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Solve LPP by using big M method

Min Z= 7X1+ 15X2+ 20X3

2X1+ 4X2+ 6X3 > 24
3X1+ 9X2+ 6X3 > 30
X1,15X2, X3 > 0

The given linear programming problem can be solved using the **Big M method**. The Big
M method is an extension of the simplex algorithm that can handle problems with "greater-
than" constraints ⁵. Here is the standard form of the given problem:

Min Z = 7X1 + 15X2 + 20X3
2X1 + 4X2 + 6X3 + S1 = 24
3X1 + 9X2 + 6X3 + S2 = 30
X1, X2, X3, S1, S2 >= 0

We can use the Big M method to solve this problem by introducing artificial variables and a
large positive constant M. The problem can then be converted into a standard form that can
be solved using the simplex algorithm. Here are the steps to solve the problem:

1. Introduce slack variables S1 and S2 to convert the constraints into equalities.

2. Introduce artificial variables A1 and A2 to handle the "greater-than" constraints.
3. Add the artificial variables to the objective function with a large positive constant M.
4. Solve the problem using the simplex algorithm.

Here is the initial simplex tableau:

BV Z X1 X2 X3 S1 S2 A1 A2 RHS
Z 1 -7 -15 -20 0 0 M M 0
A1 0 2 4 6 1 0 1 0 24
A2 0 3 9 6 0 1 0 1 30
Zj 0 0 0 M M M M

The values in the Zj row are initially set to zero. We can calculate the values of Zj by
multiplying the coefficients of each variable in the objective function with the corresponding
values in the current basis. The sum of these products gives the value of Zj for each variable.
Here are the updated values of Zj:

BV Z X1 X2 X3 S1 S2 A1 A2 RHS
Z 1 -7 -15 -20 0 0 M M 0
A1 0 2 4 6 1 0 1 0 24
A2 0 3 9 6 0 1 0 1 30
Zj 0 0 0 7 15 M M
The most negative coefficient in the Z row is -20, which corresponds to variable X3. We can
use X3 as the entering variable and A2 as the leaving variable. We then perform the pivot
operation to obtain the following tableau:

BV Z X1 X2 X3 S1 S2 A1 A2 RHS
Z 1 -7 -15 0 0 2 M 3 60
A1 0 2 4 0 1 -1 1 -1 6
X3 0 3 9 1 0 1 0 1/6 5
Zj 0 0 7 7 3 M 5

The most negative coefficient in the Z row is -15, which corresponds to variable X2. We can
use X2 as the entering variable and A1 as the leaving variable. We then perform the pivot
operation to obtain the following tableau:

BV Z X1 X2 X3 S1 S2 A1 A2 RHS
Z 1 -1 0 0 3 0 M 0 105
X2 0 1/2 1 0 1/2 0 1/2 0 3
X3 0 3/2 0 1 -1/2 0 -1/2 1/6 1
Zj 5 15 0 7 3 M 0

The optimal solution is Z = 105, X1 = 0, X2 = 3, and X3 = 1. The artificial variables A1 and

A2 are both zero, which means that the problem is feasible.

This tableau represents the final state of the problem after applying the simplex method. The
basic variables (BV) are Z, X2, and X3, and their corresponding values in the solution are
105, 3, and 1 respectively. The non-basic variables X1, S1, S2, A1, and A2 are all zero in the
solution. The row labeled “Zj” represents the objective function coefficients in the final

The fact that the artificial variables A1 and A2 are zero indicates that the original problem
was feasible, and the optimal solution has been found. The value of the objective function Z
at the optimal solution is 105.

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