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Name: Jade S.

Program & Section: BSED 1E-B

ENGLISH 304 Assignment

Title: The Call of the Wild
Type: Adventure Fiction
“The Call of the Wild” is a classic novel written by Jack London. It tells the story
of Buck, a domesticated dog living in California, who is stolen and sold as a sled
dog during the Klondike Gold Rush. Buck must adapt to his new life in the harsh
wilderness of the Yukon, where he faces brutal conditions and encounters both
cruel and kind humans and other animals. Through these experiences, Buck taps
into his primal instincts and embraces his true nature as a wild creature. The novel
explores themes of survival, loyalty, and the innate call of the wilderness.
I analyzed that through Buck’s journey, the author portrays the harsh realities of
life in the wild and the struggle for dominance among the dogs. Buck’s
transformation from a pet to a fierce and independent leader which highlights the
primal instincts that lie dormant within him. Jack London’s vivid descriptions of
the Alaskan wilderness and the brutal conditions faced by both humans and
animals create a sense of adventure and danger throughout the book. The story also
touches on the relationship between humans and nature, raising questions about the
impact of civilization on the natural world.
Overall, “The Call of the Wild” is a compelling exploration of the conflict between
civilization and the wild, as well as a testament to the resilience and adaptability of
living beings in the face of adversity.
“The Call of the Wild” showcases several characteristics that is commonly found
in fiction. Firstly, it tells a story that is not based on real events, allowing for
imaginative and creative elements. The novel also uses narrative techniques to
engage readers emotionally and intellectually.
In terms of types, “The Call of the Wild” is categorized as an adventure novel. It
follows the journey of a dog named Buck, who is taken from his comfortable life
in California and thrust into the harsh world of the Yukon during the Klondike
Gold Rush. The story focuses on Buck’s transformation as he adapts to the wild
and taps into his primal instincts.
The elements of fiction In this novel include plot, setting, characters, conflict, and
themes. The plot revolves around Buck’s struggle for survival and his gradual
return to his ancestral roots. The setting plays a crucial role, as the rugged and
unforgiving landscapes of the Yukon contribute to the intense atmosphere of the
story. The characters, both human and animal, are well-developed and serve
different purposes within the narrative. The conflicts faced by Buck and other
characters drive the story forward, creating tension and suspense. Lastly, themes
such as the primal nature of animals, the power of instinct, and the cruelty of
mankind are explored throughout the novel.

The novel also highlights the theme of survival and adaptability. Buck’s ability to
adapt to the harsh environment and learn from his experiences enables him to
thrive where others perish. London raises questions about the role of adaptability
and resilience in the face of adversity, and how these traits are crucial for survival
not only in the natural world but also in human society.
Furthermore, “The Call of the Wild” explores the relationship between humans and
animals. It portrays both the cruelty humans can inflict upon animals and the deep
bond that can be formed between them. The novel challenges readers to reflect on
their treatment of animals and emphasizes the importance of empathy and

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