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Ready to get detecting?

Keep your eyes peeled for signs
of autumn

Look out
Try sitting super still and keeping
quiet – what can you spot?

Ivy flowers provide
Galls valuable late nectar for
Look out for knopper galls, butterflies and bees. Harvestmen
Butterflies spangle galls, marble galls Spot these arachnids on
Red admiral, speckled wood and cola nut galls. oak bark (and sometimes in
and brimstone butterflies still your home!).
flutter during autumn.

How many
different types of

mushroom can
you find?

Autumn! Badgers
Keep your eyes peeled for old
bedding left outside the sett.

Spotted any delicate
leaf skeletons on the
woodland floor?

Find them flocking around Webs
berry-laden trees, and Keep your eyes peeled adven eep
a fam turing w
feasting on the fruit. for spider webs

wood ily membe ith

glistening in morning
dew or frost. Owls
Can you hear tawny owls landt rship
r us
calling ‘twit twoo’ to each
other during the evenings?
Squirrels Join t
During autumn, squirrels are busy
gathering (or caching) nuts and seeds
o day!
such as acorns.

Did you find them all?

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and don’t forget there are loads more brilliant activities to download on our website! | 0330 333 5301 |
Search for ‘nature detectives’ | #NatureDetectives
© Made in 2015 by the Woodland Trust (registered charity nos 294344 and SC038885)

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