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Name: Amelia Nur’aini

Nim: A320210054
Class: B

Sekaten is an annual event that has been around for a long time in Surakarta and
Yogyakarta. This tradition that has been held since the 15th century aims to celebrate the
birthday of the Prophet Muhammad. In this tradition, a night market is always held for a
whole month. Then at the last of the event, a Grebeg Maulud Nabi was held in the form of a
Kirab Gunungan. This festive celebration has both positive and negative impacts.
The positive impact of the celebration of sekaten Increase income for local residents.
Many people will trade snacks so that they increase their income. Preserving the nation’s
culture, where the sekaten process is useful for preserving culture and upholding tradition.
Increase the country’s foreign exchange because these celebrations attract tourists from
abroad to visit and enliven. Opening new business fields such as; parking attendants, ride
guards, cleaners, and traders.
On the other hand, the celebration of the sekaten tradition also has negative impacts,
including; Night market business owners are fighting over land to put rides for games. The
crowds of visitors add to the congestion in the cities of Yogyakarta and Surakarta. The
number of visitors will also lead to a lot of waste generated at this celebration. Moreover, at
this time there is still the spread of Covid-19, many visitors ignore health protocols.
Among the positive and negative impacts of the celebration of the Sekaten tradition.
We must be wise to reduce and overcome the negative impact of Sekaten. So we can still
celebrate it well and the tradition will continue to be sustainable until our children and
grandchildren later.

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