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Reflect on Field trip opportunities that fit the TEJ curriculum. What have you tried in the past?

What works? What does not work?

I have taken students on First Robotics at Hershey Centre and Skills Ontario Real Robot competition at
RIM Park. In most case, go to science centre, it can be learning opportunity that students can go with
their parents or school field trip. I like this field trip to science centre as gets them excited about the
field trip and discussions in science teacher to help procedures that are taught in the text book and used
as learning in the classroom. The discussion in TEJ4M would supplement what todays event called
Game On 2.0 is this would be a great field for students to see first all gaming system available and this
could lead them into having a career choice in computer programming or computer technology. The
Career cruising website, could be class assignment discussion for students to before they go on the trip
studnets used as a previous discussion, to motivate students to go on the field trip . Students can
research the salaries in Canada and US , so students are aware of gaming career. The opportunity for
students and teachers to visit Game On 2.0 was a great experience at the science centre. Showing the
evolution of gaming from pong to Guitar hero, to exploring 60 year of electronic video games. Students
learn to relate to all changes in games as they get an opportunity to play through the past, present and
future global , games (e.g. very first commercial coin-op game to the latest in virtual reality and 3D
technology, with today’s science centre emission .

You cann

. The trade show for apprentice ship for careers.

The TEJ4M curriculum has career section that is used to promote students working together . What I
used in the TriOS was teach students MySQL/Asp and students would seek certification after high
school. TriOS would send an instructor to send Gamemaker and Unity3D backbone of cell phone games.

The careers discuss Ontario Skills passport and what NOC applies. TriOS offers students NOC careers

Information Technology Profesional + Internship

Information Technology Adminsitraorr + Internship


I had a really great time at the science centre. The opportunity to see how computer gaming has
evolved from being very primitive Atari games to present Kinect and Windows Xbox .

From Pong to Guitar hero, explore 60 year of electronic video games. Play through the past,present and
future global , games ,from the very first commercial coin-op game to the latest in virtual reality and 3D
technology, with science admission.
The video game and interactive media industry has experienced explosive growth in the past decade. It’s
a multi-billion dollar industry as a whole, with Canada holding title as possessing the third largest gaming
industry – in the world . Ontario alone is becoming the central game development hub of Canada, with
employers Ubisoft,Big Blue Bubble and XMG now calling it home.

The old hair raising pictures, automation games where students make their own videos in
technology.The gaming room was amazing have Atari games, evolving too video game stole and xbox
games. Some the old test drive games required a cost. The AQ teachers were passionate about the
event as I was. A lot good sponsors high school trios. Trios College promotes free day work with
computer science class , teaching high school students gamemaker and unit3D .Handouts were given
about triOS technology programs about 4-month internship,custom alienware laptops,design artist
tablets, gaming project, collaboration with video game design and development students. Other
features include unlimited Web hosting accounts. The ggaming sector will continue to experience
growth, especially casual gaming and games aimed at the non-young male audience. TriOS discussed
how theset have career connections with companies. The summer time has great events all summer
own. The Friday, July 12, observe Saturn, Venus, the Moon and more through telescopes courtesy of the
Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. Explore the solar system through displays and live demonstrations
by Science Centre Hosts. Entertain your brain at the Extreme Universe Science Slam!, where enthusiastic
experts share their astronomical knowledge and compete for audience applause.Ryan
Marciniak, Astronomy in Action: Extreme stellar density in the Omega star cluster.

 Lisa Esteves, University of Toronto: The most distant and faintest planets detected so far.
 Randy Attwood, Earthshine Astronomy: Cosmic distance scales - the cell phone universe.

 Jesse Rogerson & Lianne Manzer, York University: Gravity in the Extreme.

Join us under the stars for a live performance of XTRM UNIVRS, a live interactive electroacoustic and
computer music performance with projected space-scapes.

XTRM UNIVRS’ explores our connection to the universe, from our physical connection to matter generated
in the cores of stars, to the farthest reaches of our imagination lingering on the edges of infinity.’
Artist, Campbell Foster

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