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Social Relationships in

Middle and Late

At the end of the session, the learners are
expected to:
 10.1 distinguish the various roles of
different individuals in society and how
they can influence people through their
leadership or followership
 10.2 compare one’s perception of
himself/herself and how others see
 10.3 conduct a mini-survey on Filipino
relationships (family, school, and
10.1 distinguish the various roles of
different individuals in society and how they
can influence people through their
leadership or followership
Key to Correction
 1. D
 2. A
 3. A
 4. C
 5. D
 6. D
 7. B.
 8. C
 9. C
 10. C

 Is a broad definition of how we interact and

behave with other people, and how they
interact and behave with us.
 We learn to cooperate with others in
achieving a common objective.
 The more intimate and vulnerable we are
with another, the more personal our
relationship is with this person.

 Arethe things that change people’s

behavior, belief, and attitude as a
result of an action of another
person or group.
The first study of Social Influence became
known in the study of Tarde (1890) and Le
Bon (1895). It typically describes an individual
to copy behaviors and ideas (which happen
when we like someone, we usually imitate
what they do or think, which is a strong sign
of influence), or sometimes, in behavioral
consumerism or behavioral consumption, we
buy products that has strong influence or
inclination to our personality or liking..
Our ability to be influenced or
persuaded usually stems from our
inability to resist or sometimes agree to
what our personality likes. Influence
plays a major role in leadership. It is the
ability of a person or authority to
influence others, to behave in such a
manner that goals are achieved.
 Compliance – is when a person seems to agree,
and follows what is requested or required of him or
her to do or believe in, but does not necessarily
have to really believe or agree to it;
 Identification – is when a person is influenced by
someone he or she likes or looks up to, like a
movie star, a social celebrity, or a superhero; and
 Internalization – is when a person is able to own a
certain belief or act, and is willing to make it
known publicly and privately.
 Conformity – is a type of social influence that involves
a change in behavior, belief, or thinking to be like
others to obtain their friendship and acceptance.
 Conversion – occurs when an individual
wholeheartedly changes his or her original thinking
and beliefs, actions, and attitudes align with and accept
those of the members of the group.
 Minority – influence happens when a bigger number
of people are influenced by a much smaller number of
people to accept the minority’s way of looking at and
doing things.
 Reactance – is a reverse reaction to some social
influence that is being imposed by a person or a
group on another to accept a certain belief,
behaviour or attitude.
 Obedience – is another form of social influence that
involves someone in a position of authority.
 Persuasion – is used by one person or group to
influence others to change their beliefs, actions, or
attitudes by appealing to reason or emotion.
Social Relationships in
Middle and Late
Watcha Think?
What do you prefer, be a
leader or be a follower? Why?
The Leader

Leaders have the capacity to make

change and turn idealistic thinking
into reality. They have the capacity
to change the normal into a “new
normal” with the help of the
“followers”. According to Warren
Bennis (Bennis, 2014)
• the capacity to translate vision into
reality” and depicts the gravity of what a
leader can influence or do in a society.

• a dynamic process of involving the

leader, team, task and threats
(organizational and external variables)
Leadership Styles
Transformational Leadership - the most
desired leadership in any given situation. This is the
ability to transform or change what is normative or
necessary changing a company or group for
betterment and development.
Transactional Leadership – these leaders are
focused on group organization, devotes more on the
organizational flow, the importance of chain of
command. These leaders often in a situation of
bartering something. Reward and punishment style
usually can be found in this style of leadership.
Servant Leadership – in some researches, this is
called Altruistic Leadership which depicts the group
or team or company of more importance. This
type of leadership prefers to have a power sharing
authority which encourages collective – decision
making strategy for the whole.
Autocratic Leadership - ruling with an iron fist,
this is the full submission of the group or society to
the dictates of one individual (Martial Law,
Communism etc.). This kind of leadership is
usually or highly preferred in military
Laissez-faire Leadership – in French that
literally translates “let them do” or “let it be”, this
kind of leadership often times provide
opportunities for followers or employees to
develop their potential and creativity.
Democratic Leadership – also known as
“Participative Leadership” displays democratic
management approach to its subjects. It gives
power to the people to decide and think for
themselves, the followers are empowered and
mostly a win-win situational approach for the
leader and the follower.
Bureaucratic Leadership – this kind of
leadership is patterned in an environment which
is highly implemented and regulated by the
administration/leader. Usually the following of
the rules and hierarchy is highly appreciated.
Situational Leadership – developed by
management experts Paul Hersey and Ken
Blanchard in 1969, this kind of theoretical
leadership involves the employment of different
ranges of leadership styles depending the crowd,
environment, etc.
Charismatic Leadership –
this is a little bit of Transformational but not
entirely, as this leadership implies, its trait relies
on having charisma (personality) or strong
integral personality to be able to lead. This kind
of leadership is mostly found in the personas of
church leaders, motivational speakers and world
leader; but in organizational companies, this kind
of leadership is less favorable.
Trait Theory – states that there are certain
personality traits inherent in and suited for all
leaders such as decisiveness, persistence, high level
of self-confidence and assertiveness, among others.
Behavioral Theory – presupposes that
leadership is a learned behavior, and that leaders
are defined according to certain types of behavior
they exhibit.
Participative Theory – is the opposite of
autocratic leader; a participative leader involves
other people in making common decisions.
#Share Mo Lang..
How followers differ from leaders?
 Authenticity – leaders are not afraid to show his her
weakness, reveals his human side without fear, and
uses these together with his strengths to lead others;
 Significance – leaders provides the reason or meaning
for followers to believe in;
 Excitement – leader provides motivation and
inspiration to his or her followers and excites them to
pursue their vision; and
 Community – leader builds a community of followers
with whom they can associate and forge relationships.
The Follower

Followers are essential part of the leadership


Followers impact leaders and the leadership

process. Followers provide the “horsepower” to
organizational performance as they
are the primary contributors to the success of any
organizational outcomes or the society.
The Seven (7) Types of Followers
according to Brigette Hyacinth

1. Sycophants - The flatterers, “yes people”.

They cannot be relied upon to give critical
feedback if the leader is heading in a
direction that conflict with the purpose or
values of the organization. They never point
out problems or raise objections; they will
avoid any resistance and will defer to the
2. Critics - The opposition. The detractor’s
goal is to challenge and question the leader’s
every behavior and policy. They can be
classified as disgruntled, perhaps for some
reason they were not recognized or awarded a
promotion they felt they deserved. They are
frequently the first to greet new employees
and tell them "how things really work around
3. Realists provide constructive critical
thinking and interact with the group and
the leader. If they agree with the current
course of action, they will support the leader
100%. Alternatively, if they disagree, they
will challenge the leader, offering
constructive alternatives to help the leader
and organization achieve their aims.
4. Loyalists - The genuine supporters. They are
highly engaged and work hard to support the
leader. They are reliable and dependable. They are
highly satisfied and productive and are passionate
about the team and will exert considerable effort
to make it successful by always giving suggestions.
5. Traitors - The silent haters and conspirators.
They are very good actors. They are hard to spot
(until it’s too late) as they have gained the leader's
trust. They have strong negative emotional feelings
about the leader and secretly work to undermine
him/ her. The Judases. “Et tu, Brute?”.
6. Spectators - The observers. They are neither
here nor there and just stand on the side lines.
They just work for their salary and don’t get
involved. They are disengaged with the
organization or task and hold a position of
neutrality about the leader.
7. Opportunists -The freebooters. They have a
price and can easily be bought. They like to be
close to the powerful and their allegiance is to
whoever is on top at the moment. You can see
them in full swing at political campaigns.
What is the
importance of the
roles of the
different sectors in
the society in
developing its the
leaders and
Fact or Bluff
1. Social Influence are the things that change
people’s behavior, belief, and attitude as a result
of an action of another person or group.
2. Conformity is the way a person disagrees with
others opinion
3. Each individual has a leadership potential.
4. Reactance is another form of social influence
that involves someone in a position of
5. Leadership can be innate and be made
At the end of the session, the
learners are expected to:

 10.2compare one’s perception of

himself/herself and how others
see him/her
Perception and Perspective
affects the
Sino si AKO?

1.How do you find the activity?

2.Is your self-perception similar
with others’ perception?
3.What discoveries were you able to
get in this activity?

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