reflect: “What are you looking for?”
willing hand, adventurous feet, and an inquisitive Again, reflection became petition: “Where are you
mind. They heard They beheld him who was com- staying?” This time, petition was answered by a
deeper invitation: “Come and you will see.” same point about watching and waiting? “I have
Come and see . . . This was the motif of the World waited, waited for the Lord, and he stooped toward
Youth Day in France in 2001 . . . Venez et voyez . . . me and heard my cry.” Is it any wonder that the
Come and see . . . Perhaps as we put a close to the same psalmist plays down the need for action, the
long Christmas season, and as we go full swing need for “sacrifice or offering,” but rather refers to
into living an entirely new year, we need to do a “ears open to obedience?” Is it any wonder that only
Samuel act that is made up of three essential and then, only after speaking of ears open to obedience,
integral movements: invitation, reflection, and he speaks about his resolve: “Behold I come?”
transformation. We always take mistaken pride in being the only
Christian nation in Asia. The truth of the matter is
Our world is a noisy place. Noises, both material more like we were strongly sacramentalized and
and spiritual, characterize and clutter our daily ex- ritualized for centuries, but not necessarily evan-
istence. Spiritual noises drown out interior silence. gelized. In our busy everyday lives, there may be
Material noises crowd out our ability to reflect. precious little reflection, little prayer, and little at-
And a lot of psychological noises make it impos- tention to the invitation to depth and holiness of life.
sible for many to live in peace and harmony with I would like now to translate this last concept into a
one another. word that fits the topic developed by today’s read-
Today, I would like to reframe the readings in terms
of these three watchwords: invitation, reflection, The invitation that was given to Samuel and the two
and transformation. disciples of John, and the reflection that followed
the invitation, both spilled over into transformative
Invitation . . . Come and see . . . We need as a action. Reflection preceded transformation and
people, a faith family, first to listen like Samuel not the other way around. Transformation was the
did. It is so easy for anyone to jump into so-called logical and necessary output of reflection. Having
solutions to problems. But as any organizational come and seen, they followed. Having reflected,
guru amongst us would readily realize, many of the they stayed. Andrew, who first saw and reflected,
solutions of today are the problems of tomorrow. went into transformative action mode. He called his
Mere knee-jerk reactions to so many pressing prob- brother Simon and told him great news: “We have
lems will not clinch it. Nor will the poorly digested found the Messiah.” That report made him resort to
and poorly reflected on palliative measures do. I something concretely life transforming. He brought
would like to think that, among others, this is what his brother to Jesus.
stands out in today’s readings. “Come and you will
see.” Invitation from the Lord ought to open itself All stories reported above can be reduced into a
to watching, to reflecting, to praying more than to single line. For Samuel, for Eli, for Paul and the
doing. Come first, and see. Come first, and reflect. Corinthians, for John and his two disciples, for An-
Come first and observe. He does not tell us today drew and Simon, first there was the INVITATION.
to jump into the fray. Then came REFLECTION and petition. And last,
there came the difficult but necessary part. They all
Is it any wonder that the psalm chosen reiterates the worked for TRANSFORMATION.

Don Bosco Compound, A. Arnaiz Ave. cor. Chino Roces Ave., Makati, Metro Manila
Postal Address: P.O. Box 1820, MCPO, 1258 Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines
WORD AND LIFE Tel. Nos. 8894-5401; 8475-8945 • Telefax: 8894-5241 • Website:
PUBLICATIONS • E-mail: • FB: Word & Life Publications
• Editorial Team: Fr. B. Nolasco, Fr. J. Camaya, Fr. C. Dimaranan, V. David, R. Molomog, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Circulation: R. Saldua

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