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Lomaynah A.

MSU College of Medicine
Marawi Campus

This is my Life story from prenatal to adolescent (24 years old).

Once upon a time, before I even took my first peek at the world, my mom made sure everything was
just perfect. She went to see the friendly Dr. Pinky for these special check-ups called prenatal assessments.
Mom was like a superhero, taking all these necessary vitamins while I was still in her belly, making sure I
had the best start in life.

Then, on a sunny afternoon on April 12, 1999, with Dr. Pinky by her side, I made my grand entrance
into the world. It was a regular delivery, and everything was so normal that they didn't need to do anything
extra special, like resuscitation.

As the chapters of my life unfolded, I found myself in a happy family, surrounded by love and
laughter. I got these special shots or vaccines to keep me strong and prevented from illness and viruses, and
I got to taste both the goodness of my mom's milk and special formulas like Enfalac and enfagrow. I took
my first wobbly steps and started speaking and talking at just one year old. It was like I couldn't wait to
explore the world around me.

Soon after, at the age of three and a half, off I went to school, all excited and ready to learn. I was a
ball of energy, talking up a storm, running around, and, oh, I had a soft spot for my dad and brother. They
could make me a bit of a crybaby.

As the pages turned, a big decision loomed on the horizon. I decided to dive into the fascinating
world of pharmacy at Iligan. I passed the board exam and now, the adventure continues as I'm on a path to
become a doctor, studying at MSU Marawi.

And so, my life story unfolds – from belly kicks and baby babble to conquering board exams and
embracing the journey of medicine. What comes next? Well, that's a story waiting to be written.

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