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Student: ……………..………………………….…………..

2nd term, 2019

Level 6
Final exam

Reading comprehension (25 points)

1 Read the text and choose the best answer A, B, or C. (20 points/1each)

Our facial expression is usually the first indicator of our state of mind. When we’re happy,
we smile. And when we’re sad or angry, we frown. There are times, however, when we
don’t want people to know what we’re really thinking or feeling, or when we’re trying to
hide something. In these situations, we choose our words carefully, and we consciously
make our facial expression mirror what we’re saying.

However, up to 90 per cent of communication is non-verbal. So we might say one thing,

but our body language often tells a different story. Body language refers to the pattern of
gestures that express our inner thoughts and feelings in communication.

Unless we are very clever, our bodies will usually try to tell the truth, no matter what our
words and facial expressions are communicating. Here are three of the most common
ways that our bodies can give us away:
1) Touching our faces more often than usual. If we are lying, we often cover our mouth
with our hand or put a finger on our lip. Part of us knows that what we are saying is not
true, and tries to stop it coming out. Touching our ear or hair and, most commonly, our
nose are signs that we might be feeling anxious, or that we are angry or frightened but
don’t feel able to express it.
2) Gesturing with our hands. Experiments have shown that we use our hands to talk with
much less than usual when what we are saying is not true. We don’t know exactly what
our hands are saying, but we know they are probably communicating something
important so we try not to use them. A person who says he or she is very pleased with
something, and they have their arms folded while they are speaking, may actually be
feeling quite the opposite.
3) Moving our legs and feet. These are the most revealing parts of our body as they are
the furthest from our face and we don’t usually pay attention to what they are doing. An
interviewer might be listening patiently, smiling, and nodding, but if he’s tapping his
foot, this could tell us that he is not enjoying the interview at all.

Most of us don’t know exactly what someone else’s body language means. But if we feel
uneasy in someone’s company, it may be because their words and their body are saying
different things from each other. This difference can have a significant effect on how we
get on with that person.

Student: ……………..………………………….………….. 2nd term, 2019

1 We change the expression on our faces when we want people to believe _______.
A what we’re really thinking
B that we’re lying
C what we’re saying
2 Our body language shows _______.
A what we want people to think
B what we’re really thinking
C that we always tell the truth
3 People who aren’t being honest often _______.
A touch their faces more frequently
B try to stop talking
C touch their hair
4 People who are afraid tend to _______.
A cover their mouths
B touch their noses
C touch their hands
5 It’s common to _______ if we aren’t telling the truth.
A use our hands more
B use our hands less
C look at our hands
6 To decide if someone is telling the truth, looking at their hands is _______ listening to what
they say.
A a better indication than
B just as effective as
C not as effective as
7 When it comes to watching body language, legs and feet _______.
A aren’t as interesting as faces
B are the most revealing
C aren’t worth looking at
8 If an interviewer’s foot is moving, he’s probably _______.
A listening very carefully
B not enjoying the interview
C not paying attention
9 _______ can interpret a person’s body language accurately.
A Few people
B Nobody
C Most people
10 If a person’s words and body language don’t match, we can feel _______.
A at ease
B relaxed
C uncomfortable

Student: ……………..………………………….………….. 2nd term, 2019

2 Match five of the highlighted words and phrases with the definitions. (5 points/1
1 crossed in front of your chest
2 moving the head up and down
3 regular way things happen
4 letting something be known that is usually hidden
5 make lines appear in the space above your eyes

Grammar and Vocabulary (35 points)

1. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets. (15
points/1 each)
1. When we _______ (check in), I’ll ask for a room with a view.
2. If we don’t drive less, global warming _______ (get) worse more quickly.
3. This passport photo _______ (take) ages ago – it doesn’t really look like me now!
4. Exam papers ________ (hand) out in a few minutes, just before the exam starts.
5. Nathalie is really pleased. She _______ just ______ (offer) a job in Paris.
6. Leo’s car _______ (repair) today so I gave him a lift into work.
7. As soon as Peter arrives, we _______ (start) the meeting.
8. If you ________ (be) a bit taller, you’d make a fantastic basketball player.
9. Dolphins _______ often _______ (see) off the coast of Scotland.
10. Charlotte ________ (like) chicken, doesn’t she?
11. ________ (go) back to work if you won a lot of money?
12. Zoe rang. She said she _______ (call) back this evening.
13. We _______ (get) back much earlier if the flight hadn’t been delayed.
14. The nurse told me _______ (sit) down and wait.
15. If I _______ (answer) all the questions, I would have passed the exam.

2. Underline the correct word or phrase. (10 points/1 each)

1. Could I have just a few / little more milk in my tea?
2. There are any / no good restaurants in this town.
3. She asked Lorna whether she spoke / did she speak Greek.
4. Bob can’t / must earn a good salary because he’s always eating out.
5. If she’d told me she was worried, I’d be /’d have been happy to help her.
6. Will can’t / mustn’t be in his office. His light isn’t on.
7. It’s too / too much hot in here – can you turn the heating down?

Student: ……………..………………………….………….. 2nd term, 2019

8. If we had to get a new car, we would borrow / had borrowed money from my parents.
9. Karen’s new house is really easy to find / finding. It’s next to her old one!
10. We really can’t afford going / to go to restaurants these days.

3. Complete the sentences with the correct word(s). (10 points/one each)
1. My wife wants to ________ from work when she’s 60. promote retire sacked
2. The film Atonement was ________ on the novel by Ian McEwan. based set directed
3. You can have lots of _______, but it doesn’t mean you’ll find a job.
salaries qualifications training courses
4. Our science teacher isn’t very _______. He only explains things once.
impatient patiently patient
5. My favourite _______ was when she jumped out of the helicopter into the sea!
scene plot script
6. We’ve ________ coffee recently, so we don’t drink it as often.
cut away cut out cut down on
7. She was ________ by her parents.
educated taught brought up
8. Paula and I met at _______. We were colleagues in an insurance company.
work college school
9. If you understand what I’m saying, just ________ your head. point smile nod
10. Anna lives ________ the outskirts of Edinburgh. at in on

Writing (40 points)

Choose one of the following options and write between 120-180 words.

1. You have decided to rent out your house while you are away on holiday. Write a description of
your house or flat for to post on the website Organize your text as follows:
Paragraph 1: a brief introduction. What kind of house/flat is it? Where is it exactly?
Paragraph 2: Describe the house/flat. What rooms does it have? Does it have any special
Paragraph 3: Describe the neighbourhood. How far is it from places of interest, public transport,
Paragraph 4: Say who the house/flat is suitable for. Are there any restrictions?

Student: ……………..………………………….………….. 2nd term, 2019

2. You see this call for reviews on an English website:

This week we want to invite our readers to share a review on a film they would
recommend. Send yours!

The reviews will be posted on our website. Write your review.

Paragraph 1: Include the name of the film, the director, the
stars, and any prizes it won.
Paragraph 2: Where and when it is set. Where it was filmed.
Paragraph 3: The plot.
Paragraph 4: Why you recommend the film.















Student: ……………..………………………….………….. 2nd term, 2019


English Level 6 Teacher: Daniela Evangelista

Reading comprehension (25 points)

1 1 C
2 B
3 A
4 B
5 B 2 1 folded
6 A 2 nodding
7 B 3 pattern
8 B 4 revealing
9 A 5 frown
10 C

Grammar and Vocabulary (35 points)

1 check in 2
2 will get 1. little
3 was taken 2. no
4 will be handed 3. she spoke
5 has / ’s … been offered 4. must
6 is being repaired 5. ’d have been
7 will / ’ll start 6. can’t
8 were 7. too
9 are … seen 8. would borrow
10 likes 9. to find
11 Would you go 10. to go
12 would /’d call
13 would / ’d have got 3
14 to sit 1 retire
15 had / ’d answered 2 based
3 qualifications
4 patient
5 scene
6 cut down on
7 brought up
8 work
9 nod
10 on

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