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Background of the Study

Medical transcription is a specialized field within the broader domain of

information and communication technology (ICT). It involves the conversion of

dictated medical reports, notes, and other audio recordings made by healthcare

professionals into written documents. Accurate spelling plays a crucial role in

medical transcription, ensuring precise and clear documentation. Given the

complexity of medical terminology, transcriptionists must have exceptional spelling

skills to convey patient information accurately. Spelling errors can lead to

confusion and even medical mistakes, underscoring the need to assess and

improve spelling abilities in this field. This study aims to examine the impact of

inadequate spelling skills among ICT students on the quality of medical

transcription. It is essential to evaluate and enhance spelling accuracy to maintain

the integrity of medical records. The research focuses on investigating the spelling

accuracy of students in ICT programs, particularly in their transcription skills

courses. It is essential to identify areas where students may struggle with medical

terminology spelling and developing strategies to address these challenges.

Complete documentation and a focus on spelling accuracy are crucial for

medical transcribing, (Gwinnett Colleges and Institute, 2018). Preventing

misinterpretations, mistakes, and confusion requires cautious and accurate use of

medical language. In addition, correct spelling is essential since even one

misspelling might change the idea the author intended to convey (Fagerberg, 2006).

Each term will be wrong if there is even one missing letter. Overuse or improper

use of medical terminology may lead to misunderstandings or misinterpretations

that might influence the patient's course of medication and the outcome. However,

the latter point has been devastatingly critiqued by Tops et al. (2014:295) Angly

who argued that the mapping between sounds and letters is not always regular or

predictable. It is mean that, someone that dictate some words or sentence, must

speak fluently or speak correctly, If it is not, people that hearer the word or

sentence will make any error in writing or will miscommunication. It is crucial to

pronounce and spell words correctly. Ronald Candy S (2014), suggests that

children who depend solely on word sound for spelling may find it difficult to

accurately construct words. Day of Difference (2004), highlights the significance of

accurate spelling, concise communication, and minimal usage of acronyms by

medical practitioners.

In conclusion, the study on measuring spelling accuracy in medical

terminology among ICT students' performance in transcription skills courses

emphasizes the crucial role of accurate spelling in medical transcription. Spelling

errors can lead to misinterpretation, confusion, and potential medical mistakes,

highlighting the need to assess and enhance spelling abilities in this field. The

study aims to address the impact of inadequate spelling skills by identifying areas

of difficulty and developing strategies to improve spelling accuracy. Adhering to the

guidelines of accuracy, completeness, grammar, correct spelling, and appropriate

usage of medical terminology, as emphasized by Gwinnett Colleges and Institute

(2018), along with the importance of accuracy in spelling and pronunciation by Day

of Difference (2004), is essential for ensuring precise patient care and reliable

medical records.

Statement of the Problem

The aim of medical terminology transcription skills courses for ICT students

is to develop proficiency. However, accurate spelling is crucial for comprehending


and applying terminology correctly. The level of spelling accuracy among students

in these courses has not been measured.

This research aims to answer the following questions;

1. What is the level of spelling accuracy among ICT students in transcription

skills courses when it comes to medical terminology?

2. What factors or challenges that contribute to spelling accuracy in medical

terminology among grade 12 ICT students?

3. What teaching/learning strategies or additional support resources could

help boost ICT students' spelling accuracy when transcribing medical


Scope and Limitation

This study specifically focuses on measuring the spelling accuracy Grade 12

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) students from Angelo L. Loyola

Senior High School in their performance in transcription skills courses related to

medical terminology. Other issues that are not necessarily related to this research

paper will not be covered by this study.

The study solely focuses on spelling accuracy and does not encompass other

aspects of transcription skills or medical terminology proficiency.

Theoretical Framework

Smith's (2020) Morphological Pathways Framework provides guidance for

understanding literacy development in various domains. In the medical field,

terminology presents unique challenges due to the complex multi-morphemic


terms. However, the framework outlines how an understanding of morphology can

support spelling accuracy for these specialized words.

Medical terminology is composed largely of Greek and Latin roots combined

through inflection and derivation. According to the framework, recognizing the

semantic contributions of each morpheme gives clues to spelling. Being able to

break down terms like "cardiomyopathy" into meaningful word parts like "cardio-"

and "-pathy" provides insight into letters and syllables. The reliability of morphemic

spelling patterns can compensate for irregular grapheme-phoneme

correspondences. The theoretical framework proposed by Bahr et al. (2012)

suggests a way to evaluate mistakes related to word structure in language. It

explains Morphological errors are evaluated on both inflectional and derivational

morphemes, as well as in word roots.

The framework emphasizes morphology also provides reading strategies for

correctly decoding and spelling unfamiliar words (Verhoeven and Perfetti, 2003,

2011). This strategy is particularly applicable to medical vocabulary which

frequently combines common Greek and Latin elements in novel ways. Explicit

instruction of common medical prefixes, suffixes, and combining forms gives

students additional tools to decipher spellings based on meaning. For spelling

accuracy in this complex orthography, the theory supports an approach developing

morphological problem-solving skills tailored to the medical domain.


Conceptual Framework

 Prefixes/Suffixes
 Unfamiliar Greek/
Latin words
 Look-Alike Word/

Transcription Skills Spelling Accuracy

Courses Terminology3

 Prior Knowledge
 Learning Strategies
 Additional Support
Sources Latin words

Significance of the Study

The result of the study will benefit the following:

Department of Education (DepEd). This research could help curriculum

developers and policy makers identify areas for improvement and make informed

decisions to enhance students' spelling skills in the medical field.

Angelo Levardo Loyola Senior High School. This may help schools in designing

effective training programs by examining ICT students' performance in

transcription skills courses and identifying areas where spelling accuracy may be


Teachers. The research could serve teachers by offering insights into effective

teaching strategies for enhancing spelling accuracy in medical terminology


Students. This may help students in developing awareness and understanding of

the importance of spelling accuracy in medical terminology transcription.



Review of Related Literature

The importance of correct spelling in the pursuit of exact and accurate

medical transcribing cannot be overstated. Nonetheless, recent research by Turner

and Eisenstein (2023) study revealed a notable prevalence of misspelled medical

terms in scholarly medical research papers, surprising researchers who expected

higher accuracy in such publications. The study found that Ophthalmology had the

highest number of citations that contained at least one misspelling, with 57% of

those citations being "missing" when searched with the correct spelling of the word.

The word with the highest percentage (82%) of missed citations was arrhythmia.

These findings indicate that misspellings in scholarly literature are more prevalent

than searchers might realize, and they adversely affect the ability to retrieve

citations, potentially impacting patient care. This research cast doubt on the idea

that knowledge of medical jargon ensures proper spelling. The implications are

profound, signaling a need for rigorous editing and proofreading to ensure the

precision of medical terminology, given the inadequacy of existing digital spell-

checkers to detect these unique misspellings. Spelling, as a multifaceted linguistic

skill, demands mastery of various components, including phonology, morphology,

and visual memory. This proficiency in spelling bears significance not only in the

written language but also in medical transcription.

Simultaneously, Crowell, Zeng, Ngo, and Lacroix (2004) highlighted the

important implications of even little spelling errors and highlighted the vital role

that correctness plays in the field of medical language. Their study emphasizes how

crucial accurate spelling is for retrieving health-related information since

misspellings can cause misunderstandings and make it more difficult to retrieve

crucial information. Their proposal for enhancing spell-checking tools in the

medical domain resonates with the aim of the current research, which endeavors to

elevate spelling accuracy among ICT students. This research on medical

terminology supports the necessity of addressing spelling errors in the medical

domain and highlights the possible advantages of integrating common word

knowledge, a notion that is directly related to the study's goal of measuring and

improving spelling accuracy in medical terminology. Additionally, Rosenthal and

Ehri (2010) have emphasized the pedagogical aspects of spelling and its impact on

pronunciation learning. They contend that practicing spelling aloud can expedite

the acquisition of accurate pronunciation. This has profound implications for the

research, underscoring the interconnectedness of spelling accuracy and effective

communication. Impeccable spelling does not merely create a favorable impression

but also eases communication by eliminating the need for readers to decipher the

intended message, a principle that directly applies to medical transcription. Hence,

the current research endeavors to emphasize the vital role of precise spelling in

medical documents, considering that the smallest spelling error could lead to

confusion and misunderstanding.

Spelling is a sophisticated written language skill that requires students to

use a variety of language skills, including phonological, morphological, and visual

memory abilities in addition to spelling rule knowledge (Gentry, 1982). From

Gentry's point of view, spelling instruction is essential in providing children with

the skills and flexibility they need to spell new words correctly. The study of

spelling promises to enrich language skills, particularly concerning written

language proficiency, offering a gateway to effective educational strategies and


instructional methods that promote spelling proficiency. This research also opens

avenues for recognizing and addressing difficulties related to spelling, thereby

paving the way for targeted interventions and support strategies for learners

encountering challenges in this realm.

In conclusion, the synthesized findings from Turner and Eisenstein (2023),

Crowell, Zeng, Ngo, and Lacroix (2004), Rosenthal and Ehri (2010), and Gentry

(1982) collectively underscore the inescapable relevance of spelling accuracy in the

field of medical terminology, its critical significance in ensuring unambiguous

communication, and the implications of even the minutest spelling errors. In order

to improve spelling accuracy among ICT students and ensure the quality and

comprehensibility of medical documents while preventing misunderstandings and

mistakes, research on spelling accuracy in the specialist field of medical

transcribing is well-positioned to gain from these insights.




Research Design

A descriptive research design will be used for this study because the aim is

to describe and measure the current level of spelling accuracy in medical

terminology among students, rather than to test a hypothesis or determine causal

relationships. Specifically, a descriptive design will allow the researchers to

quantitatively assess and report students' test scores on spelling medical terms,

without manipulating any variables or comparing different approaches.

Population and Sample Technique

For this research, the researchers will select one hundred twenty-nine (129)

students as respondents from an overall population of 191 grade 12 students

enrolled in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) courses focused on

transcription skills at Angelo L. Loyola Senior High School during the academic


The researchers in the study on spelling accuracy utilize the simple random

technique to randomly select participants from the target population, ensuring

equal chances of inclusion and obtaining unbiased results.



The researchers will gather data by employing an accuracy test and a Likert

Scale survey to acquire information regarding the accuracy of their spelling in

medical terminology.

Likert Scale Survey Interpretation

Effectiveness of Learning Strategies

Scale Weighted Mean Interpretation

5 4.21-5.0 Very effective

4 3.41-4.2 Effective

3 2.61-3.4 Moderately Effective

2 1.81-2.6 Slightly Effective

1 1.00-1.8 Not effective

Factors or Challenges

Scale Weighted Mean Interpretation

5 4.21-5.0 Always

4 3.41-4.2 Often

3 2.61-3.4 Sometimes

2 1.81-2.6 Rarely

1 1.00-1.8 Never

Statistical Treatment

The researchers will employ descriptive statistics to elucidate the

percentages, mean, or average, thus providing an explanation for their utilization in


describing the accuracy of students' medical terminology spelling. Furthermore,

descriptive statistics can assist researchers by providing a comprehensive and

concise summary of the data, facilitating a clearer understanding of the overall

spelling accuracy scores.

In order to find answers to the specific research questions, the following

statistical tools will be use for the data analysis and interpretation.

1. Percentage- The percentage is used to determine the amount of accuracy in

medical terminology tests. Researchers can determine the level to which

students correctly spelled medical terms by calculating the percentage.

The Formula for Calculating the Level of Spelling Accuracy

% = f/N x 100

Where: % = Percent

f = Frequency (Number of correct answers in a test)

N = Number of cases (Total number of questions in the test)

2. Weighted Mean- The mean or average is used to analyse Likert scale

responses related to learning strategies aimed at developing spelling


The Formula of Weighted Mean

W= ∑wx/∑w

Where: Σ = Summation

W = weighted average or mean

n = number of terms to be averaged

w_{i} = weights applied to x values

X_{i} = data values to be averaged


Result and Discussion

This chapter summarizes the research findings and interpretation from the

study "Measuring the Spelling Accuracy in Medical Terminology: A Study of Grade

12 Information and Communication Technology Students' Transcription Skills." A

total of 129 ICT students took part in the study, offering information about their

spelling accuracy in medical transcription. A statistical analysis was performed on

the information gathered from survey questionnaires using techniques including

descriptive statistics, frequency distribution, and weighted mean. The purpose of

this chapter is to provide insight into the spelling competency of Grade 12 ICT

students, indicate areas of difficulty in spelling medical terminology, and

investigate possible remedial measures. The findings and discussions offered here

help to provide a more thorough understanding of the opportunities and problems

associated with spelling accuracy among ICT students in the specialist field of

medical transcribing.

Question 1: What is the level of spelling accuracy among ICT students in

transcription skills courses when it comes to medical terminology?

Figure 1.1: Distribution of Spelling Accuracy Levels among ICT Students

According to Figure 1, among the 129 ICT students surveyed, none were

classified as having "Poor" spelling accuracy, accounting for 0.78% of the total. Two

students (1.55%) were categorized as having "Fair" spelling accuracy. The largest

group consisted of 42 students (32.55%) with an "Average" level of spelling

accuracy. There were 60 students (46.51%) classified as having "Good" spelling

accuracy, while 24 students (18.60%) demonstrated an "Excellent" level of spelling


Table 1. Level of spelling accuracy among ICT students in ALLSHS

Spelling Accuracy Level Frequency

Poor (1) 1
Fair (2) 2
Average (3) 42
Good (4) 60
Excellent (5) 24
Overall mean: 3.81 (381%)

Table 1 presents the distribution of spelling accuracy levels among ICT

students in ALLSHS (Angelo L. Loyola Senior High School). The table shows the

frequency of students at each spelling accuracy level. The overall mean spelling

accuracy level for the entire group of students is calculated to be 3.81, which

corresponds to a percentage of 381%. This indicates that, on average, the ICT

students in ALLSHS have a spelling accuracy level above the "Average" category.

The higher mean value suggests a relatively strong performance in spelling

accuracy among the students.

Question 2: What factors or challenges that contribute to spelling accuracy in

medical terminology among grade 12 ICT students?

Figure 2: Factors and Challenges Influencing Spelling Accuracy in Grade 12


The given data represents percentages related to factors or challenges

affecting spelling accuracy in medical terminology among grade 12 ICT students. In


the bar graph, Factor/Challenge 1 would be represented by a bar at 19.8% height,

Factor/Challenge 2 at 20.5% height, Factor/Challenge 3 at 19.5% height,

Factor/Challenge 4 at 19.9% height, and Factor/Challenge 5 at 20.3% height.

Table 2: Factors and Challenges

Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation

1. I don’t always
understand medical 3.32 Sometimes
words because I don’t see
them a lot.
2. Spelling medical terms 3.45 Often
can be really hard for me.
3. I don’t know much
about the beginnings of
words, or little parts, like
root words, prefixes, and 3.27 Sometimes
suffixes, so It’s hard for
me to understand
medical terms.
4. I haven’t had enough
practice and reminders to 3.34 Sometimes
remember the spellings.
5.It can be difficult for me
to remember all the
information related to
medical terminology 3.41 Often
among grade 12 ICT

According to the data, one challenge identified is the limited exposure to

medical words, resulting in a lack of understanding. This challenge is reported to

occur sometimes, with a weighted mean of 3.32. Additionally, participants

frequently find it difficult to spell medical terms accurately, with a weighted mean

of 3.45. This lack of understanding is reported to occur sometimes, with a weighted

mean of 3.27. Insufficient practice and reminders to remember spellings are also

reported as a contributing factor, occurring sometimes according to the data

(weighted mean of 3.34). Additionally, participants often struggle to remember all

the information related to medical terminology, especially among grade 12 ICT

students, as indicated by a weighted mean of 3.41.

Question 3: What teaching/learning strategies or additional support resources

could help boost ICT Grade 12 students' spelling accuracy when transcribing

medical terminology?

Figure 3: The teaching/learning strategies

The strategies utilized in this instructional approach can be visualized

through a pie graph, where each strategy represents a slice of the whole. Spelling

instruction accounts for 9.7% of the instructional strategies. Vocabulary building,

represents 9.3% of the strategies. Practice exercises comprise 10.2% of the

instructional approach. Feedback and correction, accounting for 10.7%. Tech-

assisted learning, representing 9.3%. Mnemonic devices, accounting for 9.7%. Peer

collaboration, comprising 10.1% of the strategies. Real-life application,


representing 9.9%. Professional development, accounting for 10.5%. Finally,

additional support, representing 10.4%.

Table 3. The teaching/learning strategies or additional support resources could

help boost ICT Grade 12 students' spelling accuracy

Strategies Weighted Mean (W) Verbal Interpretation

Spelling Instruction 3.56 Moderately Effective
Vocabulary Building 3.42 Moderately Effective
Practice Exercise 3.76 Moderately Effective
Feedback & Correction 3.94 Very Effective
Tech-Assisted Learning 3.42 Moderately Effective
Mnemonic Devices 3.58 Moderately Effective
Peer Collaboration 3.72 Moderately Effective
Real Life Application 3.64 Moderately Effective
Professional Development 3.86 Very Effective
Additional Support 3.82 Very Effective

The table presents various teaching/learning strategies and additional

support resources that could enhance the spelling accuracy of Grade 12 ICT

students when transcribing medical terminology. According to the provided

weighted means, the respondents considered "feedback and correction" as well as

"professional development" to be highly effective strategies, with weighted means of

3.94 and 3.86, respectively. The strategies rated as moderately effective include

"spelling instruction," "vocabulary building," "practice exercises," "tech-assisted

learning," "mnemonic devices," "peer collaboration," and "real-life application," with

weighted means ranging from 3.42 to 3.76. Lastly, "additional support" received a

significantly high weighted mean of 3.82. The data suggests that providing

formative feedback on students' work and offering targeted professional

development for teachers may have the most significant impact, along with

supplementary support and consistent practice through a variety of learning

activities and resources.


The first set of data sought to understand students' current level of spelling

ability with medical terminology. An analysis of 129 ICT students found that the

vast majority, 79.1%, had average to excellent accuracy based on a survey. The

overall mean spelling level was 3.81, suggesting performance was generally high.

However, a small portion showed fair or poor skills, indicating needs for

improvement. This information provided a baseline understanding of students'

capabilities and challenges that may require addressing. Additional data uncovered

some of the key issues impacting students' spelling. Limited exposure to terms,

insufficient knowledge of word structures, and difficulties remembering information

and spelling words correctly emerged as regular difficulties faced by respondents.

These factors seemed to stem from a lack of regular practice, reminders, and full

understanding of terminology.

The data further examined common barriers to spelling accuracy in more

depth. It showed that students sometimes struggled specifically due to limited

exposure to medical terms, which hindered their comprehension. Students were

found to sometimes have issues with a lack of understanding due to limited

exposure, as represented by a mean of 3.32 on the scale. They were also found to

regularly face difficulties accurately spelling terms, as shown through a mean of

3.45. Means of 3.27, 3.34 and 3.41 respectively indicated that challenges

sometimes or regularly stemmed from insufficient understanding of word parts,

lack of practice, and difficulty retaining information. The survey results also

revealed that students regularly struggled with spelling complex medical words.

Insufficient practice, reminders, and understanding of language components such

as prefixes or suffixes were noted as additional issues students sometimes faced.

Most notably, the participants were regularly found to have trouble retaining all the

related information about terminology, which could undermine their spelling

abilities. This suggests targeting exposures, building familiarity with word parts,

and employing memorization techniques may help address these recurring


The final set of data focused on discerning the effectiveness of various

teaching strategies and supplementary support resources. The data showed that

feedback and practice each represented over 10% as effective approaches. Weighted

means of 3.94 and 3.86 indicated that feedback/correction and professional

development for instructors were viewed as very helpful by respondents, while

means ranging from 3.42 to 3.76 represented strategies like spelling instruction

and collaborative learning as moderately effective. Additional support correlated

strongly with a mean of 3.82. Formative feedback and correction along with

targeted professional development for instructors emerged as very impactful

approaches based on respondents' feedback. Techniques considered to be

moderately helpful involved vocabulary building, guided practice exercises, use of

technology, memorization tools and collaborative learning. While occasional issues

remained, a balanced combination of feedback, instructor supports, repeated

practice activities, and assistance were emphasized as highly beneficial ways by

which to boost students' mastery of medical terminology. The data insights could

guide the implementation of a well-rounded, evidence-based program aimed at

strengthening spelling accuracy.

The findings from Chapter 4 shed light on the spelling accuracy of ICT

students in transcription skills courses when it comes to medical terminology. The


data reveals that a significant portion of these students demonstrates good to

excellent spelling accuracy, indicating a solid foundation in this area. However,

several challenges contribute to spelling accuracy issues, including limited

exposure to medical words, difficulty in understanding word components, lack of

practice and reminders, and the volume of information to remember. To address

these challenges, various teaching and learning strategies, along with additional

support resources, have been identified as potentially effective. These include

providing feedback and correction, offering professional development for teachers,

implementing spelling instruction, vocabulary building, practice exercises, tech-

assisted learning, mnemonic devices, peer collaboration, real-life application, and

additional support. The findings emphasize the importance of targeted

interventions and instructional approaches to enhancing spelling accuracy in

medical terminology among ICT students. By implementing these strategies,

educators can provide the necessary support, practice, and feedback to improve

students' spelling skills and ensure their success in transcription skills courses.


The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of insufficient spelling

skills on the quality of medical transcription performed by ICT students. Accurate

spelling plays a crucial role in ensuring precise and unambiguous medical

documentation within the field of medical transcription, which falls under the

purview of information and communication technology. After conducting a

comprehensive analysis, the study found that the overall mean level of spelling

accuracy among ICT students was 3.81, indicating an average level of accuracy.

This suggests that while there is room for improvement, the students possess a

reasonable grasp of spelling skills relevant to medical transcription. The study's


findings underscore the importance of continuing efforts to enhance spelling

accuracy among ICT students, as even minor errors in medical terminology can

have significant consequences in the medical field.


Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1 Conclusion

The investigation of Grade 12 Information and Communication Technology

(ICT) students' spelling accuracy in medical transcribing classes provides insightful

information. Following a thorough data analysis and thorough statistical analysis,

several important results were reached:

5.1.1 Spelling Accuracy and Educational Strategies

The study emphasizes the importance of spelling instruction, vocabulary

building, practice exercises, feedback, and error correction in enhancing ICT

students' spelling accuracy. The weighted mean scores for each teaching/learning

strategy indicate favourable perceptions among students, with percentages ranging

from 65.4% to 69%.

5.1.2 Realizing the Potential of Technology-Assisted Learning

Technology-assisted learning, including spelling apps and online quizzes,

emerges as a potentially effective strategy, garnering a weighted mean score of

68.2%. The positive response suggests the value of integrating technology to boost

spelling accuracy in medical terminology among ICT students.

5.2 Recommendations

In light of the study's findings, the following recommendations are proposed:

5.2.1 Further Investigation into Educational Strategies

While the study provides insights into the perceived effectiveness of various

educational strategies, further investigation is warranted. Researchers could delve

into the specific elements within each strategy that resonate most with students,

allowing for more targeted and impactful instructional approaches.

5.2.2 Technology Integration in Spelling Instruction

Given the positive reception of technology-assisted learning, educators and

curriculum developers are encouraged to explore innovative ways to integrate

spelling apps and online quizzes into the curriculum. Customized platforms

designed for medical terminology may offer tailored support to ICT students.

5.2.3 Ongoing Professional Development for Teachers

Acknowledging that teachers play a pivotal role in improving students'

spelling accuracy, ongoing professional development initiatives can be formulated


to provide teachers with up-to-date knowledge and efficacious teaching strategies

for medical transcription courses.

5.2.4 Collaboration with Industry Professionals

For a real-world perspective, forming partnerships with medical transcribing

specialists can be beneficial. Industry feedback can help educators match the

curriculum to the real needs of the medical transcription industry so that students

learn skills that will be immediately useful in their future employment.

5.3 Final Thoughts

This study adds significant knowledge on spelling accuracy in medical

terminology among ICT students in Grade 12. The potential for customized

interventions is shown by the good opinions of teaching methods and the support

for technology-assisted learning. In order to guarantee that ICT students are

prepared for success in medical transcribing, the recommendations made are

meant to promote ongoing enhancements in instructional strategies. Ongoing

research and cooperative efforts will be crucial in helping to improve instructional

strategies and satisfy the changing demands of students in the field of information

and communication technology as the face of education changes.



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