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Lost Grounds

A woman is often stereotyped with big mouth, However In a deep valley in the
Peru’s Andes Mountains, there lies a woman withholding a secret for 9000
years. Modern human beings attach our self to the highly intellectual and
analytical beings in the entirety of the universe. A serendipity of her identity
will shatter the prism of worldview we ever carried.
Let's go back to stones, it a tale none before. In the era of stone age, we all
heard the stories and academics of hunter and gatherers, Our ancestors. We
were always told; Men were the Hunters and women were the gatherers. In
the words of eminent scholar Emile Durkheim, it is structurally functional
division of labour which helps sustains the LAWS OF THE NATURE. Soon it
turned into THE LAWS MAN. Rational feminism argues the rigidity of gendered
division of labour, and its implications having downward filtration impact all
over society. Needless to mention how disastrous those implication was and
are. Different viewpoints provide vantage points to witness Jain Syadwada
(Truths are multiple).
Apart from dynamics of perspectives, in a small grave there lies a woman
holding a Hunting toolkit resembling to “SHERANI SHIKARI” (HUNTING
TIGRESS). But WAIT, aren’t men the hunters and woman were gatherers?
Has Perspective of Male dominance lost its ground?


Recently Discovered site in Peru, Wilamaya Patjxa site, is enough to break the
myth of gendered division of labour. When today we are striving towards SDG
5 - Gender Equality, breaking off such stereotypes proves to be boon.
Subaltern sections of society often face biggest hurdles of centuries old myths
and stereotypes. To carve their path of empowerment, first milestone is shift
in academic discourse which relies on evidence and not creative imaginations
of few such as Rudyard Kipling's WHITE MANS BURDEN.
In the ocean of diverse perspectives and fluidity of gendered identity, opens
horizon of challenges than solutions. From Right to identity to Right to Marry
must be seen from new lenses. However, it does not provide Right to impose
your identity upon others, which we often see in the west where plurality of
nouns and its address takes centre stage than actual human rights. Infamously
tagged as WOKEISM is also a form of extremism that exist in the society.
Extremism is not a way to progress, but tolerance, peace and compassions are.
After all we are just tiny atoms in the Plurality of Galaxies.

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