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There is an annual Environments Day celebration. During the event, there are endless talks
and suggestions on how to conserve the environment. But how often do we apply these
suggestions or take practice those measures?
Most of us appreciate nature, the forest, animals, and rivers, but if you are not protecting
the environment, you are harming it. Various elements such as sewage, plastics, and
domestic waste pollute the environment.

We may not all be environmentalists, but there are simple steps which we can jointly take
to reduce consumption of resources to avoid depletion. Also, we can limit the waste we
The following are 20 amazing ways to help protect the environment.

1: Plant Trees
The most significant method to preserve the environment is to plant trees. Trees may take
longer to grow, but they serve the next generation. Have you ever walked under the
scorching sun and wished there was a tree to offer you shade? If you have, what did you do
about it? Trees provide shade and eliminate the need for air conditioning.
Trees are used in the paper industry. So, you can save the trees by maximizing the use of
your paper. For example, you can print or write on both sides.

2: Conserve water
Water is life. Water conservation is vital since we cannot survive without water. A
significant amount of energy is used to pump water to your home.
3: Limit Car Use
You can substitute your car and opt for alternative methods such as biking, walking and
public transport. It is a significant measure to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases,
which are accountable for climate change.First, you can start cycling, which reduces 90%
emission of gases to the environment. Besides, cycling saves you money, which you would
have otherwise spent on fuel. Second, you can opt to walk. Third, you can consider public
transport. It may not be as comfortable as a personal car, but you will have made a
significant contribution to conserving the environment.
4: Minimize Food Wastage
Statistics show that in the United States, 40% of food is wasted annually. Also, research
shows that annually food that gets lost globally is sufficient to feed almost a billion hungry
people across the world.Wasted food is thrown in landfills and with time decomposes to
hazardous greenhouse gas, methane. Moreover, wasting food implies wastage of energy and
water which was used to produce the food. Fortunately, there are measures we can take to
reduce food wastage.You can make a list of the food you are going to buy as well as the
amount. It reduces impulse buying of food that we are likely not to eat and ends up in the
trash. Also, you can plan the meals you will take for that week and include the ingredients
for each meal.Adopt a habit of eating leftovers. Some of us don’t eat the same meal twice.
Conversely, throwing away food because you don’t want to eat it isn’t constructive to the
environment. Or if you don’t love leftovers, but you practice farming, you can also create a
composite pit. The composite hole will recycle the nutrients to the ecosystem and enriches
the soil. Always remember to check for the expiry dates on products.

5: Switch off
Change your daily habit by switching off anything that is not in use. Turn off a computer,
television, printer and even lights which are not in use.

6: Reduce food packaging

Research in the United States shows that food packaging amounts to two-thirds of the
overall packaging waste. Just like food, they end up in pits, decompose and produce
methane. On the brighter side, Companies are aware of the damage of the packaging and
have resulted to reusable packaging products. You can help by carrying your cups,
purchasing things in bulk, invest in reusable tins.

7: Go Green
Every time you go shopping, remember to conserve the environment. Green Purchasing
implies making purchases with the situation in mind. You can go green by carrying your
bag while shopping and choosing to invest in a water bottle. If you live in an area where the
tap water is contaminated, consider buying a water filter system for your home. It will
reduce damping of mineral water bottles which will protect the environment. Be mindful of
the trees by checking to see whether the paper product was made using ecological

8: Use the hanging line

Instead of using the dryer every time you wash, you go traditional and hang your clothes
out to dry. Air drying is not only eco-friendly, but it gives the clothes a fresh smell. Use the
dryer only when cleaning a load. Also when using the dryer, ensure that the vent is clear
for efficiency and safety. If you are looking to buy a dryer, go for one that does not use a lot
of water.
9: Water in the morning
If you have a lawn, ensure you water it early in the morning or late in the evening when it is
cool. Watering at midday when the sun is hot leads to evaporation. However, water in the
evening is not recommended by experts who say that it puts the lawn at risks of fungus.

10: Replacing light bulbs

Consider using LED bulbs or energy saving fluorescents to save electricity. Initial
installation or replacement may be considerably costly, but you will enjoy fewer electricity
bills monthly.

11: Do away with mercury products

Mercury is not only hazardous to the environment, but one`s health as well. Some
Countries have spots which accept mercury products and substitute them will
environmental friendly products. Look up if such services are available.

12: Limit meat consumption

You can set days which you will not consume meat products. Research shows that 460
gallons of water are equivalent to a quarter beef pound. Besides, whenever an animal is
slaughtered, there are greenhouse emissions and the fossil fuels will produce methane
during decomposition.

13: Go Second Hand

New products need resources for their manufacturing and production. Most of these
productions use natural resources. Thus, you can protect the environment by choosing
second-hand products. For example, trees are used to make furniture. To prevent felling of
trees, consider buying a second-hand chair and restructuring it to your preferred design.

14: Minimize air conditioning

Sparingly use the air conditioner, and sometimes, consider not using it at all. If you have to
use the air conditioner, set it at a temperature that is slightly lower than the environmental
temperature. The lower the setting, the higher the energy the conditioner uses.

15: Conditioning Vents

Whenever you are not at home, close the conditioning vents. When you get home, only open
the vents that in the room you are in and keep those in other places shut. Developing a
habit of using vents in one room saves a lot of energy which would have been squandered
in unoccupied rooms.

16: Exercising
You can save the energy by exercising without electronic machines. Instead of using a
treadmill, you can opt for actual running, walking, cycling, press-ups, pushups and other
many manual exercises.

17: Sparely use toilet paper

Only cut the toilet paper that is sufficient for you. Don’t keep rolling for a little wipe. Also,
sparingly use the paper towels. You can switch to washable clothes to clean the kitchen.
Most paper comes from trees, which is why we need to be cautious with how we use
them.You can also choose eco-friendly products, for instance, you can also pick paper
products which come from recycled paper. Instead of using disposable papers to clean the
house, opt for washable clothes.
18: Properly inflate your tires
When your tires are properly inflated, they not only make the tires durable, but they also
save on gas.

19: Cloth diapers

Cloth diapers may be a traditional method, but they are very environmentally friendly.
Besides, they help you save you clean them after every use. Moreover, you can store them
and use on your next child. Furthermore, there are so many diapers on the market today,
and it is essential to be cautious with the one you buy Using the cloth diapers prevents
hazardous chemicals from coming to contact with your baby`s skin.

20: Be a mindful customer

When going shopping, before picking a product and adding it to the basket, ask yourself
what impact the outcome creates to others and the environment. You can be mindful by
first, ensuring you buy what you need. It saves you resources and eliminates wastage.
Second, always look to purchase durable products. Still go for products that have a long
life, which you can decide on after extensive research. Third, you can rent or even borrow
items which you occasionally need rather than buying. Lastly, you can recycle or reuse.

Final Words
We depend on the environment for survival, and so does the environment rely on us for
survival. It is the simple things we do that go a long way to conserve the environment. We
have discussed the 20 main steps you can take to preserve the environment. You can make
a difference by changing your means of transport, decreasing energy consumption of
electronics around your home, changing your eating habits.Simple measures such as
wrapping gifts in fabrics, keeping beehives and going to the library rather than buying
books go a long way in protecting the environment. Once you change your lifestyle to an
environmentally conscious one, you can involve yourself in activism to educate others and
draw them to doing the same.

The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) annually organizes events for World

Environment Day, which encourages worldwide awareness and action for the protection of
the environment. As we celebrate this magnanimous event, we must educate the student
on how to save the Earth for the future generation. They must light the candle and bring
happiness to the world. They must walk to lightness and bring prosperity to all .Keep in
mind that we should be celebrating our planet not just for one day!

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