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University of Basrah College of engineering

Electrical engineering dept.

Report Title: Electric circuits

Student Name: Montazar Mohammed khalaf

Class: A

Student Number: 78

Date: 20-1-2024

An electric circuit is a system of interconnected components that allow
the flow of electric current to perform specific tasks or functions. It is the
fundamental building block of various electronic devices and systems that
power our modern world. Electric circuits are essential in transmitting,
controlling, and converting electrical energy for a wide range of
applications, from powering household appliances to complex industrial
History of electric circuit
The history of electric circuits is closely tied to the broader history of
electricity and its understanding. Here's a brief overview of key
developments in the history of electric circuits:
 Early Observations (pre-17th century): Ancient Greeks observed
static electricity, notably through the properties of amber. However,
understanding of electricity was limited during this time.
 Guericke and the First Electrostatic Generator (17th century):
Otto von Guericke, a German scientist, built the first electrostatic
generator in 1660. It consisted of a sulfur globe rotated by a crank,
producing static electricity.
 Leyden Jar (1745): The Leyden jar, an early form of capacitor, was
invented independently by Ewald Georg von Kleist and Pieter van
Musschenbroek in 1745. It allowed for the storage of electrical
 Franklin's Experiments (18th century): Benjamin Franklin's
experiments with electricity in the mid-18th century contributed
significantly to understanding its nature. His work included the
famous kite experiment, which demonstrated the electrical nature of
 Voltaic Pile (1800): Alessandro Volta invented the voltaic pile, an
early form of the battery, in 1800. It consisted of stacked pairs of
copper and zinc discs separated by an electrolyte. This invention
provided a continuous and stable source of electrical current.
 Ohm's Law (1827): Georg Simon Ohm formulated Ohm's Law in
1827, which describes the relationship between voltage, current, and
resistance in a circuit. This law is fundamental to understanding and
analyzing electric circuits.
 Faraday's Laws of Electromagnetic Induction (1831): Michael
Faraday's discovery of electromagnetic induction in 1831 laid the
foundation for the generation of electric currents by changing
magnetic fields. This principle is essential in the operation of
 Kirchhoff's Laws (1845-1847): Gustav Kirchhoff formulated
Kirchhoff's Laws in the mid-19th century. These laws describe the
conservation of electric charge and energy in electrical circuits,
providing principles for analyzing complex circuits.
 Maxwell's Equations (1860s): James Clerk Maxwell's equations,
developed in the mid-19th century, united the theories of electricity
and magnetism, forming the basis for the understanding of
electromagnetic waves, including those used in modern
 Edison and the Electric Light Bulb (1879): Thomas Edison's
development of the practical incandescent light bulb marked a
significant application of electric circuits in daily life,
revolutionizing lighting technology.
 Alternating Current (AC) vs. Direct Current (DC) (late 19th
century): The "War of the Currents" between Thomas Edison and
Nikola Tesla highlighted the advantages of alternating current for
long-distance power transmission. This period led to the widespread
adoption of AC power systems.
 Semiconductor Electronics (20th century): The invention of the
transistor in 1947 by John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William
Shockley paved the way for the development of semiconductor
electronics. Integrated circuits (ICs) and microelectronics later
became integral to modern circuit design.
The history of electric circuits is an evolving narrative that reflects the
progression of scientific understanding and technological innovation in
the field of electricity and electronics. It has led to the development of
numerous technologies that have transformed society and continues to
shape our modern world.
Key components
 Voltage Source: Provides the electrical potential difference
necessary to drive the flow of current. Common examples include
batteries and power supplies.
 Conductors: Materials, usually metals like copper or aluminum that
allow the flow of electric charge. Wires and cables are typical
conductors used in circuits.
 Resistors: Elements that impede the flow of current, controlling the
amount of resistance in the circuit. They are crucial for regulating
current and voltage levels.
 Capacitors: Components that store electrical energy in an electric
field. They are utilized for tasks such as smoothing voltage
fluctuations or timing in electronic circuits.
 Inductors: Components that store energy in a magnetic field when
current flows through them. Inductors are often used in applications
like transformers and electric motors.
 Semiconductor Devices: Components like transistors and diodes
made of semiconductor materials. They are fundamental for
amplification, rectification, and switching functions in electronic
 Switches: Devices that open or close the circuit, controlling the flow
of current. They play a crucial role in turning devices on or off.

Electric circuits can be classified into various types based on their
configurations and the way components are connected. The two primary
types of electric circuits are series circuits and parallel circuits.
Additionally, there are combination circuits that incorporate elements of
both series and parallel configurations. Here's an overview of these types:
 Series Circuits: Components are arranged in a single path, and the
same current flows through each element.
 Parallel Circuits: Components are connected in multiple paths, and
the voltage across each component is the same while the current may
 Combination Circuits: Combination circuits include both series
and parallel elements. Analyzing combination circuits often requires
applying principles of series and parallel circuits together. They
offer flexibility in designing circuits with specific performance
 Complex Circuits: Complex circuits are composed of
interconnected components with a mix of series and parallel
configurations. Analyzing complex circuits may involve applying
Kirchhoff's laws, Ohm's law, and other circuit analysis techniques.
 Closed Circuits and Open Circuits: A closed circuit is a complete
pathway for electric current to flow. An open circuit has a break or
interruption, preventing current flow.
Principle of work
The principles of electric circuits are based on fundamental concepts and
laws that govern the behavior of electrical currents and voltages in a
circuit. Understanding these principles is crucial for designing, analyzing,
and troubleshooting electric circuits. Here are some key principles:
 Ohm's Law: Ohm's Law states that the current (I) flowing through
a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the
voltage (V) across the two points, provided the temperature remains
 Kirchhoff's Laws:
 Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL): The sum of currents entering
a junction in a circuit is equal to the sum of currents leaving
the junction. This law is based on the principle of conservation
of electric charge.
 Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL): The sum of the electromotive
forces (EMFs or voltages) in any closed loop of a circuit is
equal to the sum of the potential drops (voltages) in that loop.
KVL is based on the principle of conservation of energy.
 Series and Parallel Circuits:
 In a series circuit, components are connected end-to-end, and
the same current flows through each component. The total
resistance in a series circuit is the sum of individual
 In a parallel circuit, components are connected across common
points, and the voltage across each component is the same. The
reciprocal of the total resistance in a parallel circuit is the sum
of the reciprocals of individual resistances.
 Power and Energy in Circuits:
 Power (P): The rate at which work is done or energy is
transferred in an electric circuit.
 Energy (E): The total electrical energy consumed by a
component or circuit over time.
 Capacitance and Inductance:
 Capacitors: Capacitors store electrical energy in an electric
field. The relationship between voltages.
 Inductors: Inductors store energy in a magnetic field.
 Semiconductor Devices:
 Diodes: Diodes allow current to flow in one direction only and
are often used in rectification and switching applications.
 Transistors: Transistors are semiconductor devices that can
amplify or switch electronic signals. They are the building
blocks of modern electronic circuits.
In conclusion, the history and principles of electric circuits are a
captivating journey that mirrors the continuous evolution of scientific
understanding and technological innovation in the field of electricity and
electronics. From ancient observations of static electricity to the
development of the voltaic pile and the advent of semiconductor
electronics, each milestone has played a pivotal role in shaping the
modern world. The key components of electric circuits, including voltage
sources, conductors, resistors, capacitors, inductors, semiconductor
devices, and switches, form the foundational elements that enable the
functionality of diverse electronic systems. Understanding the types of
circuits, such as series, parallel, combination, and complex circuits,
provides engineers and enthusiasts with the flexibility to design circuits
with specific performance characteristics. The principles governing
electric circuits, such as Ohm's Law, Kirchhoff's Laws, and the dynamics
of series and parallel configurations, are fundamental for designing,
analyzing, and troubleshooting circuits. The integration of these
principles into the practical applications of power, energy, capacitance,
inductance, and semiconductor devices underscores their importance in
modern electronics. The history and principles of electric circuits
converge to shape the technological landscape, influencing countless
innovations that continue to impact society.


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