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Business Engineering and Entrepreneurship

Class activity

Student’s name: Dima Maria Andra

Date: 11/10/2023

Please answer the following questions

1. In your opinion what role does technological development play in marketing?

In my opinion, the internet and furthermore technological development is becoming

increasingly relevant in terms of conducting a business, and once with the over presence
of digitalization, the marketing sector is being reshaped and revolutionized by those
advancements in the online world. By using and implementing the latest technologies it
becomes much easier to share information, to develop new platforms, tools, or to
interact faster with the customers.
Marketing has been a sector that nowadays had a huge grown between the online
platforms, and with the rise of social media, SEO, and data analytics, organizations can
now target particular groups and share or gather the information for boosting the sales
and reputation of a company. Moreover, with the development of e-commerce
platforms customer behaviour has changed as a result of the accessibility and
convenience offered by internet buying. Businesses also use e-commerce as a platform
for direct marketing to consumers in addition to using it as a sales channel because they
use personalized advertisement and targeted email marketing to attract the customers
to their products or services.
In conclusion, marketing and technological development share a relationship of
interdependence because by raising awareness and fostering interest among customers
and businesses, marketing functions as a driving factor, accelerating the adoption of
new technologies, but technology also gives marketing access to cutting-edge platforms
and solutions.

2. How would you promote a private university that has financial power?

In order to promote a private university that has financial power I would start by
presenting the university's unique aspects such as its innovative research projects,
prestigious alumni, and its dynamic campus life through intellectual events, public
lectures, and collaborative partnerships that can enhance the reputation and visibility of
the university.
Moreover, I would use digital platforms to share insightful content, such as research
breakthroughs, student accomplishments, and thought leadership from faculty
members. The university's values, traditions, and its impact on society will be included in
blog posts, articles, and videos.
The benefit of having financial power would help the university by adding scholarship
programs and implementing friendly interfaces and interactive elements on the
university's website. Also, the university can organize and host events, such as webinars,
panel discussions, or extra-curricular classes.
To sum up, in order to effectively promoting a financially robust private university there
is a need of implementing a marketing strategy that will increase the visibility and
awareness of the university and also will help by attract the students and build a huge
reputation between them. Defining the objectives of the marketing campaign,
identifying the target market, evaluating the resources and leveraging digital platforms
could serve as a roadmap for the university's promotional efforts.

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