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) Greetings to you dear friend thank you for accepting my friend request is a
pleasure having you as friend dear friend how are you doing and how is your day
Hello my dear friend. How was your today and how is your family?
I hope all is well with you? I am happy to have you here as friend.
And i hope our friendship will be a beautiful experience?

2.) Hello, thank you very much. i use translation device to write your language...
Actually as a woman who respects all types of men, I will start introducing myself
to you. I am 35 years old. I am a US citizen born in Houston, Texas.

i have never been married before

Actually I am the only daughter of my father also a military woman before I was
serving at the base of the United States Army, but at this moment I am in a peace
keep mission maintaining peace in Afghanistan under my father's leadership as a
commander of our troop as a result of the crisis and the war there.
efore, I'm still just waiting on God for a good soul mate ... well, I want to have
civil friends on my Facebook. My hobbies are to give hospitality and protect lives
too I like to share ideas and I also care about nature and human being.

I would like to know more about you.

What's your occupation? How old are you? Are you married? Do you have children?
Which city do you live in? And your hobbies in life I hope to hear from you soon


3.) Thank you, I also want to tell you other things you need to know about me. I am
a captain in American army and my father is a lieutenant general in the US Army
and he is also here in Afghanistan for peacekeeping He is serving under the
military government of the US Army it's very painful to tell you that for a while
now my father is in the hospital receiving treatment in the army hospital here in
the camp makes me cry every day but nothing to do about it only God can intervene
in his case my father was shot at a dangerous point but he is still receiving
treatment in the hospital i pray and hope he will be well soon by the grace of God
please i don�t intend making you board with my challenges I just felt to open up
and to be sincere with you, maybe is because i see you as a kind man who is honest
and I do not think is nice not telling you or to hide it from you Please do not
worry because my life is cheerful and generous, I hope to hear you soon. I would be
happy to have a sweet friendship with you.

Okay, my dear, you're very handsome. I really would like to meet you. I've watched
your photo many times and I'm really shocked and so attracted to your beautiful
body. You really are a definition of a handsome king. I'm happy now to have someone
like you as my friend on Facebook. I think it's really a great honor to have you
here. So I say thank you one more time for accepting me and giving me the privilege
of a friend to a handsome man like you. God bless you for being my friend. Thank
you, thank you, and thank you.

My friend looks so cute. I plan to travel to your country to soon to establish

business and I am looking for someone to make my friend and from your appearance
you look like a good person. I am already working on my retirement, because this
work is very risky for me. So that i can have enough time to take care of myself
and live a normal life. I hope you enjoy meeting me in your country.
Your good looks made me to accept you as a friend and I believe you are a good
person. I want to have a good friend that I can trust in your country before I will
come. But I think you are responsible and that is why I add you as a friend here. I
also want to build a business in your country. ...... I like you.
I hope you will like to meet me?



4.)Dear to tell you the real fact i really like you when I saw your picture and
that is why I decided to send you the first message I am American and I cannot hide
my feelings towards any man. The reason why I'm here on Facebook is to meet an
honest man for a serious relationship and be a good friend with him that is just my
plan to be here in the dating chat ... you really look great and I like you. Life
is like a book every year has a new page with new adventures to tell and things to
learn I am very proud to have a great man like you this year and I think we will
have many good and wonderful chapters in our life with good stories to tell in the
future. But try to be honest with me in all our conversations because only honesty
and sincerity can make any good relationship last forever because honesty and
sincerity will generate trust and then trust will bring love and love will make the
relationship last for always between two people I already heard about your story
and it really sounded very good but it's just that we met a few days ago, I hope
you're a good man for me??? I cannot write much because of my work I do not have
time for many words I am a woman of few words Please take good care of yourself and
I would be happy to hear from you again.
I will be in your country soon.
Dear friend have a good day.

5.) Hello Darling how is your today? I hope you're well there? I'm so sorry for my
late response I hope you understand the nature of my work it does not leave me much
time to chat here, but I'll always try to give you a massage every day, to make
sure I'm in touch with you. Thank you so much for your massage I am very happy to
read your massage. I will retire soon from the army, especially now that my father
has been critically injured. I have no other family left...

My dear i have never been married. I have been single all my life. In fact, to be
sincere with you, i am still a virgin. When my father was still strong, he refuses
me to go into any relationship with any man, so since then i have been alone
without a man. But i was surprise that i am already falling in love with you
I also want you to know that i am not a racist, I don't discriminate people because
of their race or color of their skin. I just want you to know that you are very
handsome. And i like you a lot.


6.) I will retire soon from the army, especially now that my father has been
critically injured. I have no other family left...
I am thinking of coming to invest in your country and maybe live there, that is the
reason i try to make a good contact with you before i come over. I just hope you
will like to meet me and you will not disappoint me. My Charming prince, I love
you so much.

Did you know that from the first moment I saw you I fell in love with you? It's
been so long since a man got my attention so completely or it made my heart beat
like it did right now.
Your smile lights up my whole spirit and your laughter fills me with joy and your
presence will warm any room I have no doubt that you are the man Heaven created
especially for me. Thanks for the comfortable conversations and for asking me to be
yours, thanks for sharing your love and for wanting to make me your good friend. No
matter how slow or how far our courtship develops, I know that you are standing
before God and our future family, swearing to be your life partner, it was the
easiest decision I could have made.
I love you.


7.) Hello my dear friend, how are you? How was your night? I hope you slept very
My dear i don't have any brother or any sister. I am the only child and my mother
died when i was a little girl.
My dear i am really feeling very bad now. I am not happy at all.

My father died yesterday night by 2 o'clock in the early morning. As a result of

the bullet wound that was inflicted on him the day that terrorists attacked us.

I am in very big pain right now and i have been crying since last night. My father
was the only family i had... But my father just died and i am left alone in this
lonely world. . It is really painful to me.

I will not chat today. I will chat with you later i am in pain.

I may not be able to chat with you today.


8.) Honey thank you very much for your concern regarding the death of my late

Well, we will get closer to our love and future friendship since we feel the same
for each other. Thanks my dear love, i sincerely love you with all my heart, I have
never had a rest of my mind since I put my eyes on you. I always have your thought
in me every moment of the day. i always dream seeing the both of us together every
time i sleep. i must tell you that you are my hero my guide and soul mate. You are
my world and you are the moon that shine in my night, my body my soul, my blood, my
vain my eyes seek for you. My nose smells every part of you every seconds, minutes
and hours of the day honey thank you for lighting up my life again. Please darling
let me be your Queen because I have made you my world. Honey i am ready to entrust
my life in your care because I believe in you. Honestly, I will do anything to
assure you first that I sincerely want to be your queen.
Do you know that for the world you can be a person, but for a person you can be the
world? God bless you my adorable lover kisses on your lips...

Thank you for your encouraging words. i love you


9.) Hello honey how are you today, I hope you are fine and doing great there? honey
thank you very much for your understanding, I do not know what to say, but one
thing I am sure is that I have got a perfect friend, a God sent, a visionary
person, a woman that befits my statues. I have trusted you and I believe you, so i
have to tell you everything now, in relation to what I want to tell you, actually
my father told me before his death that he had approximately One million two
hundred thousand US dollars
($ 1,200,000) here in a security company and this large amount of money was the
money he recovered from the hands of some terrorist set during the time of their
arrest and he has entrusted all his wealth under my care during the time of his
illness and now that he is died, the money is now mine. Honey as you are very close
to me and we have agreed to be partners in business and love.

I want to transfer this money through a diplomatic service of diplomatic immunity

to your country, So you can save and keep the money for me until I return to my
country after my father's funeral, then I will come to see you in your country so
we can plan on how to invest the money in real estate and hotel business, because
now I only have a few months to stay here, you know that my father is dead now, he
will be buried next week, I want to send you the money by courier Diplomatic
immunity so you can save the money for me until I get to your country for business,
since we have already discussed and agreed, I cannot keep this money here because
it is not safe and I am working for the government. I cannot keep these funds and I
cannot send them to my country for the time being, so I just want you to act as my
wife to receive it In your country, and if I did not send this money out before I
leave this country for my father's burial, I could lose the money to my senior
officers in the US Army. I could also expose myself to the government as an

Please when you receive the money you can spend or take 30 percent of the entire
money that is therein for your personal up keep and save the rest for me until I
arrive at your country. you can rent a safe deposit box at the bank and keep the
money or save it in your house. I assure you that this transaction is risk free and
its success is 100% guaranteed.

As you know, due to the problems here it is not possible to transfer money by bank
transfer because the banking policy is very difficult and strict, so I will only
send you the money by courier of diplomatic immunity as package or luggage so that
you receive it in cash at your home, as I said before, it is not possible to
transfer the money from here because the banking policy here is so strict and
difficult due to the war and, as you know, I am still serving the government and
that makes it more difficult even if I have access to send it by bank transfer. All
I need now to start processing how to send you the money is as follows:

your full name...........................................................

your private phone number .......................................

your address................................................................

your photocopy of your Identity card .........................

so that I can finish the arrangement here and transfer the money to your country,
darling, this matter is my life and it can end my beautiful career, so you must
keep it as a secret as a man and nobody should know about it just you and i await
your response and your complete information I love you forever my dear and God
bless you always my sweet affection.

My dear ... I am planning to come back home, I'm still waiting for my papers this
week. I will take a 6 week leave ... But I want to send money to you, to help me
keep...The total amount is $ 1,200,000.... Then 30% of the money belongs to you...
I want you to help me to keep the money so that it will be easy for me to come. The
money is part of the money that i will use for the project investment. Part of the
money was given to me by the Afghanistan for my services in their country and the
remaining part of the money is from my father. I want you to help me keep it, so
that it will be easier for me to come over there.

There is no banking activity in here Afghanistan because of the terrorist

activities here. So, I cannot make any form of international bank transfer from
So, I will need your

1) Home address,

2) Phone number,
3) E-mail address


Those are requirements that i will give the diplomatic agent who will bring the
money ... Ok.

diplomatic Agent is an official registered agent for several international express

service agencies here at Afghanistan. Yes i want a diplomatic agent to help me
shift the money to you. And i can't keep it here. Some senior official may reclaim
it from me and i cannot take it to my country too. So what i need is a trusted
person like you to help me keep the money till i come. But you must keep it as a
big secret I don�t want people to know about it ok. Only you and I should know
about the money ok.
I believe in you dear and I trust you so much. I hope you will never disappoint me.

Hello my dear, I'm sorry I have not been able to chat with you since then. I was
busy with diplomat agent in their office. So, I just want to inform you that the
agent is already on his way to your country.
The total amount in the bag is $1,200,000 Dollars and then 30%out of the total
money belongs to you for your services rendered, for helping me to keep the
he will Add you on your Facebook account the name of the Agent is Mr Morgan Steven
but before then he will first have transit in indonesian Airport before coming to
your country to deliver our package by evening time to you I have made all the
necessary payments here in the company the Agent will arrive in your country been
on Monday 10/22/2018 evening My love please try to be with your cell phone and
always be online to communicate with Him ..
I believe that very soon i will come over to meet you OK?

Make sure you keep the money safe. I do not want many people to know about this, so
you have to keep it as a secret. I trust you and that is the reason I give you this
money and I believe that you will not disappoint me.Make sure you keep it safe, and
also keep it as a secret, so that only you and me, that will know about the
transaction ok. I have so much trust on you, because I believe you will not
disappoint me. Thank you and God bless you.
I have so much respect for you and i have so much trust on you. So i hope you don't
disappoint me. Have a nice day. I will chat with you later by the

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