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Students’ Habit of Watching English Videos and

Their English Vocabulary Mastery: A Literature Review

Anggreini Mole

A study of the literature examines in today's education, students are shifting from just using
textbooks to also learning through videos, especially in English. Videos with pictures and sound
help students understand the language better by combining what they hear and see. Knowing lots
of words, or mastery the English vocabulary, is really important for doing well in reading,
writing, speaking, listening, and thinking. Some students, though, do not watch English videos
regularly, maybe because the videos are not interesting to them. Studies show that many
Indonesian students struggle with English vocabulary mastery. The review of related studies
consists of 5 studies of students’ habit of watching English videos and their English vocabulary
mastery, 4 of them showed positive result between students’ habit of watching English videos and
their English vocabulary mastery, which leads to the assumption that students who have habit of
watching English videos might be better at English vocabulary mastery. Moreover, teachers can
use this information to make learning more interesting and help students improve their
vocabulary by watching more English videos.

Keywords: Habit of watching English videos, vocabulary mastery


Sebuah studi literatur meneliti bahwa dalam pendidikan saat ini, siswa beralih dari hanya
menggunakan buku teks menjadi belajar melalui video, terutama dalam bahasa Inggris. Video
dengan gambar dan suara membantu siswa memahami bahasa dengan lebih baik dengan
menggabungkan apa yang mereka dengar dan lihat. Mengetahui banyak kata, atau menguasai
kosakata bahasa Inggris, sangat penting untuk dapat membaca, menulis, berbicara,
mendengarkan, dan berpikir dengan baik. Namun, beberapa siswa tidak menonton video bahasa
Inggris secara teratur, mungkin karena video tersebut tidak menarik bagi mereka. Penelitian
menunjukkan bahwa banyak siswa Indonesia yang mengalami kesulitan dalam penguasaan
kosakata bahasa Inggris. Dari 5 penelitian yang terkait dengan kebiasaan siswa dalam
menonton video bahasa Inggris dan penguasaan kosakata bahasa Inggris, 4 di antaranya
menunjukkan hasil yang positif antara kebiasaan siswa dalam menonton video bahasa Inggris
dan penguasaan kosakata bahasa Inggris, yang mengarah pada asumsi bahwa siswa yang
memiliki kebiasaan menonton video bahasa Inggris akan lebih baik dalam penguasaan kosakata
bahasa Inggris. Selain itu, guru dapat menggunakan informasi ini untuk membuat pembelajaran
menjadi lebih menarik dan membantu siswa meningkatkan kosakata mereka dengan menonton
lebih banyak video bahasa Inggris.

Kata Kunci: Kebiasaan menonton video Berbahasa Inggris, penguasaan kosakata

1. Introduction

In this modern era, it seems that the way students learn has changed. Previously, students often
learn only through textbooks. Nowadays, video is a helpful media that can be used in teaching
and learning, especially in learning English. Erlangga (2021) stated that videos with visual
elements and sound enhance language comprehension by providing both auditory and visual
input. This means videos offer students a combination of both auditory and visual input can lead
to a better language comprehension. This is supported by Ardianto (2021) who found that using
video learning material, particularly instructional videos, can increase interest in learning English.
Students have indicated enjoyment, confidence, and new experiences when using videos for
learning. Moreover, according to Rahayu (2020), watching videos is the most beneficial activity
for learning English autonomously due to its benefits in vocabulary enrichment, listening
enhancement, and pronunciation practice.

Furthermore, one of the most essential aspects in learning English is vocabulary. According to
Nation (2013), for successful language acquisition, vocabulary mastery is needed. Nist (2010)
claimed that strong vocabularies lead to success in school and in life, as students enhance reading,
writing, speaking, listening, and thinking. Likewise, Jasti (2020) conveyed that when people
encounter unfamiliar words, vocabulary mastery infer meaning from context or look up the word,
enabling them to understand the message more accurately. In addition, Simamora and Oktaviani
(2020) emphasized that by increasing their vocabulary, students can improve their ability to
understand spoken English. In other words, mastery vocabulary provides a better foundation for
grasping the meaning of spoken words.

Moreover, though English videos may be one of medium for learning, it seems like not all
students have a good habit of watching English videos. For Instance, it was found that 40% of
students of Frontrunner students in English First (EF) still have a low habit of watching English
movies (Pratama et al., n.d). It could be because the movies or videos they watch are
inappropriate or irrelevant to their English goals. As explained by Uchidiuno et al. (2017), videos
that may not be relevant to students’ learning goals may lead to distraction and lack of
engagement. As a result, students can get distracted while watching videos if the content does not
match their learning goals. Moreover, a study on fourth-semester students of the Department of
Education of Suarif Hidayatullah State Islamic university in Jakarta found that students still have
a relatively low habit of watching English film or videos (Rachmawati, 2018). In conclusion, the
results of the previous studies indicate that students do not often watch English movies or videos.
Additionally, Rahmawati (2012) found that the eight grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Borobudur
had poor vocabulary mastery. Similarly, Ruben (2012), in her study conducted on senior high
school graduates in Bulungan regency, found that the students’ vocabulary mastery was in the
poor category. These results show that Indonesian students still have poor vocabulary mastery.
According to Tamba et al. (2022) who conducted a study at SMA GKPI Pamen Medan, students
with poor vocabulary may struggle with expressing themselves clearly or understanding written
or spoken texts due to insufficient words. In other words, a lack of vocabulary can make it harder
for students to express themselves and mastery the language.

In this review paper, the researcher review the correlation between students’ habit of watching
English videos and their English Vocabulary Mastery. This study may guide teachers to
determine whether having the habit of watching English videos would help students learn more
vocabulary. In other words, teachers can try to make classroom learning more varied and
meaningful by helping the students to have a habit of watching English videos of learning, with
the expectation that students can improve their vocabulary mastery. Also, this research can

provide insights into how students’ habit of watching English movies is related or not related to
their vocabulary mastery.

2. Definition of Habit

Habit can be defined as something that humans do frequently. According to Oxford Dictionaries
(n.d), “Habit is a thing that you do often and almost without thinking, especially something that
is hard to stop doing”. It means that habit is something that is conducted repeatedly and
continuously. Furthermore, Covey (1990) claimed that habits are frequently unconscious
behaviors that significantly impact our personality and everyday effectiveness, which can make
humans more or less productive. This means that habit can affect someone’s personality and how
effective humans can be in their lives. This is supported by Simamora (2015) who explained that
the habit is reliable, frequently carried out repeatedly, and produced effectiveness. It means that
habit is something individuals do consistently and regularly. When individuals have such habits,
they tend to be more effective or successful in what they do. In other words, if individuals
repeatedly and reliably carry out certain habits, it can lead to positive outcomes or increased
effectiveness in your actions or tasks. To be specific, there are several factors of habit. Ouellette
and Wood (1998) proposed that habits can be explained through attitudes, frequency, and

2.1 Attitudes
Firstly, attitudes refer to the things individuals usually do, and having an attitude because of a
habit helps them understand why someone might do something (Ouellette & Wood). In simpler
terms, attitudes are often influenced by habits because having an attitude due to a habit helps in
understanding why someone behaves a certain way. Additionally, to build a habit, it is important
to pay attention to attitude. Verplanken et al. (2011) stated that attitude refers to a person's
evaluation, belief, or feeling about a particular object, person, or situation. This means that
attitude is what people think or feel about something.
2.2 Frequency
Frequency is one of the important aspects of habit as a behavior. As explained by Verplanken et
al. (2011), frequency is an important aspect of habit as a behavior because it refers to the number
of times the behavior is repeated. This means that the frequency indicates how many times the
behavior is repeated. Additionally, Oullette and Woods (1998) stated that, frequency is how
often people have done something shows how strong the people's habit is. This concludes that
the more often people do something, the stronger their habit becomes. A strong habit can be
defined as a behavior that is consistently and regularly practice (Aldrich et al., 2011). In simple
words, strong habit is characterized by behavior that is consistently and regularly practiced.
Additionally, Verplanken et al. (2011) stated that strong habit can be evaluated using a variety of
survey questions that evaluated the automaticity, context stability, and frequency of a behavior.
In simpler terms, to understand how strong a habit is, people can use survey questions.

Through repetition, people behavior acquires automaticity. As explained by Verplanken et al
(2011, p. 28), “in the habitual behavior rolls out automatically – with no need for deliberate
thought.” In other words, the action become automatic, and people do it without the necessity of
conscious thinking. Moreover, automatic behavior is controlled by a spontaneous process and
can occur with very little need for conscious thought, awareness, control, or intention (Gardner &
Lebar, 2019). This means that automatic behavior happens almost like a reflex action.

3. Definition of students’ habit of Watching English Videos

Habit of watching English videos takes time to develop, yet it can be beneficial for students.
According to Riswanto (2019), watching English videos can be a habit that is developed over
time, and it can be beneficial for language learners. Studies have shown that there is a significant
correlation between the habit of watching English videos on YouTube and listening skill
achievement. In other words, making it a routine to watch English videos, especially on
platforms like YouTube or other platforms, can significantly enhance students’ ability to
understand spoken language. Additionally, Dewi and Anggraeni (2023) asserted that watching
English videos can help students acquire English vocabulary. Thus, watching English videos can
help students learn English word or vocabulary. Moreover, the habit of watching English videos
can affect the level of students' English knowledge, particularly their speaking ability (Ni’mah,
2019). This means that the habit of watching English videos may impact students’ vocabulary
and speaking skills.

4. Definition of Vocabulary

All of the terms in a language understood by a certain individual or set of individuals are referred
to as vocabulary. Vocabulary refers to a collection of English words taught to students during the
teaching and learning process (Simamora & Oktaviani, 2020). In simple terms, vocabulary is a
set of words people know and understand in a language. It gives the information that people can
communicate with others using vocabulary and without vocabulary it is difficult to communicate
with others. According to Hornby (2010), vocabulary is all of a person's knowledge or usage of
words in a certain language. It can be concluded that without vocabulary, language cannot exist.
That is a reason why it is important to know and learn about vocabulary. Moreover, based on the
study by Alqahtani (2015), vocabulary as the total number of words required to express ideas and
convey what the speaker is saying. In other words, vocabulary can help people to express
meaning of something.

5. Definition of Their English Vocabulary Mastery

English vocabulary mastery is really important for students. There are two reasons why mastery
of English vocabulary is essential. First, it can lead the students to the language skills.
According to Supa (2018), mastery of English vocabulary is important because it can lead you to
a strong foundation for language skills – listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Without a
vocabulary base, learners may struggle to understand spoken and written texts, express their
thoughts clearly, and communicate effectively in English. This means that mastering the
vocabulary is crucial because it is the foundation for all language skills. Without it,
understanding speaking, reading, and writing can be difficult. Moreover, it can help students to be
better in academic performance. As Dakhi (2019) stated, research has shown a positive
correlation between vocabulary knowledge and academic achievement. Students with strong
vocabulary skills are more likely to excel in reading comprehension, writing, and overall
academic performance. Thus, mastering vocabulary can help students succeed in their studies.
Additionally, to master English vocabulary, students should start by learning what is the part of
speech. Hatch and Brown (1995, pp. 218 - 247) stated that to grasp vocabulary, students must be
aware that words for parts of speech are divided into two categories: Lexical and grammatical.

5.1 Lexical (Content of words)

According to Sitinjak et al. (2023), lexical refers to what a word means when it is used alone, in
its simple form, or the meaning people discover for it in the dictionary. Moreover, Teschner and
Evan (2007) categorized lexical words into four groups: noun, verb, adjective and adverb. Based
on the description provided earlier, the researcher conveys this as a follows:
Noun. A noun is a term in language that signifies a person, place, and object.
Verb. Verbs are words that express actions. For instance, consider words like "do," "go," and
"listen" as examples.
Adjective. Adjectives serve the purpose of providing descriptions for specific nouns. For instance,
words like "heavy," "dark," and "hard" are examples of adjectives.
Adverbs. An adverb alters a verb, adjective, or another adverb

5.2 Grammatical (Function word)

In English grammar, a function word is a word that signifies a grammatical or structural link to
other words in a sentence (Nordquist, 2019). Function words are made up of various word types.
Furthermore, according to Norquist function word types include pronouns, prepositions,
determines, conjunctions, and auxiliary verbs.
Prepositions. prepositions are a component of functional words that link words together,
enabling them to be connected and convey a meaningful relationship. For examples: In, on,
under, in front, behind.
Conjuctions. One of their roles is to link words or phrases with similar grammatical functions
within a sentence. This function of conjunctions is referred to as parallel structure for examples:
And, or, but.
Pronouns. Stobbe (2008) stated that pronouns can replace nouns to avoid repeating the same
thing. For examples: He, she, it.
Articles and Demonsrative. Articles (such as a, an, and the) and demonstratives (such as this and

6.Applications Helpful in Mastery of English Vocabulary

One of the best ways to master English vocabulary is using applications. To start with, the You
Tube application aids in mastery of English vocabulary. According to Munir (2023), watching
English YouTube videos is an entertainment method that enhances students audio and visual
intelligences, providing the material that can help increase vocabulary. In essence, it suggests
that watching such You tube videos not only entertains students but also helps them learn and
acquire new words and expressions. This is supported by Belinda (2018) who argued that offline
YouTube videos are proven to enhance students' vocabulary mastery and can serve as an effective
alternative for English teaching in the learning process. It suggests that using offline YouTube
videos is a beneficial way to help students improve their vocabulary and can be a successful
approach to English education. In addition, the students are highly interested in using YouTube
videos to enhance their vocabulary, which in turn boosts motivation and classroom participation
(Derradji, 2016). It means that students really like using YouTube videos to learn vocabulary,
and when they do, they feel more excited and join in class activities more.

Following that, TikTok application also can help students to master English vocabulary.
According to Fitriyah (2023), the use of TikTok videos significantly enhances the process and
outcomes of vocabulary learning. In other words, using TikTok videos is highly effective in
helping individuals learn new vocabulary. This is evidenced by Alghameeti (2022) who found

that TikTok is a powerful tool for language learning, enhancing learners' interest and
effectiveness in English vocabulary. This study shows a positive attitude towards using TikTok in
Saudi secondary school, as it provides a fun and attractive learning method. In summary, TikTok
is seen as a valuable tool for language learning, especially in enhancing English vocabulary.
Furthermore, Tik Tok's advantage is that it has a lot of interesting components that keep students
interested in learning the vocabulary (Erwani et al., 2022). Therefore, TikTok is an application
that effectively holds students’ attention and motivation in vocabulary learning.

Moreover, Instagram application also can improve English vocabulary. According to Enasaroh et
al (2022), students' vocabulary increased as a result of watching Instagram short videos. This
means, using Instagram can have a positive impact on students’ vocabulary mastery. Anggi
(2021) supported this, who claimed that Mr. Dennis' Instagram video can significantly enhance
students' vocabulary mastery. This means that instagram videos have the potential to improve
vocabulary greatly. Lastly, Instagram significantly impacts students' English vocabulary
learning, with a mean score of 62,48%, as revealed in a high category of students' questionnaires
(Asmawati, 2021). This indicates that Instagram significantly enhances students' English

7. Related Studies on Students’ Habit of Watching English Videos and Their English
Vocabulary Mastery

Previous studies on students’ habit of watching English videos and their English vocabulary
mastery have been conducted in different places in Indonesia. For instance, the article entitled
“Relationship Between Habit in Watching English Movies and Vocabulary” by was conducted by
Anastasia et al. in 2023. This study was conducted at SMP Negeri 6 Palu. This research used
quantitative approach. The students in class VII-A, which had 25 students, were picked as the
group to study. They were chosen on purpose. They used surveys, vocabulary tests, and a
computer program called SPSS 26 to collect and analyze the data. The results showed that
students who often watch English movies tend to have a strong, positive connection with their
vocabulary. In other words, when students watch English movies a lot, they tend to learn more
new words.

Also, a study by Dewi and Handayani (2023) found similar result. The study was conducted at
SMP K Bharata 2 Jumapolo in Karanganyar Regency, Central Java. The instrument used in this
study is a questionnaire about students' habits of watching English movies. The questionnaire
consists of 30 statements. The result of the article indicates a significant positive correlation
between students' habits of watching English movies and their vocabulary mastery. The
alternative hypothesis is accepted, suggesting that watching English movies positively impacts
students' vocabulary mastery. The null hypothesis is rejected, further supporting the conclusion
that a significant relationship exists between watching English movies and vocabulary mastery.

Moreover, a similar study was conducted by Rachma et al. ( 2021) with the title “The Correlation
Between Students’ Habit in Watching English Movie and Their Vocabulary Mastery.” The
research method was a descriptive quantitative approach, utilizing two data collection
instruments: a questionnaire and a vocabulary test. The study was conducted in class IX in SMA
Nasional Makassar, with a total sample size of 26 students. The findings of the research indicated
that there is no significant correlation between the habit of watching English movies and
vocabulary mastery.

Furthermore, a study was conducted by Maulidiyah et al. (2023) with the title “The Relationship
Between Students' Habit of Watching English YouTube Content and Vocabulary Mastery.” This
study was conducted at SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Sidoarjo and the total sample size was 45
students. The research design used in this study was a quantitative research design with a
correlational method, and the data were collected through questionnaires and vocabulary tests.
The study aimed to investigate the correlation between watching English YouTube content and
vocabulary mastery. The study's results showed a positive correlation between watching English
YouTube content and vocabulary mastery. The vocabulary test results indicated that 41 out of 45
students performed well, with the majority earning very good and good scores. Furthermore, only
a small number of students had vocabulary mastery at a sufficient level, and none were
categorized as having poor vocabulary skills. This highlights the trend that students with less
proficient vocabulary tend to score lower, while those with strong vocabulary mastery score

Additionally, a study from Safera (2022) entitled “The Correlation Between Students’ Habit in
Watching English Movies and Their Speaking Ability“ found that there was a correlation
between students habit in watching English movies and their speaking ability since the significant
value was 0.890 resided between 0.800 - 0.1000 . This study was conducted in SMAN 3
Prabumulih and grade XI Science 1 was chosen as the sample of the research and the total for the
population was 155 students which consisted of 30 students and the average age of the students
was 16 years old. This study used a quantitative method with statistical inferences and purposive
sampling. This study also used a questionnaire and speaking test instrument to measure the
students’ habit in watching English movie and their speaking ability.

8. The Advantages of Watching English Videos and English Vocabulary Mastery

Watching English videos has a positive impact when students want to improve their vocabulary.
According to Sondy and Mandasari (2023), the habit of watching English cartoon videos might
help enhance the vocabulary. It is possible since most students spend time viewing English
cartoon movies, which might help them improve their vocabulary. In essence, watching English
cartoon videos may positively impact vocabulary development. Likewise, a study was conducted
by Amalia in 2017. It was found that students' vocabulary proficiency improved significantly
after being taught using a video. To use movies as a method of education to teach vocabulary is
appropriate and helpful for enhancing students' vocabulary proficiency. This study supports the
idea that watching movies as an educational method can effectively improve students’
vocabulary. Moreover, based on the study by Gökçen (2016), when students view a video in their
studies, they may pay significantly more attention to acquiring vocabulary. In other words, the
use of video as a learning tool can lead to increased attention and effort devoted to acquiring new
words and expressions.

9. Conclusion

In conclusion, habits play a significant role in shaping human behavior and effectiveness in daily
life. Defined as repeated actions that are often unconscious, habits influence personality and
productivity, making individuals more or less successful. Factors such as attitudes, frequency, and
automaticity contribute to the strength of habits. Applying these concepts to the habit of watching
English videos, it becomes evident that developing this habit can benefit students. The habit
enhances language skills, particularly listening and speaking, and contributes to the English
vocabulary Mastery. Vocabulary, comprising both lexical and grammatical elements, is crucial for

effective communication and academic success. English vocabulary mastery, essential for
language skills and academic achievement, requires an understanding of both lexical and
grammatical components. Therefore, based on the review provided it can be expected that there is
a positive correlation between students’ habit of watching English videos and their English
vocabulary mastery. So, making a habit of watching English videos might help students become
better in English vocabulary Mastery, which is important for doing well in language and school.


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