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Nehemiah Part 2

Chapter 2:1-16
436. 442

(A) Nehemiah the cupbearer

1) Nehemiah stands before the king (2:1-2)

- Let’s read 2:1-2 「亞 達 薛 西 王 二 十 年 尼 散 月 , 在 王 面 前 擺 酒 , 我 拿 起 酒 來 奉 給 王 。 我 素 來

在 王 面 前 沒 有 愁 容 。2 王 對 我 說 : 你 既 沒 有 病 , 為 甚 麼 面 帶 愁 容 呢 ? 這 不 是 別 的 , 必 是
你 心 中 愁 煩 。 於 是 我 甚 懼 怕 。」

a. 我 拿 起 酒 來 奉 給 王: The last verse of Nehemiah 1 told us that Nehemiah was the king’s cupbearer —在

酒政是國王的私人保鏢,比國王先品嘗葡萄酒和食物,— 確保沒有人能毒死國王。

i. 酒政是王室的高級官員,他的基本職責是選擇和品嘗葡萄酒以證明它沒有毒,


ii. 因此,國王必須非常信任他的酒政,如果酒政可以反對國王,暗殺就很容易了。

薛西斯, 亞達薛西王一世的父親,在自己的臥室里被朝臣 阿爾塔巴努斯 殺死。

iii. 酒政也是國王的管家; 他負責選擇宮廷享用的大部分食物和葡萄酒。

iv. 酒政也是國王值得信賴的顧問;由於他經常在國王面前,並且非常信任他, 所以很自然地,


b. 亞 達 薛 西 王 二 十 年 尼 散 月: This is between the month of March and April, around 4 months after
Nehemiah heard the news concerning Jerusalem. The king treated him like a friend

i. During those four months, Nehemiah prayed and waited for the right opportunity to help the
people of Israel in Jerusalem. What I don’t understand is, why not just ask the king directly? Ezra
did so, he can have more opportunity to do so since he is with the king all the time. I guess this is
he’s cautious characteristic.

c. 我 素 來 在 王 面 前 沒 有 愁 容: On that particular day, Nehemiah noted that he had never been sad or
depressed in the presence of the king, and on this day when the king took notice, Nehemiah became
dreadfully afraid.

As was true in the courts of many ancient kings, it was forbidden to be sad in the presence of the king. The
idea was that the king was such a wonderful person that merely being in his presence was supposed to
make you forget all your problems.

When Nehemiah looked sad, it could have been taken as a terrible insult to the king.

i. When the king said, 「為 甚 麼 面 帶 愁 容 呢 ?」 Nehemiah knew the king had noticed his
sadness, and that the king took it seriously. Nehemiah must have wondered if the next words from
the king would be, “Off with his head!”

ii. Nehemiah was under the grace of God, I think he is like Joseph, whatever was entrusted to him he
was able to do so, this was why he was chosen as the cupbearer, because he was trustworthy and
reliable. Even though he is making a big mistake like this one, the king was able to overlook this
and asked him in a genuine caring voice.

Being a Christian, if we set a good example and show that we are truly dedicated to our work,
even though you may make some mishap. Your boss or superior will overlook them and show you
mercy and grace.

Before I went over to UK for over two months to see my nephew, I had always shown my boss that
I am fully dedicated and I will not be a lazy worker, I even help to do some design during the
holidays. This was why the boss trusted me to go back to UK and will work diligently, plus this is
truly the grace of God just like what happened to Nehemiah.

2) Nehemiah’s response (2:3)

- Let’s read 2:3「我 對 王 說 : 願 王 萬 歲 ! 我 列 祖 墳 墓 所 在 的 那 城 荒 涼 , 城 門 被 火 焚 燒 , 我 豈

能 面 無 愁 容 麼 ?」

a. 我 列 祖 墳 墓 所 在 的 那 城 荒 涼 , 城 門 被 火 焚 燒: With this, Nehemiah explained why he was sad.

Jerusalem was a destroyed, disgraced city.

i. No one had to tell the king the entire story; he would immediately sympathize with Nehemiah’s
concern for the dignity, safety, and well-being of his people.

b. 我 豈 能 面 無 愁 容 麼: Nehemiah’s answer was not only wise, it was honest. Often, when are we visibly
depressed or troubled, and when someone asks us about it, we simply reply “Nothing’s wrong!” or “Oh, I’m O.K.”
At those times, we aren’t honest.

i. 很多人都為這種困境所困擾. 沒有人想成為抱怨者, 用我們的問題讓別人感到厭煩,而對方可


On the other hand, we know the tremendous value there can be in sharing our concerns with
someone else who can pray with us and perhaps share some wisdom from the Bible.

ii. 在這種誠實的回應一種方式是尋找我們認識和信任的人,並與他們分享我們的掙扎和需求。

But if we don’t know a person well enough to feel confident sharing our personal life, we can still
ask them to pray for us in general.

They don’t need to know all the details to pray because God knows all the details.

iii. However, we must avoid two traps.

First, we must avoid “shopping” for advice 購買建議 — asking many people, telling all of them our
problems until we find the advice we want.

Second, we must be especially careful of talking to others in a way that puts the problem on other
people — people who aren’t there to give their side of the story.

Nehemiah didn’t say to the king, “I’m sad because those incompetents in Jerusalem have had 100
years to build the walls and they haven’t done anything. They are a bunch of hardened, uncaring,
worthless people.”

He described the problem without putting anyone else to blame. When we fail to do this, there’s a
word for it: gossip.

Many years ago, while working in Tin Hua in the 24-hour design house, I was very sad because I
just got scorned by this boss in front of my other colleague, it was so humiliating, I was so down
cast when I went to the Hong Kong Church for service. There a brother saw my sad face and ask
how I am doing…...

3) Nehemiah’s request (2:4-8)

- Let’s read 2:4-8「4 王 問 我 說 : 你 要 求 甚 麼 ? 於 是 我 默 禱 天 上 的 神 。5 我 對 王 說 : 僕 人 若 在 王

造 。6 那 時 王 后 坐 在 王 的 旁 邊 。 王 問 我 說 : 你 去 要 多 少 日 子 ? 幾 時 回 來 ? 我 就 定 了 日
期 。 於 是 王 喜 歡 差 遣 我 去 。7 我 又 對 王 說 : 王 若 喜 歡 , 求 王 賜 我 詔 書 , 通 知 大 河 西 的 省
長 准 我 經 過 , 直 到 猶 大 ;8 又 賜 詔 書 , 通 知 管 理 王 園 林 的 亞 薩 , 使 他 給 我 木 料 , 做 屬 殿
我 。」

a. 你 要 求 甚 麼: Right away, Nehemiah knew God gave him favor with the king. His response wasn’t
“Off with his head!” but “What can I do to help?” Nehemiah knew that four months of prayer were

b. 於 是 我 默 禱 天 上 的 神: Knowing his prayer had been answered, Nehemiah prayed again. This was
not a long, extended prayer (he could have said, “Well king, let me pray about it for a few days and
then I’ll get back to you”).

Instead, this was an immediate, silent, “Help me LORD!” prayer. Nehemiah knew this was an incredible
opportunity, and he did not want to miss the chance.

i. It is wonderful to labor long in prayer; but prayer does not have to be long to be effective. This is
especially true when the situation will not allow a long prayer.

ii. This shows that Nehemiah have a good cultivation to have this response, this tells us he had a
good spiritual life, he hoped not only for his answer to be pleasing to the king, but he also wanted
he’s answered to have the inspiration from God, so that it can touch the King’s heart. If he didn’t
have these spiritual habits, he will not have this sort of response.

iii. This is also the opportunity he had been waiting for over four months now, he was cautious, he
immediately gives a silent prayer in his heart, and the result was 於 是 王 喜 歡 差 遣 我 去 。

c. 求 王 差 遣 我 往 猶 大: Nehemiah again showed great wisdom as he respectfully asked for a leave of

absence and to be sent (you send me) by the king.

i. Nehemiah’s determination was also revealed: that I may rebuild it. That was a huge job and a big
goal. 尼希米不只是在進行實況調查, or to tell the leaders of Jerusalem what a bad job they were
doing. He goes to get the work done, trusting in God all the way!

d. 王 若 喜 歡 , 求 王 差 遣 我: 尼希米的同情心, his months of prayer, his moment of prayer, his great

faith, his great determination, and his wise responses were all answered positively. 國王熱衷於支援

i. The way Nehemiah was immediately able to answer the king tells us that he had thought this
through beforehand, that was why he was able to respond in such details.

ii. The king asked him what he needed? This was a good question, if he did not prepare for this
beforehand, he will not be able to know how to respond to this question. He may say, let me go
and think about it and get back to you. He may not get another opportunity like this, opportunity
comes to those who are well prepared, even if opportunity comes and you did not prepare for it,
you still cannot keep hold of it.

e. 我 就 定 了 日 期: As a capable leader, Nehemiah clearly had a plan. The four months in prayer were
not only spent in talking to God, but also in listening to Him and in working out a Spirit-led plan for
what to do when God did open the door.

i. Nehemiah knew how long he would need to be gone (我 就 定 了 日 期). He knew he would need
letters of safe passage from the king (求 王 賜 我 詔 書). He knew what kind of materials would be
needed (木 料). He knew what work needed to be done (做 屬 殿 營 樓 之 門的 橫 梁...和 城 牆...
我 自 己 房 屋 使 用 的). Nehemiah knew all of this without ever having seen for himself the
condition of Jerusalem before! Nehemiah knew the needs by carefully and patiently seeking God.

ii. Nehemiah had a plan, and God always works through a plan. The LORD our God is a planning God,
let’s read (Psalm 33:11): 耶 和 華 的 籌 算 永 遠 立 定 ; 他 心 中 的 思 念 萬 代 常 存 。From
the beginning of the plan of salvation in eternity past, God has a plan and is working it out.

iii. Sometimes it may seem that God blesses a lack of planning, and sometimes it seems God does a
blessed work completely different from what we have planned. But in every case, God works
through planning — if not our planning, then His planning. But as a general principle, God wants to
train us up into the work of being planners, just as He is a planner.

iv. Let’s read (Proverbs 21:5) 殷 勤 籌 劃 的 , 足 致 豐 裕 ; 行 事 急 躁 的 , 都 必 缺 乏 。God

teaches us to plan, to prepare before you act, it is good to be fervent, but we must prepare
ourselves beforehand before we can participate in the Lord’s work.

v. Once I took a too drastic chance and gather the youth to go to an elderly home for a hymnal
evangelism, but I did not do much planning or research. I just went ahead and do it because I
needed the experience. None of us ever try this before so I wanted to see what this is like.

The youth did not totally support me but went reluctantly, everyone knew it will not bear fruit.
And it is cruel to the elderly people as they knew we will only visit this one time and then leave
them there. Many elderly people have no hope, they all think they end up in elderly home to
waiting to die.

I wish the organization of the church was more established then, and have more people to plan
with me, at that time the church board was very small circle, only me and two other church board
members. If it is like today, many heads will get together to devise a better plan and gets
everyone’s input to see all the pros and cons, before deciding rather to do it or not. Not just
rushing in and hope for the best.

f. 使 他 給 我 木 料: Nehemiah was also a bold man, not afraid to ask others to help when he knew they
had the resources to help. Once the king was willing to be a part of Nehemiah’s goal (王 若 喜 歡 , 求
王 差 遣 我), he went right on to ask for an official seal of approval on the project (詔 書...通 知 管 理)
and for the king to finance the project (使 他 給 我 木 料).

i. 尼希米沒有問,因為他想利用國王。 相反,他通過邀請國王參加一項有價值的工作來表示

g. 王 就 允 准 我 , 因 我 神 施 恩 的 手 幫 助 我: 雖然這是一個異教的國王,但尼希米仍然明白神
- Nehemiah needed everything to be legalized, so that he can be protected, and have a practical

- From when he entered Jerusalem and all the things he faced, the thing he planned came to be
very practical. As a spiritual servant, we must have foresight, to see the whole picture and be able
to counter the problems and to solve them.

- As the bible recorded later, when Nehemiah brought the letter to the governor, the enemies of
the people were angry and kept on given them resistance.

- Even though he had the letters, the enemies were still unsatisfied with that. This tells us if he
doesn’t have the letter in hand, he will be facing much harsh resistance.

- So sometimes we can foresee the problem up ahead and to reduce the future problem as much
as possible.

- As he asked for the wood is the same, the situation in Jerusalem was dire, they were poor
therefore they don’t have the necessary resources, so Nehemiah prepare the resource before him
to lighten their burden, Nehemiah foresee the needs of the people and prepare for them. These
responses had lightened the burden on the people in Jerusalem.

- Towards the assistance from the king and his grace, Nehemiah responded 因 我 神 施 恩 的 手 幫
助 我.

- He did not forget that God was the one behind all these, he did not forget, he still thank god and
given glory to him.

- Talking about faith, he definitely have faith in God, he realize all the works are from God’s grace.
Then why did he ask the king for help?

- Some may not realise, this is another of Nehemiah’s spiritual specialty, that’s why some people
may said, “The more spiritual you are, the more practical you becomes.” This is correct.

- Having faith does not mean you are separated from reality, on the other hand, they will consider
and responded to the true needs, therefore those who cannot see the true problems, they will
not be so practical.

- This was why James said in Jas. 2:14-17: 14 我 的 弟 兄 們 , 若 有 人 說 自 己 有 信 心 , 卻 沒

有 行 為 , 有 甚 麼 益 處 呢 ? 這 信 心 能 救 他 麼 ?15 若 是 弟 兄 或 是 姐 妹 , 赤 身 露
體 , 又 缺 了 日 用 的 飲 食 ;16 你 們 中 間 有 人 對 他 們 說 : 「 平 平 安 安 的 去 罷 !

- Because James was a practical person, therefore he demanded realistic practices, so that it can
actually help people.

- And usually in our spiritual works, we usually said to use faith to carry them out, but lacking in
actual responsibilities.

- Nehemiah had hold onto every opportunities, if it is beneficial to the holy work, he will not miss
the chance.

- He hope God can guide them and open a road for them and work with them and give blessing to
these works.

- If we forsake any beneficial matters to our holy works, then we will wasted God’s grace on us.

B. Nehemiah comes to Jerusalem.

1. (Nehemiah 2:9-10) Arrival and opposition.
王 派 了 軍 長 和 馬 兵 護 送 我 。 我 到 了 河 西 的 省 長 那 裡 , 將 王 的 詔 書 交 給 他 們 。10 和 倫 人 參 巴

a. 我 到 了: This is another example of Nehemiah’s godly leadership. He went — he traveled the 800 miles from
Persia to Jerusalem to do the work of rebuilding the walls and the people.

i. Many people have a heart touched like Nehemiah’s. They may also have the heart for prayer, the wisdom,
the vision, the plan, and the faith of a Nehemiah — but they stop short of going out and doing what needs
to be done for the goal to become a reality.

ii. Sometimes we substitute talking about something for doing it. It is one thing to stand around with other
believers and talk about doing some evangelism; praying about it, planning it, talking about it — it is
another thing to go out and do it.

iii. Our spiritual enemies don’t mind if all we do is plan and pray and talk; but when God’s people start doing
something, they take notice.

b. 河 西: This means “超越幼發拉底河,” an important landmark that separated one region from another. Once a
traveler crossed the river, they were on the road to the region of Judea and the city of Jerusalem. At this point
Nehemiah spoke to the governors of this region who ruled under the Persians.

c. 將 王 的 詔 書 交 給 他 們: Nehemiah came prepared. He had letters showing he was truly sent by the king. He
had captains of the army and horsemen with him. 他還從國王的森林中獲得了大量的木材供應. 的確,波斯王

d. 和 倫 人 參 巴 拉... 亞 捫 人 多 比 雅: At the governor’s station, Nehemiah met these two enemies of Jerusalem
and anyone who cared for the welfare of the city. 聽 見 有 人 來 為 以 色 列 人 求 好 處 , 就 甚 惱 怒 。 In
any TV series there is always the enemies of the story, these two and a third person later on, will become the
constant enemy of Nehemiah.

i. These two cared nothing if Jerusalem was weak and vulnerable; even though the temple was there, and
worship conducted, that was fine — if the people of God were not strong, secure, and free from stress.

ii. Notice when this opposition came: not at the heart stage, not at the determination stage, not at the prayer
stage, not at the planning stage, but when progress came in doing something.

2. (Nehemiah 2:11-16) Nehemiah makes a secret tour of Jerusalem and her walls.
我 到 了 耶 路 撒 冷 , 在 那 裡 住 了 三 日 。12 我 夜 間 起 來 , 有 幾 個 人 也 一 同 起 來 ; 但 神 使 我 心 裡
裡 。13 當 夜 我 出 了 谷 門 , 往 野 狗 井 去 ( 野 狗 : 或 譯 龍 ) , 到 了 糞 廠 門 , 察 看 耶 路 撒 冷 的 城
牆,見城牆拆毀,城門被火焚燒。 我又往前,到了泉門和王池,但所騎的牲口沒有地方過
去 。15 於 是 夜 間 沿 溪 而 上 , 察 看 城 牆 , 又 轉 身 進 入 谷 門 , 就 回 來 了 。16 我 往 哪 裡 去 , 我 做 甚 麼

a. 我 到 了 耶 路 撒 冷: After being in Jerusalem three days, Nehemiah still did not tell anyone why he was there
and what God had put on his heart: 但 神 使 我 心 裡 要 為 耶 路 撒 冷 做 甚 麼 事 , 我 並 沒 有 告 訴 人 。

iii. 當尼希米帶著軍事護衛和波斯王的森林木材進入耶路撒冷時,人們會注意到他 — 但是直到

iv. Nehemiah came to Jerusalem, full of heart, full of prayer, full of faith, full of wisdom, full of
determination, full of support from the king, and finally gets to his destination — and he did tell
anyone what he was doing here for three days.

v. 我 並 沒 有 告 訴 人: “It is good to have Christian friends, but it is dangerous to wear your heart
on your sleeve. Have a secret place somewhere which nobody knows anything about but you and

vi. “You will often find it best not to commit your plans to others. If you want to serve God, go and do
it, and then let other people find it out afterwards.

You have no need to tell what you are going to do, and, I may add, there is no need for you
retelling what you have done, for very, very frequently God withdraws himself when we boast of
what is being done.

When I was young, I always make mistakes of announcing what I planned to do for the church,
before I plan out or research upon the task. And once I do it, I find out there are so many
difficulties, and it is hard to keep it up. I felt so much pressure because I already tell everyone my
great plan, if only I kept my mouth shut.

I always do thing out of impulse, therefore I admire Nehemiah so much, because he is preserved,
and well plan person and very wise.

b. 當 夜 我 出 了 谷 門: It seems that Nehemiah set out from the west side of the city, and turned left towards the
south, continuing counterclockwise around the rubble of the city walls, until coming back to his starting point.

牆 , 見 城 牆 拆 毀 , 城 門 被 火 焚 燒 。14 我 又 往 前 , 到 了 泉 門 和 王 池 , 但 所 騎 的 牲 口 沒 有
地 方 過 去 。15 於 是 夜 間 沿 溪 而 上 , 察 看 城 牆 , 又 轉 身 進 入 谷 門 , 就 回 來 了 。

c. 察 看 耶 路 撒 冷 的 城 牆 , 見 城 牆 拆 毀 , 城 門 被 火 焚 燒: Nehemiah wasn’t just sightseeing. Instead,

he carefully studied the broken-down walls and the burned gates. The word viewed in Nehemiah 2:13 and 2:15 is
a medical term for “probing a wound to see the extent of its damage.”
i. For the first time, Nehemiah saw with his eyes what had been reported to him, and what God had called
him to repair. There is no way he could have made this tour with a dry eye, knowing the extent of the
damage and the fear, poverty, and insecurity the broken walls meant in the lives of the people.

d. 耶 路 撒 冷 的 城 牆 , 見 城 牆 拆 毀 , 城 門 被 火 焚 燒: Nehemiah knew the job of rebuilding the walls

couldn’t go forth unless he saw exactly how bad the situation was.

i. Nehemiah could have focused on all that was right with Jerusalem.

They were back in Judah and, the forced exile was over.

The temple was built. Sacrifice and worship were conducted. Progress was being made, slow as it was.

There was much to be thankful for in Jerusalem — but sometimes, one must look at what is wrong, and
that is what Nehemiah did.

ii. We deceive ourselves if we only look to what is good. Some people can see what is wrong. They are full of

They believe they have the unique spiritual gift of pointing out what is wrong.

But Nehemiah teaches us by example — we must look at the broken-down towers, and carefully study
what is wrong — but only if we have the heart, the prayer, the determination, the passion to be used of
God to set it right.

It is good that you have the unique gift to see the problems in the church but remember not everyone have
the gift like you did. If you put the burden on other believers, it is unfair. You should be like Nehemiah, who
took upon himself to find ways to solve the problem and to lead the way instead of pushing the blame onto
others to get them feel guilty and to do something about it. This will not motivate anyone, it just makes
everyone feel like crab.

iii. When we look at other Christians around us, we see that many are strong, joyful, growing, in their
relationship with Jesus Christ.

Many have victory over sin, and we are thankful for that. But you can also see the figurative walls in their
life and see some broken down portions.

Some among us are desperately hurting or are trapped in a cycle of sin and want to get out, but don’t know
how to ask for help. Some feel like they are on the outside looking in.

Some respect God but haven’t yet given their lives to Jesus Christ. God can, and will, build up all the
broken-down portions of these figurative walls.

v. If someone took a tour of your life the same way Nehemiah took a tour of Jerusalem, they might notice
many broken down portions in the figurative walls of your life.

Let’s read Proverbs 25:28 says: 人 不 制 伏 自 己 的 心 , 好 像 毀 壞 的 城 邑 沒 有 牆 垣 。Many lives

are like a city with broken walls — living with a constant sense of fear, poverty, and insecurity. We should
not hide our eyes from these broken-down places; God wants to change them and make the first steps of
change right away.

e. 耶 路 撒 冷 的 城 牆 , 見 城 牆 拆 毀 , 城 門 被 火 焚 燒: As much as anything, Nehemiah took time to count

the cost before starting the work. He has a heart, he has faith, he has determination — but before that
determination can become a reality, he must see exactly what has to be done, and what it will cost — in terms of
time, effort, money, and leadership.

f. Nehemiah was a practical person, therefore, he needed to be cautious in his actions. He’s method must follow
specific steps, therefore once he arrived in Jerusalem, he did not rush into work (He waited for a few months, a
few more days won’t be much difference). Instead, he was being careful, he uses the nighttime to go out to
inspect. Nobody knows what he is up to, and he did not tell anyone.
He was a cool headed and preserved type; from his person you cannot see any sign of desperation. As he faced
the broken-down city around him, he cannot be so rush in a sense of fervency to inspect on site.

In the past, he only heard about the situation of the broken city, he already prepared himself, he was a person
who think deeply, he wanted to have the report; but he secretly went for inspection on site, to make sure and to
understand the actual situation; no wonder once came to start working, the delegation of work can be so down
to earth. Therefore, it is not enough to have theory, it must add with actual practical situation.

When Nehemiah came to report to the governor beyond the Euphrates River, 和 倫 人 參 巴 拉 , 並 為 奴 的
亞 捫 人 多 比 雅 就 甚 惱 怒, Nehemiah knew this, this sort of holy work will definitely face with opposition,
that was why he had to be cautious, he avoid disclosing anything, though he need to investigate the wall he had
to do it at night time, not to let anyone knows what he is doing.

Whenever I read this, there is a great feeling, today it is hard to find anyone who is like Nehemiah who have
ideal, having planning, and being so practical, and he did it so silently and not announce to people around him.

Whenever we talked about the topic of “faith” and “waiting”, we think not doing anything means you have faith,
then you are relying on God. But we forgot to do our best as well, and we end up pushing the blame around, this
is not faith.

So, before Moses and Joshua led the Israelites into the land of Canaan, they send in spies to investigate the place,
does it meant that they don’t have faith? Of course not, they had great faith, they are doing their best to coincide
with the guidance of God, they dare not slack off.

Just like Nehemiah himself, he has great faith towards God, he also knew, to rebuild the city wall, if it’s not by the
guidance of God it cannot be successful, therefore, he took it cautiously, he inspects at night himself, investigate
and to understand the actual condition, to gather all information, once he delegate the work, it can be much
more practical.

Assessing in advance is better than making up for it afterward.

Many people when they do things, they always prepare in advance, investigate and to understand, it was not
enough, and they don’t even know if they can handle it, and as the work progressing, only then they knew their
limits, they cannot move on ahead. This sort of phenomenon, have no foresight, have no wisdom, it is not

Before we participate in any holy work, the most responsible attitude is, we must deeply recognize the work, and
research on the information; and then self-assess, for the preparation you made now, will it be enough for you to
bear? Or is there any place you can improve upon?

Before we act upon the work, we must sharpen our tools.

How much do we know the work we are about to participate? How much are you putting into it?

牆 , 見 城 牆 拆 毀 , 城 門 被 火 焚 燒 。14 我 又 往 前 , 到 了 泉 門 和 王 池 , 但 所 騎 的 牲 口 沒 有
地 方 過 去 。15 於 是 夜 間 沿 溪 而 上 , 察 看 城 牆 , 又 轉 身 進 入 谷 門 , 就 回 來 了 。

You can see how much he put into understanding the actual situation, this was why his plan was so detailed. If
you make great effort, you can achieve great things. Nehemiah had put in great effort, he came out at nighttime,
that was when everyone is asleep, he did not rest, he rides on donkeys, or walk, sometime there is no road to
walk upon, he must jump over stream, this showed how much price he needed to pay.

Atlas, not many people see how much hidden effort one must put in, they only envy those who have such great
opportunity, they don’t understand how can this opportunity be taking by others?

In our whole realm of life, the teaching is the same, there are many tall buildings being built from flat ground, this
included our spiritual cultivation, the fullness of teachings, this needs sacrifices, do not give up, if you want to be
successful as others, then you need to put on more efforts.

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