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1 .Olaide Kehinde Taofeek 2.Saamaila Mande

Department of Business Administration and Marketing

National Open University of Nigeria ,Abuja ,Nigeria (+2348022657023) /





The general objective of the study was to investigate the impact of integrated marketing
communication on global health and well-being of people in the world .The specific objective
of the study was to establish the relationship between integrated marketing communication
and global health of people in the world .The study used primary data ,purposively sampling
was used to select the respondents .The population was 100 and stratified random sampling
was used to select 65 respondents .The study employed the use of Pearson product moment
correlation in testing the formulated hypotheses and statistical package for social science
(SPSS) will be used to analyze the data .The study findings showed that ,there is a significant
relationship between integrated marketing communication and global health and well-being
of people in the world .The study concluded that ,integrated marketing communication
significantly impacts the global health and well-being of people in the world in line with
United Nations SDG (3).The study recommended that ,all health institutions should ensure
their presence on the social and digital media .all health institutions must be in compliance
with the cyber security awareness and protection over their data against cyber- attacks and
threats, Health institutions must heavily budgeted for information communication
infrastructural facilities for more coverage of the stakeholders and decision makers in health
sectors ,World health organization must be proactive in using the latest integrated marketing
communication tools .

KEYWORDS: Integrated marketing communication, world health organization, Channels,

Health, Technology.


The impact of IMC on global health and well-being of people significantly contributes to
human existence on earth .Integrated Marketing Communication is used as a strategy by
combining all the communication channels of organization communicate with the general
stakeholders like investors ,employees ,investors and the general public.
IMC is noted to improve and enhance people’s and communities health and well-being by
promoting health related behaviours and increase people’s access to health information and
improve communication between the health care providers and patients .

IMC adoption is crucial in health sector and its importance cannot be over-emphasized as its
reduces health risks and improve health equity of all gender .

Importantly, IMC promote and improve global health and well-being of people .For
instance ,the use of IMC significantly promote healthy behaviours like physical activity and
healthy eating.

In combining traditional marketing methods and new digital technology like social media by
health organizations reach a wider patients and encourage them to exhibits positive health
behaviours .

IMC is a crucial communication tools that creates awareness about various health issues and
also encourage people to seek out health related information.

For instance ,health organizations campaigns on cancer screening and prevention increases
the rate at which the screening is done and also provide them with knowledge about cancer
risk potential factors .

Additionally, IMC improve communication between the health care providers and
patients .Let take for instance ,the patient’s portal when effectively used will allow patients
have access to their medical records amd make them to also interact with their health care
providers online .

These portals improve and ensure patient engagement and interaction with their health
providers ,thus ,this ensures effective service delivery and satisfaction of patients

IMC in health sector reduces costs and improve quality care services of the health care
providers .

The new innovations in IMC health relative tool is the use of telemedicine which allows
patient to receive health care and information from far distance ,as this creates convenience
and ease access to health by the patients .

It should be noted that ,telemedicine improves quality health outcome to those patients and
people living in rural areas.
World Health Organization (WHO), has a vital organ of United Nation take cognizance of
effective, integrated and coordinated communication in achieving its goals, build a better and
healthier future for the health and well-being of people all over the world.

Marketing communication is the process by which organization inform and persuade its
consumers about the products and services its sell .Oladele ,(2017).This communication
represents the brand and voice of all business. Producing good products and services is not
the end point for the organization rather involve the stakeholders and consumers through
communicate their value suggestions to them for appropriate actions of accepting, buying and
usage of the products

In achieving the WHO’s goals and focuses, a lots of investment has been made to meet up
communication goals by increasing and improving available channels of communication
which includes media relations ,social and online media communications ,branding, visual
communications and health and emergency risk communication.

WHO strategic approach covers all communication functions including the use of tactics to
develop communication products and activities that apply to the communication
principles .Hence, the framework is not for s specific diseases, health objectives, region or
geographic but its holistic and in entirety. However, the importance of integrated marketing
communication has increased has its positive impacts of reducing mortality, spread of
diseases and changes in the behavior and attitude of people in a period of pandemic and
outbreaks which is the end goals and impact of WHO’s marketing communication.


Integrated Marketing communication is used by billions of organizations in the world and has
fast becoming a new adventures with the use of technologies alongside with it. However, for
example, social media (Facebook) has a new trend of Integrated marketing
communication(IMC) reported having 2.38 billion monthly active users and 1.56 billion daily
active users as of March 31st,2019.Facebook,(2019).Globally, there had been estimated
growth of integrated marketing communication(social media users) to 3,29 billion users in
2022,which is 42.38% of the world population(E-marketing,2018).Hence, integrated
marketing communication is the actual channel to pass information to the target audiences.

Academically , Integrated marketing communication has been embraced, hence, extensive

and insightful body of research in integrated marketing communication and related topics has
been developed. Despite what they have learnt and studied over the years and decades by
practitioners and academics. As a result of fast paced and changes in nature of integrated
marketing communication and how target audiences uses it. The future of integrated
marketing communication in health might not merely a continuation of what we have already
seen. Therefore, a pertinent questions is ask, as what is the impact of integrated marketing
communication on global health and well-being of global people?

Addressing this question is the goal of this study. It is paramount to take into consideration,
the future of integrated marketing communication in the context of health


The justifications for the study is that IMC has the potential to influence a range of health
outcomes such as physically, metal and social well-being of people as well as the use of
social media and other digital technologies as exposed people to IMC to understand how it
affects their health and well-being.

IMC is relatively new field of study and it effects on health and well-being of people have not
been comprehensively explored


The main objective of the study is to investigate the impact of integrated marketing
communication on global health and wellbeing of people. However, other specific objectives

(i)To analyze the impact of integrated marketing communication on global health.

(ii)To examine the communication framework for WHO health goals achievement.

(iii)To evaluate the effectiveness of integrated communication on better healthier future of

the global people


The following questions were drafted for the study as follows:

(i)Does integrated marketing communication have impact on global health?

(ii)Does communication framework ensures WHO’s health goals achievement?

(iii)Does integrated marketing communication has effectiveness on better healthier future of
the globe?


H1: There is no significant relationship between integrated marketing communication and

global health.

H2: There is no significant relationship between communication framework and WHO goals
achievements is.

H3: Integrated marketing communication does not have effectiveness on better healthier
future of the global people.



IMC is a strategic methodology in marketing using traditional and digital marketing channels
to get messages across to the consumers and audience.,Chung, et al, (2017)

However ,it can be used to promote healthy behavious like physical activity and healthy
eating and also used to reduce the level of risk of chronic diseases .

IMC is use to create awareness about public health related issues like the importance of
immunization and dangers of smoking cigarettes and tobacco, Baden et al,(2017).

More so, IMC is used to encourage the adoption of healthy behaviours at the community
level by creating health awareness about new diseases ravaging the world such as Covid-19
pandemic in the year 2019 to 2020.,Chen , et al,(2015)

Hence, IMC significantly raises strong awareness to people of the world ,hence, this shows
high importance of IMC to the health sector ,Beaver et la,(2016).

Aina (2019), explains that Integrated Marketing Communication is the combination and
performance of all promotional activities into a programme designed to achieve inter related
goals. Integrated Marketing Communication comprises of merging all the elements of
marketing communications for the promotion of products, services or corporate ideas of
identified organizations among its target audiences at a given time. Belchi and Belchi(2019).

However, marketing communications elements or tools used by organizations either

private .public, government or non-government organizations are: Advertising A,Direct
Mail ,Direct Marketing ,personal selling, sales promotion, public Relations and publicity.

Furthermore, the combinational use of all these tools are essentially to achieve the best for the
brand or purposes.

According to WHO,2017)),the goal of utilizing marketing communication is to ensure that

adequate and well collated information and advice are used as a guide to every decision
makers to expedite actions that will protect the good health and well-being of individuals,
families and communities and nations as an agency of United Nations goals on Sustainable
Development Goals.(SDG).

In achieving effective communication by organization for the clients ,customers ,target

audiences for not to be ignorant and drawn into a sea of information.,Bates ,(2017)

According to Kotler and Keller(2016 ),every marketing communications are used as a tools
to directly or indirectly persuade ,inform and remind their clients, customers and target
audiences about their products and services.



WHO(2017),averred that for united Nations goals on good health and well-being of global
world to be achieved as one of the sustainable Development goals, World Health
Organization developed and designed out a strategic framework meant to effectively
communicate or relate WHO’ messages as regards health issues or diseases from chronic
health issues to emerging and novel risks.

Hence, the strategic communication framework is purposely designed for any health
emergencies, pandemic or any outbreaks presently and in the future. Importantly, the
marketing communication are similar to communication tools used by WHO and these
includes Media relations , social and online communications, branding, visual
communications , and health and emergency risks communications., Gruing ,(2015)
According to ,Downer et al,(2015) , the strategy, principles and tactics of communication
are meant to be actionable, accessible, relevant , timely ,understandable and credible .As
regards health issues or pandemic. Same framework are organized into six principles to
realize the goals of World Health Organization on communication


WHO (2017) gives the following principles of communication as follows:

(1)ACCESSIBLE: This is when questions are drafted for communication and made available
and accessible online.

(2)ACTIONABLE: is the act of communication to ensure that target audiences are moved
towards action through a campaign for behavioural change.

(3)CREDIBLE AND TRUSTED: is the use of WHO’s brand for maximum impact by
ensuring that their messages are trusted, accurate and transparent.

(4)RELEVANT: is ensuring that planned questions are relevant to the message tailored
towards the audiences and motivate them.

(5)TIMELY: Is the act of building conversation at the prior time through a planned questions.

(6)UNDERSTANDABLE: is the act of using plain and longer messages that is familiar in
form of real stories that will be understandable to the target audiences.


WHO has used these marketing communication tools in targeting the following stakeholders
to health as a decision -makers

-INDIVIDUALS: are stakeholders who always make decisions about their family members
and their own health and well being

-HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS: are the parties in real medical practices for patients in
screening, diagnosing, counselling, treatment and making recommendation to them

-POLICY MAKERS: are those who make and form policies in training health workers and
build an emergency operations centers.
-COMMUNITIES: are decision regarding the activities and services of the health
consequences on them.

-INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS: are those stakeholders who decides on funding

and how health policies and programmes are to be implemented in research, funding and
consolidating the health systems.

-WHO STAFF: are the employees who runs, manages and administer programmes, finance,
and human projects and maintain external relationship with the agency’s stakeholders.


The recommended channels to be used by countries by WHO are the follow:

(a) MASS MEDIA: these comprises of radio, television ,posters, billboards and
advertisement of transportation goes wider as a message to the target audiences.

(b) LOCAL RADIO: are veritable and appropriate for sending urgent public health messages
and information.

(c) INTER-PERSONAL CHANNELS: are channel suitable for changing the orientation,
attitudes and behavior of people towards good health behavior and adoption.


WHO adopted the use of broad channels of communication in reaching out to the target
audiences via international news media, social media platforms such as twitter ,Facebook,
Linkedn, Instagram,Youtube and goggle.


This is the peculiarity of nature of region or country offices of WHO in terms of messages to
be communicated via regional ,national and local news media, social media with regional and
local followers and websites and network of local organizations and interpersonal and
community networks.


These are information in a materials share and distributed to all the country ministries of
health by the WHO.


This is the means or channel of communication which WHO passes to their various
stakeholders or partners.


(I)audio –visual communication: is the use of images which is more understood by audience
than the text n relating messages via posters, graphic design, video, radio and television.

(2)Brand and corporate Identity: WHO name and logo goes a long way to make people and
audience have trust and rely on them as leader on global health issues and wellbeing of

(iii)Emergency Communication: is the act of passing information to partners, stakeholders

and parties to WHO regarding health issues that suddenly broke out in responding to such

(iv)Health Campaigns: WHO runs campaign for some health related issues that are critical
for weeks globally for all families and communities to be aware of.

(v)Websites and online communication: WHO has a global health brand organization as a
portal, websites and online sites that people visits and obtains information regarding health.

(vi)Social Media: WHO brand has almost eleven (11) social media platforms as a means of
passing and exchange credible information about health relate issues or problems.

(vii)Public Relations: PR is a vital tool WHO used to connect and maintain cordial
relationship with the audience and this is information is strategic.

(viii) News Media: News about global health issues are disseminated through the news to
interacts with global people.

(ix)Multilingual Communication in Languages: in reaching the target audiences through

communication, WHO recognizes the use of various languages to disseminate health related
information to the globe.

(x)Internal Communication: WHO brands relies on internal communication among the staff
and employee to be fully aware of the WHO’s vision, mission, values and goals as all staff
are brand ambassadors.


Janis and Havilland,(1959) developed this theory purposely for attitude change with
communication. Yale’s attitude change approach ,also referred to as to as Yale’s attitude
change model, is the social psychology study of the conditions under which people are
mostly likely to change their attitudes in response to persuasive messages. The fundamental
approach is” Who said what to whom”-the source of communication and the nature of the
audience. Some factors and effects play major roles in each components of a persuasive

For example, the credibility and attractiveness of the communicator (who), the quality and
sincerity of the message (what),and the attention, intelligence and age of the audience(whom)
can totally influence, the effects of the audiences perceived attitude change through a
persuasive communication. However, Yale’s attitude change approach has been researched
by many scholars and this helped not only the social psychologist to understand the process
of persuasion, but, inclusive with companies in consolidating their marketing and advertising
strategies more effective.


According to WHO (2017),the framework used for communications regarding health issues
or any outbreak is called LOGIC MODEL.

Logic Model is a model designed by WHO to show various stages and the resources
available to achieve the agency communication goals.



(I)Inputs: are the communication resources made available to achieve support and execution.
This includes: personnel, finance, equipment and expertise.

(ii)Activities: are actions or tasks to execute to achieve the communication goals.

(iii)Outputs: are the end results as well the measurements of the activities. This includes:
number of staff, postal and linked websites.

(iv)Outcomes: are changes in behavior inculcated by the target audience in their behavior,
attitude and knowledge based on WHO information and materials.

(v)Impacts: are significant goals achieved by the information disseminated out in reducing
mortality rates, spread of infections as well as eradication of diseases.

Bobeica Ana Amaria,,(2013) carried out an academic research, the researcher suggested
marketing communication plan in health care industry, analysed the health care markets in
order to obtain better results and this served as internal organization structure ,hence ,this
shows the direct connection between marketing promotion strategy and communication
strategy, quality of health care and market planning. These methodologies were used to
propose a model of analysis between four selected variables and structural equation model
used and this show the basis for a future analysis in healthcare marketing planning and have
direct impact on quality health care.

A 2001 survey indicated that 77% of physicians encouraged patients to search for health
related information though only 35% directed patients to specific website,

Romanos,(2003) carried out a study which shows that 82% f hospitals incorporate internet in
their marketing efforts, having recognized that, consumers expect interactive websites and
online information. These data highlight the increasing prevalence of internet as a health
related resources for the public and health care systems alike.

According to the journal of Health and Health and Behaviours ,IMC impacts the world as its
promotes healthy behaviour of people .

The study buttress that, IMC is effective for creating strong awareness to people on various
health issues ,thus changing the attitudes and beliefs of people about their health and also
encourage them to develop healthy behaviour and lifestyle.

Furthermore ,IMC effectively promote the physical activity of young people and promote
campaigns that reduces health related issues and diseases in the world .

In line with Journal of Public health Management and practice ,IMC campaigns reduces high
level of smoker in the community ,Lindsey,(2015)

Similarly ,American journal of Public Health revealed through their study that,IMC
campaigns effectively encouraged people to get vaccinated ,Lain, et al,(2009).

In conclusion ,International Journal of communication declared strongly that ,IMC campaigns

effectively reduces health differences in some minority communities .Edward and Don,
Flora June,Liefebvre,(1998) conducted a cross sectional study on social health marketing and
public intervention in health education quarterly, through formative research methods and
technique selected Hospitals are quite satisfied with the existing product portfolio.

Their study revealed that, maintaining good relationship with outside Doctors by providing
quality services, patient education and awareness programs about Hospitals through
marketing communication.

In a study examining the effectiveness of social media in plastic surgery, marketing

researcher compared the prevalence of social media with classical marketing methods.

This research was conducted in Beverly Hills, California, Dallas, Texas, Houston, as Vegas,
Nevada, Miami, Florida, New York and San Francisco. Plastic surgeon in Florida prefers
social media (50% Facebook and 46% twitter) for their promotional and marketing
communication activities.56% of plastic surgeons in New York used Magazines and
Newspapers in their marketing communication activities while Surgeons in Beverly Hills use
television commercials. As a result, although social media seems to be a unique means of

It is emphasized that, it is important to maintain the professionalism in the right way to

create a traditional website and to maintain these activities in line with ethical principles,
Okeffe and Cameron, (2010)


The study used survey research design as it ensured unbiased data are obtained from the
target of the study .However, the sampling unit was made of staff of Communications and
social media department of WHO regional office in Ikoyi, Lagos and convenience sampling
technique was used. The population of the study was and sample size of 65 was derived
using Taro Yama’s formula for a known population. Questionnaires which were closed ended
and structured were used for data collection. Data were analysed using Pearson’s product
moment correlation (PPMC) which shows and established two relationship between two



(I)The Relationship between Integrated Marketing Communication and Global Health.


65 0.465 0.195 .000
positive impact

impact on global

**Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)

The table revealed that significant relationship was established between integrated marketing
communication and global health. This position was confirmed from the details of table
which the calculated significance of 0.000 is less than 0.05 or 0.01 level of tolerance. While
the calculated correlation index r 0.465 is greater than the critical index 0.195 confirming the
presence of a significant relationship. Hence, the null hypothesis which stated that, there is no
significant relationship between integrated marketing communication and global health was

(ii)The relationship between communication framework and WHO’s goals achievement.


N Index of r
Impact of 65 0.496 0.195 0.000

ensures WHO’s

**Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)

The table revealed that significant relationship was established between communication
framework and WHO goals achievement is. This position was confirmed from the details of
the table which showed that, the correlation index r 0.495 is higher than the critical R 0.195
while the calculated significance of 0.000 is less than 0.005 or 0.01 level of tolerance.
Therefore, the null hypothesis which stated that, there is no significant relationship between
communication framework and WHO’s goals achievement is rejected

(iii)The Relationship between integrated communication marketing and healthier future of the


VARIABLES N index of r
Effectiveness of 65 0.535 0.195 0.000

on better
healthier future .
**Correlation is significant at the level 0.01 (2-tailed)

The table revealed that significant relationship was established between integrated marketing
communication and better healthier future of the globe. This position was confirmed from the
details of the table which showed that, the correlation index r 0.535 is higher than critical
R ,while the calculated significance of 0.000 is less than 0.05 or 0.01 level of tolerance.
Therefore, the null hypothesis which stated that integrated marketing communication is not
effective on better healthier future of the globe.


The study comprised of 65 respondents from the world Health Organization regional office in
Lagos,Ikoyi which 40 respondents were male(61.5%) and 25 respondents were
female(38.5%).Three(3) hypotheses were statistically tested and were all rejected.

HYPOTHESIS ONE: Indicated that, there is relationship between integrated marketing

communication and global health. This is agreed with WHO(2017) that, the goal of utilizing
communication is to ensure adequate and well collated information and advice are used to
guide decision makers to take actions that will protect the global health of individuals,
families and communities and nations as united Nations goal on sustainable development

HYPOTHESIS TWO: Revealed that, there is significant relationship between communication

framework and WHO’s goals achievement. This coincides with WHO,(2017).that,
communication strategic framework, and principles are meant to effectively communicate or
relate WHO’s message as regards any health issues or diseases from chronic health issues to
emerging and novel risks.

HYPOTHESIS THREE: Indicated relationship between integrated marketing communication

effectiveness and better healthier future of the global people and this is in line with
WHO(2017),that effectiveness of communication is achieved for WHO’s decision
makers , ,partners and target audiences not to be ignorant and drown in a sea of information
as regards any health related issues or matters.

An Integrated Marketing communication strategy impact positively on the global health and
we;;-being of people in many ways like ,it raise awareness of health issues and encourage
people to adopt healthy behaviours .It also help to create social change by shifting societal
norms and attitudes around the health issues .

More so,it promote social justice by ensuring that information about health is accessible to all
and also foster a sense of community by bringing people together to address common health
challenges .


In line with the findings of the study, the following recommendations were made:

(i)More researches are needed to be conducted to understand the specific impact of IMC on
health and well-being of people globally.

(ii)Health organizations should create a system to measure and track down the impact of IMC
on health and well –being of people ..

(iii)Framework on communication should be developed to evaluate the impact of IMC on

health and well-being of people .

(iv)The role of private sectors should be strengthened in IMC for better health and well-being
of people

(v)Collaboration between the public and private sector should be foster to improve the
effectiveness of IMC.

(vi)Health organizations should adopt the use of innovative technologies to improve IMC in
health sector.


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