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1) Test Cases for daraz.

User Registration:
Test Case 1: Verify that a new user can successfully register with valid details.
Test Case 2: Attempt to register with invalid or incomplete information; ensure appropriate
error messages are displayed.
User Login:
Test Case 3: Verify that a registered user can log in with correct credentials.
Test Case 4: Attempt to log in with incorrect credentials; validate that the system displays an
error message.
Product Search:
Test Case 5: Search for a specific product by entering its name in the search bar.
Test Case 6: Verify that relevant results are displayed when searching for a category (e.g.,
Product Selection and Details:
Test Case 7: Select a product and verify that detailed information, including price and
specifications, is displayed.
Test Case 8: Ensure that product images are loading correctly and provide an accurate
Add to Cart:
Test Case 9: Add a product to the cart and verify that it reflects in the cart icon.
Test Case 10: Attempt to add a product with insufficient stock to the cart; validate that the
system handles it appropriately.
Checkout Process:
Test Case 11: Proceed to checkout with items in the cart, and verify that the checkout page
displays the correct items and prices.
Test Case 12: Validate that the system prompts for necessary shipping details during the
checkout process.
Payment Processing:
Test Case 13: Complete the payment process with valid payment details.
Test Case 14: Attempt to make a payment with incorrect payment information; ensure proper
error handling.
Order Tracking:
Test Case 15: Access the order tracking section and enter valid order details.
Test Case 16: Verify that the system provides accurate information about the current status
of the order.
Test Scenario for
 User Registration:
Objective: To verify that users can successfully register on
Preconditions: Access to the registration page.
Test Steps:
Navigate to the registration page.
Enter valid user details.
Click on the registration button.
Expected Results: User is registered successfully and redirected to the login page.

 Product Search:
Objective: To ensure that users can search for products effectively.
Preconditions: Logged in to
Test Steps:
Enter a product name in the search bar.
Click on the search icon.
Verify that relevant products are displayed.
Expected Results: The search results match the entered product, and relevant filters are

 Shopping Cart Management:

Objective: To validate the functionality of the shopping cart.
Preconditions: Products added to the shopping cart.
Test Steps:
Navigate to the shopping cart.
Update quantity of items.
Remove an item from the cart.
Expected Results: Quantity and items in the cart are updated as per user actions.

 Checkout Process:
Objective: To verify a smooth checkout process.
Preconditions: Products in the shopping cart.
Test Steps:
Proceed to checkout.
Enter shipping details.
Select a payment method.
Confirm the order.
Expected Results: Order confirmation page is displayed, and the user receives an order
confirmation email.

Test Scenario for Go Zayaan Travel Website:

 User Login:
Objective: To verify that registered users can log in successfully.
Preconditions: User credentials and an active internet connection.
Test Steps:
Navigate to the login page.
Enter valid username and password.
Click on the login button.
Expected Results: User is logged in, and the dashboard or user profile is displayed.

 Flight Booking:
Objective: To ensure users can book flights seamlessly.
Preconditions: Logged in to Go Zayaan website.
Test Steps:
Select "Flights" from the main menu.
Enter departure and destination details.
Choose a suitable flight and complete the booking process.
Expected Results: Booking confirmation is displayed, and the user receives a confirmation

 Hotel Reservation:
Objective: To validate the hotel reservation process.
Preconditions: Logged in to Go Zayaan website.
Test Steps:
Navigate to the "Hotels" section.
Enter destination, check-in, and check-out dates.
Select a hotel and complete the reservation.
Expected Results: Reservation details are confirmed, and the user can view booking
information in the user account.

 Tour Package Selection:

Objective: To ensure users can choose and book tour packages.
Preconditions: Logged in to Go Zayaan website.
Test Steps:
Explore available tour packages.
Select a package and customize if applicable.
Complete the booking process.
Expected Results: Booking confirmation for the selected tour package is displayed.

Test Cases for Go Zayaan:

1. Homepage:

Test Case 1: Verify that the homepage loads without errors.

Test Case 2: Check for the presence of key elements on the homepage (navigation
bar, featured content, etc.).
Test Case 3: Test any call-to-action buttons on the homepage.
2. User Registration:

Test Case 4: Navigate to the registration page from the homepage.

Test Case 5: Validate the registration form fields for correctness and completeness.
Test Case 6: Submit the registration form with valid data and verify successful
3. User Login:

Test Case 7: Navigate to the login page from the homepage.

Test Case 8: Validate the login form fields for correctness and completeness.
Test Case 9: Submit the login form with valid credentials and verify successful login.
4. Search Functionality:

Test Case 10: Verify that the search bar is present on the homepage.
Test Case 11: Enter a valid search query and confirm relevant results are displayed.
Test Case 12: Test the behaviour when entering an invalid or non-existent search
5. User Profile:

Test Case 13: Navigate to the user profile page.

Test Case 14: Verify that the user's information and settings are displayed correctly.
Test Case 15: Update the user profile and confirm changes are reflected.
Test Scenario for

Below are some example test cases for testing various functionalities on the website:

1. Homepage:

Test Case 1: Verify that the homepage loads without errors.

Test Case 2: Check for the presence of key elements on the homepage (search bar, navigation,
featured products).

Test Case 3: Test any promotional banners or pop-ups on the homepage.

2. Search Functionality:
Test Case 4: Enter a valid search query and confirm relevant search results are displayed.

Test Case 5: Test the behaviour when entering an invalid or non-existent search query.

Test Case 6: Verify the advanced search options, such as filters and sorting.

3. Product Details:
Test Case 7: Click on a product from the search results and verify that the product details page
loads correctly.

Test Case 8: Check that all relevant product information (price, description, reviews) is displayed

Test Case 9: Test the "Add to Cart" functionality.

4. User Account:
Test Case 10: Log in to an existing account and verify successful login.

Test Case 11: Test the registration process for creating a new account.

Test Case 12: Verify that the user's account page displays accurate information.

5. Shopping Cart:
Test Case 13: Add multiple items to the shopping cart and verify the correct quantity and total

Test Case 14: Remove items from the shopping cart and confirm that the cart updates

Test Case 15: Test the "Proceed to Checkout" functionality.

6. Checkout Process:
Test Case 16: Enter shipping information during the checkout process.

Test Case 17: Test the different payment methods available (credit card, gift card, etc.).

Test Case 18: Verify that the order confirmation page is displayed after completing the checkout.
7. Order Tracking:
Test Case 19: Access the order history page and verify that all previous orders are listed.

Test Case 20: Click on an order to view detailed order information.

Test Case 21: Test the order tracking functionality using a valid tracking number.

8. Account Settings:
Test Case 22: Access the account settings page and verify that the user can update personal

Test Case 23: Test the password change functionality.

Test Case 24: Verify that the user can subscribe or unsubscribe from promotional emails.

9. Gift Cards and Promotions:

Test Case 25: Test the functionality of redeeming a gift card.

Test Case 26: Verify that promotional codes or discounts are applied correctly during checkout.

10. Accessibility:
Test Case 27: Verify that the website is accessible for users with disabilities using screen readers
or keyboard navigation.

Test Case 28: Test the website's responsiveness on different devices (desktop, tablet, mobile)

Test Cases for Amazon Website:

 User Registration:

Objective: To verify that users can successfully register on the Amazon website.

Preconditions: Access to the Amazon registration page.

Test Steps:

Navigate to the registration page.

Enter valid user details.

Click on the registration button.

Expected Results: User is registered successfully and redirected to the login page.

 Product Search:

Objective: To ensure that users can search for products effectively.

Preconditions: Logged in to Amazon.

Test Steps:

Enter a product name in the search bar.

Click on the search icon.

Verify that relevant products are displayed.

Expected Results: The search results match the entered product, and relevant filters are available.

 Add to Cart and Checkout:

Objective: To validate the functionality of adding items to the cart and completing the checkout

Preconditions: Products available on Amazon, user logged in.

Test Steps:

Select a product and add it to the cart.

Navigate to the cart and proceed to checkout.

Enter shipping details and select a payment method.

Confirm the order.

Expected Results: Order confirmation page is displayed, and the user receives an order confirmation

 Account Settings:

Objective: To verify that users can update their account settings.

Preconditions: Logged in to Amazon.

Test Steps:

Access the account settings page.

Update user information, password, or communication preferences.

Save the changes.

Expected Results: Changes are saved successfully, and the updated information is reflected in the
user account.

Test Scenario:

Scenario: Testing Prime Membership Benefits

Objective: To verify the functionalities associated with Amazon Prime membership.

Preconditions: User with Amazon Prime membership.

Test Steps:

Access Prime-eligible products.

Attempt to use Prime Video streaming.

Verify access to Prime Reading.

Expected Results: User experiences seamless access to Prime benefits without any issues.

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