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SUPPORTING INFORMATION Impact of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles on Enhanced Oil Recovery from Limestone Media at Several Temperatures Ali Esfandyari Bayat', Radzuan Junin', Ariffin Samsuri', Ali Piroozian', Mehrdad Hokmabadi' ‘Department of Petroleum Engineering, Faculty of Petroleum and Renewable Energy Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Skudai, Johor Bahru, Malaysia Introduction The purpose of this file is to provide additional information of interest to the readers. The oil recovery performance and profile of differential pressure versus pore volume injected in displacement experiments at 26, 40, 50 and 60 °C are shown in Figures $I to S4. Furthermore, the dynamic viscosity of nanofluids at different temperatures is shown in Figure $5. *Corresponding Author: Tel: (+60) 147 15 25 95; E-mail: Ali.Esfandiari.bayat@ 50 9 3” ‘¢ e e Bo vt i £ a == A1203 nanotiid flooding in Pt] ou —<— Brine Injection in PS oe —S—THO2 nanoflud Rooding in PS | E == Brine tnetion in 9 é 0 a= $i02 nanofuidHootingin PO |. 5 5 Differential pressure in Pl eee ° Figure SI. Oil recovery performance and profile of differential pressure versus pore volume injected after brine, Al,Os, TiO and SiO, nanofluids flooding at 26 °C (P= Porous media), : wre ; 50 ° z 40 se g i £0 7é 5 3 E STi ton PT z 2 [B= A1203 nanofuid oodinginP2| 5 20 Brine Injection in P6 og SSioecmiieeest| § = Brine injection in PLO 0 = $i02 nanofidHoodingin P10 | + Dlferenual pressor in P2 — Ditterenal pressure in PS 7 =Diflerenial pressure inP1O__| ° 1 2 4 5 6 Figure $2. Oil recovery performance and profile of differential pressure versus pore volume injected after brine, Al,Os, TiO2 and SiO» nanofluids flooding at 40 ° 0c ° Pine Injection in PS B= A1203 nanofluid flooding in P3| 6 ——— Brine Injection in P7 2 TiO? nanofluid flooding in P7 —— Brine Injection in PI = Si02 nanofluid flooding in P11 FS +++ Differential pressure in — Differential pressure in P7 Differential prossure in PLL Differential Pressure (kPa) o 3 PY injected Figure $3. Oil recovery performance and profile of differential pressure versus pore volume injected after brine, Al,Os, TiO> and SiO, nanofluids flooding at 50°C. : wre © 0 so 02 . t 40 st Ew 13 . Stine ipeaton Pr E 20 #—A1203 nanofiid flooding in Pa] 6 == Brine Injection in PS. —©— Ti02 nanofluid flooding in P& Brine Injection in P12 4— Si02 nanofluid flooding in P12 ~==- Differential pressure in P12 = Differential pressure in P4 —— Ditferential pressure in PS 10 PV injected Figure S4, Oil recovery performance and profile of differential pressure versus pore volume injected after brine, Al,Os, TiO2 and SiO, nanofluids flooding at 60°C. ==e == A1203 nanofluid 8 TiO? nanofhuid 4 $i02 nanoftuid ++ Brine (0.301%) Dynamic Viscosity (cp) os . : 25 30 35 40 45 50 35 60 65 ‘Temperature (‘C) Figure $5. Dynamic viscosity of Al:O3, TiO: and SiO; nanofluids at different temperatures and. at ambient pressure

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