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Jade Bonacolta

The 3 most important

decisions we make in life:

Jade Bonacolta

1. Where you live

We often choose where to live out of

convenience. (Where we went to college,
where we happened to land a job, where
we were raised, etc.)

But this 1 decision determines most of

your opportunities.

Ask yourself these questions:

● Which industry do you want to grow in?
● Where do you want to spend free time?
● What values do you admire, and which
community shares those values?
Jade Bonacolta

2. Who you’re with

“Marry the right person. This one decision

will determine 90% of your happiness or
misery.” — Jackson Brown Jr.

Ask yourself these questions:

● Who do you want to be when you’re
with him/her? Which qualities do you
want that person to bring out in you?
● What habits or routines do you want in
your dream lifestyle?
● Which dealbreakers cross your
boundaries, and what can you tolerate?
Jade Bonacolta

3. What you do

The best advice I heard in my 20s was to

“Build a life that you don’t need a
vacation from.”

There’s something magical that happens

when you find a lifestyle (and work) that
lights you up.

You no longer count down the days until

the weekend. You don’t get the Sunday
scaries. And you never feel burnt out.

Everyone deserves that feeling… →

Jade Bonacolta

There has never been a better time or

opportunity to become a thought leader.

If you’ve considered building your brand

on social media, this is your sign to start.

Use these questions to find your

● What do people in your life always ask
for your expert advice on?
● What would you not mind talking
about every day for 5+ years?
● What are people willing to pay for?
● What would the world benefit from?
Jade Bonacolta

If you’re ready to dive deeper, book a

coaching session with me.

I’ll share the entire system that grew my

LinkedIn from 1k to 250k followers in 12

You can read client reviews and learn

more at

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