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Gaming Bull

A Metaverse Economy

To break the entry barrier and promote the social and financial inclusion to all Indians
(Indian term is only used to get the limelight) in NFT & Metaverse Gaming ecosystem through

Scholarships & the distribution/renting of our Gaming/ Metaverse Assets collections.

We want to own and develop assets in the metaverse as we believe that virtual
economies will be more valuable than real-world economies over time. At the same time,
we want to create value in the virtual world for our community members to thrive in a
virtual environment - the competitive gamers, the artists, and content creators that
populate the metaverse.

Gaming Bull’s goal is to maximize the value of NFTs used in virtual worlds and
blockchain-based games. Its protocol will be automated by smart contracts instructed by
consensus through the DAO based on governance proposals and voting of a distributed
network of token holders.

Activities of Gaming Bull’s will be as follows:

● Building a Indian/global community of play-to-earn gamers who play competitively to
collect in-game rewards (e.g. players in Axie Infinity earning tokens from winning battles);
● Yield farming earned in game token and NFTs as applicable.
● Producing revenue through the rental or sale of Gaming Bull-owned NFT assets for a
markup (e.g the resale/renting of land in The Sandbox or renting Axies to players as part of
a profit-sharing model, known as a scholarship);
● Allowing the community to participate in the DAO by passing proposals and voting;

Participants in the DAO will be owners and managers of the entire ecosystem of the
Gaming Bull Network. Decision making will be prorated based on a participant’s
ownership to the overall DAO through a Gaming Bull token ownership. Tokens will
represent voting rights in the DAO.

Fig 1: Main Dao


Gaming Bull will establish many subDAO to host a specific game/ metaverse assets
and activities. Assets in the subDAO are acquired, and will be fully owned and only
controlled by the Gaming Bull main DAO. A subDAO will be tokenized, where a
portion of the subDAO tokens will be offered to the community of specific games.
Community subDAO token holders are able to send proposals and vote concerning
the specific game mechanics.

Every Sub DAO will consist of sub communities like Influencer, community manager,
Gamer, Advisors any others as applicable.

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