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Long-Term Effects of COVID-19

Shreeya Joshee, BS; Nikhil Vatti, MD; and Christopher Chang, MD, PhD, MBA


Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is the third deadly coronavirus infection of the 21st century
that has proven to be significantly more lethal than its predecessors, with the number of infected
patients and deaths still increasing daily. From December 2019 to July 2021, this virus has infected
nearly 200 million people and led to more than 4 million deaths. Our understanding of COVID-19 is
constantly progressing, giving better insight into the heterogeneous nature of its acute and long-term
effects. Recent literature on the long-term health consequences of COVID-19 discusses the need for a
comprehensive understanding of the multisystemic pathophysiology, clinical predictors, and epide-
miology to develop and inform an evidence-based, multidisciplinary management approach. A
PubMed search was completed using variations on the term post-acute COVID-19. Only peer-
reviewed studies in English published by July 17, 2021 were considered for inclusion. All studies
discussed in this text are from adult populations unless specified (as with multisystem inflammatory
syndrome in children). The preliminary evidence on the pulmonary, cardiovascular, neurological,
hematological, multisystem inflammatory, renal, endocrine, gastrointestinal, and integumentary
sequelae show that COVID-19 continues after acute infection. Interdisciplinary monitoring with
holistic management that considers nutrition, physical therapy, psychological management, medita-
tion, and mindfulness in addition to medication will allow for the early detection of post-acute
COVID-19 sequelae symptoms and prevent long-term systemic damage. This review serves as a
guideline for effective management based on current evidence, but clinicians should modify recom-
mendations to reflect each patient’s unique needs and the most up-to-date evidence. The presence of
long-term effects presents another reason for vaccination against COVID-19.
ª 2022 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research n Mayo Clin Proc. 2022;97(3):579-599

oronavirus disease 2019 (COVID- The long-term sequelae of COVID-19
19) is the third deadly coronavirus (referred to as long-COVID, post-acute
infection of the 21st century and COVID-19, post-COVID condition, and From the University of
NevadaeReno, School of
has proven to be significantly more deadly post-COVID sequelae interchangeably) are Medicine, Reno, NV, USA
than its predecessors, with the number of in- defined as an inflammatory or host response (S.J.); Department of Fam-
fections and deaths still increasing daily.1 towards virus that occurs approximately 4 ily Medicine, Southern Illi-
nois University School of
Since its emergence in December 2019, this weeks after initial infection and continues Medicine, Decatur, IL,
virus has spread across the globe infecting for a yet uncharacterized duration USA (N.V.); and Division
of Immunology, Allergy
nearly 200 million people and leading to (Supplemental Table, available online at and Rheumatology, Me-
more than 4 million deaths as of July 17, morial Healthcare System,
2021.2 This review aims to report the up-to-date Hollywood, FL, USA, and
Division of Rheumatology,
Knowledge of COVID-19, which is epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical pre- Allergy and Clinical
caused by severe acute respiratory coronavi- dictors, management recommendations, and Immunology, University of
California, Davis, CA, USA
rus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), is constantly progress- the unanswered questions and future direc- (C.C.).
ing with the discovery of new scientific and tions for the systematic effects of long-term
clinical evidence. Comparison between the COVID-19 infections that clinicians can
timeline, common symptoms, systematic ef- refer to when managing COVID-19 long-
fects, and risk factors for adverse events of haulers (Table 2).
acute versus chronic COVID-19 symptoms A PubMed search was completed using
can be found in Table 1. the terms “long-COVID,” “post-acute

Mayo Clin Proc. n March 2022;97(3):579-599 n 579 n ª 2022 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research

COVID-19,” “post-COVID condition,” China, patients categorized as having a

“post-COVID sequelae,” or “long-term more severe hospital stay were more likely
sequelae of COVID-19.” Only peer- to have diffusion impairments (4.6 times)
reviewed studies in English published by and report fatigue (2.69 times) than less se-
July 17, 2021, were considered for inclusion. vere counterparts (Supplemental Figure 1,
All studies discussed in this text are from available online at http://www.
adult populations unless specified (as with There is also
multisystemic inflammatory syndrome in an increased prevalence of fatigue and dys-
children [MIS-C]). pnea in ICU patients than non-ICU groups
4 weeks after acute infection resolution.47
PULMONARY SYSTEM Six-minute walk testing (6MWT) results
can provide prognostic factors for illness
Epidemiology severity as those with more severe disease
The evidence of the epidemiology of post- had a higher proportion of subjects below
eCOVID-19 pulmonary sequelae comes the lower limit of the normal range
from primary studies that look at persistent (Supplemental Figure 1).17 The odds for
symptomology, acute manifestations of developing pulmonary fibrosis were signifi-
COVID-19, as well as extrapolations from cantly increased in subjects with increased
follow-up from previous coronaviruses. Over- urea nitrogen (odds ratio [OR], 7.149) and
all, the most common symptoms of long-term D-dimer levels (OR, 1.066) at admission.48
pulmonary sequelae experienced by those
with COVID-19 include fatigue, dyspnea, Management Recommendations
and/or cough. The prevalence of these symp- Priority for prognostic screening for pulmo-
toms and the severity of abnormalities on im- nary sequelae of post-acute COVID-19 should
aging depend on the severity of acute illness be given to those who are symptomatic or
and intensive care unit (ICU) admission sta- show appropriate clinical predictors. Manage-
tus. A breakdown of the major studies look- ment recommendations for those that meet
ing at post-acute COVID-19 pulmonary these criteria can be found in Table 2.
effects can be found in Table 3. For high-risk patients (see Table 2), the
British Thoracic Society recommends an
Pathophysiology initial evaluation at 4 to 6 weeks post-
A summary of the pathophysiology of pulmo- discharge and in-person visit/follow-up
nary sequelae due to post-acute COVID-19 imaging within 12 weeks.31 Radiological im-
can be found in Figure 1. An analysis of 41 aging is recommended for all COVID-19 pa-
post-mortem samples in Italy found extensive tients 12 weeks after discharge regardless of
alveolar damage in 100% of subjects, lung symptom status. However, the study from
macro- and microvasculature thrombosis in Liu et al.96 of 150 patients from China shows
71% of individuals, and thrombi stage of the that radiological resolution of pulmonary ab-
organization consistent with local origin. normalities occurs in greater than or equal to
Pneumocytes and endothelial cells contained 50% of patients within 3 weeks of discharge;
viral ribonucleic acid even in the later stages therefore, imaging of nonsymptomatic pa-
of the disease, but viral infection was not tients may be unnecessary.
detected in other organs.95 The mechanism Steroid use in the setting of post-acute
for thrombotic changes in this disease can COVID-19 has mixed results; therefore,
also be found in Figure 1. steroid-sparing therapies should be consid-
ered when possible.17 An observational
Clinical Predictors study in the United Kingdom has shown
A comprehensive list of risk factors for the some rapid functional improvements with
development of pulmonary manifestations corticosteroid therapy.38 Of the 837 patients
for post-acute COVID-19 can be found in assessed by telephone at 4 weeks after infec-
Table 2. In a study of 1733 patients from tion resolution, 35 (4.8%) were initially
n n
580 Mayo Clin Proc. March 2022;97(3):579-599

TABLE 1. Comparison Between the Timeline, Common Symptoms, Systematic Effects, and Risk Factors for Adverse Events of Acute Versus
Chronic COVID-19 Symptomsa
Features Acute COVID-19 Post-acute COVID-19
Initiation of symptoms 2 to 14 days after exposure 4 weeks after initial response
Pathophysiology9-15 Direct viral toxicity via ACE2/TMPRSS2 expressing cells (alveolar Presence of autoreactive antibodies
epithelial type II cells, heart, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, lung Inflammatory and metabolic changes to
tissue, and nasal olfactory cells) parenchyma, and supporting structures during
Immune-mediated dysregulation of RAAS pathway initial infection
Microvascular dysfunction via endothelial damage Sequelae mediated by hospitalization interventions
Dysregulation of the innate immune system with lymphopenia
Prolonged activation of type 1 interferons and endothelial cell
damage lead to thromboembolic events
Decrease in lymphocytes may allow for viral particles to persist,
resulting in excessive inflammation that can increase symptom
severity and need for ICU admission
Common symptoms3-7,16-20 Fever, dry cough, and shortness of breath >50% of patients Fatigue, pneumonia, myalgias, headache,
thromboembolic conditions, and MIS
Systems commonly Respiratory, renal (AKI), hematological (thromboembolism) Respiratory, cardiovascular, neurologic, MIS,
involved16,17,19,21 hematological
Less frequently involved: renal, endocrine,
gastrointestinal, or integumentary
Laboratory markers and Progressive elevation of cardiac troponins, hepatic enzymes, and See Table 2 for systematic breakdown of lab
clinical indications of serum creatinine, along with advanced lymphocytopenia and markers and risk factors
severe disease16,20,22,23 increased neutrophils
ARDS development for severe cases
Risk factors for adverse Hypertension, diabetes, mechanical ventilation, ICU admission, Ages 40-49 (OR, 15.3) years
consequences4,16,23-25 advanced age, frailty, immune response Hospitalization during acute infection (OR, 2.9)
Clinical findings from the initial infection (variable)
Risk factors for death26 Hospitalization, 85þ years old (OR, 11.36 years), pneumonia, Not yet determined
diabetes, heart failure, CKD
ACE2, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2; AKI, acute kidney injury; ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; CKD, chronic kidney disease; COVID-19, coronavirus disease
2019; ICU, intensive care unit; MIS, multisystem inflammatory syndrome; OR, odds ratio; RAAS, renin-angiotensin aldosterone system; TMPRSS2, transmembrane serine
protease 2.

diagnosed with interstitial lung disease and ever go back to preeCOVID-19 baseline,
significant functional deficits. These 35 pa- both symptomatically and by objective mea-
tients were brought in for outpatient evalua- sures of lung function. In addition, we also
tion where 30 were diagnosed with do not know how long it takes for symptoms
persistent interstitial lung changes and to resolve completely or for lung function to
were offered steroid treatment with a fully recover. Future studies involving med-
maximum dose of 0.5 mg/kg oral predniso- ications that can help decrease permanent
lone for 3 weeks. Improvements were noted lung damage such as pulmonary fibrosis
in transfer factor (31.6%27.6%, P<0.001) would be beneficial.
and forced vital capacity (9.6%13.0%,
P¼0.014) with treatment, and significant CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM
symptomatic and radiological improvement.
A breakdown of the major studies looking at
Unanswered Questions and Future post-acute COVID-19 cardiac effects can be
Directions found in Table 3. Increases in cardiac
Questions that remain include whether pa- troponin levels may indicate underlying car-
tients with significant lung involvement diovascular pathology and is correlated with
Mayo Clin Proc. n March 2022;97(3):579-599 n 581

increased severity of acute illness and use of pathophysiology of heart failure (HF), which
mechanical ventilation during hospitalization, explains the increased incidence of acute HF
cardiac dysfunction, arrhythmias, and death.97 in COVID-19 and acute decompensation in
patients with chronic-HF in this study of
Pathophysiology 3080 patients in Spain.43
The pathophysiology behind the cardiovascu- Prolonged corticosteroid use may in-
lar sequelae of post-acute COVID-19 can be crease viral shedding, thus increasing the
found in Figure 1. These findings indicate odds of developing cardiovascular and other
immune-mediated pathogenesis in the cardio- systemic sequelae. A multicenter randomized
vascular sequelae of post-acute COVID-19 control trial of 86 patients with COVID-19
instead of viral pathogenesis that leads to car- found that early use of corticosteroids (meth-
diac fibrosis. Imbalances in electrolytes can ylprednisolone) prolongs viral shedding in
also interfere with electrical conduction in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia by sup-
myocytes resulting in fatal rhythmic abnor- pressing immune cells.101 In this single-blind
malities. Hydroxychloroquine and azithromy- prospective trial, patients were either given 1
cin may cause QT prolongation which can mg/kg per day of methylprednisolone in 100
lead to torsade de pointes and fatal arrhyth- mL 0.9% saline or 100 mL 0.9% normal sa-
mias.98 In patients at risk of cardiovascular line for 7 days within 72 hours of being
symptoms of COVID-19, medication lists admitted to the hospital. Viral RNA was
and electrolyte levels should be closely moni- detectable in the methylprednisolone group
tored to reduce instances of arrhythmias. (11 days; interquartile range, 6 to 16 days),
which was significantly longer than that in
Clinical Predictors the control group (8 days; interquartile
History of increased troponin, disease range, 2 to 12 days; P¼0.030) with throat
severity, higher viral load, and pneumonia cultures. CD3þ T cells and CD8þ T cells
increase the risk of cardiovascular sequelae in the methylprednisolone group were also
in patients who have had COVID-19. Pa- lower than the control group (P<0.05).
tients with elevated troponin levels are also However, this study also found no significant
at an increased risk due to higher white differences in other secondary outcomes or
blood cell counts and longer prothrombin incidence of clinical deterioration.
times.97 In a meta-analysis of 591 patients Corticosteroid use was beneficial in
with severe acute respiratory syndrome reducing patient mortality in patients with
(SARS), Corrales-Medina et al99 found that acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
hospitalization with pneumonia increases (HR, 0.38).102 A landmark Randomised Eval-
the risk of cardiovascular disease 2.1 times uation of COVID-19 Therapy (RECOVERY)
within the first year and 1.86 times in 10 open-label trial with 6425 hospitalized
years. Hospitalization records in COVID-19 COVID-19 patients who were assigned to
patients should be evaluated for pneumonia either take dexamethasone 6 mg once a day
during active infection and flagged for car- for 10 days or have “usual” care. Reduction
diac follow-up. A cytokine response panel in mortality with glucocorticoid therapy var-
consisting of 6 pro-inflammatory cytokines ied greatly depending on the level of respira-
(tumor necrosis factor [TNF]-alpha, inter- tory support at the time of randomization.
feron-gamma, C-C motif chemokine ligand Mortality was lower in treatment groups in
5, interleukin 6 [IL-6], IL-8, and IL-18) patients receiving invasive mechanical venti-
were elevated in 16 patients with viral loads lation (29.3% vs 41.4%; rate ratio [RR], 0.64)
greater than 1000 copies per real-time poly- or oxygen without invasive mechanical venti-
merase chain reaction (rt-PCR) and cardiac lation (23.3% vs 26.2%; RR, 0.82) but not in
fibrosis.100 These lab markers may serve as subjects receiving no respiratory support
prognostic indicators of posteCOVID-19 pa- (17.8% vs 14.0%; RR, 1.19).103 Although cor-
tients that may have cardiac sequelae due to ticosteroids may cause systemic sequelae is-
fibrosis. Cardiac fibrosis is central to the sues in the long term, it would not be
n n
582 Mayo Clin Proc. March 2022;97(3):579-599

TABLE 2. Summary of Important Findings in the Systemic Sequelae of Post-Acute COVID-19a,b

Clinical findings or diagnostic Management recommendations Clinical trial based pharma-
System criteria 17,19 Risk factors 27e29 30e37
cology 30,38e44
Pulmonary Fatigue, dyspnea Severe disease, ICU Initial evaluation 4-6 weeks with Maximum initial dose 0.5 mg/
CT: ground-glass opacities and admission, or severe pulmonary function testing kg oral prednisolone: FVC,
fibrotic changes hospital stay and 6MWT radiological and
Lower limit 6MWT, higher Follow-up imaging at 12 wks symptomatic improvement
CT severity score, Dyspnea: pulmonary and cardiac 2403 mg daily pirfenidone:
increased D-dimer or workup FVC, 6WMT, and disease
urea nitrogen progression improvement
Advanced age, male, 150 mg of twice daily
history of cigarette nintedanib: FVC
smoking improvement
Pulmonary rehabilitation:
pulmonary function
Ongoing clinical trials to
determine potential
pharmacological candidates,
use current recommended
guidelines for most likely
differential diagnosis
Cardiovascular Chest pain, heart palpitations Severe disease, high viral Initial evaluation with noninvasive Ongoing clinical trials to
CMR: myocardial inflammation, load, pneumonia during technology (point-of-care determine potential
myocarditis, pericarditis, cardiac hospitalization ECG, transthoracic pharmacological candidates,
fibrosis Increased troponin levels, echocardiogram, laboratory use current recommended
Echocardiogram: impaired LVEF, decrease in LVEF tests for CRP, and troponin-T) guidelines for most likely
pericarditis, myocarditis, other Hydroxychloroquine with Escalate to invasive testing and differential diagnosis
cardiac anomalies or without ritonavir/ referral if abnormalities are Continue RAAS modifying
Increased troponin level lopinavir and detected in the initial drug use (ACE-inhibitors,
azithromycin use in evaluation ARBs, etc)
acute COVID-19 Avoid amiodarone as it may
exacerbate pulmonary
Neurological Neuropsychiatric: anxiety, Severity of illness, ICU Standard screening tools be used Standard therapies with referral
depression, PTSD, OCD, admission, MIS-C for neuropsychiatric to neurological specialists for
insomnia Medications such as conditions by primary care refractory conditions or
Cognitive: headaches, brain fog, lopinavir-ritonavir and providers to evaluate for imaging abnormalities
memory loss, nonrestorative corticosteroid use (rare) disorders such as anxiety, Beta-blockers, diet, and
sleep depression, PTSD, and OCD exercise: beneficial in
Peripheral: anosmia, ageusia, No specific published guidelines reducing POTS symptoms
fatigue, malaise, POTS on screening protocols for
neurological disorders
Hematological Pulmonary embolism, VTE, ATE Disease severity, length of In-patient (all): CBC, coagulation Thromboprophylaxis in those
acute infection, and ICU studies PT and aPTT, with high clot burden or at
admission fibrinogen and D-Dimer risk of thromboembolic
Low fibrinogen and higher Outpatient (symptomatic or at- events if there is no bleeding
D-dimer on admission, risk): same as in-patient risk
and DI 1.5-fold Proceed to further invasive Ongoing clinical trials to
Increased age, cancer, and testing and imaging studies determine potential
corticosteroid use under standard protocols pharmacological candidates,
(critically ill) recommended for the use current recommended
suspected differential diagnosis guidelines for most likely
if abnormalities are present differential diagnosis
Continued on next page

Mayo Clin Proc. n March 2022;97(3):579-599 n 583

TABLE 2. Continued
Clinical findings or diagnostic Management recommendations Clinical trial based pharma-
System criteria 17,19 Risk factors 27e29 30e37
cology 30,38e44
Renal AKI, wide spectrum of glomerular Same as hematological Refer to a nephrologist if AKI is Standard therapies with referral
and tubular diseases system persistent or there is severe to specialists as needed
High-risk APOL1 variant dysfunction
Endocrine New-onset diabetes, worsening High viral loads, severe Initial evaluation for new-onset Standard therapies with referral
pre-existing diabetes, DKA, disease diabetes should include testing to specialists as needed
subacute thyroiditis, Graves for antibodies to beta-islet
thyrotoxicosis cells and CRP and rule out risk
factors for type 2 diabetes
Monitor labs to rule out new-
onset thyroid autoimmune
diseases (Graves and
Hashimoto thyroiditis) vs
COVID-19 thyroiditis
Refer to an endocrine specialist
as necessary
Gastrointestinal Loss of appetite, nausea, acid High viral loads, severe Fecal cultures to check for gut Dietary changes or fecal
reflux, diarrhea, abdominal disease dysbiosis, refer to a transplantation
distension, belching, vomiting, gastrointestinal specialist as Standard therapies with referral
and bloody stools necessary to specialists as needed
Integumentary Hair loss, skin rash, urticarial Unknown Standard protocols with referral Standard therapies with referral
lesions, angioedema to specialists as needed to specialists as needed
MIS-C (Age  21 y): fever  38.0 C or Presenting to the Tier 1: CBC, CMP, ESR, CRP and 1st line in shock:
subjective fever for 24 h, emergency department SARS-CoV-2 PCR/serology IVIG 2 gm/kg and MPIV at 1-2
laboratory inflammation or admitted to the If tier 1 results reach the mg/kg per day
evidence, severe illness requiring general ward diagnostic threshold then tier Refractory disease with shock:
hospitalization with  2 organ Increased D-dimer, 2: cardiac enzymes (BNP, MPIV 10-30 mg/kg per day or
involvement troponin, BNP, pro- troponin T, etc), high dose anakinra
BNP,CRP, and ferritin hematological/coagulation No shock:
In patients 5 y old, factors (D-dimer, fibrinogen, IVIG 2 gm/kg per day
identify as Black PTT, blood smear, etc), Refractory Disease, No
cardiac studies (ECG and shock: MPIV 1-2 mg/kg per
echocardiogram), LDH, day or high-dose anakinra
triglycerides, urinalysis, and
cytokine panel
In shock without clear etiology:
tiers 1 and 2
6MWT, 6-minute walk test; ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; AKI, acute kidney injury; APOL1, apolipoprotein L1; aPTT, activated partial prothrombin time; ARB,
angiotensin receptor blocker; ATE, arterial thromboembolism; BNP, brain natriuretic peptide; CBC, complete blood count; CMP, complete metabolic panel; CMR, cardiac
magnetic resonance; COVID-19, coronavirus disease 2019; CRP, C-reactive protein; CT, computed tomography; DI, D-dimer increment; DKA, diabetic ketoacidosis; ECG,
electrocardiogram; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; FVC, forced vital capacity; ICU, intensive care unit; IVIG, intravenous immunoglobulin; LDH, lactate dehydro-
genase; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; MIS-C, multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children; MPIV, methylprednisone intravenous; OCD, obsessive compulsive
disorder; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; POTS, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome; PT, prothrombin time; PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder; RAAS, renin
angiotensin-aldosterone system; SARS-CoV-2, severe acute respiratory syndrome; VTE, venous thromboembolism.
High-risk or symptomatic individuals are the priority for screening.

n n
584 Mayo Clin Proc. March 2022;97(3):579-599

reasonable to delay treatment given the mor- not know if posteCOVID-19 arrhythmias
tality benefits in patients who need respira- are permanent or temporary. We do not
tory support or who have ARDS. know how long patients will need to avoid
proarrhythmic drugs. We also do not know
Management Recommendations if posteCOVID-19eassociated myocarditis
Major concerns in the cardiovascular sequelae or cardiomyopathy and related congestive
of COVID-19 are acute coronary syndrome, HF will fully recover. The duration of treat-
myocarditis, arrhythmias, cardiogenic shock, ment with angiotensin-converting enzymes
and medication-induced heart conditions. or beta blockers in these patients is also un-
Full cardiac workup should be limited to pa- known. Another unknown is how long
tients with active symptoms or at increased should limitations on strenuous activity
risk. Point-of-care electrocardiogram (ECG), remain. Future studies should focus on
transthoracic echocardiogram, laboratory determining risk factors for long-term car-
tests for C-reactive protein (CRP) and diovascular side effects and the development
troponin-T, and pro-inflammatory markers of mitigation measures to prevent these
(TNF-alpha, C-C motif chemokine ligand 5, sequelae.
IL-6, IL-8, IL-18, and interferon-gamma)
should be measured in symptomatic patients. NEUROLOGICAL SYSTEM
Decreases in left ventricular ejection fraction,
abnormal increases in the aforementioned Epidemiology
laboratory tests, and any electrical abnormal- Survivors of COVID-19 report prolonged
ities warrant invasive measures such as car- anosmia/ageusia, headaches, “brain fog”/
diac catheterization, transesophageal memory loss, fatigue, malaise, and nonres-
echocardiography, and cardiac magnetic reso- torative sleep.16,17,19,47 A breakdown of the
nance if they are of clinical benefit.104 Athletes major studies of post-acute COVID-19
presenting with clinical findings of myocar- neurological effects can be found in
ditis at the onset of illness (disproportionate Table 3. The prevalence of brain fog lacks
dyspnea on exertion, chest pain, unexpected significant scientific validity due to the lack
elevations in serum troponins, arrhythmias/ of objective evidence.
atrioventricular block, etc) should stop aero-
bic activity and athletic participation and un- Pathophysiology
dergo an echocardiogram, 24-hour Holter A summary of the pathophysiology of neuro-
monitoring, and exercise ECG within 3 to 6 logical effects of post-acute COVID-19 can
months after initial illness. They can resume be found in Figure 1.
training if cardiac and inflammatory bio-
markers, electrical activity, and ventricular Clinical Predictors
systolic function have returned to normal.105 The severity of illness, ICU admission, MIS-
The current clinical trialebased pharma- C, and certain medication during acute
cology for management of cardiac sequelae infection all increase risk of neurological
in post-acute COVID-19 can be found in sequelae in the post-acute COVID-19 period.
Table 2. Corticosteroids may improve car- A retrospective cohort study with 236,371
diac function in viral-induced myocarditis patients found substantial neurological and
if viral RNA is undetectable due to concerns psychiatric morbidity among patients with
of prolonged viral shedding.106 severe illness.53 Intensive care unit admis-
sions are also associated with increased
Unanswered Questions and Future neuropsychiatric symptom manifestation
Directions (depression, anxiety, etc) but not cognitive
There are many unanswered questions on symptoms (memory loss and headache). In-
the long-term cardiovascular effects of stances of neuropsychiatric diseases increase
COVID-19. This is an evolving question with encephalopathy during the acute phase
due to the novelty of COVID-19. We do of illness (Supplemental Figure 1).53 Case
Mayo Clin Proc. n March 2022;97(3):579-599 n 585

TABLE 3. Epidemiological Studies of Post-Acute COVID-19 Broken Down by System

Author Study type Key findings Key takeaways
Ahmed et al45 Meta-analysis on SARS/MERS 6 DLCO, FVC, TLC abnormalities more prevalent than 1. Restrictive pattern of lung pathol-
months post-discharge abnormalities in FEV1 ogy may occur.
TLC and FVC abnormalities resolve with time, but DLCO 2. Consider taking serial DLCO mea-
impairment remained in 24.35% for >6 months surements, D-dimer and urea ni-
Carvalho-Schneider Prospective follow-up study of 150 Instances of grade 2-4 dyspnea decrease with time (at the onset- trogen to serve as a proxy for lung
et al46 patients after 60 days 42.2%, Day 30-10.7% vs. Day 60- 7.7% post-infection) function and risk of disease.
Increased odds of persistent symptoms in those between ages 40 3. ICU admission and severe disease
and 60 y, admitted to hospitals, and abnormal auscultation are risk factors.
Halpin et al47 Prospective study of 100 subjects Fatigue (72% ICU vs 60.3% non-ICU) and dyspnea (65.6% ICU vs 4. Symptoms decrease with time.
in the United Kingdom after 4 42.6% non-ICU)
Huang et al17 Ambidirectional cohort study of Severe disease: 4.6 times more likely to have lung diffusion
1733 patients after 6 months impairments and 2.69 times more likely to report fatigue
1þ major lung abnormality in 50% of patients after 6 months;
most common is ground-glass opacities
Mayo Clin Proc.

Zhao et al48 39 patients after 3 months Persistent fibrotic changes on CT in 25% of mild to moderate and
65% of severe COVID-19 patients
Increases in urea nitrogen and D-dimer levels at admission were
prognostic indicators of impaired lung diffusion

March 2022;97(3):579-599

Carfi et al19 Italian study with 143 patients after 22% experience chest pain 1. Studies have a small sample size,
2 months therefore need more data to
Huang et al17 Ambidirectional cohort study of Chest pain and palpitations to be <5% know prevalence.
1733 patients after 6 months 2. Similar coronaviruses have shown
Sultanian et al49 Observational study of 3026 COVID-19 was also involved in at least 16% of IHCAs and 10% of cardiac sequelae therefore it is
patients in Sweden all OHCAs, possible.
2.3-fold increase in 30-day mortality due to IHCA and 3.4-fold in 3. Chest pain, palpitations and IHCA/

OHCA OHCAs are major symptoms.

Wu et al50 12-year follow-up study of SARS 40% continued to have cardiovascular complications 4. Severe disease is a risk factor.


patients 5. Athletes need to be evaluated
Puntmann et al51 Cohort study of 100 patients 60 60% of participants had ongoing myocardial inflammation on CMR before return to play.

days post COVID-19 infection and 78% had some cardiac involvement independent of pre-
existing conditions or illness severity
Endomyocardial biopsy in severe patients revealed active
lymphocytic infiltration without viral genome presence
Rajpal et al52 26 college athletes after 11-53 Myocarditis and pericarditis in 4 of 26 and 2 of 26 participants,
days respectively
Continued on next page
Mayo Clin Proc. n March 2022;97(3):579-599


TABLE 3. Continued
Author Study type Key findings Key takeaways
Taquet et al53 Retrospective cohort study with 23% to 37% had 1þ neuropsychiatric disorders 1. Severity of disease is a risk factor for
236,371 patients after 6 months Rates of neuropsychiatric disorder varied dependent on disease neuropsychiatric effects not cogni-
severity: tive effects.
Encephalopathy > ICU > hospitalized/nonhospitalized 2. Peripheral nervous system effects
Patients with COVID-19 are 5.28-4.52x more likely to develop need increased data to determine
myoneural junction diseases than other respiratory infections prevalence.
Mazza et al54 Self-rating among patients at a 1- Anxiety (42%), insomnia (40%), depression (31%), PTSD (28%), 3. Prolonged anosmia may be an indi-
mo follow-up and obsessive compulsive disorders (20%) cator of mild forms of COVID-19.

Garrigues et al55 120 patients, 100 d after an initial Memory loss was the third most common persistent symptom at

infection 34%
Cognitive symptom manifestation did not differ between ICU and
hospitalized patients
National Institute of Retrospective study, 20 patients, 15 had POTS, 3 neurocardiogenic syncope, and 2 orthostatic
Neurological with persistent neurological and hypotension
Disorders and cardiovascular complaints 85% had persistent residual autonomic symptoms, and 12 could
Stroke56 not return to work after 6-8 mo
1. Severity of disease is a risk factor for neuropsychiatric effects
nut not cognitive effects
2. Peripheral nervous system effects need increased data to deter-
mine prevalence
Prolonged anosmia may be an indicator of mild forms of COVID-

Lechien et al57 Multicenter European study of 5% of patients had prolonged anosmia with the highest prevalence
1363 subjects after 6 months in those with mild COVID 19
Guan et al3 Retrospective study of 1099 Lymphocytopenia 83.2%, thrombocytopenia in 36.2%, and 1. Pulmonary emboli are of concern in
people in China leukopenia in 33.7% on admission severe illness patients, but rates of
Elevated C-reactive protein (60.7%) and D-dimer (46.7%) other thromboembolic events
Severe disease had more pronounced laboratory anomalies remain low.
Roncon et al58 Systematic review 23.4% incidence of pulmonary embolism in ICU vs 14.7% in 2. D-Dimer values can be prognostic
general ward but should be taken in context
Segmental/subsegmental arteries more frequently involved than with other clinical findings.
main/lobar arteries
Continued on next page

TABLE 3. Continued
Author Study type Key findings Key takeaways
Rashidi et al Multicenter prospective study of Venous thromboembolism is at 0.2%
1529 participants
Fan et al60 Case reports 40-90 d after positive Arterial thromboembolic events have been seen in young,
serology asymptomatic COVID-19 subjects
Townsend et al61 Prospective study of 150 Increased D-Dimer levels in 25.3% of patients up to 4 months
participants in Ireland More common in hospitalized patients and 50þ y old; also seen in
29% of patients exclusively managed in outpatient settings
Nugent et al62 Cohort study of 1612 patients in eGFR declined faster with COVID-19eassociated AKI vs other 1. Majority recover renal function.
the United States causes (adjusted hazard ratio, 0.57; 95% CI, 0.35-0.92) 2. APOL1 gene variant may increase
Gupta et al63 Multicenter cohort study with 56% of patients discharged RRT (35% with COVID-19 AKI) susceptibility towards lasting kidney
2215 adults, 60 days post- unable to get off of it damage.
Stevens et al64 Cohort study of 115 patients 84% with RRT during acute infection recovered kidney function
Kudose et al65 Kidney biopsies done at Columbia 15 (88%) AKI, 9 (53%) nephrotic-range proteinuria, 5 (29%)
Mayo Clin Proc.

University collapsing glomerulopathy, 4 (24%) isolated acute tubular injury,

2 (12%) membranous glomerulopathy, 1 (6%) anti-GBM
nephritis, 1 crescentic transformation of lupus nephritis, and 1
minimal change disease
Collapsing glomerulopathy and minimal change disease showed

the presence of the APOL1 gene variant

March 2022;97(3):579-599

Zhou et al66 Retrospective study from China 6.4% of COVID-19 patients with DKA, but only 35.7% had 1. Insufficient evidence to determine
diabetes prevalence of new thyroid condi-
Multiple studies67e71 Various case reports Subacute thyroiditis and Graves thyrotoxicosis, and new diagnoses tions due to COVID-19.
of DM diagnosed in COVID-19 patients

Weng et al72 Follow-up study of 117 patients Loss of appetite (24%), nausea (18%), acid reflux (18%), diarrhea 1. More studies needed for accurate

after 90 days (15%), and abdominal distension (14%) with <10% of patients prevalence.


reporting belching, vomiting, and bloody stools

Huang et al17 Ambidirectional cohort study of Hair loss (20% of patients) and skin rash which resolved in 97% of 1. More studies needed for accurate
1733 patients after 6 months patients prevalence.
Galván Casas et al73 Prospective study of 375 cases in Urticarial lesions made up 19% of COVID-19 cutaneous 2. Hair loss, skin rash, urticarial lesions,
Spain manifestations and angioedema are reported.

Continued on next page


reports of children with MIS-C show unex-

monoxide; DM, diabetes mellitus; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 second; FVC, forced vital capacity; GBM, glomerular basement membrane ; ICU, intensive care unit; IHCA, in-
AKI, acute kidney injury; APOL1, apolipoprotein L1; CMR, cardiac magnetic resonance; COVID-19, coronavirus disease 2019; CT, computed tomography; DKA, diabetic ketoacidosis; DLCO, diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon

hospital cardiac arrest; MERS, Middle East respiratory syndrome; OHCA, out-of-hospital cardiac arrest; POTS, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome; PTSD, post-traumatic stress syndrome; RRT, renal replacement therapy;
pectedly high instances of neurological
involvement (40%) as well.107 Persistent
anosmia after infection resolution may be a
Key takeaways

prognostic sign of a milder disease because

it is prevalent in people with less severe
COVID-19. Increased production of immu-
noglobulin A limits viral spread in those
with mild COVID-19, but it escalates local
inflammatory reactions in the olfactory
Medications used in acute COVID-19
such as lopinavir-ritonavir and corticoste-
roids have neurological side effects that can
Oral angioedema with or without urticaria on the tongue and/or
30% of patients reported worsening chronic urticaria during the

manifest and persist during the acute or

post-acute phase of illness. Ototoxicity-
mediated sensorineural hearing loss is asso-
ciated with lopinavir-ritonavir treatment,
lips 1-2 weeks into the acute disease course

although this effect is rare and resolves

approximately 20 weeks after discontinua-
tion.108 A multicenter cohort study in
Key findings

France unrelated to COVID-19 with 88 pa-

tients showed prednisone use greater than
20 mg/day caused delirium and manic
mood changes in 52% of patients.109 A
controlled, open-label trial of 6425 patients
that looked at dexamethasone (6 mg once a

day for 10 days) as a potential treatment

for patients hospitalized with COVID-19
had four adverse reactions, one of which
included psychosis.103 The neurological
side effects of corticosteroids are infrequent
but can still cause significant neuropsycho-
Retrospective studies in Argentina

logical and peripheral symptoms. Corticoste-

roids are frequently used in hospital and
outpatient settings during acute COVID-19
SARS, severe acute respiratory syndrome; TLC, total lung capacity.
Study type

infection, so clinicians must consider the

neurological effects of these medications
Case reports

when monitoring patients in the outpatient


Management Recommendations
There are no specific published guidelines
on screening protocols for neurological dis-
orders caused by COVID-19 other than for
Multiple studies75e77
TABLE 3. Continued

postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome

Argolo et al74

(POTS). Primary care providers should use


standard screening tools to evaluate for com-

mon disorders such as anxiety, depression,
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and
obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).54
Mayo Clin Proc. n March 2022;97(3):579-599 n 589

Standard therapies should be implemented Pathophysiology

for all conditions with referral to neurolog- A summary of the pathophysiology of hema-
ical specialists for refractory conditions or tological effects of post-acute COVID-19 can
imaging abnormalities. Diagnostic criteria be found in Figure 1.
for POTS are light-headedness or fainting Thromboembolic events observed after
accompanied by an increase in heart rate infection resolution are immune-mediated
greater than 30 beats/min or heart rate rather than true thromboembolic events.113
greater than or equal to 120 beats/min after The increase in thrombotic risk due to
10 minutes of rising.56 Beta blockers are SARS-CoV-2 is limited to acute illness even
effective in managing this condition in com- in those with severe disease that require
bination with diet and exercise.41 admission.59 The multicenter prospective
study from Rashidi et al59 of 1529 patients
did not find a high rate of symptomatic
Unanswered Questions and Future venous thromboembolism (VTE) after hos-
Directions pital discharge. Of the 3.3% of patients
As in the case of pulmonary and cardiovas- who died after discharge, only 0.2% deaths
cular manifestations, the duration of symp- could be attributed to VTE. Severely ill pa-
toms is still unknown. The effectiveness of tients may have an increased risk for
rehabilitation exercises in recovering func- bleeding due to thrombocytopenia and
tion is not clear. Depression posteCOVID- depletion of coagulation factors, but it has
19 must be distinguished from depression been shown that thromboembolic events
due to pandemic-related secondary issues, occur at higher rates than bleeding compli-
including work, school, and economic fac- cations in acute COVID-19.88 Consequently,
tors. Olfactory rehabilitation exercises have extended thromboprophylaxis after
been shown to improve identification, discharge may not provide any net benefit
discrimination, and threshold for odor detec- clinically, but randomized clinical trials are
tion.110 However, it is unclear how effective needed for additional verification.
olfactory rehabilitation exercises are for peo-
ple who have not spontaneously regained Clinical Predictors
sense of smell after COVID-19 infection. Acute illness severity and ICU admissions
are risk factors for coagulation
abnormalityeinduced thromboembolisms.
Severe disease is associated with an increased
risk of VTE and arterial thromboembolic
Epidemiology events, which increases short-term
A breakdown of the major studies looking at morbidity and mortality.113,114 Intensive
post-acute COVID-19 hematological effects care unit admission associated with
can be found in Table 3. Common hematolog- increased pulmonary embolism as compared
ical findings of an acute COVID-19 infection with non-ICU patients and independent fac-
are lymphocytopenia, neutrophilia, eosinope- tors include age, cancer, length of acute
nia, and thrombocytopenia.111,112 Lymphocy- infection phase, low fibrinogen and higher
topenia, thrombocytopenia, elevated CRP, D-dimer on admission, and D-dimer incre-
and elevated procalcitonin have also been ment (DI) greater than or equal to 1.5-fold.
identified as markers of severe disease in other Fibrinogen, D-dimer, and DI predicted in-
studies, which increases the risk of thrombo- stances of VTE in the acute phase with a
embolic events.113,114 However, the analysis 93% sensitivity and 0.71% specificity.58,115
from Zuin et al113 of post-acute thromboem- Patients with any of the mentioned clinical
bolic events shows that the rate of thrombotic factors should be monitored for coagulation
events is lower post-discharge than during the abnormalities that can present in any system
acute infection; therefore, it is a rarer compli- and prioritized for post-illness follow-up
cation of COVID-19. when clinical indications are present.
n n
590 Mayo Clin Proc. March 2022;97(3):579-599

Immune-mediated damage to BBB & thromboembolism; viral mediated hypoxia

and damage to PNS


prolonged cytokine release

Neuropsychiatric, cognitive and peripheral nerve pathologies

Viral mediated parenchyma damage; immune mediated Immune-mediated myocardial and microvascular
microvascular damage destruction.

neutrophils attracted to side

interstitial space
and death

Dyspnea, hypoxia, fatigue, ground glass opacities and Chest pain, palpitations, pericarditis, myocarditis, fibrosis,
pulmonary fibrosis arrythmias/death

Immune mediated endothelial dysfunction Viral mediated alterations in fecal microbiota.

Mechanism is unknown
Loss of appetite, nausea, acid reflux, diarrhea,
abdominal distension, belching, vomiting, and
Venous, arterial, pulmonary thromboembolisms bloody stools

Viral mediated parenchyma damage; immune Immune-mediated microvascular dysfunction; viral mediated
mediated microvascular damage effects unknown; stress

a) ACE2 receptors in the proximal tubule apical brush border a) Microvascular vasculitis from complement system activation, protein
and podocytes deposition in dermal capillaries, or direct viral effects
b) “Second-hit phenomenon” where black patients with the high- b) Hair loss due to COVID-19 has been attributed to telogen effluvium,
risk APOL1 variant who also had COVID-19 are at an c) Urticaria or angioedema may include a combination of post infectious
increased risk of collapsed glomerulopathy immune dysregulation, adverse drug reactions, interruptions in urticaria
c) Indirect mechanisms such as fluid imbalance, mechanical therapy (omalizumab or oral antihistamine) or pandemic related stress.
ventilation, and organ crosstalk
Hair loss, skin rash, urticarial lesions, angioedema
AKI, glomerular and tubular diseases

Viral mediated insulin decreases and resistance; immune-mediated endocrine

parenchymal destruction

CD8+ T-cells
inflammatory cytokine storm

New-onset diabetes, worsening preexisting diabetes, DKA, subacute thyroiditis,

graves thyrotoxicosis

FIGURE 1. Pathophysiology of pulmonary, cardiac, neurological, hematological, renal, gastrointestinal, integumentary, and endocrine
effects of post-acute coronavirus disease 2019 and its subsequent clinical manifestations.15,17,28,29,48,78-94 BBB ¼ blood brain barrier;
ACE ¼ angiotensin-converting enzyme; ACE2 ¼ angiotensin-converting enzyme 2; AKI ¼ acute kidney injury; APOL1 ¼ apolipo-
protein L1; COVID-19 ¼ coronavirus disease 2019; DAMP ¼ damage-associated molecular patterns; DKA ¼ diabetic ketoacidosis;
ECM ¼ extracellular matrix; HIF-1 ¼ hypoxia-inducible factor 1; HPA ¼ hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal; IL ¼ interleukin; PAMP ¼
pathogen-associated molecular pattern; PNS ¼ peripheral nervous system; TGF ¼ tumor growth factor; TMPSSR2 ¼ type 2
transmembrane protein; TNF ¼ tumor necrosis factor.

Management Recommendations Hematology on care for patients in the hos-

Guidelines for management of thromboem- pital; in out-patient cases, post-hospital
bolic conditions due to COVID-19 can be thromboprophylaxis should also be given
found in Table 2. These are based on recom- to at-risk patients and those that have under-
mendations from the American College of gone prolonged corticosteroid therapy who
Cardiology and American Society of do not have an active bleeding risk to reduce
Mayo Clin Proc. n March 2022;97(3):579-599 n 591

Gender distribution MIS-C by the numbers

Age of affected individuals-years

21% 28%
40% 60%

<1 1-4 5-9 10-14 15-20

Female v. male
Percentage by race and ethnicity
Hispanic or BLACK, non- WHITE, non- Asian, NH/OPI, Other Multiple
latino hispanic hispanic AI/NA

32% 30% 28% 4% 4% 3%

Class 1 Class 2 Class 3

-35.6%- -29.6%- -34.7%-
Organ Elevated lab Pulmonary Highest fatality Mild symptoms: Youngest
dysfunction markers symptoms: (5%) rashes and average age
SOB, ARDS, lesions
6 years

99% positive 84% Lowest rt-PCR

serology or serology
Highest rt-PCR

FIGURE 2. Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) by the numbers. Epidemiological images derived from the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data on 4018 reported cases of MIS-C as of June 2, 2021.121 Disease classifications from
570 MIS-C case reports from March 2 to July 18, 2020.122 Percentages by race and ethnicity may exceed 100%. Multiple race
identities could be selected. Race/ethnicity data were not reported for 276 of 4018 cases. Percentages of Asian, NH/OPI, and AI/NA
were rounded up to 1%. AI ¼ American Indian; ARDS ¼ acute respiratory distress syndrome; NA ¼ Native Alaskan; NH ¼ Native
Hawaiian; OPI ¼ Other Pacific Islander; rt-PCR ¼ real-time polymerase chain reaction; SOB ¼ shortness of breath.

risk of VTE. Extended use of thrombopro- atherogenesis. The role of statins in the
phylaxis or use in all patients is not recom- maintenance of vascular health and integrity
mended at this time.59 is unknown with regard to COVID-19.

Unanswered Questions and Future SYNDROMES
Unanswered questions include the mecha- Epidemiology
nisms by which COVID-19 leads to long- Multi-inflammatory syndrome (MIS)
term lipid abnormalities which can lead to sequelae are rare but severe complications
n n
592 Mayo Clin Proc. March 2022;97(3):579-599

following acute COVID-19 infection in pre- has been described by the CDC using case
viously symptomatic and asymptomatic indi- reports from 16 patients between the ages
viduals that present a few weeks after initial of 21 and 50 years.123 This criteria includes
infection.116 Although this syndrome was age 21 years and older, being hospitalized
first documented in children younger than for 24 hours or longer, fever greater than
21 years old (MIS-C), there is an increasing or equal to 38.0 C or a subjective fever for
number of case reports that show adults 24 hours or longer or within the first 3
(21 to 50 years old) may also develop these days of hospitalization, meeting at least one
sequelae (MIS-A).117 primary clinical criteria (severe cardiac
The diagnostic criteria for MIS-C can be illness, rash, and nonpurulent conjuncti-
found in Table 2. Similarities have been vitis), and may have secondary criteria
observed between MIS-C, Kawasaki disease (new-onset neurological symptoms, shock/
(KD), and toxic shock syndrome with com- hypotension that is not from medical ther-
mon clinical features such as persistent fe- apy such as medications or dialysis, abdom-
ver, systemic hyperinflammation, inal symptoms, and thrombocytopenia).124
multiorgan involvement with prominent They must also have laboratory evidence of
and severe gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms, SARS-CoV-2 infection either by rt-PCR or
erythematous rashes, conjunctivitis, and in- serology and evidence of inflammation.124
flammatory changes in the oral mucosa.118 Little epidemiological data is currently avail-
As a result, the pathophysiology of COVID- able about MIS-A, and there are no registered
19 MIS-C may be revealed from studying Cochrane trials ongoing to study MIS-A
these diseases. Critical differences between specifically.
KD and MIS-C include ethnicities of those
predominantly affected, organ systems Pathophysiology
attacked, and laboratory findings.118e120 The pathophysiology behind the sequelae re-
Sixty-two percent of MIS-C patients are His- mains relatively unknown due to the small
panic, Latino, or Black as of June 2021, sample sizes of MIS-C and MIS-A. Reports
whereas most KD patients are of Asian heri- show abnormalities in the coagulation
tage.116,118 Patients with MIS-C are also cascade similar to adults at increased throm-
characterized by myocardial dysfunction, bosis risk after COVID-19.30 In addition,
neuropsychological/central nervous system most patients with MIS symptoms are
findings, and severe GI symptoms compared antibody-positive but do not have an active
with the mild GI symptoms of KD and lack viral infection.30 Pediatric hospitalizations
of neurological and cardiovascular shock due to COVID-19 are on the rise again in un-
clinical characteristics.118 Patients with vaccinated children due to the increased
MIS-C also show increased D-dimer and transmission rates of the delta variant.117
troponin levels, lymphocytopenia, and More data should be available soon and the
thrombocytopenia.119,120 In contrast, toxic mechanism of MIS can be further explored.
shock syndrome has nearly identical symp-
tom presentation, laboratory findings, and Clinical Predictors
drug response and only differs in ethnicity, Symptoms of MIS have been reported in
affecting those of White descent more, and both the pediatric (MIS-C) and adult (MIS-
does not show increased troponin A) populations, but clinical predictors for
levels.119,120 MIS-C are currently more reliable due to
Epidemiological information and subdi- their earlier characterization. Clinical predic-
visions of the three distinct classes of MIS- tors for MIS-C can be found in Table 2.
C compiled from the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) database for Management Recommendations
4018 reported cases of MIS-C as of June 2, The American College of Rheumatology
2021, can be found in Figure 2.121,122 Diag- updated information regarding MIS-C diag-
nosis of MIS-A still lacks clear criteria, but nosis, and treatment guidelines were
Mayo Clin Proc. n March 2022;97(3):579-599 n 593

released in December 2020 and are continu- persistent fecal levels of SARS-CoV-2 and
ally being revised as more information be- increased COVID-19 severity through mod-
comes available.30 Treatment guidelines for ulation of host immune responses.125,126
MIS-C can be found in Table 2. How aggressive we should be in restoring
gut microbiome posteCOVID-19 is unclear
Unanswered Questions and Future and is a candidate for future studies.
Little epidemiological data are currently Skin. Increased cases of urticaria have been
available for MIS-A, and there are no regis- reported after COVID-19. Urticaria is
tered Cochrane trials ongoing to study observed after many other viral infections. Is
MIS-A specifically. Therefore, more case COVID-19 different in this regard, or does it
studies must be identified to develop an ac- lead to longer duration of chronic urticaria,
curate epidemiological picture before such as that seen in autoimmune or chronic
analyzing the pathophysiology and manage- idiopathic urticaria?
ment recommendations. For MIS-C, there
is a greater database of cases, but this too EFFECTIVE MULTIDISCIPLINARY
must be expanded to further characterize MANAGEMENT OF LONG-TERM EFFECTS
pathophysiology and management OF COVID-19
recommendations. Patients with severe disease, increased risk
factors, as well as symptomatic and/or hospi-
OTHER LONG-TERM SYSTEMATIC EFFECTS talized individuals should be prioritized for
Other rare long-term systemic effects of in-person or telemedicine visits
COVID-19 involve the renal, endocrine, (Supplemental Figure 2, available online at
integumentary, and GI systems. Pertinent in-
formation about the pathophysiology, clin- Long-term management should focus on a ho-
ical predictors, and management listic approach that involves physical therapy,
recommendations can be found in Figure 1 nutrition, and psychological interventions in
and Table 2, respectively. A breakdown of addition to medication-based methods.
the major studies looking at post-acute Rehabilitation in post-acute COVID-19
COVID-19 effects of these systems can be involves appropriate management of the
found in Table 3. As of June 2021, 683 trials consequences of ventilatory support, pro-
are registered with the Cochrane COVID-19 longed immobilization, and bed rest. These
study registrar which should further clarify include impaired lung function, physical
the prevalence of these infrequent systemic deconditioning that leads to impaired mus-
complications (available at https://covid-19. cle function, and cognitive impairments.127 Patients should resume regular activities 6
to 8 weeks post-discharge, but this may be
Unanswered Questions and Future more challenging in patients who have se-
Directions vere disease, extended hospital stays, or pro-
Endocrine. Elevated blood sugar levels have longed symptoms.19,128 Even if a formal
been observed in many patients during acute exercise and exertional desaturation assess-
COVID-19 infection. How long does this ment cannot be conducted in patients with
hyperglycemic effect last? Should all at-risk COVID-19, they should perform low- or
patients be placed on low-sugar diets? moderate-intensity exercise to reduce mus-
Other questions include the duration of cle deterioration and improve pulmonary
thyroid function monitoring and whether or function.128 A randomized control trial of
not fertility is affected posteCOVID-19 150 participants showed an increased rate
infection. of 6MWT results in participants with critical
illness who participated in outpatient phys-
Gastrointestinal. Fecal microbiota alter- iotherapy after ICU discharge.129 A 6-week
ations have been associated with prolonged respiratory rehabilitation program in elderly
n n
594 Mayo Clin Proc. March 2022;97(3):579-599

COVID-19 patients shows significant im- involvement and multiple symptoms. Inte-
provements in forced expiratory volume-1 grated health care settings are crucial to facil-
(FEV1), forced vital capacity (FVC), FEV1/ itate communication between providers
FVC percentage, diffusing capacity for car- about health care plans and progress and
bon monoxide percentage, and 6MWT.130 avoid unnecessary duplicate tests, thus
Neurological rehabilitation may also be saving patients time and health care costs.
beneficial in patients with residual COVID- Health care systems have already begun
19 neurological dysfunction, but research establishing dedicated COVID-19 care clinics
on this is minimal. Clinicians should that facilitate multidisciplinary care. Policy
schedule a 6- to 8-week follow-up appoint- and practices also need to be established to
ment for hospitalized patients to measure effectively harness and optimize collabora-
lung function, exercise capacity, and cogni- tion between medical specialties, multiple
tive function.128 For nonsevere patients, a health care professionals, and patients.
comprehensive physical should be per- This review discusses the most up-to-date
formed if symptomatic, but a mental-health evidence-based knowledge on management
assessment should be conducted for all. of common systemic sequelae of post-acute
Nutrition after COVID-19 infections COVID-19. More information about post-
plays a vital role in aiding recovery. Studies acute COVID-19 continues to be discovered
show that 50% or more of elderly in- as the pandemic continues. This will help
patient participants with COVID-19 are develop a detailed explanation of the mecha-
malnourished with an additional 25.7% at nisms behind symptoms and classify the risk
risk of malnourishment.131 Inflammation, factors that predispose patients to adverse
ageusia, decreased appetite, prolonged bed outcomes. Guidelines will need to be contin-
rest, and gut-microbiome disturbances dur- uously updated to reflect the most up-to-date
ing acute and post-acute COVID-19 leave body of knowledge. Every patient, symptom,
patients deficient in key micro- and macro- and circumstance is unique; thus, the guide-
nutrients necessary for physical recondition- lines recommended in this article should be
ing and recovery. Nutrition evaluations and modified according to each patient’s needs
consultations with registered dieticians and the clinicians’ discretion.
should be considered in muscle loss, GI ab- The clear association between COVID-19
normalities, and/or vitamin deficiencies. and long lasting sequelae that has the poten-
With all the challenges of the pandemic tial to affect multiple organ systems is another
that patients may face, mental health becomes reason why everyone should be vaccinated.
a significant concern. The physical effects of No longer can any demographic be confident
long-term COVID-19 sequelae can often be that their illness may be mild and that they
intertwined with the psychological outlook will completely recover from it. The best
of patients and efforts should be made to way to prevent the acute illness and long-
ensure that mental health is preserved. To term effects of COVID-19 is not to get the
this end, complementary therapies such as infection in the first place. Social distancing
acupuncture, massage, low-impact yoga, and measures, masking, and vaccines are effective
Tai Chi may be of benefit. ways of lowering the risk of infection.

The findings in this review show that the ef-
The authors thank Rani Vatti, MD, for her
fects of COVID-19 do not end with acute
valuable suggestions and review of this
infection resolution. In all patients, interdis-
ciplinary monitoring is required to detect
post-acute COVID-19 symptoms before
long-term systemic damage occurs. Patients SUPPLEMENTAL ONLINE MATERIAL
posteCOVID-19 may visit many different Supplemental material can be found online at
providers because of multisystem
Mayo Clin Proc. n March 2022;97(3):579-599 n 595

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ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; ICU, intensive tors and entry genes are expressed in the human olfactory neu-
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care unit; IL, interleukin; KD, Kawasaki disease; MIS-A,
14. Gkogkou E, Barnasas G, Vougas K, Trougakos IP. Expression
multisystem inflammatory syndrome in adults; MIS-C,
profiling meta-analysis of ACE2 and TMPRSS2, the putative
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