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Science Open House

Grade 9

Mission Director (Dherya) - Well done, team! The GSLV has

successfully lifted off and is on its way to Mars. Now, let's
focus on the subsequent landing phase. Navigation and
Avionics, what's our current position and trajectory?
Navigation and Avionics (Charvi) - Sir, we have successfully
calculated and verified our current position and trajectory.
We are on track for a Mars landing.
Mission Director (Dherya) - Excellent. Radar systems and
communication, are we receiving clear signals from the
Radar systems and communication (Armaan) - Yes, Sir Our
radar systems are functioning optimally, and we have
established strong communication with the spacecraft
Mission Director (Dherya) - That's great news. Telemetry &
Antennas, are we receiving vital data from the spacecraft?
Telemetry & Antennas (Saachi)- Yes, Sir. We are receiving
crucial telemetry data, and our antennas are working
Mission Director (Dherya) - Fantastic. Software Systems &
Data Storage, are all our systems running smoothly?
Software Systems & Data Storage (Yuti) - Absolutely, Sir. Our
software systems are running without any issues, and data
storage is functioning as expected.
Mission Director (Dherya) - Wonderful. Power Systems &
Fuel, are we maintaining stable power levels?
Power Systems & Fuel (Avish) - Yes, Sir. Our power systems
are stable, and the fuel levels are within the desired range.
Mission Director (Dherya) - Excellent news. Propulsion &
Propellant Storage, any anomalies or concerns?
Propulsion & Propellant Storage (Aastik) - No concerns at
the moment, Sir. Our propulsion systems and propellant
storage are functioning perfectly.
Mission Director (Dherya) - Great to hear. Scientific
Instruments & Cameras, are we capturing valuable data?
Scientific Instruments & Cameras (Anvi) - Yes, Sir. Our
scientific instruments and cameras are successfully capturing
valuable data for analysis.
Mission Director (Dherya) - Outstanding. Thermal Control &
Environmental Sensors, how are we managing the
temperature and environmental conditions?
Mission Director (Dherya) - Excellent work. Landing Gear &
Sampling Systems, are we prepared for the landing and
sample collection?
Landing Gear & Sampling Systems (Armaan) - Sir, our landing
gear is ready for deployment, and our sampling systems are
primed for collecting samples once we touch down on Mars.
Mission Director (Dherya) - Well done, team. All stations,
prepare for the final phase of the mission. Ensure all datasets
are uploaded to Sriharikota for analysis.
Mission Director (Dherya) - Project Director, provide an
update on the spacecraft's status.
Project Director (Tanish) - Sir, the spacecraft is performing
exceptionally well. All systems are functioning optimally, and
we are on track for a successful landing.
Mission Director (Dherya) - That's fantastic news. Keep up
the excellent work, everyone. We are just moments away
from achieving another milestone in space exploration. Let's
make history!
(shabashiyaan plays in background while everyone

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