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Grammar Cards: Irregular Verbs in Past

Help your students practice talking about Past Actions using irregular verbs.

Memory Game: Irregular Verbs In Past

Age: All Ages

Level: Pre-elementary, Elementary

Target Structure: Simple past

Duration: 10-20 minutes (depending on group size)

Materials: cut-out Irregular Verbs in Past Grammar Cards

 Shuffle all verb cards and place them face down one next to the other
creating different rows. Set time expression cards on a deck on the side.
 Students flip two cards trying to match the verb in base form with its
past form.

 When students get a pair, they can pull a card from the time expression
deck and form a full sentence in past. If sentence is correct, students get
to keep the pair; if it isn’t, they have to put it back (the next student can
pick up same pair and “steal” it from the previous player).

 The player with the most pairs wins.

*Note: time expression cards have elements in paranthesis that can be easily
replaced. For example, when the card says (two) (months) ago, you can replace
the words two and months with similar ones: five weeks ago, three hours
ago, twenty minutes ago, etc.
Grammar Cards: Irregular Verbs in Past
Help your students learn the past participle form of irregular verbs. Below you
can find a suggested activity you can do with these cards.

Never Have I Ever…

Age: All ages

Level: Intermediate

Target Structure: Present Perfect

Duration: 10-20 minutes (depending on group size)

Materials: cut-out Irregular Verbs in Past Participle, Regular Verbs in Past

& Past Participle (verbs only) Grammar Cards

 Have students work in trios for this activity.

 Divide cards in two groups: verbs and time expressions

 Have students draw a card from each group and ask their partner(s) a
question about their personal experiences using that verb and time
expression. Classmate should reply with what is true about them.

A: (fly/yet) Have you flown to another country yet?

B: Yes, I have flown to (France) / No, I’ve never flown to another


 Students take turns to ask each other questions.

 Tips:

o Mix verb cards with those from Regular Verbs in Past &
Participle Grammar Cards for additional vocabulary practice.
o Choose the verbs you want to practice in advance and separate
base form cards from past participle ones. For fast learners, use
Base Form cards only to increase difficulty.

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