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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 671

International Webinar on Digital Architecture 2021 (IWEDA 2021)

Quality Evaluation of Natural Lighting and Visual

Comfort in the Classroom
Sri Novianthi Pratiwi1,* Etty R. Kridarso1 Deka Triwibowo2
Architecture Department, Trisakti University, Jakarta, Indonesia
Sustainable Desain Engineer, Airkon Pratama, Jakarta, Indonesia
Corresponding author. Email:

Natural lighting is an important consideration in effective classroom design to support learning activities. The most
important factors in maximizing natural lighting are facade design, window openings, and building orientation. The
purpose of this study is to assess the quality of natural lighting in the SMA Negeri (SMAN)/ Public High school 6
DKI Jakarta school building. This study examines how the design of window openings and facades affects lighting
quality and how current classroom design conditions affect students' comfort while carrying out learning activities.
The analysis in this study uses the DIALux software to simulate and measure the level of natural lighting in classroom
and laboratory. From the results of the study, it was found that the level of natural lighting has met the standard but
still needs to be optimized by classroom design factors such as window height positions, student heights position, and
some interior attributes.

Keywords: Classroom, Natural lighting, Visual comfort, Window, Design.

1. INTRODUCTION With the duration of solar radiation is relatively stable

throughout the year, namely between 06.00 -18.00 or
Lighting is a very important aspect to support between 10-12 hours [5].
learning activities in school buildings. Good lighting
settings in the classroom need to be conditioned from Window openings are part of the building where
natural and artificial lighting. The purpose of natural natural light enters. Public school buildings in Indonesia
lighting is to get lighting in the building space during generally have almost a similar design. This includes
the day. SMAN 6 Jakarta, where the design of the classrooms
and window openings has become a design that is in
The benefits of natural lighting in the classroom accordance with the recommendations. In determining
have been proven by several studies. Heschong Mahone the window design, it is necessary to pay attention to
Group [1] confirmed that the researched more than many factors such as orientation, window wall ratio, and
20,000 elementary students and 100 schools in the USA type of glass. These three factors are very important to
approved the effect of sufficient day lighting in create optimal lighting quality but also do not cause a
classrooms increased 26% faster in reading and 20 % reduction in the thermal comfort in the room.
quicker in mathematics [2]. Health benefits and natural
lighting in the classroom explained that natural light is It should be noted that natural lighting for the
shown to benefit the health, concentration and even test convenience of learning and teaching activities must
scores of students, and also improves immune quality also pay attention to its visual comfort, especially in
and blood pressure [3]. Meanwhile, in relation to energy avoiding glare. The window display is one of the factors
saving, optimizing natural lighting in buildings is that affect the uncomfortable glare sensing from the
known could reduce energy consumption to 40-45% [4]. window [6], and certain positions in the classroom have
the potential to get direct or indirect glare. By setting the
Indonesia, as a tropical country with a very large table interior, chairs facing the white board, it is also
duration of sunlight, is a potential that should be utilized necessary to evaluate which positions are less than
to obtain optimal natural light. Buildings located in optimal in terms of visual comfort due to glare.
humid tropical climates get abundant sunlight intensity.

Copyright © 2022 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.

This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license - 192
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 671

From the description above, the purpose of this

study is to obtain information about natural lighting in
classrooms, especially at the location of a high school in
the city of Jakarta, namely SMAN 6 Jakarta. Thus, it is
hoped that information will be obtained regarding
compliance with the standards recommended in the
National Standard (SNI) regarding building lighting.

Figure 1 Illustration of the position of the SMAN 6
In this study, natural lighting testing was carried out Jakarta building against the sun's position.
in two room which were classroom and laboratory in the
SMAN 6 Jakarta building. The simulation were When viewed from the orientation of the sun, the
conducted to determine the intensity of natural light in school building has great potential in utilizing natural
classrooms. The simulation was carried out using the lighting in the room if the planning for transparent
DIALux lighting simulation software and the use of a openings takes this into account, because the building
lux meter. From the results of the DIALux simulation envelope diagonally receives sunlight from East to West
value, it is then adjusted to the recommended standard (Figure 1). Although there are indeed some rooms on
of lighting intensity, namely by looking at the SNI the Northeast side that do not get natural lighting at
6197-2011 [7]. The value of the recommended average certain times, this is due to the addition of a building for
level of illumination in SNI 6197-2011 can be seen in classrooms adjacent to the classroom building next to it
Table 1. (Figure 2).

Table 1. Standard recommendation of average

lighting level
Room Function Lighting Level (Lux)
Classroom 350
Library 300
Laboratory 500
Drawing Room 750
(Source: SNI-6197-2011)

The sample classroom was selected by taking into

account the orientation position of the room. In carrying
out the simulation several steps are considered, Figure 2 Position of lighting measurement at SMAN 6
including: Jakarta.

 Documentation the condition of the room The sample classrooms selected were the classrooms
samples: by collecting measurable image on the 2nd floor in the northeast position and the 2nd
documentation to determine the dimensions of floor laboratory room. In the southwest position. For the
the classroom and window openings. List the wall color of the two samples the room were using a
interior and classroom furniture settings, the light green color with a bright reflectivity level of 70-
color of the walls, floors, ceilings. 90%. Floor material were using white ceramic, with
ceramic reflectance of 65-75%, while the glass material
 Setting general weather conditions and time
for window in the facade of the classroom using clear
setting: In simulating the natural lighting of the
classroom, it used the setting for sunny weather
conditions and for the simulation hours set at
10.00 WIB, which is assumed to be the time the 3.1. Evaluation of Natural Lighting in the
teaching and learning activities take place. Classroom


SMAN 6 Jakarta is located in the South Jakarta
Region of Indonesia with coordinates 6°14'33"S
106°47'50"E. The facilities at SMAN 6 Jakarta include
classrooms, laboratories, library, a canteen, etc. An
illustration of the condition of the SMAN 6 Jakarta Figure 3 The condition of the object measuring the
building with respect to the sun's position can be seen in level of lighting in the northeast orientation of SMAN 6
Figure 1. Jakarta.

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 671

In the classroom of the new building on the side on 3.2. Evaluation of Natural Lighting in the
the 2nd floor, the DIALux software simulation was Laboratory
carried out at 10.00 WIB. At that hour, optimal natural
lighting is obtained which enters more than 350 lux, The condition of the object for measuring the level
covering an area of 50% of the classroom area. This can of lighting in the laboratory room at SMAN 6 Jakarta
reduce by 50% of the use of electrical energy in the (figure 7.)
room lights in the morning until the afternoon (Figure 4)

Figure 7 The condition of the object for measuring the

level of lighting in the laboratory room at SMAN 6

Figure 4 Simulation results of classroom lighting levels From the simulation results using DIALux Software
at SMAN 6 Jakarta. on the level of natural lighting in the laboratory room on
the 2nd floor of the Southwest side of the school
Based on the direct survey results, the classroom building, it was found that optimal natural lighting
window glass material uses clear glass, but in the entered > 500 lux covering an area of 75% of the
classroom the classroom window glass openings are classroom area. This can reduce at least 50% of the use
closed using curtains with the aim of blocking the glare. of electrical energy in the room during the use of the
The use of curtains will certainly prevent the entry of classroom for teaching and learning (Figure 8).
natural light into the classroom (figure 5).

Figure 8 Results of measuring the level of lighting in

the laboratory at SMAN 6 Jakarta.
Figure 5 The condition of the occurrence of glare in the
classroom of SMAN 6 Jakarta. 4. CONCLUSIONS
From the results of observations in the field, the It was found that the level of natural lighting in
cause of glare is due to the sill height of the window that Classroom and Laboratory that used as sample in
is parallel to the height of students when sitting. In SMAN 6 Jakarta have met the standard (> 350 lux for
actual conditions, by closing the windows with curtains, classroom) and (500 lux for laboratory). However, this
impacted to the use of artificial lighting. However, the condition is still needs to be optimized. With the
lighting level of the existing lamps still does not meet condition of classrooms in SMAN 6 which planning is
the standards, because the lighting system planning has not optimal, in terms of orientation, the sides are still
not been designed properly (figure 6). blocked, glare and incoming heat radiation. Although
natural lighting is good enough, it cannot be denied that
for the visual comfort of the classroom, artificial
lighting is needed.
Design factors such as window height position,
student height position, and several interior attributes
are things that reduce the quality of visual comfort in
the classroom. The conditions found includes glare, wall
color selection, and curtains that cover the entry of
Figure 6. The condition of the lamps used in the natural lighting.
classrooms of SMAN 6 Jakarta.

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 671

For further research, it is recommended to increase

the sample classroom and measurement time to obtain
more data and more accurate results.

This article was supported by the Ministry of
Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of
Republic Indonesia. Part of Grant numbers
317/UN40.LP/PT.01.03/2021 under LPPM-Universitas
Pendidikan Indonesia
This article is part of a study on net zero energy for
school buildings in collaboration between Trisakti
University and the Green Building Council Indonesia

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