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O presente Continuous descreve ações que estão acontecendo no momento em

que se fala, ou que estão acontecendo nesse instante.
Agora, vamos estudar algumas regras ortográficas, quanto ao acréscimo de ING ao verbo.
A) Geralmente os verbos não sofrem modificações ao receber a terminação ING.
Ex. work – workING
try – tryING
ski – skiING
play – playING

B) Se os verbos terminam em consoante + vogal + consoante (CVC), dobra-se a última

consoante e acrescenta-se ING.
Ex. swim – swimMING
begin – beginNING
run – runNING
occur – occurRING

C) Os verbos terminados na vogal E, perdem o E e recebem ING.

Ex. write – writING
live – livING
have – havING
leave – leaving

Affirmative Form Negative Form Interrogative Form

am I am Am I
are You are Are You
is He is Is He
He is She is Is She
reading not reading reading?
It is It is Is It
You are We are Are We
are You are Are You

are They are Are They

A formação do Present Continuous é:


1. Escreva os verbos a seguir no Present Continuous.

A. to practice – He is practicing
B. to write – They _________.
C. to do – You ____________.
D. to turn – I _____________.
E. to study – She __________.
F. to cry – We ____________.
G. to sleep – They _________.
H. to run – She ___________.
I. to swim - It __________.
J. to plan – You _________.
K. to teach – We __________.

2. Complete as frases com o Present Continuous, na forma afirmativa.

A) It ______ (snow) at the moment.

B) Laura ________ (give) a sandwich to Tom.
C) His brothers _______ (play) volleyball.
D) Grandad _______ (write) a letter.
E) You _____ (read) my answers.
F) I ______ (sit) next to my friend
She __________ (read) a book right now.
They __________ (play) football at the park this afternoon.
I __________ (study) for my exams at the moment.
Why __________ he always __________ (complain) about everything?
We __________ (not, watch) TV tonight because we have to work on a project.
Is she __________ (cook) dinner for us tonight?
The kids __________ (play) in the garden now.
He __________ (not, listen) to music at the moment.
What __________ you __________ (do) this weekend?
Look, it __________ (rain) outside!

She is reading a book right now.
They are playing football at the park this afternoon.
I am studying for my exams at the moment.
Why is he always complaining about everything?
We are not watching TV tonight because we have to work on a project.
Is she cooking dinner for us tonight?
The kids are playing in the garden now.
He is not listening to music at the moment.
What are you doing this weekend?
Look, it is raining outside!
These exercises should help you practice forming sentences in the
Present Continuous tense.

completar usando o Present Continuous na forma interrogativa:
__________ (you / watch) TV right now?
__________ (she / read) a book at the moment?
__________ (they / play) soccer in the park today?
__________ (we / have) dinner with friends tonight?
__________ (he / listen) to music in his room now?
__________ (I / study) for an important exam this week?
__________ (what / you / do) this weekend?
__________ (the kids / swim) in the pool at this time?
__________ (she / work) on a new project this month?
__________ (you / meet) your colleague for lunch today?
Agora, preencha cada frase com o Present Continuous e forme as perguntas
interrogativas corretamente. Por exemplo, a primeira frase ficaria: "Are you
watching TV right now?" Continue com as outras frases da mesma maneira. Isso ajudará a
praticar a construção de perguntas usando o Present Continuous.
Parte superior do formulário

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