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Module #1: Brainstorming for Research Topics

Module #2: Choosing a Research Topic
How to Narrow down a Broad Topic:
1. State your broad topic
2. Describe your broad area more specifically.
3. Ask familiar questions such as what, who, where, when why and how.
4. Name a specific topic to your broad topic to make it a focused topic.
Broad topic: Paddling as punishment
- Paddling in grade school (where)
- Emotional effects of paddling in grade school (what and where)
- Emotional effects of paddling in female children (what and who)

Broad topic means something that covers a lot of area

When is a topic too broad?
* when it cannot be covered in detail in your assignment
* when all you can write are general statements about a general subject
* when it is hard to research because there is so much information
For example, if during your overview research, you found 100s or 1000s of items relevant to
your topic, it is too broad.

Narrow topic means it has focus and the choices available are defined and specific
When is a topic too narrow?
* when it can be discussed in great detail in less than the required size of your assignment
* when it is hard to research because there is so little information
Module #3: Writing the Introduction of the Study

The main purpose of the Introduction is to give a description of the problem that will be
addressed in the study.
An introduction will also answer the following questions:

• What is the problem of the study?

• Why it is a problem?
• How it should be solved?
• Why it should be solved?
• What is the purpose of the study
Module #4: Stating the Research Problem
Statement of the Problem
✓ It is the researcher’s guide during the research process.
✓ It is the verbalization and articulation of the researcher’s question.
2 types:
1. Main Problem or Major Problem
2. Sub-Problems

Ways to Present the Main Problem

1. Interrogative manner
Ex. What are the factors that affect the teaching strategies of teachers?

2. Declarative manner
Ex. This study aims to design and develop an online course in Human Behavior in the
Organization at the Senior High School students.

Module #5: Formulating the Hypothesis

Guidelines in Formulating Hypothesis:
1. Express your hypotheses in a declarative sentence.
2. Support your hypotheses with ideas based on theories, known facts, previous studies, or your
experience and wisdom.
3. Establish a logical relationship between the hypothesis and the research problem.
4. Have your hypothesis predict the nature of relationship between or among variables.
5. Determine the possibility of having some means of testing, analyzing, and investigating your
6. Avoid wordiness by using clear, exact, or specific language in stating the hypotheses.
7. Variables used in the study are stated in their operational forms.

Module #6: Formulating Conceptual and Theoretical Framework

Module #7: Identifying the Significance of the Study

Significance of the study in research is a portion of the study where researcher will tell the
importance and purpose of the study. This portion notes the benefits of the study either to a
body or scientific knowledge, to practitioners in the area of research or to any other group
which will benefit from the results.
2 Tips for Writing the Significance of the Study
1. Refer to the statement of the problem
Your problem statement can guide you in identifying the specific contribution of your study. You cando this
by observing a one-to-one correspondence between the statement of the problem and the significance of
the study.
2. Identify the beneficiaries and the benefits they can get from the study.
It can be written from general to specific contribution (deductive) or specific to general contribution
Writing the significance of the study in the deductive way is by looking into the general contribution of
your study, such as its importance to society as a whole, then proceed downwards—towards its contribution
to individuals and that may include yourself as a researcher. You start off broadly then taper off gradually to
a specific group or person. Coupled with reference to the problem statement, this effectively stimulates the
mind to think in a deductive mode, i.e., from general to specific.

The inductive way of writing the significance of the study may start from the individual contribution
down to the community or society as a whole.
The techniques mentioned above will prevent your mind from wandering wildly or aimlessly as
you explore the significance of your study.

Module #8: Defining the Terms of the Study

This is a section of the research report in which key terms are clearly defined. It facilitates the
understanding of the problem investigated since the terms are defined according to how they are
used in a particular study/
Terms defined should be arranged in alphabetical order and acronyms should always spell out
fully most specially if it is used for the first time and not commonly known. It must be defined in a
complete sentence and in a paragraph form.
The terms are usually found in the title, statements of the problem and the variables of the
research study.
Two Types:
1. Conceptual Definition
2. Operational Definition

Pre-printed Notes
Universal as the meaning is understood by the people
Abstract and most general in nature
Usual source is the dictionary, the reference book of everyday language.

The meaning of the concept or term as used in a particularly study
It is concrete as it is subject to measurement

Module #10: Selecting and Synthesizing Relevant Information for Review of

Review of Literature
It is sufficient background information should be presented through the section in the research
It refers to a collected body of scholarly work related to a research topic. This contains findings of
other studies or investigations similar to the present study.

Relevant literature review is needed as it measure of how well the information of a related study
meets the needs of the present study.

The review of related literature can be presented in the following manner with the following sources:
1. Related legal basis. The sources or related legal basis are laws, constitution, department directives
such as circulars, orders, memoranda, and many others which have implications to government thrusts.
2. Related literature. The related literature are published articles, books, journals, magazines, novels,
poetry and many others which have direct bearing to the proposed study.
3. Related studies. These are findings of unpublished researches which have direct bearing to the
proposed study are included in this section. They are segregated into local or foreign studies (if any).
They are arranged chronologically from present to past.
“Ways of Synthesizing”
Direct Quotation
It is copying the notes word-for-word from the original.
Run in direct quotation are enclosed in “quotation mark”
It is use for getting the direct facts, statistical data and statements from credible authorities
It is putting the ideas of an author into your own words.
It can be longer or shorter than the original content.
It uses different words to express the same idea.
It acknowledges the source to give credit to the original author
It avoids plagiarism
shortening a passage or a write-up without changing its meaning but by using different words and

Module #11: Applying Ethical Standards

Plagiarism - a practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own.

Types of Plagiarism:
1. Direct Plagiarism (Plagiarism of Language) – copying word for word.
2.) Accidental plagiarism – failing to cite the sources correctly
- Also known as unintentional plagiarism or plagiarism of ideas

Possible Questions
A definition that is used to define words based on how it was used in the study.
A. Analytical Definition D. Operational Definition
B. Conceptual Definition E. Theoretical Definition
C. Empirical Definition
These are data that has been already collected by and readily available from other sources.
A. Non-documentary sources D. Tertiary sources
B. Secondary sources E. Primary Sources
C. Online Searching
Which is true about null and alternative hypotheses?
A. Null hypothesis states the absence of relationship, effect, or difference between variables, while the alternative
hypothesis covers a set of values from the parameter space.
B. Alternative hypothesis states the absence of a relationship, effect, or difference between variables, while the null
hypothesis always predicts that there will be a relationship, effect, or difference between the variables being studied.
C. Null hypothesis specifies the expected direction to be followed to determine the relationship between variables, while
alternative hypothesis always predicts that there will be a relationship, effect, or difference between the variables being
D. Alternative hypothesis states the absence of relationship, effect, or difference between variables; while the null
hypothesis occurs when there is a change in one variable resulting in a change in the other variable.
E. Null hypothesis states the absence of relationship, effect, or difference between variables, while alternative hypothesis
always predicts that there will be a relationship, effect, or difference between the variables being studied.
In a study exploring the impact of stress levels on blood pressure, what is the independent variable?
A. stress levels C. impact E. blood pressure
B. pressure

Narrowing down a broad topic is necessary to:

A. Broaden the scope excessively.
B. Focus the research and make it manageable.
C. Validate erroneous findings.
D. Make findings ambiguous.
E. Ignore the depth of research.

Which are examples of an alternative hypothesis?

I. Exposure to ultraviolet light has no significant relationship to skin cancer.
II. Age has no effect on how cell phones are used for internet access.
III. There is no difference in pain relief after chewing willow bark versus taking a placebo.
IV. The amount of text highlighted in the textbook has an effect on exam scores.
V. Daily meditation decreases the incidence of depression.
A. I, II, and III C. IV and V E. All of the above
B. I, II, IV, and V D. I, III, IV, and V
In a research proposal about the impact of social media on adolescent mental health, which section specifically outlines the
boundaries and constraints of the study?
A. Literature Review C. Conclusion E. Methodology
B. Introduction D. Scope and Delimitation
Sheldon would like to examine the Big Bang Theory using the lens of the Psychology of the human person and its effect. What
framework should Sheldon use in exploring his research?
A. Ethical Framework D. Theoretical framework
B. Research Framework E. All of the above
C. Conceptual Framework
Student D is looking for information about the impact of academic validity on mental health. Which method is most likely to yield a
wide range of updated resources?
A. Attending a seminar on psychology D. Conducting online searches
B. Visiting a local library E. Interviewing mental health professionals
C. Observing participants
Which are examples of a null hypothesis?
I. Exposure to ultraviolet light has no significant relationship to skin cancer.
II. Age has no effect on how cell phones are used for internet access.
III. There is no difference in pain relief after chewing willow bark versus taking a placebo.
IV. The amount of text highlighted in the textbook has an effect on exam scores.
V. Daily meditation decreases the incidence of depression.
A. I, II, IV, and V C. I, III, IV, and V E. All of the above
B. IV and V D. I, II, and III
What are the factors affecting the study habits of the students?” Which of the following ways to present the main problem is exhibited
in the example?
A. Declarative Manner D. Direct Manner
B. Exclamatory Manner E. Indirect Manner
C. Interrogative Manner
Researcher A used laws, constitution, department directives such as circulars, orders, and memoranda as part of his related
literature. Which of the following examples of related literature did Researcher A used?
A. Related legal basis D. Related Articles
B. Related literature E. Related Background
C. Related studies

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