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Semn Christian F.

Joyel JD1 Section B

Written Exercises on Adjectives

1. An adjective is a word that modifies or changes a noun. It may describe

the qualities, states of being, or quantities of nouns. Sometimes, nouns,
possessive nouns, and proper nouns function as adjectives.

Underscore the adjectives in the sentences below and italicize the nouns
they modify.

a. The author wrote a beautiful story.

b. Mary brought her phone to the repair shop.
c. Honey bought twenty cupcakes for the group.
d. Spanish sardines and ham are expensive.
e. Joan’s manager found somebody perfect for the difficult job.

2. Demonstrative, possessive, interrogative, and indefinite pronouns

sometimes act as adjectives. When these pronouns stand alone, they are
pronouns. However, when they modify or introduce nouns, they act as
adjectives (determiners).

Underscore the adjectives and italicize the nouns they modify in the
sentences below.

a. I borrowed this book from the law library.

b. Which car belongs to your brother?
c. Grace ate something spicy.
d. Something went wrong in the science laboratory.
e. This is mine.

3. Relative clauses, some infinitives, present and participles of verbs

are used as adjectives.

Underscore the adjectives and italicize the nouns they modify.

a. The student who got the highest score in math will graduate with
b. The house where I was born was demolished.
c. The exhausted lawyer worked overtime to finish the criminal complaint.
d. Luka Doncic is the player to guard in Slovenia’s team.
e. Reebok sells running shoes and jogging pants.

4. Prepositive adjectives appear before the nouns they modify, while

postpositive adjectives are placed after the nouns they modify.

Underscore the prepositive adjectives, highlight the postpositive

adjectives, and italicize the nouns they modify.

a. Jacob is the heir apparent to the family business.

b. The vigilant officer arrested the man responsible for the robbery.
c. The diligent student photocopied all the cases to read.
d. Mrs. Reyes, whom we saw last night, left for Paris this morning.
e. The fashionable golfer wore checkered pants.

5. Determiners are adjectives used to introduce a noun without describing

them. They may be articles; possessive nouns or pronouns; or
demonstrative, interrogative, and distributive pronouns that introduce or
point to nouns. Quantifiers indicate the number, amount, or sequence
order of the nouns they modify.

Underscore the determiners, highlight the quantifiers, and italicize the

nouns they modify.

a. Every lawyer must sign the roll of attorneys.

b. Many law schools admit working students.
c. Shannie celebrated her 25th birthday last Monday.
d. Those eight books cost a fortune.
e. The professor praised Airha’s writing.

6. Cumulative adjectives build upon each other and provide different

types of information about the same noun they modify
Two or more cumulative adjectives modifying the same noun follow the
order of adjectives: Determiners, Quantifiers, Opinion, Traits
(Size/shape/age/color/pattern/origin/material/purpose), and Qualifier

Put the following cumulative adjectives in the proper order.

a. The (old, comfortable, brown, big, two) beds need repairs. The (two,
comfortable, big old, brown) beds needs repairs.
b. The (Japanese, charming, young, tall) lady models for Prada. The
charming, tall, young, Japanese lady models for Prada.
c. Carmen uses a (plastic, long, rectangular, red) brush. Carmen uses a
(long, rectangular, red, plastic) brush.

7. Coordinate adjectives are those that belong to the same category and
modify the noun in the same way. They may exchange places without
affecting the meaning of the phrase. They are separated by commas.

Underscore the coordinate adjectives in each list of adjectives.

a. The players wear red, white, and blue shirts.

b. We hosted an extravagant, loud, and fantastic party.
c. Lenny is a friendly, caring, and kind woman.
d. The big, old, black bull charged the matador.
e. The quick, brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

8. A collective adjective is an adjective describing a class or group of

people formed by the determiner (the) and the adjective. A collective
adjective is always plural in number.

Underscore the collective adjective in the sentences below.

a. The rich take advantage of the poor.

b. The Pope prays for the oppressed and marginalized.
c. Tequila is now the preferred drink of the young.
d. The senior citizens in this country enjoy several benefits.
e. Fortune favors the bold.

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