Der 1h Master

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Zu [Grandaxine]: so u dont get any dmg on the dmg

Zu [Grandaxine]: and also dont rage

Zu [Grandaxine]: so u dont was enable to use ur main abilitys to keep aggro

[Grandaxine] flüstert: that was not the problem

Zu [Grandaxine]: hmm

Zu [Grandaxine]: what was the problem then?

[Grandaxine] flüstert: whats you GM name?

Zu [Grandaxine]: i mean, its not a shame to forgot to leveld up the weapon

[Grandaxine] flüstert: just mistake with coordination

Zu [Grandaxine]: that can happen

Zu [Grandaxine]: i also do some not so super moves before

Zu [Grandaxine]: with my lock etc etc

Zu [Grandaxine]: so it was a mistake

Zu [Grandaxine]: u was not planed to tank with 1h + shield

Zu [Grandaxine]: i think

Zu [Grandaxine]: because ur pulls before

Zu [Grandaxine]: was absolute fine

[Grandaxine] flüstert: not sholo =)

Zu [Grandaxine]: all went fine

Zu [Grandaxine]: i really respect that

Zu [Grandaxine]: as first hc dungeon as tank ;)

Zu [Grandaxine]: so it was just a b scuffed unlucky situations

[Grandaxine] flüstert: that was not fist hc dungeon)

[Grandaxine] flüstert: we did strat ud before

[Grandaxine] flüstert: as i said i just not tanked scholo at hc

Zu [Grandaxine]: but u as 2h tank i think?

[Grandaxine] flüstert: sure

[Grandaxine] flüstert: [Relentless Scythe] that good for tankin dungeons

Zu [Grandaxine]: yes, i do´ed the job very well as 2h tank

Zu [Grandaxine]: i agree this

Zu [Grandaxine]: also in scholo

Zu [Grandaxine]: so it was just the moment

Zu [Grandaxine]: were u swtiched to the not level 1h weapon

Zu [Grandaxine]: if u watch ur clip

Zu [Grandaxine]: u hit for like 3 dmg

Zu [Grandaxine]: 3 dmg between 70 or something

Zu [Grandaxine]: because weapon was not hitting

[Grandaxine] flüstert: i saw it when boss left from me

[Grandaxine] flüstert: then i taunted him back and wanted to switch 2H back

Zu [Grandaxine]: aaah

[Grandaxine] flüstert: even opened bags

Zu [Grandaxine]: i understand

[Grandaxine] flüstert: but

Zu [Grandaxine]: aaaaaah

[Grandaxine] flüstert: priest left

Zu [Grandaxine]: know i understand

Zu [Grandaxine]: what u was planed

Zu [Grandaxine]: ok

Zu [Grandaxine]: i understand

Zu [Grandaxine]: it was in all a very scuffed and unlucky situation

[Grandaxine] flüstert: i know how to tank)

Zu [Grandaxine]: yes i trust u

[Grandaxine] flüstert: played this game for 20 years

Zu [Grandaxine]: because it was all fine

Zu [Grandaxine]: yes i saw this

Zu [Grandaxine]: the mob pulls was fine at all

Zu [Grandaxine]: so the problem was

Zu [Grandaxine]: panicking

[Grandaxine] flüstert: yes

Zu [Grandaxine]: and misscommincation

Zu [Grandaxine]: u was to change to 2h

[Grandaxine] flüstert: let me speak with youe GM

Zu [Grandaxine]: but we all left

Zu [Grandaxine]: already

Zu [Grandaxine]: ok

Zu [Grandaxine]: u can give it a try

Zu [Grandaxine]: the name is

Zu [Grandaxine]: Druidfett

[Grandaxine] flüstert: oke

[Grandaxine] flüstert: will catch him online

[Grandaxine] flüstert: my lock died in BRD by warrior tank fault =) Thats why i made a tank

Zu [Grandaxine]: aaah i understand

Zu [Grandaxine]: man yes, holy, that is a true crime here now :D

Zu [Grandaxine]: but now i fully understand what was happend

Zu [Grandaxine]: without voice

Zu [Grandaxine]: heavy to communicate that scuffed situation in the right time

[Grandaxine] flüstert: yes that dungeons need voice

[Grandaxine] flüstert: you were not in voice too?

Zu [Grandaxine]: i was not no

Zu [Grandaxine]: i was just noticed, that after around 30 sec, this boss was just wild running around

Zu [Grandaxine]: our heal dropped alot

Zu [Grandaxine]: so i was thinked, something was not rright

Zu [Grandaxine]: maybe u got a pc problem

Zu [Grandaxine]: or something

Zu [Grandaxine]: so all was leaving grp

Zu [Grandaxine]: but at the end

Zu [Grandaxine]: i am so happy

Zu [Grandaxine]: no one died

Zu [Grandaxine]: thats the importants thing =)

Zu [Grandaxine]: so if u go again

[Grandaxine] flüstert: thats right

Zu [Grandaxine]: scholo or strat

Zu [Grandaxine]: i am still in haha

[Grandaxine] flüstert: sure

Zu [Grandaxine]: =)

[Grandaxine] flüstert: bring the player not the class

Zu [Grandaxine]: yea maybe we has just wating few sec more, and u has maybe got it again

Zu [Grandaxine]: ye what was just misscomminucation

[Grandaxine] flüstert: #$%^ happens

Zu [Grandaxine]: yea haha

Zu [Grandaxine]: i think

Zu [Grandaxine]: u was not expected

Zu [Grandaxine]: that ur axe skills is not high enough or?

[Grandaxine] flüstert: any ways i got 305 weapon skill for n

Zu [Grandaxine]: ok

[Grandaxine] flüstert: completely forgot that thing

Zu [Grandaxine]: yep

Zu [Grandaxine]: can happend it also

Zu [Grandaxine]: i played with rang 3 dots

Zu [Grandaxine]: a whole dungeons

Zu [Grandaxine]: :D

[Grandaxine] flüstert: haha

Zu [Grandaxine]: oke doke, thanks for the chat

[Grandaxine] flüstert: cya

Zu [Grandaxine]: good night =)

[Grandaxine] flüstert: thats morning here)

Zu [Grandaxine]: oh

Zu [Grandaxine]: ok :D

Zu [Grandaxine]: good morning then ^^

Zu [Grandaxine]: and gl with loot

Zu [Grandaxine]: :D

[Grandaxine] flüstert: going Ragna today

Zu [Grandaxine]: ooooh hoooly, wow respect ^^

[Grandaxine] flüstert: cleared MC 8/10

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