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Informações Importantes da Apresentação

The budget for drug control was 35$ billion dollars in 2020 for operations,treatment
and law enforcement
Healthcare related to drug abuse cost over 11$ billion to the US and, in case of
emergencies, add another $161 billian dollars
50-80% of all cases of abused and neglected children involved parents using drugs and
they are more likelyto became addicted to drugs after in life
When families deal with drug abuse, they are more likely to struggle with food
insecurity, homeless, emoticial and mental disorders
At least of the individuals arrested for major were under the influence of illicit drugs at
their arrest.
In 2017, someone was arreted every 20 seconds for a drug related crimes
They reduce the activation of the CNS by repressing presypnatic and postsypnatic
structures reducing the amount of neurotransmitters.
Exp.: Alchool; Cannabis; Benzodiazepines and Heroin
Substances that stimulate CNS activity by blocking inhibition or directly stimulting the
Stimulation is explained by increasing the amount of availe neurotransmitters this can
cause symptoms such as pupil dilation, sweating, increased blood pressure, etc.
Exp.: Coccaine; Caffeine; Theobromine and nicotine
Disturbing drugs are those substances that change psychic activity and producing
hallcinations, as well as altering mood thought processes
Exp.: LSD; hallucinogens; cannabis and Ketamine
According to a studied made in 2018 by professor Adam R Windstock, these are the
most common drugs taken by the 120000 plus peole from the 30 plus countries
studied with a mean age of 29 years and most of them were parting for 4 times a year
The most common one is alchool, obiously, then it was cannabis, tobbaco MDMA and
Here we can see the biggest producers and consumers around the globe, The biggest
producers are Brazil; Bolivia and Afheganhistan, and the biggest cosunsumers are
France UK and Iran. So, now that I talk about typs of drugs, most comun drugs and
most dependena countries I will talk about long term consequences
People with fatty livers, cirrhosis of the liver or who use anabolic steroids are at
greater risk of developing this cancer that can cause belly swelling; Loss of appetite;
excessive tiredness , Yellow skin and eyes and Constant Nausea
Patients with chronic renal failure suffer a slow and progressive loss of kidney function,
i.e. their ability to eliminate toxic substances produced by the body, to adequately
maintain water and minerals in the body, and to manufacture hormones. They can
show sintomes like fluid retention; internal bleeding; Confusion and seizures
HIV is the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. This virus affects and weakens the immune
system against infections and diseases. The most common sintoms are headache; Low
fever; Excessive tiredness; Sore throat; Night sweats; Diarrhea.
Endocarditis is usually caused by an infection. Bacteria, fungi or other germs get into
the bloodstream and attach to damaged areas in the heart. Things that make you more
likely to get endocarditis are artificial heart valves, damaged heart valves or other
heart defects. The most common sympotms are Aching Joints; Chest pain while
breathing; Fatigue; Flu-like symptoms; Changer whoosing sound in the heart
The first step in quitting in any kind of problem its to admit that you have a problem
and, like a math problem, it has a solution but the solution, like the ones we are doing
right now its hard so youre should talk to specialist drug survice or a local doctor.
Last step its to know your triggers; your emotions; your habits that influence you the desire to
take drugs. Also understanding that a relapse isnt mission failed its simply a step back.
Recovery doesnt happen overnight. But there is a code to get ot of the Matrix

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