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Exercise 1


Don’t mix up the vocabulary for Change Over Time and Static!

A. Write sentences about the information. Use the words given. Remember to include the
number using with/at.

Parks in a European City

Northern half 16

Southern half 5

1. northern half: sizable


2. southern half: meager


3. northern half: substantial/noticeably


4. southern half: paltry/considerably


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© 3 Keys IELTS and All Ears English

B. Rewrite the sentences. Replace the underlined words with words from the box.
n.b. You may use any word from the box more than once.

vastly great large massive miniscule markedly

1. Cities in France had a noticeably more substantial number of cinemas, with an average of 20,
than cities in Germany, at an average of 5.


2. The number of rivers in Province A, at only 2, was considerably more paltry than the
amount in Province B, which had 100.


3. The number of people attending college in New York City is the most sizeable, with 294,000,
compared to the quantity of college students in Miami, which had only 200,000.


4. While the number of apartments in one city block in Taipei is considerably sizable, at 600, the
number of apartments in the same area in Kaohsiung is relatively meager, with 100.


Exercise 2

A. First, combine the sentences using the linking word given. Then, replace the underlined
phrases with your own words.

1. (compared with) The most popular reason for studying was interest, with 80%. The
most paltry number of people studied for career purposes, at 27%.


2. (whereas) The percentage of garbage that was composted was the most noticeably meager,
with 14%. The proportion that was sent to the landfill was the most massive, at 75%.


© 3 Keys IELTS and All Ears English

3. (on the other hand) At 80%, the number of people working at home was the most substantial.
The amount working at the office was markedly small, with 20%.


B. Rewrite the sentences from exercise A with the linking words below.
1. (while)


2. (compared to)


3. (nevertheless)


© 3 Keys IELTS and All Ears English

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