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Do you think you have the right to participate in public protests? Would you?

In this day and age, information is more accessible than ever before. One major
cause of conflict is the clash between ideals and morals, which can stem from the
sheer amount of information people have at their fingertips. This is why so much
protest happens, but people now ask themselves if they have the right to engage in
this and if they should. However, I firmly believe people should be able to
participate in public protests if they want to.

Everyone deserves a say, right? As long as you live on the planet you should have a
say in what happens on it. Which is exactly why public protests exist in the first
place. To let people express their thoughts, feelings, and opinions on what is
currently happening or happened. As long as it takes place in a civil and
respectful manner then everyone should be able to. As a result, good changes might
be made due to the public protests, and the general public will have more of a say
on what happens.

Imagine if everyone went along with what the government wanted all the time, the
war would be rampant, taxes would be ridiculous, homeless people would build up on
the street as poverty is on the rise, and they would just become pawns waiting to
be drafted to the government.
But with public protest, everyone gets a say, and many great things have come from
this, but a few examples include, such as groups of people who were otherwise
oppressed having rights, the George Floyd protest, and South Africa's National Day
of Protest. Which all changed the course of history, and stopped many deaths that
would have otherwise happened. This actively demonstrates that public protest, if
for a good enough cause and with enough people can change the world for the better,
as it has before.

In conclusion, even though many people don't believe in public protest, they may
not be aware of how much it has changed the world and how fundamental it is to
achieving equality, and people should always have the right to express their
opinions if they want to.

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