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TUVEN TAP CHUVEN DE OLYMPIC TOAN QUOC TE Pn eed TAI LEU THUQC BAN QUYEN CUA FERMAT EDUCATION NGHIEM CAM SAO CHEP DUO! MO! HINH THUC MUC LUC Dd ti GA exiace ccscasts vastsvccsneansianeannetercaeraseacanaarineriateatrien tenarnernaianNreateccaraiicentiar manta aaeaT ea riasinntaeaReTiaNe 4 Co cau giai thuong mGt s6 k¥ thi Olympic ......ccecsessseesssecesseessessetseeseessueseeeesesnuseesuecessseseee 5 TOPIC 1: LOGICAL THINKING / TU DUY LOGIC Lesson 1: Number sequence with pattern / Bai 1: Day s6°c6 quy IUGb cesses LO cee 67 Lesson 2: Figure sequence with pattern / Bai 2: Day hinh c6 quy [UGE cocci LD cee 68 Lesson 3: Equation formation Bai 3: Giai bai todin bang cach lap phony tit csecssssssecssevssnsseesonsseesensvessseseeesvsnrsesensevsnveseess V3 vesseesaee 68 Lesson 4: Date problem / Bat 4: Dang torn thit mgiy thang ...........cseeeeeeesseeeeeseeeees LD sssccaieas 70 Lesson 5: Construction problem / Bai 5: Bai todn mang Sudt .......cccccssecseesesseeseeeees teens dP eeaes 72 Lesson 6: Some other problems / Bai 6: Mét SO Dai toditt KNAC Lo. ccccececcccceecseesseeeeseeeeeseeeee 1D casvesuas 73 TOPIC 2: ARITHMETIC / SO HOC Lesson 1: Find the sum in an arithmetic sequence Bai 1: Tiree re AI CASTOR 5. AIM 050005 MMM oc ones AMIN ARE BS aici 76 Lesson 2: Find the sum of a geometric sequence PEPE eee i ae a oe QB ssciscins 77 Lesson 3: Use difference method to find the sum of a sequence Bai 3: Ste dura wlarevraas Plays tO gba ethan Mega con one Magsamhonetponeticeavornsvassceencosnersascenscannisevee DO wsersertes 77 Lesson 4: Continued fraction / Bai 4: Lién phan sd....... TOPIC 3: NUMBER THEORY / LY THUYET SO Lesson 1: Operation symbol / Bai 1: Kaj ltiéut phép toate... cece ceteseeseeeeeseteeee OD cece BL Lesson 2: Divisibility / Bai 2: Bai todr chia Hét ....scecsecccesseessecvesssestessssssessteenesseesseesessiesiee OD eestesvees 81 Lesson 3: Last digit / Bai 3: Chit sO tit C11g .s.scssecseessessessseecesssecssensessssneenseneessseesensreanes BB sisssccsss 83 Lesson 4: Factorize a number into the product of prime numbers Bai 4: Phan tich mt 56 thamh tich cdc thita 6 WQuyén t6 scsssscrecssessessesveevscssseesssnssesseenee De seciuine 84 FERMAT _ Sé'6A1 tiéie ku Ngoc Khanh, Ba Dinh, Ha Néi Education Dién thoai: 0917830455 Email: Lesson 5: Find the number of factors and sum of factors Bai 5: Thun sé'sede vit téug cic woe cun msét sé. TOPIC 4: GEOMETRY / HINH HOC Lesson 1: Angles in a polygon / Bai T: Gée trong da giic Lesson 2: Perimeter and area of 2D-figure Bai 2: Chu vi wa dign tich cua hink 2 Lesson 3: Pythagorean thearem / Bai 3: Dink dj Py-ta-go 0... 46 88 Lesson 4: Surface area and volume of 3D-figures Bait 4: Din tich town phit vit thé tich cia dt khét hin 3D. TOPIC 5: COMBINATORICS / TO HOF Lesson 1: Addition rule and multiplication rule Bai 1: Quy fc cing ot quy tic nhan. Lesson 2: Worst case scenario problem Bai 2: Bai tovie trang hop xfs nhit. Lesson 3: Stair-case problem / Bai 3: Bai todn cau thang Lesson 4: Routing problem / Bai 4: Bai todn dicoug di M6t s6 ky thi Olympic quéc té tiéu bid khac Gigi thiéu sach do FERMAT Education phat hanh.. Théng tin lién bi FERMAT = 866A) tits itu Ngoc Khanh, Ba Dinh, Ha NOt Education thoais 0917830455 Enail: Olyn wnfermat cdi wit LOI MO DAU Ngay nay, cung voi sy phat trién cua kinh té, khoa hge céng nghé, mgi linh vuc cua doi séng x4 hdi ngay cang phat trién va héi nhap quéc té sau réng trong dd c6 linh vue gido duc. M6t trong nhitng diéu méi me va tién b6 thu hit duge sy quan tam, huong tng cua hoc sinh va cha me hoe sinh chinh la cac ky thi Olympic Todn quac té. La mot trong nhirng don vi giao duc tién phong dua cac ky thi Toan Olympic dén voi hoc sinh Viet Nam, Fermat Education da tro thanh déi tac va la don vi t6 chite déc quyén cdc ky thi Olympic Todn trén lanh thé Viét Nam nhu TIMO, BBB, HKIMO, PIMSO, FISO, FMO,,... Nhtrng ky thi Olympic Toan quéc té la san choi tri tué cho cdc em hoc sinh phat trién nang luc todn hoc, ngoai ngit, k¥ nang lam bai thi chuan quéc té, déng thoi cting mang dén nhitng co hdi giao luu hoc tap ban be trén thé gidi. Bén canh do, tinh than déi mdi vé hoc thuat va cach tiép can todan hoc mét cach phong phu, sang tao da mang dén nhing luéng gid moi trong day hoc va boi duéng hoc sinh, phat trién tai nang 6 cac nha truong. Voi mong muén hé trg cdc em hoc sinh ty hoc va én luyén va mang dén cho thay cé bé tai liéu tham khao hitu ich phuc vy qua trinh boi dudng hoc sinh hudng toi két qua tot nhat trong cac ky thi Olympic Toan qu6c té, cac chuyén gia va ddi ngti giao vién cua Fermat Education da nghién ctru, phan tich va xay ding cac bé “Tuyén tap cac chuyén dé Olympic Toan quéc té” danh cho hoc sinh tt lop 1 dén lop 9. Day la m6t bé tai ligu céng phu va chat lweng véi cac chuyén dé Toan hoc thuong gap trong cac dé thi Olympic duge hé thong mét cach khoa hoc va logic. Moi chuyén dé bao g6m cac bai giang co 4 phan: 1. Tir ving va thudt nei todn hoc bang tiéng Anh 2. Vidu minh hoa 3. Phuong phap giai téng quat cho cdc dang todn 4, Hé théng bai tap tu luyén Néi dung b6 sach “Tuyén tap cac chuyén dé Olympic Toan quéc té”bam sat cac ky thi TIMO, HKIMO, BBB, FMO, PIMSO.... va m6t s6 ky thi khac. Trong qua trinh bién tap b6 sach nay chac chan khéng tranh khoi thiéu sot, ching téi rat mong nhan duoc sy gop y xay dung ttr phia ban doc. Nhom tac gia. FERMAT _ Se'6A1 tiéie ku Ngoc Khanh, Ba Dinh, Ha Néi Education Dién thoai: 0917830455 Email: CO CAU GIAI THUONG MOT $6 KY THI OLYMPIC 1, Ky thi Olympic Toan hoc quée #8 TIMO (Thailand International Mathematical Olympiad) Diéu kign xét gidi Huy chung Vong Chung kat | Vong Chung két Giai thaéng quéc gia quécté nygor + Clip Ng@i sao the hae Thi sinh cao diém | gidi; hat méi khu vue. |- Mign I phi tham (World Star) dy Vong Chung két quéc té Giai Xuatsic [09 thi sinh cao 9 “Cap V6 dich; (Champion | didm hat mai oe SiN Mem | Cow A quan 1; YP Runner-up | khdi thi "| Cap A quan 2. 284 Runner-up) Git Ving [TM sinh chin (TAI sink chin | Huy inrong va Gity thing dat ti 80] thing dat tte 120 | chirng nhan. diéin tro len. diém tra len. Thi sinh chién| Thi sinh chién | Huy chuong va Gidy thing dat ti 60] thing dat tir 90| ching nhin. im tra len. dig tro len. Gidi Dong {Thi sinh chién| Thi sinh chién | Huy chuong va Gidy (Bronze thing dat tr 40] thang dat tér 60 | ching nbn. Award) _| digi tr Ken. digm tro len. Giai Khuyén [Thi sinh chign | Thi sinh chign | Gidy ching nhin. khich thing dat tik 20] thing dat tir 30 (Merit) | didm tea len. diém tra én. (Gold Award) Giai Bac (Silver Award) Difc biét, cdc thi sinh dat Huy chuong Vang Vong Chung két quéc t# TIMO duge tham du (mién 18 phi thi) Vong Chung két Ky thi Olympic Toan thé gidi WIMO vao thing | nam tei. Luu y: = Vang loai qué gia khong xép gidi. Khoang 70% thi sinh c6 diém cao nhat cua Vang loai quéc gia duge dang ky tham gia Vong Chung két quic gia. FERMAT Educ rede ar.ont - Ban TS chitc sip xép két qua giam din dua trén diém thi vd ngay sinh. Do do, cae thi sinh bing diém cé thé nhan hai giai khac nhau. Néu mét gidi thueng da di chi théu, thi sinh tid theo sé nhan gidi thuromg mite lién Ké phia dudi. + Cac mide diém dat gidi co thé thay doi dita trén két qua thi thure té clia tat ca thi sinh. 2. Ky thi Olympic Toan hoc quéc t§ HKIMO (HongKong International Mathematical Olympiad) Didu kign xét gidi Huy chuong Giai thuong Chung két quéc gia Chung két quac té _ ~ Ciip Ngdi sao the gid Ngai sao Thi sinh cao diém | - Mién phi lé phi dy thi thé nhatmdikhuvuc | Vong Chung —_két HKIMO nam 2023. . . oe _ - ~ Cup V6 di Gidi | 03 thi sinh cao diém | 69 thi sinh diém 90 |” Cae & quin |; Xuatséc | nhat mdi khdi thi, | hat mdi Khai thi - Crp A quan 2, Thi sinh chiém thang | Thi sinh chién thang Giai Vang | dat tir 80 diém trd lén. | dat th 120 diém tro fan. Huy chuong va Gidy chung nhin Thi sinh chién thang | Thi sinh chién thang, ra Huy chuong va Gidy Giai Bac | dat ta 60 diém tra len. | dat tu 90 diém tre lén. chung nhan. Thisinh chin thing'| Thivsiah GhiEN thing Hi ‘hi a Gia} Giai Dang | dat ter 40 dism tra lén, | dat tir 60 digém tre len. | 42 COMORES Gidy ching nhan, Thi sinh chién thang | Thi sinh chién thang Gigi Khuyen | 04 ir 20 dim tro lan. | dat tir 30 diém tre len. | Gidy ching nin. khich Cée thi sinh dat Huy chuong Vang Vong Chung két quée t€ HKIMO duge thar du (mién 1g phi thi) Vong Chung két Ky thi Olympic Toan thé gioi WIMO. Luu y: + Vong loai quéc gia khang xép gidi. Khoang 70% thi sinh c6 diém cao nhat cha Vong loai quéc gia sé dugc phép tham gia Vong Chung két qué gia; - Ban Té chite sp xép két qua gidm dn dya tron digm thi va ngay sinh. Do dé, cdc thi sinh bang diém cé thé nhan hai giai khac nhau. Néu mét gidi thudng da di chi tiéu, thi sinh tip theo sé nhén gidi thudng mui lin ké phia dus; - Cac méc diém dal gidi co thé thay dai dua (rén két qua thi thyc té cua tat ca cdc thi sinh tham dw. FERMAT = $8641 tiét ihu Ngoc Khanit, Ba Dinh, Ha Néi Education Digs thoai: 0917830255 Email: Ofympioeifermat.edit.on 3. Ky thi Olympic Toan hoc quéc té BBB (Big Bay Bei) Dieu kign xét giai Huy chong Giai thong Vong Chung két Vong Chung két quéc gia quéc té Thi sinh cao diém | - Cap Ngoi sao thé gidi, nat mdi khu vue. | - Mién 1@ phi tham dy Vang Chung két quée BBB nam 2023, - 7 e.. = Cap Vo dich; Gidi 03 thi sinh cao diém | 03 thi sinh diém cao st = Cup A quant: Xuat sic ahat mai khdi thi. nhat mai khéi thi, -Ciip A quan 2 Thi sinh chign thang | Thi sinh chign thang | Huy chuong va Gidy Giai Vang | gat tir 95 diém tro| dat tir 120 diém tra | ching nhan. arplaced | 5. ma - Thi sinh chién thing |Thi sinh chién ching | Huy chuong va Gidy GHLBae | ant tie 75 didn ted] dat tir 90 didm td | chimg nhin. placed |i, ~ —___| Thi sinh chign thing | Thi sinh chign thang | Huy chuong va Gidly Gis DOME | dat ta $5 diém trd| dat th 60 didm ted | ching han. place) |, lén. lén. Thi sinh chién thang | Gidy chizng phan. dat tir 30 digm tro len. Giai Khuyén khich Céc thi sinh dat Huy chuong Vang Vong Chung két quéc té BBB duec tham dy {midn 1g phi thiy Vong Chung két Ky thi Olympic Tosn he thé gidi WIMO, Luu ¥: - Ban T chute khong xép giai Vong loai quéc gia. Khoang 80% thi sinh o6 diém cao mhat cua Vong loai quée gia 68 duge phép tham gia Vong Chung két quéc gia; - Ban Té chuie sip xép két qua giam dan dua trén diém thi va ngay sinh. Do dé, cdc thi sinh bing diém 6 thé nhn hai giai khdc nhau. Néu mét giai thuong di du chi tidu, thi sinh tigp theo sé nhgn giai thuong mic lién Ké phia dudi; + Cac méc diém dat giai cd thé thay déi dya trén két qua thi thyc té cua tat ca thi sinh. 4. Ky thi Olympic Toan vi Khoa hoc quéc t@ PIMSO (Philippine International Math and Science Olympics? 4. Déi voi Vong quée gia: Diéu kign xét gidi Huy chuong . ee Gidi thung Vong quée gia Giai Vang Thi sinh cé 416i hoae it hon (130 diém Huy chuong va (Gold Medab hoe cao hon) gidy ching nhan. 4 F : 5 : Huy chuong va Thi sinh mac 5-7 16) (115 dén 125 diém) sity chinng aban. Giai Dong ia ss ” " Huy chuong va (Bronze Medal) Thi sinh mac 8-10 I6i (100 dén 110 diém) gidy chimg nhén. Giai Thi Dua es oe ‘Huy chug va tAchiever Meda | Co€thisinh con la trong top 60% thisin | oN Giai Khayén khich a * a aay chit A (Merit Certificate) Cac thi sinh con lai trong top 80% thi sinh | Giay chimg nhan. Dic bigt: Giai thuong xép hang toan cau dic biét danh cho mdi hi: Gidi thuéng Mén Toan Man Khoa hoc Thi sinh dat dim tuyét déi 100 USD Clip + Khéa 6n tap min phi Giai V6 dich Cup +50 USD ‘Cup + 2500 Php Gidi A quan 1 Cap +30 USD ‘Cup + 1500 Php Giai A quan 2 Cap +20 USD ‘Ctip + 1000 Php i thoes 0917830455 Email: Olynpicefermeteduon b. Déi vei Vang quéc té: Biéu ki ét gidi Huy chwong mu kign xét gil Gidi thuang Vong quic té a Thi sinh 6 4 16i hoge it hon (130 diém hose cao | Huy chuong va Gidi Vang hon) gidy ching nhan, eee es Huy chuong va Gisi Bac ‘Thi sinh mie 5-7 181 (R15 dn 125 diém) gidy ching nhan a 7 . a. Huy chuong va Gidi Ding Thi sinh mac 8-10 16i (100 dén 110 diém) gidy chang nhan . Huy chuong va Cae thi sinh edn lai (Durst 100 dig) ily chime nhén, Dae bigt: Voi mdi khdi, Ban TO chitc quéic té c6 nhing giai thudng dic biét cho inh nhu si Mén Toan Mén Khoa hoc . va Day chuyén bang Vang 24k voi mat day chuyén Thi ih dat tuyét di i sinh dat didm tuyét dé yes) Giai Vd dich Cup +100 USD ‘Cup + 5000 Php Giai A quand Cap +75 USD Cup + 3500 Php Giai A quan2 Cup +50 USD Cup + 2500 Php Qua ky nigm hinh linh vat dai bang cita Philippine Tat ca cdc thi sinh y 8 PP (Philippine Eagle Stuff Toy) FERMAT sooai Educ mo Dign thoai: 0917830455 TOPIC 1: LOGICAL THINKING / TU DUY LOGIC Lesson 1: Number sequence with pattern / Bai 1: Day s6'c6 quy ludt L Vacabulary / Tir urmg Tir vung Dich nghia According to Dura via Given Cha Sequence Diy Pattern Quy leat Term SB hang U1. Comman patterns / Cac quy ludt thuang gp © Xér higu hai sé lién tip. * Xét téng hai sé lién tigp. © Xét tich {thuong) hai sé lién tiép. * Tach cdc $6 thanh tich cia 2 hoge 3 86. © Tach day ban dau thanh 2 day dan xen nhau IIL. Example / Vi du According to the pattern shown below, what is the number in the blank? Dita vio quy tuat durdi day dé tim 56 thici hep didi ado chd trdug. 38. 35. 32, 29. 26. Loi giai $6 lin sau kém sé lign trude 3 don vi. 38-3=35; 35-3=32; 32-39-29; 29-3=26 $6 tigp theo 1a: 26 - 3 = 23. Dap 86: 23. Quy tnd IV. Practice / Luyén tap Exercise 1, What is the value of the number to represent “2” in the following sequence? Dign $6 thich hop vio dé “7” trong day 65 duréi day. 99, 96, ?, 90, 87, 84, ... FERMAT Education Digs thoai 0917830455 Email: Olympiceaferma: ed on Exercise 2. What is the value of the number to represent “2” in the following sequence? Din s6'thich hop vio dix “2” trong day sO deedi day. 2, 12, 30, 56, 90, 2, 182, .. Exercise 3. According to the pattern shown below, find the next number. Theo guy ludt didi addy, tim $6 tid theo. 1, 2018, 4, 2020, 7, 2022, ... Exercise 4. According to the pattern shown below, find the next number. Theo quy nat dudi Ady, tim s6 tip theo 5,7, 11, 17, 25, ... Exercise 5. According to the pattern below, find te next term in the sequence, Thea quy Indt didi Ady, thm 66 tidp theo cua day 2,5, 7, 12, 19, 31, 50, Exercise 6. According to the pattern shown below, what is the 9* number? Theo quey ude diedi day, s6'hgug ive 9 ciia day ta sonido? 14,9, 16, 25, 36, .. Lesson 2; Figure sequence with pattern / Bai 2: Day hinh cé quy luat I. Vocabulary / Tiroumg Tir vung Dich nghia Figure / Symbol __ Hinh vé (Ki hig Sequence Diy Pattern Quay let II. Example / Vi du Obs Quen seit quay ult dedi diy 2 tims hin tut 2020. QOOOSOOOOS@.... Lei rve the pattern below to find the 2020" figure. jai Quy ge: (O, @, ©) rap rai. Chia 2020 hinh trong day vae céc nhém (mdi nhém ¢é 3 hinh) Ta eb: 2020 : 3 = 673 nhim va du 1 hinh. Hinh du ra la hinh the 2020. FERMAT Education Ta nhan thay, sau khi hét mat nhom thi hinh dur ra tiép theo phai la hinh ©. Dep sd: @ IIL General method / Cach lant tong quat «Tima duge quy luat (Bém hinh t6i khi nao quy luat dé Vp lai). | * Chia day dé thank céc nhom nho tuan theo quy luat da cho. « Tim sé nhom va $6 du. IV. Practice f Luyén tip Exercise 1. What is the 36" symbol counting from the left according to the pattern below? Theo quy teat dedi ddy, hint thir 36 tinh tit trdi sang id iin nao? ouMedoAAsOoAACODAA... Exercise 2. According to the pattern shown below, how many triangles are there from the 1° to the 43! symbol counting from the left? Theo quy tudt deedi dy, c6 bao ahibu hinds tain gide ti hil 1 déhehinuh 43 thal tie trdé sang? AnednAAnedoAAne DA Exercise 3. From the pattern, how many citcles are there from the I to the 39" symbol? Theo quy ludt dedi day, of bao nhiéu hin trén tie hink thie 1 déis hin thie 39? @* sABO+ ARS ARO Exercise 4. Refer to the pattern below, find the 426" figure in the sequence. Dypa vao guy fugt died dy dé tien his tui 428 trong day. une oxan... Exercise 5. Refer to the pattem below, find the 38" figure in the sequence. Dura vo quy ludt dicoi diy dé tim hinle Hue 38 trong day, OOOOOOHOHOOHHSGE... Exercise 6. According to the pattern shown below, how many diamonds are there from the 1+ to the 50 symbol? Theo quy tt deed dy, 6 bao sicie hits thos tr Hiwl tt 1 dein hit tht 50? 12 FERMAT _ 80'6A7 tidts tir Neoe Kiscinhs, Ba Dinh, Hit NOt Education Dign thoei: 0917830455 Email: Lesson 3: Equation formation Bai 3: Gidi bai todn bang céch lap plurong trinh L Vocabulary / Tie vimg Tir vung, Dich nghia Sum / Total Tong Equal Bang nia Equation Phirang trinh Twice Cap ai Half ‘Mot ita Less { Fewer thon More Nadu hon 11. Example / Vi du ‘There ate some chickens and rabbits in a cage. The number of chickens is twice the number of rabbits. They have 120 legs in total. How many rabbits are there? C6 mt s6'con ga vd con thé & trong ciniting. Bist ring sé ga gap dai s6thd va ching c6 tat cf 120 edi chan, Hei trong chuiéng ed bao uhibu con tha? Lai giai Goi sé thé la x con. Vay 86 ga la 2x x con. Vi mdi con thé co 4 chan, mdi con ga ¢6 2 chan nén $6 chan thé va sé chan ga lan lot la 4xcx va 2x(2xx) = 4xxeai chin. ‘Tong $6 chan la 120 cdi nén ta cé phuong trinh: 4xx+dxx=120 8xx=120 x=15 Dap sf: 15 IIL. General method / Cech tam tug quét * Biéy dién 1 gid tri bang mat an 86 chua bidt (Id mat chir edi, vi dy: x) * Biéu dién cac gid tri lién quan theo an sé do. «Lap phuong trinh dua trén mdi lién hé gida cae gid tri « Giai phuong trinh dé gia tri cua an 56. Th dé tim gid tri dé bai yéu cu. 13 FERMAT _ Sé6a1 titi kis Ngoc Khanh, Ba Dial, Hi N6i Ecueation) Dign thoai: 0917830455 Enuail: Olynpicesfermat.edicon IV. Practice { Luyén tép Exercise 1, There are 20 problems in a mathematics competition, The scores of each problem are allocated in the following ways: 5 marks will be given for a correct answer, 2 marks will be deducted for each incorrect or unanswered answer. How many questions does Amy answer correctly if her score is 79? Cé tat cai 20 cd haé trong miGt cuge thi Teds. S6'didin ctia mdi caw hoi ducge tink mw san: indi ct tri Iai ding sé dirge thém 5 diéin, mdi cau ted lei sai hoe Khang tra fai sé bf trix 2 didn. Hoi Any teé tai ding bao nhigu céu, bidt ring ban dy dirgc 29 didn? Exercise 2, A cricket has 6 legs and a spider has 8 legs. There are 12 animals and 90 legs in total, Find the number of spiders. Moi con dé men cé 6 efi chin, Moi con nhéu od 8 edi chan. Biél ring cé ing céng 12 con vat vd 90 ci chin. Hai cé bao nitiéu con nhén? Exercise 3, There are 72 chickens and rabbits in a cage. They have 200 legs in total. How many rabbits are there? Trong cluding cé ting cig 72 con cé ga wi thd. Bidt ring ching c6 tit ea 200 ott chin, ki c6 baa nhibue con the? Exercise 4. A group of friends is buying lunch together, They buy 8 fried chicken pieces and 5 milktea cups. A fried chicken piece is $2 more than a milktea cup. The total cost for lunch is $55. What is the price for a chicken piece? MOt non ban cing nhaw nua bita trie. Ho mae tig cing 8 nitig ga rn v5 obc tra site. Mbit migiig ga rén ddt hon mét cbc tra sita Ia 2 dé-te. Téng 66 tibu ho phat tra 1d 55 dé-ta, Hor gid ctea mai miging git ret Ia han nhigu? Exercise 5. 50 girls and bays in a class are planting trees. Fach girl plants d trees, each boy plants 2 traes, If the (otal number of trees planted by girls is 20 more than boys, haw many boys are there in the class? 50 ban cd nam va nit dang bong cay. MGi ban nit trong 4 edi edy, mdi ban nam trong 2 eat ety. Biét ring téng s6 cay cae ban nit trong duge whibu hou sé cay cita cae ban nam li 20 céy. Héi lop 6 co bag lsiéu bare ian? Exercise 6, Each day, Tony had to do 2 Math exercises or 3 English exercises. After a week, he finished 16 exercises in total. How many Math exercises did Tony do? Méi ngdy, Tony pha tian 2 bai tip Tou hode 3 bad tip Titing Anh. Sa wiGh tuier, bau diy da lim dieac ting e6urg 16 bii tap. Hei Tony da tin bao mhiéu bai tap Tod? 14 FERMAT = $8641 tigi khu Ngoc Kien, Ba Diah, Hi Noi Eeve orien Dign thoai: 0917830455 Email: Otympicefermat.eduon Lesson 4: Date problem / Bai 4: Dang todn thi ngay thang I. Vocabulary / Tir ving Tuvyng | Dich nghia Ta vung Dich nghia Monday Tint Hai Octaber Thang 10 Tuesday Thir Ba November Thing 11 Wednesday Thee Tar December Thing 12 Thursday Thir Nam Day Ngay Friday Tine Site Week Twit Saturday Tint Bay Month Thang Sunday Chi hat Year Nien January Thang 1 Leap year ‘Néj nbcedn February heng 2 Now Bay git March Thing 3 Later / After Sant ‘April Thang 4 Ago / Before Trude May Thing 5 Today Hn nay June Tang 6 Yesterday Hon gua July Thang 7 Tomortow Nedy mai August Thang 8 The day before yesterday | Ham kia September Thing 9 The day alter tomorrow | Nedy kin © Mat nam thudng c6 365 ngay (thing Hai cé 28 ngay). + Nam nhuan 1a nam dac bidt, cb 366 ngay (thang Hai cia ndm nhudn <6 29 ngay). © Nam nhuan la da sé cac nam chia hét cho 4. Tuy nhién, ning nim chia bét cho 100 ma khéng chia hét cho 400 thi khong phai ndm nhuan. Vi du: Nam 2020 [a nim nhuan, Nim 2021 khong 1 nim nbuan Nam 2100 diz chia hét cho 4 nhung khong la nam nhudn vi chia hét cho 100 ma khdng chia hét cho 400. U1. Example / Vi du Example 1. Given that 3! September 2021 is Friday, which day of the week will it be on 30" September 2021? Cho ngay 3 ting 9 miler 2021 ti Hut Site, het nghy 30 thdsag 9 niin 2021 tt tae nd? FERMAT = $66A1 tiga kur Ngoe Khéut, Ba Dinh, Ha NGC Educatian Dién thoai: 0917830455, Email: Lai giai Neay 3 thang 9 ndm 202] cach ngay 30 thang 9 nim 36 ngay 14: 30 — 3 ~ 27 (ngay). Do mot twain c7 ngay nén 27 ngay tng vii sO wan 1:27: 7 = 3 (tu’in) va du 6 (agay). Nhu vay, 27 ngay sau tuc la 3 tuan va 6 ngay sau. 3 twain sau vin [a tha Sau. 6 ngay sau dé niza Ta thir Nam. Dap s6: Thursday / Thi Nam. Example 2. Given that 2"! March 2022 is Wednesday, which day of the week will it be on 20% April 2022? Cho gay 2 thang 3 win 2022 ta tlt Te, hat ngay 20 thang 4 mans 2022 fa tar» Lai giai Thang 3 <6 31 ngay nén ngay cudi cing cia thang 3 la ngay 31. Ngay 2 thang 3 cach ngay 31 thang 3.86 ngay ld: 31 —2 = 29 gay). Npay 2 thang 3 cdch ngay 20 thang 486 ngay la: 29 +20 Do mot tuan c6 7 ngay nén 49 ngay tng voi si tun 1a: Nhu vay, 49 ngay sau tie 1a 7 tuan cau va vn la thir Tu Dap s6: Wednesday / Thi Tu. INL General method / Cach fim téug quat + Xac dinh “hém nay” la thar may (néu can thd), * Xac dinh hai méc thoi gian trong dé bai cdch nhau bao nhiéu ngay; + Lay s6 ngay tinh duge chia 7 dé tim s6 du ca phép chia; * Dya vao s6 dur d6 tinh ra két qua. Lun y: Cin xac dinh 4 bai hoi 1a ngay trrdc (ago/ before) hay ngay sau (later/ after). IV. Practice / Lnyén tap Exercise 1. Today is Thursday. Which day of the week will it be 132 days later? Hom nay la thie Nain, Hoi 132 ngay ata la thie may trong tein? Exercise 2. Yesterday was Friday. Which day of the week will it be 647 days later? Hom qua la thie Saw, Hoi 647 ngay wiira ta Het edly troug tein? Exercise 3. It will be Sunday tomorrow. Which day of the week was it 65 days ago? Ngay mai la Chet nit. Hoi 65 ngdy trarée ta ther mdi trong tnlin? Exercise 4. Given 2“ February, 2024 will be Friday. Which day of the week will it be the last day of that month? Bit ring ugiy 02/02/2024 la that Su, hci ngay cubl citag ctia Hing dé ba this dy? Exercise 5. Given 22"4 February, 2022 is Tuesday, find the date of 25% April, 2022. FERMAT = $4641 tid kins Ngoc Khénh, Ba Dinh, Ha N6i Education Din thoni: 097830455 Email: Olympicesfermatedu.on Bitt nigdy 22/02/2022 li Hur Be, hoi nghy 25108/2022 fa thie may? Exercise 6. It is known that 5" February, 2022 is Saturday. Which day of the week will 5" February, 2923 be? Bitt ring agin 1102/2022 ta thet Bay, hoi ngay 05/02/2023 la thir mda, Exercise 7. Given 22™ March, 2022 is Tuesday. Which day of the week will 22°¢ March, 2024 be? Bidt ring aghy 22/03/2022 ta thit Ba, hii igay 22/08/2024 lb thi nuily? Lesson 5: Construction problem / Bai 5: Bdi todn nang sudt L Vocabulary / Tievamg Tir vung Dich nghia Sum / Total Tong Dir din, cing vide Together ing nhaw Same Gidtig haw Tl Example! Vidu Ik takes Alice, Ben, and Claure 12, 18, and 36 days respectively to finish the job alone. IF three people work together, how many days is the job finished? Dé’ hoi: thisih cong vige mGt mink, Alice, Ben vd Claure cin fin lnrgt 12, 18 vi 36 ngay. Néi ba ngurdi lane citing nave thi cong vige sé deroc tam xong trong bao nbidu nigay? Loi giai MBi ngay, Alice hoan thanh duoc = cong vige . 1 MBi ngiy, Ben ho’n thanh duroe cong vigc Mai ngay, Claure hoan thanh duge x cdng vide. Be my 3 yg tag 7 cone vibe. Néu mai ngay cd ba ngudi cig lam thi cong vige sé dugc lam xong trong sO ngay la: 1 Mii ngay, cé ba nguai lam duoc tang cdng = = 6 (ngay) Dap sé: 6 ngay. FERMAT = $661 tit ku Ngoc Khén Education Dign thogi: 0917930455 Ha Noi : Olympictafermet. III. General method / Cach fam téug quat Buse 1: Tim kh6i luong cong vige ma méi ngudi lam dugc trong mét ngay Bude 2: Tim Khdi lng cong vige ma moi ngudi lam duoc trong mot ngiy. Buse 3: Tim thai gian dé bai yeu cau. Khdi lugng cdng vigc = Téc dé hoan thanh x Thai Khi khang durge nhic dé, ta c6 thé coi khdi rong céng viée 1a 1 phan TV. Practice / Luyéu tap Exercise 1. Miya can finish a task ia 18 days and Cindy can finish the same task in 9 days. [f they work together, how many days will they complete the task? Miya e6 the'hoin thinlt mt cong vige trong 18 ngay. Cindy cé the'hodn thant cing cing vige aé froug 9 ngdy. Néw ho tim cing uhau, héi ho can bao nhige ugay Aé ho’n thank céug viée? Exercise 2. Andy, Tony, and Saka take 18 days to complete a task together. If Andy works alone, he will finish the task in 36 days. If Tony works alone, he will finish it in 60 days. How long will it take Saka to complete the task alone? Andy, Tomy vit Soka can 18 gay dé cing naw hain thank mt cng vige. Néw Andy Id sn6t mink, bau dy Give 36 gay. Née Tony lam: mgt ntink, ban dy cn 60 ngay. Hot Seka cit bao lite ae lam xong céug vige mdt rink? Exercise 3, Alice needs 20 days to finish a project. Peter needs 30 days to finish the same project. If Alice, Peter, and Mary do the project together, they need 10 days. How long does Mary take to finish the project alone? Alice cin 20 ngay dé'hoan thank indt dee dus, Peter ciin 30 ngay dé hoin thinh di dn gidag vdy. Néie Alice, Peter vt Mary cieug uhaw tam die dus, ho cits 10 ngiy, Hoi ude Mary lane mét asin hie iy cltu bao uhiou ngdy? Exercise 4. To produce a package, team A needs 4 days. To produce 3 same packages, team B needs 10 days. If they work together, how many days will they need to produce 11 packages? Dé sin xudt mot kigu ring, A6i A cin 4 ngdy. Di'sdu xuat 3 kign hang giving vay, doi B cin 10 ngay. 5? Exercise 5. It takes Terry 18 days to complete a task alone. If he works at it for 12 days, fe cling haus tht ho cin bao hide ugity dé'sdve xual 11 kif Billy can finish the remaining task in 8 days. In how many days can Billy do the task alone? 18 FERMAT = 866A‘ tide: thu Ngoc Khénls, Ba Dinh, Ha Néi Education Dign thoai: 0947330855 Email: Ofympicifermat.edieon Dé'fam xong cong vigc mét mink, Terry cin 18 ngay. Néie ban ay tam trong 12 ngay, Billy c6 the hot thaw phitn vigc edn laé trong 8 nghy. Héé udie Billy fain mgt andul thi bau diy cite bao lu? Exercise 6, Mina and Ruby can do a task together in 18 days. Ruby and Jack can do it together in 24 days. Mina and Jack can do it together in 36 days. In how many days will Mina, Ruby and Jack finish it together? Mina va Ruby chu 18 ugay 48’ hoon thank mét cong vige cing mhaw, Ruby vd Jack 6 thé’ lam cOug vige dé cing nau trong 24 nghy. Miua va Jack ed thé hodw thank ud trong 36 ngdy. Het ndiv ci ba ugred lama cling nhaw tel ho di bao nhieu ngay? Goi ¥: Goi sd ngay mdi ban cin délaan xong cong vise mot minh Hin Heot Ha a, B,c. Lesson 6: Some other problems / Bai 6: M6t 6 bai todn khdc A. Backward problems / Bai fod tink nguge I Vocabulary / Tit vong Tir vung nghia Remain Die, cbr lat One half / A half Mot nita Fewer ithon More Nhi€u hon Originally Ban dw U1, Example / Vi du Example 1: Andy's mother's age this year subtracts 29, is multiplied by 8, adds 4, and is divided by 7. The result will be 4 years old. How old is Andy's mother this year? Néu lily s6'tudi ine cita Andy nina nay trie di 29, rBi nid 8, cng 4 vb chia clo 7 thi diye kél quad fa 4. Hei néin nay me eria Andy bao nbiéu tudt Loi giai Ta fan luot tim gid tri cdc 6 ngugc lai tir cudi va duge sa dO sau: [ 32) = 28 — al ‘Trude khi cong 4 thi ta duge kat qua Wa: 28 - 4 = 24 ‘Truéc khi han § thi ta duge két qua la: 24: FERMAT Education sperma edie.» Vay tudi cia me Andy nam nay la: 3+ 29 =32. Dap sé: 32. Example 2: Patrick had some money. On the first day, he spent ; of bis money and $30 more to buy a bike. On the second day, he spent — of the remaining money and $20 Bp Gs] ae more to buy a watch, On the third day, he spent + of the remaining money and $10 more to buy a novel. After that, he still had $10, How much money did he have at first? Patrick cO mt s5 Hin, Trong ngay tit hdl, anh ay dant i 86 fién mink o6 va thém 30 di-te dé mea xe dap. Trong ngay tHe ai, ant dy dink 4 86 tdi con fai vit thé 20 dé-ta dé’ mun dong NB 1 deo tay. Trong mgay thie ba, Patrick dni = 56 Fen coi dak saw gay He hal 2 then 20 c-ta dé ma mot quyein tidh Hmyét, Cudi citng, anh Ay con tai 10 dé-ta. Héi ban din Patrick c6 bao nhieu ten? Loi giai fis SeTSEEAS Sau ngay dau tién, sd tién Patrick con lai bang 3 tién ban dau tri di 30 dé-la. Do dota caso ds: 3 4 30 - —) —> 5 $6 tién $6 tin con Iai ban dau | sau ngay dau Tuong ty, ta ¢6 so dé sau: 3 1 i = = 3 ji — aaa = a 4 Ps Ta fan huot tim gid te] cde 6 nguge tu cudi va duge: ‘ w = : " _ —_ — oe —_ vale te um = we » ® = = — * = 7 7 20 FERMAT = $641 tidus kitu Ngoc Khanit, Ba Dials, Ha N6i Education Digi thoai: 0917830255 Email: Olympicerfermat.edivn Dap 36: 160 dé-la. B, Wood cutting problems / Bai todut ca g6 L. Vocabulary / Tirurmg Require Giding nhan, nine wha U1. Example / Vi du Te requires 4 minutes to cut a piece of wood into 3 sectians. If the time required to cut inta each section is the same, how many minutes are required to cut a piece of woed into 6 sections? Clin 4 pluit dé cra mit Kietic 6 thinth 3 doan, Bidt thot gian cika mdi fin ewe fi nue haw, hoi cin bao niviéu phuit dé'cua mgt khtic 6 thank 6 dogn? Loi giai Dé cua khitc ga thanh 3 doan, ta cn 2 fan cua MGi [an cua hét thoi gian la: 4 : 2 = 2 (phat) Dé cua khie gé thanh 6 doan, ta can 5 lin cua Nam Jan cua hét thai gian la: 2 5 = 10 (phat) Dap sé: 10 phat Luu ¥: Dé ara mot khtic gd thanh n phan, ta can (n — 1) Tan cua. C. Practice / Lnyén tap Exercise 1. A book store had a box of books. One-half and 8 fewer books were sald on the first day. One-half of the remaining part and 2 more books were sold on the second day. One-hall of the rem: 9 books were left. How many books did the box contain originally? Mét cita hing sach cé mgt thing sach, Trong ngay din tin, no bin derae it hon m6t mia sd’ sich ng part and 1 fewer book were sold on the third day. Finally, ban dite 8 quiyéit. Troug ngity thit hai, ho bén dicoc inGt nita sé séch con igi va them 2 quyéin stich nite, Trong ngiy tit ba, bio ba dtece it hon mbt nite 30’ sdich eon tai 1 quyéie. Cudl cing, crea hang cbu tai 9 quyén sdch. Héi ban dit trong Utting ci bao nhiéu quyén sich? Exercise 2. A stationery store had a batch of ball pens. Onc half but 6 fewer pens were sold on the first day, One-half of the remaining part and 8 more pens were sold on the 21 i FERMAT | S06Ai1 titts thic Ngoc Khéul, Ba Diu, He Néi Education Dign thoai: 0917830455 Ematl: Ofympicefermatediton second day. Finally, 20 ball pens are left. How many hall pen(s) did the stationery store have originally? MOt cita buirig vin pliong plifit cd mgt so’ bit bi. Trong gay iffte iB, ho baie duege it hon 6 chide 60 v6i mdb ittia sé bait bi. Tromg ngay Hitt hai, cla hang bin daroc bude hin 8 chi8e btit bi so véi mt nita 8B bitt bi cén tai. Cudit cling, cit hudg edn tai 20 chide bit bi. Héi ban du clea hing 6 bao whiéu chigé brit bi? Exercise 3. Mr. Lee's age this year minuses 2, is divided by 4, adds 7, and is multiplied by 12. The result will bc 252 years old. How old is Mr. Lec this year? Neéie ty tei cia Sng Lee stdin ney trie di 2, clvia cho 4, cng 7 ri hin vdi 12 thi dhece két qué Ho 252, Hoi sim nay dng Lee bao wh Exercise 4. IE requires 16 minutes to cut a piece of wood into 9 sections. If the time tdi? required ta cut into each section is the same, how many minutes are required to cut the piece of wood into 11 sections? Dé eure ingt Klute go think 9 doan, ngiedi ta cin 16 plait, Bit ring mdi fin cura cin thi gia wie ushan, héi dé'crra khnic gé dé thish 11 dogn thi cin bao nbsién plait? Exercise 5. It requires 24 minutes io ent a piece of wood into 5 sections. If the time required to cut into each section is the same, how many minute(s) is / are required to cut 3 pieces of wood each into 29 sections? (Cannot cut 2 pieces of wood at the same time) Dé cua inst knie gé think 5 dean, ugudi ta cin 24 plait, Bidt ring mdi Kin cua can thoi gia alue nha, hoi dé’ cua 3 Kite gd, moi Kheic tanh 29 doan thi can bao nhieu pluie? (Kidug tse ceca 2 Kluic gé cting Ic) Exercise 6. It requires 16 minutes fo cut a piece of wood into 5 sections. If the time required to cut into each section is the same, how many minute(s) is / are required ta cut a piece of wood into 13 sections? Dé cura mot Kini 96 think 5 dogn, ugiedi ta cin 16 phitt, Bist rug mdi kin cura cin thai gia luc nhau, héi dé'ciea mé1 kinic gd thauth 13 sogn titi clan bao nhidu phiit? Exercise 7. It takes Wiliam 5 minutes to fini a Math exercise. After finishing an exercise, he needs 1 minute to relax. He starts doing exercise at 8:00. When does he finish the 9 exercise? Wiliem Lam mdi bai tip Todn het 5 phiét. Save kh lan xong mdi bad, ban diy clin 1 phiit dé tiie gidn. Bidt rang Wilian bat du iam hai tie bic 8 gid, Rai ban ay Kans xong bai tip thi 9 vio hic nde? 22 FERMAT Education Digs: thoai: 097783045! TOPIC 2: ARITHMETIC / $6 HOC Lesson 1: Find the sum in an arithmetic sequence Bai 1: Tint tong cia mét day sé‘cach déu I. Vocabulary / Tir aung Dich nghia Gid tri Shang Teng Diy sO cach de Trong day s6 cach déu, ta e6 cic cong thie sau: + Khodng cich = Higu cia hai 36 lign tigp trong day + Sa sé hang = (S6 lon nhat - $6 be nhit): Khoang cach + 1 @ Téng = (Sé lén nhit + $6 bé nha x $6 56 hang: 2 + Néula day ting din: Sé thie # = $6 dau + (#~ 1) x Khoang cich * Néula day giam dan: $6 tha w= S6 dau - (1-1) x Khoang cach TIL Example / Vi dis Example 1, Find the sum of 1424344 4...48+9. Tiuk téug 1+2+3+4+... +849. Loi gidi Khoang cach giira hai sé lién tiép la 1. $8 86 hang cua day la: (9-1):1+1=8:1+ Téng cua day la: 9 + 1)x9:2=10x9:2=90: Dap sé: 45. Example 2. Find the value of 20-19 + 18-17 +... #4-3+2-1 Tiss gid tr} cia 20-19 + 18-17 +... #4-3 42-1. Lai giai = 45, 20-194 18-174... #4-342-1 = (20-19) + (18-17) +...+(4-3)+ (2-1), FERMAT $0647 tidus ti Ngoe Kisinh, Ba Dil, Ha NGF Education Dign thoei: 0917830455 Email: s14l+ Tw 1 dén 20 cé 2056. Ma cit 2.86 ta ghép thanh | nhém. Vay s6 nhém 13: 20 : 2 = 10 nhém. Vi cé 10 nhém nén ta cang cd 1086 1, Téng can tinh la 1 x 10= 10. Dap sé: 10. -#14d Example 3. Given the sequence with the pattern below, find the 21 term in the sequence Cho day sé'cd quy tadt densi dy, tim sé'thnt 21 6 trong day 100, 98, 96, 94, Loi giai Cach t: Sé thir nhat va sé ther 21 cdch nhau sé khoang la: 21 20 (khoang). MAi khong bing ? don vi S6 thir nhit hon 9 thé 21 sd don vi la: 20 x 2 = 40, Vis tha nhat la 100 nén sé ther 21 La: 100 - 40 = 60. Cach 2: $6 this 21 = $6 dau - (21 - 1) x Khang cach = 100 ~ 20 x 2 = 60 Dap 6: 60. TV. Practice / Luygn tap Exercise 1. Find the value of 25+29+33+...+101+105. Tinh gid tri cita 25+ 29~33+...4 1014105 Exercise 2. Find the value of 199+196+1934...4 441] Tinh gid trj cita 199+196+193+..4+4¢ 1. Exercise 3. Find the value of Af = 234~232+230—22K+...+130—128 +126. Tinh gid tri cita M = 234—232-+230— 298+. + 130-128-4126. Exercise 4. Find the value of 2—4+6-8 +... + 202-204 +206. Tink gid tricia 2-44 6-8 +... + 202— 204+ 206, Exercise 5. Find the value of $ =105—108+111—114+...+3$1—354 +357, Tinh gid tr} cita S=105-108 + 111-114 +...+ 351-354-4357 Exercise 6, Find the sum of 100 consecutive even numbers, starting from 10. Tinh tug ctia 100 36 chan lidu tiép, bit dita ie 10. 24 FERMAT 86 6Ai tidh ki Ngoc Khémi, Ba Dinh, Ha Noi education Digs thoai: 0917830455 Eniail: Ofympicefermat.edion Lesson 2: Find the sum of a geometric sequence Bai 2: Tim téng ctia mot cap s6nhdn I. Vocabulary / Tirta Tir vung Dich nghia Value Gie tri Term So hang Sum tong Geometric sequence Cap s6'nhdn Cp s6 nha joi sé trong day (trir sé dau tién) déu bang s6 ngay trudc nd nhan véi mot sé khéng dai. SS khéng déi dé duoc goi la céng boi. Il. Example / Vidu Find the value of $= 9 +27 +81 + 243 + 729. Tink gid tri cika $= 9 4 27+ 81 +243 + 729. Le Nhan xet: $ 1a téng cla mét cdp s8 nan, sé Lién sau bing 3 lan sé lién trude. Vay cong, b6i la 3. Ta co:$ x3= (9 +27 +81 +243 + 729) x3 = 27+ 81+ 243 +729 + 2187 Do dé: $ x3 -$= (27481 + 243 +729 +2187) —(9 +27 +81 4 243 + 729) 2187-9 2178 Ma Sx 3-S=$x3-Sx1=Sx(3-1)=Sx2 Suy ra $x 2=2178 $= 2178-2 = 1089 hn xét: Tir vi dy trén, ta thay $= (729 x3—9):(3-1) = (S6 cudi x Céng boi - $6 dau) : (Cong boi - 1) TIL General method / Crick fam toug quat Ta 06 cing thite sau dé tinh tng cla cap $8 nhan vai cdc <6 hang duge sip xép thea thi ty ting din (cong 6Gi In hon 1): Téng = (56 cudi x Cang bai - $6 dau) : (Cong bai FERMAT Education IV. Practice ! Luyéu tap Exercise 1. Find the value of S=1+2+4+8+16+..+1024 Tinh gid trj clia $= 14244484 164..41024, Exercise 2. Find the value of S= 6 112+24+48 4.4 3072. Tinh gid tr cla S = 6412+ 24-448 +...+ 3072. Exercise 3. ind the value of M = 21X74 729+ 2434,..43, Tinh gid tri cita M = 2187+ 729 +243 +..+3 Exercise 4. Find the value of 10 + 20+ 40 + 80+... +2560 Tinh gid tr] ca 10420440480 +... + 2560, 1h le Exercise 5. Find the value ef P= ——+——+—— 256 128 ae mi igh i Tinh gia tricua P= ——+—_4— 4.41 256 128 64 ms Exercise 6. Find the value of A, given that: A=1+~+_ += +— 3 27 81 Tinh gid tri cita A, biél ring: A= iio4 atte. 309 27 BI Lesson 3: Use difference method to find the sum of a sequence Bai 3: Sit dung phuong php tong tri 1 Example / Vi du Example 1. Find the value of 1 1 + | tt ! oe! Te2” 2x30 3x4 45x46 46x47 Tinh gid tft ,1,.., 1 ,_1 1x2” 2x3" 3x4” a5x46) 46x47 Lai gidi 1 1 1 1 pote + Ix20 2x3 3x4 45x46 46«47 2c], 3224-3, 46-45, 47-46 ix2'2x3'3xa'"' 45046 | 46x47 2 1 3 2 4 3 46 45 Az Ao eS -tS i, + Ix2 1x20 2*3 2x3 3x4 3x4 45x46 45x46 46x47 46x47 1141.1 Di,t 1) 146 = ett 122334 5 46 46°47 «4147 «47° FERMAT _ 866A1 tigi thu Ngoc Khanit, Ba Dinh, Ha Noi Educatisn) Dign thoai: 0947830455 Email: Oi picusfermat.edit.on 26 Example 2. Find the value of B= 5X6+6%7+7x8+...418*19 Tinh gid tri cita B=5x6+6x7+7 x8 4..+ 18x19. Loi giai 3x B= 5x6X346X7%34 7x 8X34 4 18XT9RS 3x B= 5x62 (7-4) +67 «(8—5) +7 x 8% (9-6) +... 1819 (20-17) 3x B= 5x6x7— 4x 5264 6x7 X8— 5X67 47X89 6x7 x8 +1819 x20 17% 18 x19 3x B= 18x 19x 20-4x5x6 3x B= 6720 Vay B= 2240. Dap s6: 2240, MI General method / Céch fam tong quét Buc 1: Tim cach tach sé hang dé xudt hign higu cdc 36 ging nhau. Bude 2: Triét tidu cdc s6 piding nhau va tim két qua, IIL Practice / Luyén tap 1 7 1 Exercise 1. Find the value of 14 1 + + Tek Bx9 9x10) 26x27” 27028 dagen pany si yr —! ig Tx8 8x9 9x10 26x27 27x28 Exercise 2, Find the value of 7 =4x6+6x8+8x10+...+26x28. Tinh gid tri cita T = 4x6 +6x8+8% 104... 4+ 26x28. Exercise 3. Find the value of M =3x4x5+4x5x6+..+13x14x15, Tinh gid tej cita M =3x4xS44x5x64..413 14x15. PE 2 2 ae + ; 1x3 3x5) 5x7) 97x99 Tin gid tr cia A, biét sing A= 2-2 agp 2. 1x3 3x5) 5x7” 97x99 I 1 I Exercise 5. Find the value of M, given that M = +g tg : x4 4x7 7x10 97x 100 Tindi typ cada Exercise 4. Find the value of A, given that: 4 A 1 I ‘Tin gid bri ciza M, bi8l ring M =< ——+ t Ixd dx 7) Té1O 17 «100 5 5 Exercise 6. Find the value of B. given that: B= —— +—— + $ tit 2 : 2x4 4x6 6x8 98100, Tinh gid tri cia R, bidt ring B= toot 2x4 4x6 6x8 98x 100 FERMAT Education Dign thoai: 0917830455 Email: OF; Lesson 4: Continued fraction / Bai 4: Lién phan sé I, Vocabulary / Tiremg SIT Ta vung Dich nghia 1 Value Gidi tri 2 Fraction Phin: Lién phan s6 (Phau $6 trong phan sO) 3 Continued fraction Tl. Example / Vi du Find the value af Tinh gid tri cita Lai giai Ta thuc hin tinh todn phan sé ti duci len trén nur sau: Luu y: Phan sé chinh la phép tinh chia Ta lam tuong ty ohu vay va duge: 4 1 131 3 196 196 5.4 3 a1 7 7 28 FERMAT Education Email: U1. Practice / Luyén tip Exercise 1. Find the value of A= Tin git tricia A= Tinh gid Hi cita B= 2+ B+ Exercise 3. Find the value of = o 2s os at 5 Tinh gif tri ciia C= 4: 1 is Exercise 4. Find the value of D= 2 sit ; 6 me a 5 Khdate, Ba Dinh, Hi Ematk: Olympicefermat FERMAT $06A1 Education Di Tink git tricia D = Exercise 5. Find the value of E = FERMAT $8641 tigi thu Ngoc Khént, Ba Dial, Ha Néi Eavration Dign thoai: 0917830455 Enail: Olympicerfermat.edi.on 30 TOPIC 3: NUMBER THEORY / LY THUYET SO Lesson 1: Operation symbol / Bai 1: Kyj higu phép todn 1. Vocabulary / Tir uimg Tirvung Dich nghia Define Dinh ugha Operation Phép toan Symbol Ki hit Calculate Tinh Il. Example / Vi die Define the operation symbol a @b =axb-h—7, find the value of 11@(8®9). Dink ugitia phép toin a@b=axb-b—T, tim gid tri cia O(8O9). Loi giai Ta wu tién tinh 8@9 trong ngode trude. Thay a =8,6=9, taco: 8B9=8x9-9-7 = 56. Ta co: 11B(8D9)=11BS6 = 11x 56-56-77 = 553. Dap s6: 553. IIL. Practice / Luyéu tap Exercise 1. Define the operation symbol a ®h=(a—-b)x(a-+4), calculate 243@143 . Dinh ngita phép todn a@b=(a—h)x (a+b), tinh 2430143, Exercise 2, Define the operation symbol a Qé =3xa—2xb, find the value of 110(604). Dinh ngita phép todu a@b=3xa-2xb, tim gid tri ctia NO(6O4), Exercise 3, Given that ah =axh+2xh, calculate 749. Cho aah =axh+2xth, hdy tinh Tad. Exercise 4. Given that 203=3x5, 304=4x7«10, 403=3x7xI1xI5. According to the pattern, find the value (3O6)x(204). Cho 203=3x5; 394=4x7x10, 4O3=3x7xI1x15. Dua trea quy indt, hay Hime gid tri ce 3.O6)x(2O4), Exercise 5. Define the operation symbol a#b=ax(b-1), find the value of 4#2#3). Dinh ngitia phép tots afb =ax(b—N), tins gid tri ciia 44283). 31 FERMAT Kiu Ngoc Kikdnh, Ba Dinh, Ha NGI Education Digi thoai: 0917830455 Emait: Olympiciferneat.eduon Lesson 2: Divisibility / Bai 2: Bai todn chia hét 1. Vocabulary / Tirtumg Tir vung Dich nghia Divisible Chia hét Divided by... Chia cho. Dividend Sé bt chia Divisor Sé'chia Quotient Throng Remainder SE die n-digit number S6'C6.n chit 36° Il. Divisibility rules / Quy tde chia hét Divisible by / 7 Lediven Indication / Dai hiéw Chia hét cho Cac 566 tin cting 120, 2, 4, 6, 8. 2 *Ciie 8ii chéw ta cde s6'cliia hét cho 2, cic $6 te Hi cdc s6'chia cho 2 thi die 1 (cae s6'e6 tan cting ta 1, 3, 5,7, 9). 5 Clic s6'cé tin cing 14 0 Hoge 5. Vai cic i 3 chit 56 tra len, néie xd etic chit 566 iu, chi gir tai 2 4 chit s6°6 cudt mei thu dirgc s6\chia hét cha 4 thi sé’ ban déw cing chia hél cho 4. Vi du: 100, 104, 112, ... Véti cic 6 c6 tir & chit 56 tre ten, nén ada cae chie 566 di, cli git lai 3 8 hie 36.6 cudi mai Hus diege 96 chia hét cho 8 thi sb ban daw cing lua hél cho & Vidi: 1200, 1049, 2006, .. 3 Téing cac clit sé chia het che 3 thi 26 dé chia hét cho 3. 9 Téing céc clit 56 chia het che 9 tha 36 dé chia ha cho 9. 10 Chit s8'tin cing cin $6 a6 1a. n Ting cia cdc chiv 66 6 vj wi 1é trie di tding cia che chit 96d vi tri chain thode uguege Iai) La mudi 96\ chia héb cho 17. a2 Education FERMAT = 586Ai tigu ku Neoc Khéul, Ba Dili, Hi Nbi Dign thoai: 0917830455 Enail: UL Example / Vi dye 1, Basic examples using divisibility rules / Cée vf du co bain st dung quy tac chia hét Example 1. What is the smallest 3- number divisible by 3? Hi s6'nhé mbit c6 3 chir sO’ chia hét cho 3 fi s6'nda? Lai giai Cach 1: $6 nho nha: cé 3 chit sé 1a 100 100 khong chia hét cho 3 vi tang cde chi s6 1a 1 101 cé tong cdc chit 56 la 2 nén cing khéng chia hét cho 3. 102 6 téng cdc chir 36 14 3 nén chia hét cho 3 Cach 2: $6 nha nhat cd 3 chit sé 1a 100, Ma 100:3= 33. du Vay ta cin thém 3 - 1 =2 don vj na vao 56 190 thi duoc sé can tim S6 can tim la 100+ 2 = 102 Cach 3; 56 nho nhat co 3 chit 56 la 100. Ma 100: 3= 33 du 1 Vi 3x 33 = 99 (s6 co 2 chit sd). Vay 6 cin tim la 3 x 34 = 102. Dap sé: 102. Example 2. What i the greatest 4-digit number divisible by 5? Hoi s6'on what 06 4 chit s8 chia heb cho § la sé’ nao? Loi giai Cach 1: Ta tim s6 Ién nhat co 4 chi s6 tan cing 1a 0 hoc 5. 86 ldm nhat c6 4 chit sé chia hét cho 5 1a 9995. Cach 2: Sé lon nhat 6 4 chit 56 1a 9999, Ta ch 9999 : 5 = 1999 dud Vay 86 can tim 13 999 — 4 ~ 9995, Cach 3; S6 lon nhat ¢6 4 chir sé Ja 9999, Ta 05 9999 : 5 = 1999 du 4, Vay sé can tim 18 5 x 1999 = 9995. Dap sd: 9995. 33 Ha N6i Olympicefeemat.cdu.on FERMAT = S861 tidu ihu Ngoc Khint, Ba Diu Education Dign thoai: 0917830455 Email: Example 3. What is the smallest 3-digit number that can be divisible by & and 8? P Hi s0'nho salut co 3 chat sO’ chria bGt cho c@ 6 vt BH 96 Loi i - Buse 1: Tim sé nho nhat chia hét cho ca 6 va 8: Nhan thay: BCNN (6, 8) = 24 MGt sé muén chia hét cha ca 6 va 8 phai chia hét cho 24. ~ Bude 2: Ta can tim s6 nho nhat cé 3 chit s6 chia hét cho 24. +S8 nho nhit e6 3 chit s6 la: 100 +Tacé: 100: 24=4 dud Vay 36 nho nhit cé 3 chit sé chia hi cho 24 la Céich 1: 100 + (24 - 4)= 120 Céch 2:24 x (441) = 120. Vay s6 nho nhat c6 3 chir sé chia hé& cha cd 6 va 8 1a 120 Dap 6: 120. 2. Find the missing digit / Tim chit sé’ con thidn Example 4. If a S-digit number 12344 is divisible by 9, find the value of A. Néu nit 96 c6 5 chie 36 [234A chin hét cho 9, thn A Loi giai M6t sé chia hét cho 9 ndu téng cac chi s6 cua nd cling chia hét cho 9. 1424344+A- 10+ A chia hit cho 9 Khidé A=8. Dap sé 8 Example 5. If a 5-digit number 30254 is divisible by 15, find the value of A. Nie s6'c6 5 chhir 66° 30254 chia Init cho 15, tint A Lai giai 30254 chia hét cho 15. Nhan thay: 15 = 3 x 5 nén 30254 phai chia hét cho 3 va 5. Vi 30254 chia hét cho 5 nén A cé thé bang 0 va 5. TH1: A =0. Ta thay vao duge sé 30250. ‘Ta thay: 3 +0 +2+5+0=10 khong chia hét cho 3 nén loai, TH2: A=5. Ta thay vao duge sé 30255 Ta thay: 3 +0+2+5+5=15.cé chia hét cho 3 nén 30255 chia hét cho 3. Do dé A =5. Dap 86:5. a4 FERMAT = $86A1 tidi shu Ngoc Khanh, Ba Dial, Ha NOt Education Dign thoai: 0917830655 Email: Olympicafermat edie vn IV. Practice / Luyéu tap Exercise 1. If a 6-digit number 452338 is divisible by 6, find the value of B. Néu mét s6 co 6 chit s6 452338 chia hél cho 6, tim gid tr) cla chit 38 B Exercise 2. Given that a 10-digit number 2021202248 is divisible by 18, find the minimum value of 2021202248 Bit wit s6'cé 10 chit s6’ 20212022 AB chin het cho 18, tim git tré whe nh ctia 2021202248 Exercise 3. If 1]-digit number 20190513ABB is divisible by 33, find the value of A. Néis mdt s6'¢6 11 chit sé’ 20190S13ABB chia het cho 33, thn gid tri cia A. Exereise 4. Given that a 10-digit number 2021202248 is divisible by 15, find the smallest value of A. Bilt 56 co 10 chit 36 20212022AB chria hi cho 15, tin gid tri uh nha? cha A. Exercise 5. What is the largest 3-digit number that can be divisible by 4 and 5? Ton s6 lon shat co 3 chit s8 chin hél cho ca 4 va 5. Exercise 6. What is the smallest 3-digit number that can be divisible by 8 and 10? Tim s6'nité nhit c6 3 chit s6' chia het cho cd 8 va 10, Lesson 3: Last digit / Bai 3: Chit s6 tan cing I. Vocabulary / Tir vung Dich nghia Chir s6 Last digit Chic satan cing Unit digit Cite sb hing don vf U1. Example / Vi du Find the last digit of 4=9x9%9x..x9 x9, Tin chte s6 tin cling clia 4=9x9x9 Tich ¢6 1 569 1a 9, tan cing la 9. Tich c6 2 58 9 la 81, tan cing 1a I. Tich c6 3 56 9 1a 729, tan cing 9. Tich c6 4 $69 1a 6561, tan cing 1a 1. 35 FERMAT § Sé6aiti Ngoc Khénls, Ba Diath, Ha Ni Ba Education Dign thogi: 0917830455 Email: Ofympicefermatedion Cach 1: Nhan xét quy Iuat chin 18. $6 cdc thiva 36 la 1é: Co chir 66 tin clang 1a 9. 56 cac thita s6 la chan: Co chit sé tan cing 18 1. Do d6, tich ctia 2020 (ch&n) 86 9: cd chit 6 tan ciing Va 1 Cach 2: Chia day chir s6 tan cing thanh cae nhom Lap lai. Buc 1: Xét quy Iuat chGi s6 tan cing nbu sau: (9, 1), (9, 1), (9, 8), Bude 2: Két qua cin fim ung vai sé this 2020 cita day. Ta cd: 2020: 2 = 1010 nhom. Buc 3: Vi phep chia khéng du nén 36 thi: 2020 ca day 1a 1 Vay tich cua 2020 369 6 tn cing 14 1 Dap sé: 1 IIL General method ! Cach Him tong quat * Nhan Tan luot cdc 36 va xét chit sé tan cing dén khi quy 1uat lap Lai * Chia quy ludt dé vie cde nhém * Tim chit s6 cudi cing, IV. Practice / Luyén tap Exercise 1. Find the last digit of 4 = 4x4x4 or Ax Tins cle 56 tn clung cla A =Ax4x 4x wore Exercise 2. Find the unit digit of A = 2017 x 2017 x 2017 ...x 2017 x 2021 x 2021 x...x 2021 ero 7a Tim chit s6 hing don vj cia A= 2017 x 2017x2017 x... 2017 « 2021 x 2021 x... 2021. Exercise 3. Find the unit digit of A if A=2xdx6x...x16x18. Tint chit so’ hing don vi ctia A, bist A = 2% 4x6x,..x16%18. Exercise 4. Find the unit digit of A if A=8”. 023 Tin chit si hing don vj ctia A, biét A= 8 Exercise 5. Find the unit digit of A if l= 1x1 1x...x2021x3x13x23x...x2023, Tint chit s6 hing dou vj ctia A, bidt A= «11x... x202 1x 3x 13%23>%...% 2023 Exercise 6. Find the unit digit of Aif 4=12"” Tim chie 56 hing don vy ctia A, bist A= 12°. 36 FERMAT = $66A1 tieu thu Ngoc Khant, Ba Din eeu coriony Digi: thoai: 0917830455 Emai Ha Néi Olympiceefermat.edi.un Lesson 4: Factorize a number into the product of prime numbers Bai 4: Phan tich mét sé thauh tich cdc thita sO nguyén to L Vocabulary / Tir vimg Ta vung hh nghia Prime (number) Sé'nguyén 16 Factorize Phan tich (thanh tich cae thira sé nguyén 15) Product Ticit Factor Nhén tir, thita 86, woc sé + S6.a duoc goi la ude cla sb néu $68 chia hét cho sa, Vi dy: 31a mot ude cha 6. * Mot sd ty nhién ldn hon 1 dugc goi la so nguyén té néu no chi chia hét cho 1 va chinh no. Vi dy: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, ... «Phan tich mét su thanh tich ciia cdc thiza si nguyén td cé nghia la viet sn duci dang: =a" xbY x...xc", trong dé a, b,c «. 1a cae 36 nguyén t8; x, y, 2)... Tn lurot Ia cde 88 mu tuong ung. Vi dy: 180-2? x3" x5! = 2? x3? x5; 75 =3x5*. UL. Example / Vi du Factorize 200 into the product of prime numbers. Phin tich 56200 thieah Lich cha cic thita sO nguyen (0. Loi giai Ta xét xem 200 chia hét cho sé nguyén 16 nao, bit dau ti nhé dén lon: 2, 3, 5, 7... Ta cd: 200 chia hét cho 2. 200 : 2 = 100; Tigp tuc xét xem 100 chia hét cho sd nguyén 48 ndo, bat dau tir ho dén lin: 2, 3, 5, 7... 100 : 2= 50; Ta lam tuong ty cho dén khi thu duge thuong 1a 1: 50: 2 = 25; 25 “Ta da chia cho 2 tng cong 1a 3 fan va chia cho 5 téng cong 1a 2 Tan, Vay 200=2"«5?. Dap 36, 200= 2° x5? 37 FERMAT = $86A1 titi kiue Ngoc Khéwi, Ba Dinh, Hé NOE Esueorien) Dit thoai: 0917830455 Email: Otympictefermat.edic.on UL Practice / Luyén tap Exercise 1. Factorize 321600 into the product of prime numbers. Phan tich 68321600 thiaih tich cita ede thiea sO’ ngvuybit 16: Exercise 2, Factorize 70560 into the product of prime numbers. Phan tich 8670560 tinh tich cia cic thita $6 nguyin t6. Exercise 3. Which is the largest prime number that it is a factor af 24800? HY6i s5 nguyen 86 bin slid ka wie etia 24800 te $8 nao? Exercise 4. Which is the largest prime number that it is a factor of 35700? Hi sO nguyés 16 lon nit la woe ctia 35700 ti s6'ndo? Exercise 5. How many prime numbers are factors of the number 35490? Hi cb bea inttiéu sO ngreyér 16 bi dc cite s6 35490? Lesson 5: Find the number of factors and sum of factors Bai : Tim sO ude vd tong cde te cia mot 6 L Vacabulary / Ticoumg Ta vung Dich nghia Coprime Nguyen té'cirig nha Factors Use sf Simplified fraction Phén so tt gidn, ton hon Ova who hon 1 Denominator Mau sé Numerator Tie sé Positive number Sé derong (66 ton hou 0} Ul. Formula / Céng thite Néu sé 1 duge phan tich thanh tich cua cae thtra s6 nguyén té la =a’ xb" xc, khi dé ta ¢¢ cae céng thic tinh nhanh: « Séluong cde ude SB duong ciia w La: (x+1)%(y + 1)%..«(2+ 1) + Tang cée nic sé duong cia nla: (I+a+a? +a @ )x(1e bab eb tb xax(Teet te tat 4 Sd cdc sénguyén técung nhau voi a (trong khoang ta 1 dén np Le wd bad Phve(r-d), Y ml bie 38 FERMAT _ $86A1 titi kins Ngor Khitnis, Ba Dinh, Ha Noi Education Din thoai: 0917830255 Eninii: TIL. Example / Vi du a) Find the number of positive factor(s} of 200. Tint 8 lirgug etic de $6 duong cia 200 b) Find the sum of all positive factor(s) of 200. Tinh téng tt of cic wdc 56 dicong ctia 200. 0) Find the number of simplified fractions with denominator 200 Tint s6'eeqneg etic phiin 56't6i gin: 1éu hon 0, wkd hon 1 vit o6 mu 30 ta 200 ial Tacé: 200:2= 100; 100:2-50; 50:2=25; 25:5-5; 5:5=1 Vay 200-2757, a) Sé hong cdc ude duong catia 200 la: (3+ 1) x(2+1)=12 b) Tang cua tat 4 cae ude dong ctia 200 la: (14242? 4 2°) (14 5 +5?) 465, ©) Cac phn s@ tdi gidn lon hon @, nho hon 1 va co mau sé la 200 thi co tu s61a sd nguyén duong nhé hon 200 va nguyén t6 ciing nhau vei 200 y)=a08 Do dé, 86 cdc phan sé can tim la: 2001-4} ae Dap sé: a) 12. b) 465. ¢) 80. IV. Practice f Enyén tap Exercise 1. Find the number of positive factor(s) of 725. Tint 96 hngug eve wbe $6 dong cia 725. Exercise 2. Bind the number of positive factor(s) of 600 Tim sé heong cic wie $8 duong cia 600. Exercise 3. Find the sum of all positive factor(s) of 4800. Tinh tong tit oi cic wdc sé'duong ctia 4800. Exercise 4. Find the number of simplified fractions with denominator 270. Tint 86 hong este phn sO'téi gicin tin hon 0, nko han 1 vi. ob udu sit 270 Exercise 5. Find the number of simplified fractions with denominator 2400. Tinu 36 legug cdc phd £6 16% gid tou hon 0, nhé hon 1 vi c6 mau 36 ta 2400. FERMAT _ S86A1 tidis itu Nope Khdntt, Ba Diu education) thoni: 0917830455 Emai TOPIC 4: GEOMETRY / HINH HOC Lesson 1: Angles ina polygon / Bai 1: Géc trong da gide L Vocabulary / Tie wimg Tir vung Dich nghia ‘Angle Gée Interior angte Goc trong Exterior angle Goc ngoti Right angle Goc vudng (a = 90") Acute angle Gée nhon (0° Area: Dién tich la kich thud bé mat cua mét hinh, a2 FERMAT Education S8'6A1 tidu khu Ngoe Khanh, Ba Dis Dign thoai: 0917830455 maui: Olympretfermat.cdion Hinh ve Cong thitc Normal Triangle / Tam gide thering Chu vi: Paath+e Dign ti Be acc) 2 hsd6 dai derang cao ting v6i cank dy € Right triangle / Tam gide vudng Chu vi: Poarb uv: Poatbte : Dién tich: S=Lxext 2 o_O a,b d6 dit hai cank goc eudug Square / Hinh vudng p Chu vi: P= 4x0 Dign tich: S=axa ° dé di caulk hin oudng Rectangle / Hink chat uhat Chu vi: P=2x(a+b) Dién tich: S=axb a b: chidu rong i o™ Cho hinh tron tam O, ban kins 9 Chu vi: P=2xax7r = 2x3,1dxr Dign tich: $= 2x77 3, ocrser 43 FERMAT = 8661 tidu khu Ngoc Khan, Ba Dink, Hi NG Education Dign thoai: 0917830455 Enail: Olwnpicesfermat.edicon TL. Example / Vi du Find the perimeter of the figure shown below in cm Tinh clue vi cita hints dedi déy vdi don of la ene, Wem [* dem sae Lai giai AB= NP =3 cm; BC = DE=6em;CD=KM =4 cm; EF = HG=7 cm; FG= AP=15 cm; MN = HK= 5m. | tof Chu vi cia hinh vé la f. AB+BC+CD + DE+ EF + FG + GH+ HK ct be +KM+MN+NIP+AP ess - 346444647 41547454445 +3415 ri = = 80 (cm). ode Sem Dap s@: 80 em. * © Dee ay w vee @ IIL, Practice f Euyén tap Exercise 1. Eight identical rectangles are combined to form a big square. Each rectangle has a perimeter of 36. Find the perimeter of the big square. Tim hink chie what gidng nian duege ghép igi thank mét lial weGng ibn, MBL huh che nde ce clu vi ke 36. Hay link chu vi cita hint oudng ién, FERMAT = $6641 tidu iu Education Dign thoai ieefepment.cdit.on Exercise 2, Two squares are combined to form the figure below. Can you find the area of the shaded rogion? Hai tinh onéng doroc ghep lai dé drece hints didi day. Tinu dig ich cite phiin t6 dam. Exercise 3. Find the area of the figure below: Tinh dign tich cia hinh duedi diy: A Ea H Exercise 4, In the middle of a square garden with a perimeter of 80m, they built a square poo! with a perimeter of 32m as the figure belaw. What is the area value of the shaded region in m?? O chink gia mot manh viedm hink oudng chu vl 80m, ngurdi ta xdy mdt his boi hink oudng chu i 32m alae nth dirdi day. Hoi dign tich cita phir durac #6 dim ta bao whibte mick oudug? 45 FERMAT = $6641 tigu shu Ngoc Khan, Ba Diul, Hi N¢ ESveat(an: Digs thoai: 0917830455 |: Olympictefermatedieun Exercise 5. Lily has a rectangular garden with a length of 20m and a width of 12m. She digs a circular pond with a radius of 3,5 m. She uses 60% of the remaining area to plant vegetables, Find the area of land for growing vegetables. (Take m= 2) Lily cmt kine ourin hin chit nit obi chibee dai li 20m, chibu réng ta 12m. CO diy dio née cdi ao inh tran c6 bin kinh 3,5m. C dy sie dung 60% phn dt con lai dé trong rau. Hay tink dig fich phiin dat trong raw. dy x= 22) Lesson 3: Pythagorean theorem / Bai 3: Dinh ly Py-ta-go I. Vocabulary / Tir emg Tir vung Dich nghia Right-angled triangle Tam gidc vudng Right angle Géc ouéng Hypotenuse Canth heajn Side Cau TL Formula! Cémg tate tele Dinh ly Py-ta-go: Trong mde tar jgide vudirg bit ky wi di dai 2 ean pe vuscmyg I a, ed 46 di comb buyin Lc thd ta ed of +8 FERMAT sé6ait IML, Example / Vi du Find the value of x in the figure below. Tin gid iri ctia x trong hinls died dy. A Loi giai Ap dung dinh ly Py-ta-go, ta cé: AC’ = AB’ + BC” x 28" +67 = 100 Suy ra x=10. Dap sé 10. IV. Practice / Luyéu tap Exercise 1. What is the value of a in the right-angled triangle below? Tin gid tri ctia @ troug hink tam gic ondng dueéi day F BS Cc Exercise 2. The lengths of shorter sides of a right angled triangle are 12 and 16 respectively. Find the length of the longest side. D6 dai ciia hai cault ugdn hon trong mOt tam gide vudng fin beg la 12 va 16. Tim d6 dai ctia cau dai hd trong tan gide dé, a7 FERMAT Education Dign thoai: 0917830255 Exercise 3. The lengths of the shortest side and the longest side of a right-angled triangle are 25 and 65 respectively, Find the area of that triangle. Troug mgt tans gide wudng, d6 dai cite conk ugén hat ua dai nb fin bot la 25 va 65. Hay thn ign tich cia tain gide 46 Exercise 4. Given a right-angled triangle with a side of length 20 cm and a hypotenuse of length 29cm. Find the area of that triangle in em M&t tan gide vudng cb dé dat mit canh géc auéng tt 20 cnt wi carts uytir 12 29 con. Tish dign tich citn tam gidc dé theo cm. Exercise §. A right-angled triangle has a side of length 15 and a hypotenuse of length 25. Find its perimeter. M6t tain gide viedng 06 mG eqn gic undug ti 15 vd cons hun fi 25. Tint chu vi cia tam giée 6. Lesson 4: Surface area and volume of 3D-figures Bai : Dién tich todn phin va thé tich cia m@t khdi hink 3D 1. Vocabulary / Tir 2intg Dich nghia Hin lip pong Hin shen Hink chop Digna tich toau phiin The tick eetomtace Top Face FERMAT S86A7 titu Kus Ngoc Klute, Ba Dinh, Ha NGE Education Dign thoai: 0917830455 Email: Olympicofermetedu.on IL Formula / Cong thite tink Figure / Hinh Volume / Titd tich Cuboid / Hinh hép chirnhdt 1: Lengtt h we Width Bh Hatght Thé tich hint hnép chit nhét = chit ditt x chide ring x chide cao] Velxwxat Cube / Hinh lip phuong Thé tich link lép phiroag = cqnh x canh x cosh Veaxaxa Thé'tich inh chop = clriéu cao x dién tich diy : 3 V=hxB:3 (Bia did ich day) FERMAT Edueation Trangular Pyraeed LY? ¢ Rectangular pentagonal Byrarnid Pyradred 49 S0GAI tél Khu Ngge Khanis, Ba Dinit, Ha Noi Dig thoai: 0917830455 Email: Olympicwferma:.edion IV. Example / Vi de Alice places some identical cubes on each other to get the figure below. Alice xép céic ki6i Ip phiroug y hét chidng kin uhow dé duoc hink dredi day. x < tH a) How many cubes are there in total? / Héi od tat cd bao lide Khoi tap pherong? Ta e6 thé nbin thay 9 khéi [ap phuong duye dan sd nhu hinh sau: < | 2 Fa £. | Tuy nhign, con 66 1 khdi lap phuong 6 bén duéi khéi lap phuang s8 9 ma ta khong nhin thay duoc. Vay od tat ca 10 khéi lap phuong. b) To paint over all surface, how many cube faces do we need ta paint? { New muda son téu tole b6 be mat cia hinh thi cin son lén bao whiéve nat cia hint lip phuong? A] | 50 FERMAT = $66A1 tit kine Ngoc Khénis, Ba Dink, Ha Noi Education Dign thogi: 0917830455 Email: Olympictformat.edivn Khi cde hinh lap phuong dugc xép ching lén nhau thi: 86 mat phai ~ Sd mat trai; S6 mat trude ~ S6 mat sau; $3 mat trén ~ $6 mst dudi Trong bai, ta c6: Sé mit phai - $6 mat tdi - 7; Sé mat truck SO mat trén = S6 mat dudi = 8. Téng 56 mat la: (7 + 5 +8) x 2=20x 2-40. Dap sé: 40. $6 mgt sau = 5; Khi tinh dign tich toan phn cia cdc hinh lap phuong xép chong lén nhau, ta lam theo cac bude sau: Buséc 1: Tinh téng sé mit ~ (S6 mat phai + 55 mat trade + 96 mat tren} x2 Bud 2: Tinh dign tich toan phn = Téng sO mat x Dign tich mai mat IIL. Practice / Luyén tap Exercise 1. Thomas has made a table out of identical small cubes. Each cube has a side length of 2. Find the volume of all the cubes that make the table. Thomas tao ra mt citi ban fir ec khO7 dp plurong nko y lift han, Méi khdl lp pherong cé a dé canh la 2. Hay tinh tong the'tich cia tat ed cic kRO# dp phirong Igo ra cai ban, Exercise 2, The base of a pyramid is a square with a side length of 6. The distance between the vertex of the pyramid and the base is 10. Find the volume of the pyramid Diy ciia mt kh6t chp Ha muGt hinih oudng c6 conh ta 6. Bib Khedig cach tir dink cle hin chop tai mat day 1a 10, hay tinh thé’ tich cha KhGi chop. Exercise 3. Calculate the volume of a cuboid given that the length, width, and height of the cubnid are 1Scm, 12cm, and 14cm respectively Tinh thé'tich cita mét hiuh hip chie nixdt bidl chién dai, chiGu roug va chiéu cao cia né Tin tage ta 15ers, 12cm va Hem. 51 FERMAT Edueatian Exercise 4. The figure below is composed of identical cubes with a side length of Sem stacks on each other. [f they paint all surfaces of the solid, what is the value of the painted area in cm"? Hink duro gém cée kbd; hip plurong gidng whan 06 a6 déi cauh Sem drege xép cling len whan. Néu ngwdi ta son tod bg be matt cra hinh dé, héi dign tich ea phan dtege som la bao white cm?? } Exercise 5. The length, width, and height of a rectangular tank are 150cm, im, and 165cr respectively. Find the volume of water in the tank in m?, given that the water level is J2tem high. Mot bé nade hinh chit wat ob chiéu dai, chitu réug vi chiéu cao fin tot la 150cm, Im, 165em. Hy tints thé tich mesic trong b8 theo dan i ne, bidl ring mice uieie can 120en. Exercise 6. The length, width, and height of a rectangular tank are 150cm, Im, and 135¢m respectively. The water level was 78cm high. Micky put some bricks into the tank such that they were under the water completely. The water level is 84cm high now. Given that the size of each brick is Sem x 20 cm x 4em. How maay bricks did he put into the tank? Chieu dai, chide réug va chit cao ctia mt bé rude Mul chit nhdi fin hegt la 150cm, Tw, 1351n. Mire mide trong bé'cao 78cm. Micky tha chim itoan lof mot so vidn gach woi kich tude Sem x 2Ocen x dems vio trong be. Mice nicée bic nay dat 8dem. Héi Micky da thd bao hid widn gach vito be? 52 FERMAT $6641 tiéic kau Ngoc Khasis, Ba Dinh, Hi Nor Education) Digit thaai: 0927830455: Eniail: Olympicefermatedion TOPIC 5: COMBINATORICS / TO HOP Lesson 1: Addition rule and multiplication rule Bai 1: Quy tac céng va quy tic nhan 1. Vocabulary / Tir vineg Ta ving Dich nghia Addition rule Quy tie céng Multiplication rule ‘Quy tae nid 1). General method / Cach lin téng quét Quy tic cng: Cho mét cing vige cé thé xay ra trong nhiéu trudng hop khdc nhau, Sé cach lam cing vige dé bing téng sé cach lam cia mdi trrong hop. % Quy te nhan: Cho mét cong vige gdm nhiéu bude nGi tiép nhau. SS céch lam céng vide dé bang tich sé cdch lam cua mdi bude. IIL. Example / Vi du Example 1. Linda has 3 pairs of red shoes and 4 pairs of white shoes, Today, she wants to wear a pair of her shoes. How many ways can she choose? Linda co 3 d6i giay mau dé va 4 déi gidy miu trang. Hone nay, 08 dy mudn chow mt déi giéy Hi ed bao whigu edch dé Linda chon? Lai gidi ‘Trudng hop 1: Bi gidy mau dé: C63 c&ch chon. trong s6'd6 dé Truong hop 2: Di giay mau den: C6 4 cach chon. Vay 6 téng cng 3 +4 =7 céch chon. Dap sé:7 cach. Example 2. Anna has 3 different shirts and 2 different pants. How many different outfits can Anna put together? Anua cb 3 cide do Rute whau va 2 chide quiln Ke aba. Hoi Anna e6 thé’ mae duege bao whigu bé Been. quilt do Ride naw? FERMAT _ 566A7 titic Klar Ngoc Kixirs, Ba Dinh, Ha NGi eeu eooe Dign thoai: 0917830455 Email: Olympicofermatedivn Buiic 1: Mac 4a: 3 céch Buse 2: Mac quan: 2 cach. Vige mic quan do la mét céng viée gém ahidu bude. Nhu vay, sé céch mac quan 4o bang, tich cla s6 cach mac 40 va sé cach m&c quan: 3 x 2 = 6 cach. Dap 86: 6 cach. IV. Practice / Lnyéu tap Exercise 1, At the ice cream store, you can choose between Vanilla and Chocolate ice cream, Far the size, you can choose between sizes $, M, and L. Haw many ways can you choose a cream with a size? Tai mt ctia hing ker, bau od thé chon giiea vi Vani va Socota. Ve kick 6, baie e6 thé'chon gisra ed 5, M vi L. Hei e6 bao nhidn cach dé'cé th chon diepe inde chide Kern 201 mée kich c& trong 16? Exercise 2. How many ways are there to arrange the Ietlers in the word “ VICTORY"? Cé bao hide catch Music hase dé'sip xtp citc chit cf trong tir "VICTORY"? Exercise 3. How many 3-digit even number(s) with distinct digits is / are there? Hoi c6 bao whiéu si chdu c6 3 chie s6’Khuic ula? Exercise 4. There are 9 boys and 6 girls in a class. How many way(s) is / are there to choose 2 boys and 2 girls to form a research group? C6 t8} cd 9 ban nam vd 6 han wir trong mbt lop hoc. Hot cé bao nhitu cach chow ra 2 ban want va 2 gn unit trong a dé'tgo think mdi nlidun nghién cite? Exercise 5. Choose 3 digits, with repetition, from I, 3, 5, 7, 6 to construct 3-digit numbers Among these J-digit numbers, how many of them are add numbers? Chon 3 chit 88 (tteac php Nip Iai) tie 1, 3, 5, 7, 6 dé tao thinih <6'c6 3 chie sé. Trong ce 38 ¢6 3 hit 66'de, e6 bao nhigu 86 16? Exercise 6. Choose 3 digits, without repetition, from 1, 3, 5. 7, 6 to construct 3-digit numbers. Among these 3-digit numbers, how many of them are odd numbers? Chon 3 chit dd, 06 bao nibibie 56°16? 6, kitoug idp tai, te 1, 3, 5, 7, 6 dé tac thanh 36 ¢6 3 clit $6: Trong cae 86 ¢6 3 chit $6 Exercise 7, Choose 3 digits, without repetition, from 1, 3, 5, 6 7 to construct 3-digit numbers. Among these 3-digit numbers, how many of them are divisible by 3? Chow 3 chit 56; khdng lap tai, the 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 dé’tgo Usiuh séicd 3 clit 36: Trong cde s6'c6 3 chit sft 6, c6 bao nhién sé chia hét cho 3? 54 FERMAT _ 86641 tii xc Ngoe Khanh, Ba Din Education Dig theai 0917830455 Email Ha Noi Olympicerfermat.eduon

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