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School: Ali Belhwène School Class: 2nd year Eco 3.

Teacher: Mrs. Zouari. ORDINARY TEST Name: .....................................

Date: April 2012. NUMBER 3 Number: .................................


I- Listening Comprehension: (8 marks).

1- Complete the following table with information about Beethoven: (4 mks)

Country of Origin Occupation Instruments played Handicap

.................................... ................................ ...................................... ....................................

2- Correct the following false statements with details from the listening passage: (3mks)
a- Beethoven attended university to study music.
b- Beethoven interrupted his studies in Vienna and went back to Bonn because he didn’t
get along with Mozart.
c- When Beethoven learnt about his handicap he stopped composing music.

3- Pronunciation: Circle the odd word (1mk)

a- Pitch – literacy – tribute – steadily – enlighten.
b- Shun – plunge – slump – customer – casualty.
II - Language: (12 marks).

Task 1: Complete the following paragraph with words from the box below: (4mks)
culture -afford –decreasing –borrow –concentrate -information –reader –librarian –atlas
A well-stocked library is a treasure-house of knowledge. Books, journals, newspapers
the entire .......................................... and encyclopaedias are kept and arranged properly for
the benefit of the readers. A member of a library can .......................................... a few books
for a particular period. It is the responsibility of the .......................................... that no pages
are torn. A library needs a good .......................................... who should be well-qualified to
guide the students and be cheerful and co-operative. The library is also an advantage for
poor students who cannot .......................................... to buy books. With the growing popularity
of internet, which provides loads of information with just a click of a mouse, one may
pause to think about the .......................................... importance of a library in today's world.
But one should keep in mind that a person goes to a library not only to search and
get .......................................... from books but also to sit and study there. The scholarly
atmosphere helps one to .......................................... more on one's work and study. Thus,
libraries will always be there to indicate the presence of a well-read and educated society.

Task 2: Put the bracketed words in the correct tense/form (4 mks):

Ever since my son was born, I’ve fought hard to break working mom myths. I worked
(hard) ........................................ than ever to avoid professional failure by keeping focused at
work. Then at home, I tried to become “Mother of the Year” by making meals, baking
cakes, and (keep) ........................................ a tidy home. After suffering from balance
problems last year, I (start) ........................................ making some changes in my life. One of
those was to stop feeling (guilt) ........................................ on the things that I’m not doing and
to start thinking positively about the stuff that I (accomplish) ........................................ so
far. My son barely (watch) ........................................ any TV and has an active imagination
thanks to a preschool that he attended during the days I work. Besides, my husband and I
are both setting a positive example by going to work. My son already understands that one
day he (have) ........................................ a career too. I also feel much
(good) ........................................ about myself when I work and financially support my family.

Task 3: Circle the right alternative to get a coherent paragraph: (4mks)

Music plays an important role in the life of many teens. Studies have indicated that
teens who are involved in music have a (lower/higher/nicer) risk of getting in trouble. This
could mean (being/been/be) in a band at school or forming their own band, which has
become very popular. Being a member of a school band not only provides teens with an
activity that is beneficial, but it (also/besides/however) teaches them a lot of discipline.
(Most/Any/Much) bands will have various practices throughout the week. This fills up time
and keeps a teen busy doing something (produce/productive/products). Teens who are
involved in school bands do better in school and (have/had/have had) fewer problems
and less involvement with crime. If this sounds like something of interest, you can
definitely benefit (off/from/in) it. Some teens will use music as a way to reduce stress
and you may find it truly (enrich/enriches/enriched) your life.

☺Good Luck☺
Ludwig van Beethoven was born in December 1770, in Bonn, Germany. His father
and grandfather were also musicians. He had two brothers but was the only one
to continue the musical tradition of the family. At a very early age, Beethoven
received violin and piano lessons from his father.

Although his musical genius was compared to that of Mozart’s, his education
never exceeded primary level. Beethoven had his first piece of music published
when he was 12 years old. Beethoven began his studies in Bonn and in his early
20s, he left his two younger brothers and headed off to Vienna, where he was
going to study with Mozart, but he returned quickly to Bonn when he found out
that his mother was dying.

By the age of 27, Beethoven began to go deaf. Within a few years, he would not
be able to hear at all. This almost led him to suicide, but he found that he could
still ‘hear’ the music inside his head. So, he continued composing and writing
music, often publishing and selling the rights to his work for profit.

During his late adult years, Beethoven’s fame began to pay off; he soon found
himself prosperous. His symphonic works proved to be master pieces along with
his other works. Beethoven lives on as the most recognized composer and piano
virtuoso the world has ever produced.

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