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Characteristic features of droit administratiff

The characteristic features of droit administratif, or administrative law in

the French legal system, include:

1. Separation of Powers: It emphasizes the separation of powers between

administrative authorities and judicial bodies, allowing each to function
independently within its designated sphere.

2. Discretionary Authority: Administrative bodies have discretionary

powers, granting them flexibility to make decisions in the public interest,
often based on expert judgment.

3. Hierarchy of Norms: There is a hierarchical structure of legal norms, with

administrative regulations deriving their legitimacy from higher legal
sources such as statutes or constitutional principles.

4. Principle of Legality: Administrative actions must have a legal basis,

ensuring that authorities act within the limits of their prescribed powers
and that citizens have legal recourse against arbitrary decisions.

5. Specialized Administrative Courts: Specific courts, separate from

ordinary judicial bodies, handle administrative disputes. These specialized
courts have expertise in administrative law matters.
6. Public Interest Orientation: Administrative decisions are oriented
towards the public interest, reflecting the notion that administrative
authorities act for the common good.

7. Judicial Review: There is a system of judicial review to control the

legality of administrative actions, allowing individuals to challenge
decisions that violate legal norms.
These features collectively define the unique characteristics of droit
administratif, contributing to the distinct nature of administrative law in the
French legal framework.

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