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The 1st crew member said, “I was

checking the navigation.

Crime The 2nd crew member said, “I was

intimating the people about our

The 3rd crew member said, “I was
correcting the side of the flag as it

Riddles was upside down.”

The captain caught the crew
member who was lying. How?

1.On the very first day of college, a

science professor was found
murdered. The police had 4
suspects: The Physics professor,
the football coach, the peon, and
the principal. Police asked them
about their whereabouts and, their
replies were like this,
The Physics professor said, “He
was correcting mid-year test
papers.”; The football coach said,
“He was on the ground playing the Answer: The killer was the Physics
game.”; The peon said, “He was
Professor. According to his words,
serving tea.”; The principal said,
he was holding a mid-year test, but
“He was in his office.” The police
found out who was lying and the crime happened on the first
caught him. How? day of the college year.

2. A Japanese ship was sailing in

the Ocean. The captain of the ship
went for a bath. He removed his
ring and kept it on the table near
the engine. When he returned, he
found his ring missing. The captain
called all three crew members who
were working around at that time. Answer: The 3rd crew member was
He asked them what they were lying because the Japanese flag is
doing during the last 20 minutes. the same from both sides.
3. A prisoner was kept in a cell appearance. Whichever pill a
with a dirt floor and only one victim took, the serial killer took
window positioned high. Except for the other one. The victim took the
pill with water and died, and the
a shovel, nothing else was there.
killer survived all the time. How
He had just a few hours in his hand
did the killer manage to get a
to escape from the cell. He harmless pill?
managed to escape from the
window. How?

4. Rita called the police to

investigate the burglary at her
home. Her precious jewelry was
Answer: Jack used the shovel to
missing. She told the police that
make a pile of dirt under the
the lock of the house was intact.
window, climb on it, and escape
Police scanned the crime scene.
from his cell.
The house was in a total mess and
the glass of the window was
broken. Police concluded Rita had
cooked up this story and arrested
her for fraud. How?

Answer: The police were sure that

Rita has lied to them because
5. A woman came back from her
someone had broken the glass
honeymoon and told everyone her
window from inside. If the window
husband had died by accidentally
falling off a cliff. The detective was broken from outside, little
figured out that she was lying pieces of glass would be on the
when he spoke to the travel agent room’s floor. But Rita had broken it
who had booked the tickets. How from inside, and glass pieces were
did he know she lied to him? outside.

6. A serial killer kidnapped people

and offered them 2 pills and asked
Answer: The woman bought only a
them to take 1. Both the pills were
one-way ticket for her husband
the same in content and
whereas, She bought a two-way
ticket for herself. It means that
she was sure that she has to
return alone.

Answer: The poison was not in the

pills but, it was in the glass of
water that the victim drank.

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