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Learning Result

Unit 2

Nombre: Jesús Flores Torres

Docente: Maribel Almodóvar Morales
Instructions. - Listen the following audio and answer the questions
with complete sentences. Don’t forget to use capital letters and
punctuation marks.

1. How often does he go to the supermarket?

Once or twice a week

2. What does he buy at the supermarket?

He buys groceries

3. What does he use a shopping cart?

To carry everything

4. Where does he pick up sliced cheese?

Deli counter

5. What can he find at the produced section?

Some fruits and vegetables

6. Where is the milk?

In the dairy section

7. Where is the microwavable?

In the frozen food section

8. How does he pay?

He generally pays with cash at the checkout counter

9. What does he do if the store is out of stock?

He drops by a different supermarket

10. What does his kids like?

Their kids like milk

Instructions. - Explain the grammar rules of the countable nouns,

uncountable nouns and quantifiers, then write sentences as the next
instructions say.


Countable nouns are for the things we can count using numbers.


Uncountable nouns are for the things that we cannot count with numbers
(liquids, powders, gases, etc.)

Write 3 sentences where you use countable nouns.

1. I own a really big house.

2. He has three cats.
3. I have two months to do my homework.

Write 3 sentences where you use uncountable nouns.

1. Can you give some information about yourself?

2. I love cheese pizza.
3. I don’t need money to be happy.

Write a sentence with each quantifier.

a) I saw few people at school.

b) Mark has much knowledge about Algebra.
c) I have many apples in my fridge.
d) He had a lot of friends in Mexico.
e) I am a little bit nervous.
f) We need to get some information about this topic.
g) Do you have any problem?

Read the following article and answer the questions with complete sentences.
Obesity is a major problem in today’s world and is the cause of sickness and
sometimes death. Large amount of food, and little or no exercise, have caused
many people to gain too much weight.
How many French fries did you eat yesterday? How much chocolate did you
have? But the problem isn’t just the sugar and fat we eat, but the amount.
Restaurants in the US often serve large portions of food to make it seem like you
get a lot of money. Children are often told to eat everything on their plates. There
isn’t any reason for companies to promote fresh vegetables when processed food
This means that about 60% of Americans eat too much processed food and are
extremely overweight. Some healthcare experts call this an obesity epidemic.
What is the advice of experts? Cut down on portion size. You can eat
carbohydrates, fats, and sugars. But eat less of all of it.

1. What are the main causes of the sickness today?

Obesity is one of the causes of the sickness

2. Why do restaurants in America serve large portions?

To make it seem like you get a lot of money

3. What are starch and oil?

Starch is a type of carbohydrate and oil is a synthetic fat used in frying,
baking, and other types of cooking.

4. Why don’t food companies promote vegetables?

Children are often told to eat everything on their plates.

5. How many Americans are overweight?

About 60% of Americans.

6. What can you do to prevent obesity?

Promote eat healthy foods are increasing physical activity.

7. Do you think that is the same percentage in Argentina?

I don’t think so.

8. Do restaurants here in Argentina offer big portion size?

It depends of the restaurant.

9. What kind of food do you prefer to order at restaurants?

Mexican food.

10. Are you a foodie?

I am a big foodie.

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