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1 Listen to f ive conversations. Are these statements T rue (T ) or False (F)? Review 1 Listening

1 Henry is Oscar’s friend. T / F

2 T he cinema is opposite the swimming pool. T / F

3 Darius is not bad at the guitar. T / F

4 Science is not Anneka’s favourite subject. T / F

5 Milo gets up early. T / F

Score: /5


2 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences.

1 A: Do you speak Italian?

B: Yes, I do /does.
2 He don’t/doesn’t like music lessons.
3 A: What is this/are these?
B: T hey’re photos of my family.
4 Are you a/an football fan?
5 Their/They dog is called Rusty.

Score: /5

3 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1 think / folder / is / I / that / mine / .

2 got / she / Has / cousin / a / ?

3 on / goes / Clive / never / out / Fridays / .

4 do / What / do / after / you / dinner / ?

5 my / tablet / T hat / brother’s / is / .

Score: /5

4 Complete the sentences with the correct answer A, B or C.

1 My cousin the guitar really well.

A listens B does C plays

2 My dad is very . He’s over two metres from head to toe.

A long B tall C big

3 My town has got a very nice . It’s got lots of trees and flowers.
A park B museum C swimming pool

4 He likes to watch new at the cinema.

A games B films C music

5 He’s got perfect white .

A teeth B eyes C mouth

Score: /5


5 Choose the best answer (A, B or C) to complete the conversations.

1 What time do you get home from school?

A About four o’clock.
B T wenty minutes.
C Yes, always.
2 Is she Lucy’s cousin?
A Yes, she has.
B Yes, they are.
C No, she isn’t.
3 I think those are my pens.
A T hey’re not. T hey’re her.
B T hey’re not. T hey’re hers.
C T hey’re not. T hey’re she’s.
4 What’s your favourite subject at school?
A A laptop.
B T he classroom.
5 Has he got long hair?
A Yes, and it’s tall.
B No, it’s short.
C No, it’s fair.
6 Do you eat with your parents?
A Yes. I have breakfast with them.
B No. T hey don’t have it.
C No. I have lunch.
7 What do you do in your free time?
A I don’t like it.
B I go out with friends.
C Yes, I do.
8 Excuse me, do you know where the cinema is?
A Yes. It’s a good film.
B It’s on your left.
C I watch films there?

Score: /8


Schools around the world

St Petersburg, Russia

My school starts at 8 o’clock and lessons are from 8.30 until 3 o’clock. We have five or six lessons a day and we learn
Russian, maths, science, history, PE and English. We have a 15-minute break after every lesson. We usually go
outside, but we don’t if it’s very cold. At about 12.30 we have lunch with our teachers in the school canteen. School
finishes at about 3 o’clock. I go home then but other children do after school activities. We have about two hours of
homework every day.

Quito, Ecuador

School starts at 7 o’clock so I get up early. I put on my uniform and I get the bus to school. We study history,
geography, science and English. We have a break at 9.30 and we have a snack outside. T hen we have more lessons
and we finish at 1 o’clock. We don’t have more lessons because it’s often very hot in the afternoons. I always have
lunch at home with my family. After that, I do sports with my friends or read a book. I get homework every day and I
usually do it before dinner.

6 Read the web article about schools around the world. Are the sentences about the school in Russia (R), the
school in Ecuador (E) or both (B)?

1 We start school before 9 o’clock. R / E / B

2 We don’t always go outside. R / E / B

3 We study English. R / E / B

4 We have one break in the morning. R / E / B

5 We have lunch at school. R / E / B

6 We do homework every day. R / E / B

Score: /6

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