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Name : Zahro Dewi Anggraeny

NIM : 225500015
Prodi : Pendidikan Matematika

Penerapan Pembelajaran Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) Dalam

Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Siswa

Mathematics is one of the sciences that plays an important role in everyday life. One of the
important factors for succeeding in learning mathematics is choosing the appropriate learning
method. So far, many teachers have used expository methods and exercises, which are
considered less effective because learning is teacher-centered and there is little interaction
between students. Menotonous learning will make students feel bored, so that student learning
motivation will decrease.
To improve student learning achievement, an effort is needed that can motivate students. In
this study, the RME approach was chosen because it was believed to improve student learning
achievement. The RME approach is student-oriented and engages students emotionally. The
RME approach is aligned with the 2004 curriculum, which contains elements of
This research was held at MTs Khairul Muttaqin Banareseb Timur class VIII. The selection of
this location is based on the reason that (1) The average mathematics score of MTs Khairul
Muttaqin Banareseb Timur students is still relatively low. (2) Teaching methods are still
dominated by lectures and practice. Based on these reasons, researchers try to conduct group
learning by applying the RME method so that these problems can be overcome and even
The material discussed in this study is the system of linear equations of two variables (SPLDV).
This material is suitable for the RME approach because, according to the subject teacher, many
students still struggle to create mathematical models and solve problems in this area.
Based on the research findings, we conclude that applying the RME approach to teaching the
system of linear equations of two variables at MTs Khairul Muttaqin Banareseb Timur can
improve student learning achievement. This is supported by the finding that the calculated t-
value was greater than the t-table value.

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