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CATFOLK KATJA WOKE FROM HER NAP, STOOD. and stretched, her tail curling about her as she did ‘so. She scratched her orange and black stripes, and prepared her meal. Katja proceeded with her Dar Khuta routine before dressing in her silk robes and walking out into the night. Fareed awoke in silence. He deftly rose, making his meal quietly. His hide was as black as the night outside. Fareed sharpened his blades like he did every day, just as he had learned working with the Tarun for so long. He slowly and deliberately put on his armor as ifin a trance and snuck out the door: They may not have known each other and they would die tonight, but it was only to further the cause of their people and that was something to be proud of The catfolk seem to think they differ greatly in their worlds, but to an outsider they are very similar. Bound to the world and each other in a very spiritual sense, individualism is rare. The proud and noble races of the catfolk are full of selflessness and compassion. There is also a feral rage deep inside them, but that is a part of their link to their animal spirits. TALL AND GRACEFUL ‘The catfolk of this realm are bipedal humanoid cats with a similar anatomical structure to humans. They also share many features of their catlike ancestry, from feline ears atop their heads, catiris eyes, whiskers and ‘carnivorous teeth to the thick fur that covers their bodies and feline tails, ‘The catfolk dress ranges from clothing crafted from the hides of creatures to fine woven garments out of silk. Their smiths fashion great metal arms and armors which are fairly unique to them. PROUD AND FERAL ‘The catfolk are renown for their compassion and selflessness, Their nobility and integrity have a high reputation among other races. They are, however, ‘completely intolerant of those who do not conduct themselves with similar devotion, especially in their presence. Those who awake to find the catfolk as ‘enemies are reminded of their ferocity ‘Their feral instincts are the counterpoint to the ‘wisdom, integrity and compassion the catfolk hold themselves up to, they believe you must possess andl control both to have the other. They believe their feral rage and their wisdom springs from the same source, their ancient animal and spirit. CURIOUSITY AND EXPLORATION Most of the catfolk leave their homes to go adventuring because, plainly, they are curious about the world. They wish to travel and see the wonders across the realm, Some leave to find employment as guides or trackers. Others follow a mission or become envoys for their people, But most adventurers are the boldest and brightest of this great race, just out exploring the world and satisfying their curiosity. CATFOLK NAMES Family names and deeds of ancestors are held in great ‘esteem and families typically go to a local ruler to ask for a recommendation for their newborn, hoping for cultural significance, Male Names: Alraj, Fareed, Grawi, Kaleej, Maruuk, ‘Niromak, Poren, Rahamin, Female Names: Day, Ghula, Kahala, Katja, Khati, Lar, ‘Natji, Shiara. CATFOLK TRAITS Your catfolk character has an assortment of inborn ilities in common with all other catfolk. Ability Score Increase: Your Wisdom score increases by 2. Age: Catfolk reach physical maturity around the same age as humans, but are graced with a prolonged life. Rarely does a member of the catfolk live past 200, Alignment: Most catfolk lean strongly towards a good life, Although the Vah Shir tend to be more lawful and the Kerra tend to be more chaotic. ‘Size: Catfolk typically are of a similar stature as humans. Your size is Medium. ‘Speed: Catfolk are quick and agile. Your base walking speed is 35 fect. Darkvision: You have superior vision in dark and ddim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of grey. Catlike Proficiency: You are proficient in the Stealth and Perception skills. Languages: You can speak, read and write Common and Sylvan. ‘Subrace: Ancient divides among the catfolk resulted {in two main subraces: the Vah Shir and the Kerra, Choose one of these subraces, VAH SHIR ‘As a vah shir, you are the ancient nobility of the catfolk. You have a strong sense of community and are generally willing to lend a hand. ‘The vah shir come from a social caste of catfolk, building their towns and cities in the plains and f rests of the realm. Vah shir are generally more powerfully built, their coats typically are the colors of, tigers, ions, jaguars and leopards. Art credits: ‘Treetown by Ron Crabb “Lion Fighter” by Yakun Wang “Travel Backpack” by tottor “Monster Hunter Sword” by tottor Ability Score Increase: Your Strength score increases by 1. Cantrip: You know one cantrip of your choice from the Druid spel list. Wisdom is your spelleasting ability fori. KERRA ‘Asa kerra, you belong to the working caste of the catfolk. You're more inclined to be reserved and wary of strangers. Violence tends to be the answer to most questions, and secrecy is important. ‘The schism between kerrans and vah shir began when the kerra left the cities of the vah shir and started working for themselves. Kerrans live in small colonies, hidden in trees or away from the rest of the ‘world, The kerran coat is typically that of a cougar, lynx, cheetah or black panther. Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity score inereases by 1. ‘Safe Fall: Kerrans represent the lighter, more agile cats. You have advantage on Dexterity saving throws to take half damage while falling.

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