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03/04/23, 21:04 Como configurar um banco de dados SQL Server para Primavera P6 Professional | taradigma

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Como configurar um banco de dados

SQL Server para Primavera P6
por Lauren Hecker | 26 de outubro de 2021 | Oracle , Primavera , Primavera P6 , Dicas
e Truques | 4 comentários

In order to use Primavera P6 Professional, you must first set up a database. There are
several different types of databases that can be used, depending on how you will be
utilizing Primavera P6.

If you’re using Primavera P6 as a single-user and will not need to collaborate with
others, you will want to use a SQLite Database. The SQLite Database comes
prepackaged with P6 – essentially, this will be set up for you when you download
Primavera P6 as a standalone installation. SQLite is the easiest database to use, but it
does come with downsides. For one, you won’t be able to add additional users to the
program. Additionally, some features within P6, such as Security Profiles, can not be
used within a standalone database. In most cases, when P6 is being utilized for a
company, you will need to have multiple people be able to access the same projects
and data within the database. This is not possible with a SQLite database.

If you want to use Primavera P6 to allow multiple users to access the same projects and
data, you will want to use a SQL Server Database. This is a shared database that allows
multiple users to access the same data while giving administrators complete control
over what those users can do within the program. With SQL Servers, all of the features
of the program will be available – you will be able to set up Users, set permissions, and
create Security Profiles. The only downside to using a SQL Server is the installation
process – this server type is not prepackaged within the program and must be set up
manually. 2
Setting up a SQL Server can oftentimes be a cumbersome process that requires the
installation of several different applications. In this article, we will outline the step by
step process of setting up a Microsoft SQL Server database for Primavera P6
Professional. Because of the complexity of this process, it is important to follow these
steps as closely as possible in the following order: 1/53
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steps as closely as possible in the following order:

1. Install a copy of Microsoft SQL Express on your computer

2. Install a copy of Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) on your
3. Setup the TCP/IP port on your SQL Express server
4. Download the Primavera P6 Database Setup Tool
5. Download and Install Java
6. Set up the environment variable for JAVA_HOME
7. Run the dbsetup.bat tool
8. Connect your P6 Professional Client to the database

Step 1: Install a copy of Microsoft SQL Express

on your computer
The first thing you will need to do is install a copy of Microsoft SQL Express Server
onto your computer. The newest version, Microsoft SQL Express 2019, can be
downloaded for free on Microsoft’s website here.

In the lower right hand corner, under the section for Express, select Download now. 2/53
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The application will automatically begin to download and can be found in your
Downloads folder. Double click on the .exe file to start the installation process. 3/53
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The SQL Server Express Edition window will open.

You’ll be prompted to choose an installation type. Because we will be adjusting some of

the installation settings along the way, select Custom. 4/53
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This will open up the SQL Server Installation Center where you can specify exactly
how the program will be installed.

To start with, choose the New SQL Server stand-alone installation or add features
to an existing installation option at the top of the window. 5/53
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The SQL Server Setup window will open. For the most part, you will just continue to
just select Next to continue with the installation, with the exception of the following

When you get to the Instance Configuration step, select Named Instance.
The default named instance, SQLExpress, will already be entered here, but this can be
changed if desired. This will be the name used in the SQL Server’s installation path. If
you do adjust this named instance, make sure to make note of the name you choose, as
you will need to use it again later in the process. 6/53
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Once the named instance has been set, select Next to continue.


When you get to the Database Engine Configuration step, under Authentication
Type, select Mixed Mode

Enter and confirm a password that will be used for the SQL Server administrator. Make 2
sure to write this password down, as you will need to use it when you add a new
database to the server.

Under Specify SQL Server administrators, the PC that the database was created on
will appear with the current user by default. It’s a good idea to write down the full
administrator name (PC name\user) as you will need this to continue setting up the 7/53
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database later on.

Once again, select Next to continue.

Continue the installation using the default settings by selecting the Accept and Next
buttons as prompted. With the installation successfully completed, you will see the
following dialog box: 2 8/53
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Select Close to exit out of the SQL Server Installer.

Step 2: Install Microsoft SQL Server

Management Studio (SSMS) on your computer
You will also need to download Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
before continuing. This can be found on the Microsoft website here. 2
Under the Download SSMS header, you should find a link to download the software.
Click the link and the file will automatically begin downloading. 9/53
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Once again, the file will be able to be found in your Downloads folder. Double click on
the .exe file to run the installation.

The Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Installation window will automatically
open. Select Install. 10/53
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Run through the installation using all of the default settings.


With both Microsoft SQL Server Express and Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
installed, you can now test whether both programs were properly installed.

To do this, open the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio application. This can
be found in your Windows Explorer under Recently Added programs, in your Program
Files on your local drive, or simply by using the search bar on your computer’s bottom
toolbar. 11/53
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The program will prompt you to log in to the SQL Server.

The Server Instance that was created during the installation of the Microsoft SQL Server
Express will appear in the Server name field.

Under Authentication, you can choose to log in either using Windows Authentication
or SQL Server Authentication. With Windows Authentication, you won’t have to enter
in any credentials. With SQL Server Authentication , you will need to enter in a 2
Username and Password. The Username will be sa (standing for Server Administrator)
and the password will be the password that you had set up during the Microsoft SQL
Server Express installation process.

I recommend simply keeping Windows Authentication selected. 12/53
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Select Connect.

If you do not receive an error message indicating that you weren’t able to log in, you
have successfully logged into the SQL Server.

Step 3: Setup the TCP/IP port on your SQL

Express server
Next, we need to set the TCP/IP port for the SQL Express server. Without completing
this step, you will not be able to properly set up a database.

This is done by first opening the SQL Server Configuration Manager, which is available
from the Microsoft SQL Server program files. Once again, this can be found by
searching the recent apps in your Windows start menu, looking within the program files
on your local disk, or simply by using the Search bar on your computer’s bottom
toolbar. 13/53
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In the SQL Server Configuration Manager, expand the SQL Server Network
Configuration section in the left table and select Protocols for SQLEXPRESS (if you
renamed your server instance during creation, that name would display instead of
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On the right side table, right click on TCP/IP and select Enable. 15/53
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A dialogue box will prompt you to restart the service. Select OK.

We will restart the SQL Server Service in a moment, but before doing that, right click on
TCP/IP again and select Properties. 16/53
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In the TCP\IP Properties window, click on the IP Addresses tab. Scroll down to the
bottom of the window until you get to the IPAll section. In the text field for TCP Port,
type in 1433. 17/53
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Click OK. Once again, a dialogue box will appear to let us know that we need to restart
the SQL Server service for the changes to take effect. Select OK to exit out of this
dialogue box.

Agora podemos reiniciar o SQL Server Service diretamente de dentro do Configuration

Manager. Para fazer isso, selecione a opção SQL Server Services na tabela à esquerda.
Na tabela do lado direito, clique com o botão direito do mouse em SQL Server
(SQLExpress) e selecione Reiniciar . 18/53
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Depois que o SQL Service for reiniciado com êxito, você poderá fechar o SQL Server
Configuration Manager .

Etapa 4: Baixe a ferramenta de configuração

do banco de dados Primavera P6
Se você ainda não tem o Primavera P6 Professional instalado em seu computador,
precisará fazer isso neste momento. Se necessitar de uma licença do Primavera P6,
pode contactar-nos aqui e poderemos ajudá-lo a adquirir uma licença e a descarregar o
programa para o seu computador.

Ao baixar o Primavera P6 Professional, você estará baixando três arquivos

compactados: um para os Aplicativos, um para a Configuração do Banco de Dados e um
para a API de Integração. Ao baixar esses arquivos, anote o nome do arquivo zip para a
configuração do banco de dados - para mim, foi nomeado . 19/53
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Depois de baixar os arquivos, você deve encontrar todas as 3 pastas compactadas na

pasta Downloads . Encontre a pasta para a configuração do banco de dados e extraia-a
clicando com o botão direito do mouse na pasta e selecionando Extrair tudo . 20/53
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Etapa 5: Baixe e instale o Java

Em seguida, precisamos baixar e instalar o Java . Isso pode ser baixado gratuitamente
no site do Java, aqui . Selecione Concordo e Iniciar Download Gratuito e o programa
será baixado para o seu computador. 21/53
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Após a conclusão do download, clique duas vezes no arquivo .exe que pode ser
encontrado na pasta Downloads . Execute a instalação pressionando Instalar .

Você deverá ver a seguinte janela assim que a instalação for concluída, informando que
o programa foi instalado com sucesso:
2 22/53
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Etapa 6: configurar as variáveis ​de ambiente

Com o Java instalado, agora precisamos definir a variável de ambiente JAVA_HOME no
Windows. Se isso não for feito, não poderemos usar a ferramenta P6 Database Setup.

Para configurar a variável de ambiente JAVA_HOME, primeiro abra o Painel de

Controle do Windows . Se você não conseguir encontrar seu Painel de Controle, mais
uma vez, utilize a barra de pesquisa na barra de ferramentas inferior do Windows.

In the Control Panel window, use the search bar to search for “system”. In the search
results list, select Edit the system environment variables. This will be the first result
under the System category. 23/53
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The System Properties window will open up with the Advanced tab selected. Select the
Environment Variables button. 24/53
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In the Environment Variables dialog box, select the New button underneath the lower
System Variable section. 25/53
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In the New System Variable window, type JAVA_HOME in the Variable name field.

In the Variable value field, you are going to enter the full path on your computer to the
Java applications program folder. For me, this was C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_311.
This most likely will be in your Program Files.

To find this location, open up your Windows Explorer and access your local disk. From
your Local Disk, search through the Program Files folder and the Program Files (x86) 2
folder until you find the Java folder. Open up the Java folder, and open the program
folder within it (this will most likely start with jre). Once in that folder, select the address
listed in the location string box and copy that text. 26/53
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With that location copied, paste it into the Variable value field and select OK. 27/53
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You can then exit out of all of the Control Panel windows.

Step 7: Running the dbsetup.bat tool

We can now run the Primavera Database Setup tool.

To do this, you will want to return to the Database Setup folder that was downloaded
along with Primavera P6. If you’ve been following the instructions so far, you would 2
have already extracted this folder and it should be available from your Downloads
folder. The name of this folder will vary depending on the version of P6 you’ve
downloaded, but for me this folder was named V1005948-01.

Open up the folder and open the folder within it. Again, this folder will vary depending 28/53
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on the version of P6 downloaded, but mine was named P6_R2012_Database.

In that folder, find the item named dbsetup.bat and double click on it.

The Primavera Database Setup Wizard will automatically open. This will walk us
through the process of setting up a new database.

Under Database options, keep Install a new database selected.

Under Server Type, select Microsoft SQL Server.

Select Next. 29/53
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\In the Connection Information screen, you’ll be entering in the username and
password that you specified during the setup of your SQL Server earlier on.

By default, DBA username will be filled in with sa (standing for server administrator).
Keep this field as it is.

In the DBA password field, enter in the password that you had chosen when creating
the SQL Server. 2
In Database host address, enter in the host address for the SQL Server that was
created earlier. This will generally be your computer’s name\SQLExpress, if you had
used the default name instance during creation. If you had changed the named instance
during creation, the host address would be your computer’s name\named instance. 30/53
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The Database host port field will automatically be filled in with 1433. Keep this field as
it is and press Next.

In the Configure Microsoft SQL Server window, you’ll first set a name for your
database. You can give your database any name of your choosing. I’m going to create a
database specifically for conducting Primavera P6 training sessions, so I’m going to set
my Database name as PPMTRAIN. 2
The Data File, Log File, and Database code page fields will already be filled in – leave
these fields as they are and select Next. 31/53
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In the Create SQL Server Users window, you can set up two default users – a privileged
user and a public user. You can change these usernames if desired, but I recommend
just keeping them as the default privuser and pubuser. After P6 is connected to the
database, you will be able to add additional users, so it’s best to just keep the defaults
for now.

Make note of both these usernames and passwords – they will be required to connect
P6 to the database. 2
With your passwords entered in, select Next. 32/53
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In the Configuration Options window, you’ll create a username and password for the
administrator login. Again, you can change the username, but I recommend keeping the
default of admin. Enter in a password, and, again, make note of this password, as you
will need it to log in to Primavera P6.

You also have the option to Load sample data. With this option checked, P6 will be
preloaded with sample projects, resources, calendars, and other global and project-
specific data. I find this data to be very useful, especially for new users of P6, so I
recommend keeping this option checked.

Under Currency, you can choose which default currency type tov use for the program.
This can be changed within P6 as well, if it needs to be adjusted later on. 33/53
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Select Install to complete the database setup wizard.

The Database Setup Wizard will then begin to build your database. If you chose to load
the sample data, this may take a few minutes to complete. Once the creation has
finished, select Next, and then Finish to exit out of the application. 34/53
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Step 8: Connect your P6 Professional Client to

the database
At this point, you have now successfully created a Primavera Database on a SQL Server.
Next, you will need to connect Primavera P6 Professional to the database so we can
use it within the program. 2
Return to your Downloads folder. 36/53
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When you downloaded the Primavera P6 Professional application files, you will recall
that you downloaded three folders: one for the Database setup, one for Integration API,
and one for the application itself. You’re going to need to find the folder that holds the
application folder (which should be named P6_Pro_####, depending on the version
number you downloaded).

For me, this folder was Just like you did before for the database
folder, right click on this folder and select Extract All.

The extracted folder will automatically open.

Double click on the P6_Pro folder within it. Again, depending on the P6 version that you
downloaded, this may have a different name, but for me, this folder was called 37/53
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Within that folder, double click on the P6ProfessionalSetup folder. Find the Application
file called P6ProfessionalSetup.exe and double click on it.

In the P6 Professional Setup window, keep Typical selected and select OK. 38/53
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In the next screen, select Install to install the application. 39/53
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In the next screen, you’ll be able to configure the next steps for the program. By default,
Run Database Configuration will be selected – keep this selected and press OK. 40/53
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The Database Configuration window will automatically open.


With P6 already installed, you can access the same Database Configuration window by
opening Primvera P6 Professional, and selecting the Edit database configuration
button. 41/53
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In the Database Configuration window, select Add. 42/53
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Under Driver Type, Microsoft SQL Server/SQL Express should already be selected – if
it is not, make sure to select this type.

In the Database Alias field, you’ll want to enter in a name for the Database. To keep
things simple, I’m going to have my Database Alias be PPMTRAIN, which was the name I
assigned to the database during its creation.

Under Connection String, you’re going to enter in the connection string for your 2
database, which will be your Computer Name/Database Name. For me, this would be

Under Keystore, keep Use default database keystore selected.

Select Next to Continue. 43/53
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In the next window, you’ll be prompted to enter in your public username and password
– these would be the public user credentials that you had setup during the database’s
creation. If you didn’t change the default public user username, this field should be
filled in with pubuser.

For Password, enter in the password that you had assigned to the public user. 44/53
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To check if these login credentials are correct, select the Test button. If everything
checks out, a dialogue box should open to let you know that the test connection was
successful. 45/53
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Select OK, and then Save.

Another dialogue box will appear to let you know that the Database Alias was saved
successfully. 46/53
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Select OK, and then Exit to exit out of the Database Configuration window.

At this point, you have successfully created a SQL Server Database and connected it to
Primavera P6.


You can now log in to Primavera P6 Professional and use your newly created database.
Once again, open up Primavera P6 Professional. You will want to log in to P6 using the
administrative login credentials that you had set up during database creation.

Select Advanced to expand the section. Under Database, make sure that your newly 47/53
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p y y
created database is selected – if not, select it.

Select Connect, and you will now be connected to your database in Primavera P6

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions, please use the comment section
on the bottom of this page, and don’t forget to subscribe to our blog to get more
Primavera P6 tips & tricks directly in your inbox!

Lauren Hecker is a Primavera P6 Professional Instructor and teaches Onsite Primavera P6

Courses, virtual Primavera P6 Fundamentals and Advanced courses, and custom onsite or
virtual courses. To see her next open enrollment course, please visit our calendar. To
schedule an onsite or custom course, please contact us!

← Using the Organizational Breakdown Structure (OBS) in Primvera P6

How to Create Project Baselines in Primavera P6 Professional → 48/53
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jody on August 27, 2022 at 1:17 pm
merci beaucoup. c’est clair et tres facile a appliquer


Abdul Qadir on November 17, 2022 at 6:22 pm

Thanks you


rawan on February 11, 2023 at 12:02 am

Dear Lauren, hope you are doing well,
first thank you for the helpful articles its really helpful,
but im facing an issue when i add new connection db and click on the
test button it gave me a message “bad private user name or password
check the public group id. invalid object name ‘PUBUSER’ “


Lauren Hecker on March 1, 2023 at 3:54 pm

Hi Rawan,
This error is most likely due to an issue during setup. During
Step 7: Running the dbsetup.bat tool, you may have changed
the pubuser name to another value – if this is the case, you
would need to enter in the pubuser field you originally entered
in. Also, ensure you have the correct Database Alias entered in
as well.
I recommend trying the setup again from the beginning – I’ve
had many times where the database creation failed during the
Test and it was usually due to a minor error along the way. If you
try again and are still having issues, feel free to contact us
further. We can always assist with database setup as a service if
needed 50/53
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03/04/23, 21:04 Como configurar um banco de dados SQL Server para Primavera P6 Professional | taradigma

Soluções Oracle
Primavera P6
Oracle Primavera Cloud
Bluebeam Revue

Treinamento Primavera Cloud

Treinamento Primavera P6
Bluebeam Revu Training
Calendário de treinamento

Agendamento e reclamações
Implementações Primavera P6
Minha conta

Ver loja 52/53
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