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Subject = I, You, They, We, He, She, it

to be = am, is, are
Verb = eat, study, drink, read, etc
Object = food, Math, milk, book, etc
Location = at home, on the table, in the library
Time = at night, this morning, yesterday, two days ago, tonight
Wh-questions = Who, What, Where, When, Why, Which, How

Present tense
He/She/It/Singular Noun – V1(s) = reads, drinks, watches, sleeps
I/You/They/We/Plural Noun – V1 = read, drink, watch, sleep

 Menandakan kebiasaan/ritual yang berulang

Subject + V1 + Object
He reads novel
She drinks water
I sleep late
They go to school
She goes to school
That child (singular) often cries.
The children (plural) often cry.

Kata keterangan
He always eats ramen
We always eat sushi
They often go to the library
She often goes to the library
He usually sleeps late
He eats apple every day

Subject + do/does not + V1 + Object
He doesn’t read novel
She doesn’t drink water
I don’t sleep late
They don’t watch TV

Do/does + S + V1 + Object
Does she read novel?
Do you play the piano?

Wh-questions + do/does + S + V1 (?)

Where do you work?
Where does Lita lives?

 Fakta (tidak ada keterangan waktu)

The sun sets at 7 P.M.
The bird flies
The water boils
Smoking causes cancer
Lita wears a hat and a jacket
(Negative) She doesn’t like her hat
He doesn’t like birds

Present continuous

 Menandakan aktivitas yang sedang terjadi

S + to be + Ving + Object
I am sleeping at the couch
She is walking by the lake right now
He is reading a book at the moment

S + to be + not + Ving + Object
I am not sleeping at the couch
She isn’t walking by the lake
He isn’t reading a book at the moment

Wh-questions + to be + S + Ving
1. Who are you going with?
2. Where are you studying?
3. What are you doing right now?
4. When is she having her exam?
5. Why are they screaming?
6. How is she going home?

HOMEWORK (Oct. 22)

Ganti kalimat dalam Bahasa Inggris

1. Aku sedang menggambar orang di sebuah kanvas.

- I am drawing a person at canvas
2. Mereka sedang tidur di kamarnya.
- They are sleeping in his bedroom
3. Siapa yang mengajar kelas bahasa Inggris?
- Who is teaching the English class room?
4. Dimanakah kamu berjalan-jalan?
- Where are you walking around?
5. Apa yang sedang Sarah baca?
- What is Sarah’s read?/ What is Sarah reading?
6. Kapan kamu masak?
- When are you cooking?
7. Mengapa dia sedang menangis?
- Why is it crying?
8. Bagaimana caranya dia melukis?
- How is she drawing?

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